Bethenny inserts herself in the middle of a major Hollywood feud. Plus, she's planning some major thirst traps.
So I watch a lot of stand up I have my whole entire life as a kid, I watched all Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor. I do. When I watch a full hour of someone or an hour and a half, it's someone doing comedy, I do have such respect and think about how you could get You know, you're out there already, and I think about reality TV and how you know once the cameras are rolling, not just like every day when you're eating lunch, but yes, every day when you're eating lunch, but like in a big scene, like you're at a big dinner and there are four cameras instead of too, and like you've had a drink and you've said something and it may have gone wrong, and you're in your head about like you can't you could at least go to the bathroom and take a deep breath, even though they'll like have a mic on you. You're not like still in it the stand up comedy. Once you've fucking left, you've left, like you're on the road alone out there, like you can't be like hey stop pee, like you're out there and if you fuck something up you have to think about it the next minute. But you got to draw rop it. So it's just such an respect for that craft. And I would love to do a long set of stand up I have so many, it's like kind of like my rants in a row and in a story. But and I love that when I talk to people like Nikki Glazer, they say to me, you're a stand up comedian, and it makes me happy because I just that's like the one area of respect I want to have. And the one regret of my life was not pushing harder to be able to do the internship at SNL that I was granted, because my dream in life is to be on SNL. Okay, I want to talk about Chris rock Special and how I'm reading the book at the end first for you, because he almost came to tears at the end, and I don't know that I've ever seen that in him or another comedian really in that way, and it looked like a release. He's been silent for a year on something that was so degrading, so gargantuan, so polarizing, so significant for the entertainment industry, just such a major major move that went on, I mean a year ago, and now he comes out and he doesn't say a fucking word. Because everyone's telling him me as to say a word or wants a response. You can hold you don't have to say something because everyone else wants you to say something about something. It's very tempting to take the bait, you know, to take the way. He did not take the bath, and he took the cash. And he would have gotten the cash anyway because he's so talented. But he definitely worked it spunted into gold, and good for fucking him. It's a very expensive slap. And like he said, anyone who says words hurt hasn't been slapped in the face. He was expressing himself in a stand up comedy act, and I don't think that people are allowed to say anything anymore. And everyone's dissecting every single joke and saying what's appropriate and what's not appropriate, And so where is that line in comedy for him? For everybody does that is stand up comedy the one space. But then I think a stand up comedian not in their act wouldn't be able to say it on TikTok or Instagram. So are the finds the act? Like, so what are the rules of that? Because someone else might think, oh, they were just being funny on the Real Housewives and say something and they can't say it. But wait a minute, Chris Rock said it. I know that I can say things on this podcast that I wouldn't be able to say on social media. I'm not sure if it's even context or if it's that you're here signing up for this discussion and you know me, I don't actually know the reason. I just know that it's a fact. So where are where's the line and what are the rules? So anyway, I thought Chris Rock did really released what he needed to release. He looked emotional and it was risky and he didn't have to. He went there on racism with Megan Markle risky. He went there on Will Smith and calling him a bitch, went there, he went there on his wife and talking about putting the affair out, and he also fucking as Paul said, he put him in the ground. Will Smith slapped Chris Rock. Chris Rock put Will Smith in the ground. You could take a shot at this bee. You better not miss. It's like, go fucking slap Chris Rock. But that that that that motherfucker will wait for a year dormant and you got nothing to fucking say about it. Nobody gives a good fuck what Will Smith thinks about what Chris Rock did? And maybe maybe two wrongs don't make a right. Maybe maybe you know, in school, somebody slaps Brynt. I'm not gonna condone her biting them. I might understand, as Chris Rock said in one of his acts, So I would understand, but I would teach her two wrongs don't make a right. But someone fucking punches Bryn on national television at the Oscars, and a year later she finds a way to fucking bite back. I think it might be fair. I think it might be fair game. I mean it is. You know, this is why you don't go fuck with people if you don't want to get fucked with. I did a rant them. For some reason, people think it's fucking hilarious about like all your ship being stuck in the cart and then the brand reminding you that your ship is still in the car, Like you're not like you're like you're stupid, Like someone like you walked over to the you know, check out a Whole Foods and put your stuff out and didn't leave a couple items on the side, and so I was like, hey, tapping on the shoulder. You left these things over here, like I fucking no, I was too wasy to go put them away, and I left them in this basket here because I don't want them, because I'm editing my cart as I check out, so leave me the like, stop you're stalking me. But I then realized, and I was talking about Apple pay and how god's amn easy apple pey is, and it's actually frightening. Apple pays like fake money you found in a monopoly box. It's not okay, it's scary. We're all gonna go broke because of Apple Pay. Okay, broke. And then shop pay. I don't even know where that