Bethenny feels like she's being stalked. Find out who it is and why she feels like she's trying to end a marriage she never entered.
Can we eliminate online shopping cart stalkers? You left this in your cart? We fucking I know what I did. I'm not at like shop write and I left the Hope Diamond and my goddamn card. I was on the site. I wanted to put it in the car for a second. Then I go look in the car. I go look in the whole car. I'll put anything in the cart I'll put I'll put a fucking porcupine in the car. Who cares. I don't have to commit to like it to like continue to check out. I mean the car, it's in the cart. It's I could do anything. I could be we are so powerful in the card, I could order air mes, underwear, a car. It's in the cart. It's not in my house. And I didn't give my credit card. I didn't get to that step yet, so we put it. The card isn't real. I'll put seven cars. I put light medium in the in the foundation in the car, put medium dark in the car, to put red, pink blue. I'm gonna decide when I get in the car. It looks different in the car. Then I see everything next to each other. If they stack that way, and I'm like I don't need it in those two colors, I'll need the argyle I don't need to poke at that. I don't need get it, then delete, then remove them cars. Why the garbage candid is why there's another option which is used the X and get it out or sometimes if the slide to the left function of getting out of the car. We understand how to get it out of the cart. But no, you've left these items in the cart like days lyn. I know, okay, I guess it. You know how I know because next time I go to the fucking website, they're so stalkery. It leaves it in the car, which is passive aggressive. So four a, four months later, you still have a goddamn lip class in the cart. You got it somewhere else, you went into the store. You lived a fucking lighte. You changed your mind. No, guess what, It's still in the goddamn cart. Amazon too, you were looking at I know I have eyeballs. I'm not stupid. I know I didn't want to buy it because I just chose, in my own body and my own choice in my own credit card to not go for to not take that next step. I didn't want it wasn't that deep. But it was not serious. It was only we were dating. We were. We were cart dating. That's where we were, and where are you in your relationship? We were. It's in the cart, it was not. We did not. It goes cart, then check out. That's when it's getting fucking really serious. That's after three months in a relationship. You might meet each other's parents. It's in check out. We didn't get to the PayPal first step down, the second step, apple pay means you're fucking getting married. You're so serious. Just Apple pay boom. That's why Apple pay gets me in a lot of fucking trouble. It's so quick. It's like the wham bam, thank you, ma'am, jiffy pay, Apple pay, just fucking get me out of there. Paypals like four play slow PayPal please say this is this is definitely your address, Agree and continue. That's a whole different story. You're like really deciding whether this is a commitment you want to make. But the fucking cart is casual dating. You're fucking other people. You're totally fucking other people in the in the in the in the cart, so you don't need to call me and stalk me. Hey, I sent you a text after we dated, but you didn't respond, right because you're us in the fucking cart? Do you never remind me that I was in the car? Oh? Oops? Oops? Left something in the cart? Did you forget? They give some other language too, Were you forgot? Oh? Maybe you're flaky. No, you're a cart stalker. Stop call me. If we're in the checkout process, then there might have been a glitch. That's it didn't close a window, closed a window too soon, and it didn't get me out of there. You know how. I'll know, though, you want to know how, I'll fucking know because I'll get an email right away because there'll be some tiny, minuscule rated to me, the fucking rat in that movie sized thing that said I've signed that. You can send me sixty five emails about the purchase that just happened. Thank you for your order, Thank you for placing your order. Your order is getting ready, Thank you for your order. We're preparing your order, still getting your order ready or ready your orders ready for shipping. Your order has been shipped. You're gonna receive your order today. Did you receive your order? It's a whole fucking other line of stal. So that's how I know that I made the choice to get it out of the car. You don't need to tell me. I'll know what I bought what I didn't buy, because I'm gonna be stalked on both sides. They're fucking you on the way in and they're fucking you on the way out. The only time you need that stalking is when you want to return it, and then you often can't find it, and then you go back and search it to see and often because they don't want you to know the price you paid because you were so fucking fucked up in the middle of the night on an ambient a wake up call that you just ordered some shit, and then it comes You're like, what the fuck? And how much was this? You don't get to know because many receipts don't tell you. That's a scam too. Can't look it up? Go online. Oh, this is your order number, it's on its way right. What was in the order? That's seven emails ago. Yeah, no, it's a Hotel California check out on any time, but you can't fucking leave, so you get all these emails. Now you want to return it, you got to get an investigative reporter or hire a private detective to go back and find where that was to return it. But you can't use the online one, it's a different one. Got to print it out. It's a get a print at print out your return label, print it out. Yeah, you need an assistant. Just fuck loop it up, fuck me and take the money. That's it. People believe in work from home, hybrid go in whatever you decide. It's your own life, choose your own adventure. But even if people are next to you or in the next building and you're texting all day, phone communication with staff is critical. It has been a dying art our own kids. They're in full relationships with people texting from school. You gotta get on a phone. You cannot make good decisions of people that you work with without getting on the phone. Zoom is another level, like zoom is getting engaged. But you gotta get on a phone to work, work it through, just talk about it, check in with people, take the temperature. Texting back and forth is just it's honestly such a transactional, vile way to communicate, like it's been so abused and overused. The telephone is important to communicate to thank to Express, to lay it out, to regroup, to touch base, to you know, clarify, Like really, just get on the phone. Try get on the phone with people you work with. One today