Just B Rant: The Roar

Published Mar 21, 2024, 4:00 AM

Taylor Swift possesses a power like one we have never seen.  Details on what it entails and what it could mean!

Plus, find out the latest on the Princess Kate conspiracy, that even has Bethenny feeling befuddled. 

What's going on? Am I in the Twilight Zone? People are now saying that wasn't William and Kate at the farm stand? Is someone telling me that wasn't them? Are people insane? But that doesn't mean that the palace put those people there. That means those people know they look like them and were like, let's fuck with everybody. What's going on? Like, that's not possible. She's just if that's the case, someone else did it and they're just home because she's recovering. What is going on? There's no way, guys, I literally have entered another dimension. I don't know where I am. I'm not sure what's happening. I don't know if it's only on social media that this goes on. But then I go google it and it seems like other people say this. I don't understand. There's like, let's just stop and discuss the fact that there's no way that a real like a monarchy put out a picture that was fake. Like, there's no way that that just happened. So I don't get it. And there's no way that she did that herself, because she's too immaculate and impeccable. Is there an alien? Is this what's going on? Is someone like is there like a bot that's controlling all this. I'm so incredibly confused. I genuinely don't understand. I am so stupid. I believe everything I see and read, like I think I'm gonna go to McDonald's and and the people that are in the commercial are gonna be in there serving me French fries. What's going on? I'm very confused. There's tell me something, because I I like thought I was so right, like ugh, but the farm stand did seem a little strange, just like bopping through like hey, we're okay, but we're not saying anything. I'm not gonna make an announcement. What's going on? What's going on? Maybe you guys are right, I'm so confused. If you're smarter than I am, and I'm I'm not saying I'm that smart. I just I don't understand. I don't understand you guys. I'm freaking out. I don't actually understand. I don't even I didn't even know that I cared about this, but that really threw me the picture and that through me. Wow, I want to discuss something that I think is really positive happening in the media. Right now. So Chris Cuomo and Tucker Carlson had a conversation and they're on opposite party sides, and I think we're onto something here with people sitting down and not listening to the inside of their own brain and being able to have a conversation. I've been talking about this for so long because we were on The Housewives before the election, and I remember one member of our cast like rolling their eyes and making like, oh my god, you know better than judgments about other people and who they might be voting for. And to me, that's not helping anybody because you're not having a living, breathing conversation. You're just listening to your own viewpoints. And I think that talking to someone who does not agree with you is so healthy, like okay, but a civilized conversation. We've gotten to the point in our society where you say I'm voting for Donald Duck and someone's like, oh my god, you're so stupid. I worked at ABC News for years and I have all this credibility, and so therefore who I'm voting for makes me smarter than you, and that is intimidating and alienating. And there were people on our show that were voting for one candidate but were secretly hiding it and wouldn't admit it. And that's how people were secretly voting and closet voting. And it's not a living, breathing conversation. And we are adults and we can talk. And all over social media you see people that are like, oh, you're Karen, you did this, or you know, if you like Megan Markle, then you must have voted for Trump, or if you like Taylor Swift, then you must have voted for Hillary Clinton. When it's an absurd thing to say. Those are not the same people. And people assign all these bizarre constructs to politics. So I like Tucker Carlson and Chris Cuomo talking to each other, and I like Elon and Don Lemon talking to each other. They disagree. Congratulations amazing. Don Lemon thinks that Elon Musk has a responsibility to place guardrails on social media content. Elon Musk feels that he has a public social media application that five hundred million people are on and that's like a public highway that he can't create his own guard rails. But Don Lemon, they both are having an educated, intelligent conversation. It did not end up going well, and that's their own. I don't know why, and I don't really care, but I care about having discussions of people that you don't agree with without attacking them, just so the viewers can watch this public sport. You may think the Patriots are going to win, and someone else may think the Saints are gonna win. Let's watch the game ourselves and decide who played better and who we want to root for next time. It's okay to disagree, but it's not okay to attack people for their different beliefs and viewpoints. Twenty twenty four. People, get your shit together and allow for a living, breathing conversation, and you learn more from someone who disagrees with you than the voices inside your head. And going to talk to puppets that believe in exactly what you believe in. It's time for like movement, forward movement, And I love this model. And these guys are on both been let go from CNN, and they're on these alternative platforms producing their own content, and I love that journey. So everybody who thinks that you should only be talking to people who agree with you, think about how small your brain and mind. Is the fact that Taylor Swift has such influence on the vote is so powerful and yet scary at the same time for her, I guess in general for the system that someone could have that kind of power. I think I've said this before, but it's almost like a monopoly. When a company or a chain or something gets too big, it has too much power. I don't know that we've ever really had a person have that much power. Because Taylor Swift, combined with social media, is unstoppable. I mean, we saw the influence she had on the super Bowl that was astonishing and astounding, to bring in record numbers that exceeded the moon landing, It's it's crazy. I think the responsibility if I were her would be to encourage people to vote, like that's the power that I believe that she has. To encourage people to get educated on what's going on. And it's hard to even tell people how to do that because everything that we're getting educated on with politics and the election is whatever's being spoon fed to us by whatever network we're choosing to watch. There's so much confirmation biased. If you want to hear one thing, you go on CNN. If you want to hear another thing, you go on Fox, if you want to only go by party lines, you listen to people who are saying things that you can predict that they're saying because it's on brand. And I think that for her to encourage people to vote and to get educated on each candidate, on the matters that are important to each person and think about how it affects them, I think that that's the most I think that that's the best use of her superpower because I mean, it's just a responsibility. Like it's like she has the responsibilit of the switch. She can decide who she wants to be president and probably make that happen. So that feels also scary, Like from a security standpoint, right, think about it, if she had the power to just affect the stock market, which frankly she also does, which is also frightening, that would be you know, her security has to be extraordinary. People talk about Kim Kardashian's security as a person, Kim Kardashian has valuable assets, and with Taylor, it's like the fact that she is the power that she could affect the super Bowl, the election, the stock market, commerce. That is a tremendous heavy as the ground. That is a tremendous responsibility in knowing that what she says goes. That's remarkable. So that's a conundrum, I'm sure because I'm sure she's experiencing pressure about how to use her voice during an important time, and I wonder what she will do

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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