money is coming from. I literally don't know. I know I pay for some things and it says shop pay. I don't know what that is. I don't know what that is because I know what PayPal is, paypals and multiple step verification process. You gotta go like review your order and whatever, and is this your address? Whatever? Apple pay is literally like sneezing and it's over. It's crazy. But how annoyed do you get now? And you have to enter your goddamn information and it already has like auto field has your phone number, your email. All you gotta do is like plug in your address, and you're so exhausted by that step, Like you gotta put your name first last an address, and usually if you put the zip code and it finds it for you, and it finds your own street for you right away. The number it finds it for you, it knows and you're exhausted to get take a nap and get a deep tissue massage you after entering your address for payment, God forbid, you have to manually enter a credit card. What the fuck kind of richety ratchety website is this shit? I have to go get my like reader readers on to go find the three number or the four number code. I never know the God's in difference. What is the fucking difference? There's four numbers on the front, three numbers on the back. I don't know the CV two code. I don't know what any of that means. CCV code, I don't know. Then you got to get your expiration date, and God forbid, everybody picks at the same or the month. This first in the day is the first. So that is just exhausting. Lose five pounds from entering your address to buy something. It's like cavemen are coming out with a club to bring you the merchandise. If you've bought in a place, you have to enter your own address. That's very twenty never social media. TikTok in particular, if you're on TikTok you should know, and Riel's and a little bit of Instagram. It's like performing in a variety show. Okay, it's like a tallenge. It's like a high school talent show. It's like someone comes out with like moroccas and they're shaking them and like no one likes it. Or the Gong show from years ago. Only people ninety two and over rember that but like and like it doesn't work, and it's just like, oh, that didn't work, all right, Let's try something else. Let me sing the national ampth anthem in a Donald Duck voice. That didn't work or something or something something really stupid works, Like let me, you know, put make a bomb while I have an orange rind inside my lips. Let me use this this TikTok famous sound or effect where I look like a giraffe while I'm speaking, like so stupid and loserish. I am right in the middle of it. I am. I was under the weather for a minute and wasn't really posting, and I posted myself talking about something I don't even care about, with like an I was an egg. My head was an egg with a mouth and lips. And I'm in a refrigerator of course, like an actual like not like an egg talking. So it's supposed to be funny because it's like you're using an egg, and it is funny. But it's just like I said to my I said to someone that works with me, and I sent her. I sent her and yes, it's from a long time ago. It's from thirteen years ago. I sent her picture of me on the cover of Forbes magazine. I'm like a fucking I'm I don't even know if I'm hard boiled. I'm a fucking hard boiled egg with lips and eyes talking to people about something I don't even care about, to like get views. It's like, so it's so crazy. We're always like I'm over here, da da da dada. Oh that doesn't work. Okay, Hey, hey, so two influencers walk into a bar, bartomp bump like dance. Oh, let me let me go do dance, Let me do a hip hop, let me like, let me oh, let me drag my daughter into this one, like it is a fucking talent variety show. It is such so desperate, so loserus, and you're just like, wait a minute, for views, what are we doing? And then you got people over on Instagram like, let me filter myself, let me thirt strap, let me put a bikini on, pretend this looks like me, and be so goddamn desperate, because when we were growing up, you wouldn't. I mean, it's crazy that we've gone to the point where it's not even okay, but like you're supposed to brag, you're supposed to be like, it's giving whatever, it's giving Merril Moreau, it's giving. Like you're saying that about yourself, Like it's giving sleigh Like it's so cringe And I'm right in the middle of it. Not not that stuff, not the like look at me and it's giving. I only would do that if it's self deprecating. It's just too you could. I couldn't keep a stray face, like look how fucking hot I am. And I've been tempted before to take one week and just filter myself and cinch myself and like do the bullshit, but I only can never get away with it for like two seconds I do it, and then I like on the next slider, it's like what I really look like? I just can't do it. It's like almost like when you can't do a practical joke on someone you say it and you tell them too quickly, like I can't. Why can't I do it? Like I have wanted for so long to just for one week to like fuck around. I should do that experiment for one week, just like fuck around and post pictures of me edited. But like so they don't know the way that housewives do it, and housewives that I know, housewives that have seen in person. I'm like, you don't look like that I do media at all. So I'll talk to my team about doing that. I just I don't know. It's just like so because then what would all my tags say and the captions say, and they'd be like lying for a week. But I really want to do it. I actually, Oh, I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna do it for a week, and I'm gonna accord the results and how they're different. I'm gonna go back and look at the pictures that I've already posted and posts very similar pictures, all cinched and filtered and snatched, but not enough so someone would definitely know, or maybe they will know. And I'm gonna see if the likes are more in views. I'm doing that, so I'm doing it. I'm gonna cringe. I'm gonna first drop it up. Okay,