Just B Rant: Rollercoaster of Emotions

Published Jun 27, 2023, 4:00 AM

Bethenny dives deep into a story that captivated the nation, takes sides in a celebrity beef and reveals something that’s f*ing with her head. Plus, she opens up regarding a recent struggle in her relationship with her daughter.

Okay, oh my god, so don't come for me. I have like fifty two thousand emails because I never have deleted emails that come in, like from everything you've ever bought, Like every day you could get two hundred emails from just stuff you've ordered online.

It is so fucked.

So I also have ten million pictures, like I just I'll take six pictures and then not delete them. They're just in there. And who cares? Well, here's why I care. First of all, your memory will be used up on a phone. It'll just crap out one day. Second of all, I get anxiety and I look down at all these different emails, and I wanted a clean slate, so I got a new phone. The problem was the minute every time I get a new phone, I think I want like a new life and a new clean slate. And then my assistant would be like, you can't because what about your the cloud and your email and your text and whatever. And then you download everything you had on the phone before, and then the new phone becomes a shit box of fifty two thousand whatever, And I was like, how does everybody live? Like where is everything?

Like this cloud?

Get the cloud and down like it's like, I just like the old days when you developed pictures and you just had what you had. You didn't have five million pictures of Biggie my dog in one spot. And Paul is militant and diligent about deleting. He'll delete he cleans his email. When he says I'm cleaning out my email box, it means like he doesn't have like cluttery emails. So here's what I did. I got a new phone. First we got I got a new phone with a new phone number. And that was crazy because that was like and then my assistant was like, well, no, we're gonna download all your accountants on the new contacts on the new phone. I'm like, no, because I don't want Musa Siamak, my accountant from South Beverly Drive from twenty five years ago, on my phone respectfully to his company account teams. Like there, I haven't cleaned my contacts either. My contacts are filthy. Not my eye contacts, but my phone contacts are filthy. It's just like all of it's a fucking disaster mess. I did it wrong. It's like you go up to the salad bar and you get salad and you put chickpea's on you, but onions, you put this, you put that, and you fuck up your salad and it's gross. And that's my phone. So I was like, no, I want a new phone. So then I had a new phone number, and I then felt like really nude, like I didn't know what to do. So I made that phone a bat phone, and we had a phone in my house that was just like a brand new phone that we were gonna use for content. I'm like, all right, take my phone number from the other phone and put it on this new phone where we're not downloading contacts. I'm gonna input contacts as I need them for what I'm doing, and I'm gonna try to be diligent about it, like, oh my god, I put my daughter's name in twice, and I was patic because I have so many people on the other phone that are there twice and I never took the time to correct it. So then my emails are only on the other phone that literally has a label on it says shit phone, because it's like it's we've dumped everything I've ever owned on the shit phone. So it says on the back shit phone, like on a label. So I can go over to it almost like a computer, because I don't have a computer, because I don't want to shot up a computer too. Now I just want everything to be clean. So I'm going over there, and I'm I'm gonna just use that as like my computer for emails and we'll respond to them. But I'm not bringing any of this garbage onto my new phone. So I feel like I have a new identity. I'm a new person. I pushed back with everyone because I knew that this time would be challenging. In between, like I have like four different phones all over the house to get different things from, and I keep running back to the old phone. But I feel happy. I feel excited. I feel like I have a new lease on life. I have a clean phone. It has like ten contacts and no emails on it. It has an email out just so I have it there if I need it. But I'm not buying anything on this new phone. And also I've really cut back on buying. Now that sounds ridiculous because of all the social media stuff, and there were product reviewing and I have a carve out for luggage, but I don't buy as much anymore, and I'm getting rid I'm getting rid of like ten shopping bags a week, and that finally means something because now I'm not buying. So the getting rid is really making a dent in my clutter free home. And I bring that up because on my phone, I refuse to buy anything on this new perfect phone because if I do, I'll be signed up for everything. So I'm not even like putting the credit card for Apple Pay. Like I'm trying to stay lean and clean on my new phone. So we'll check back in about that. Thoughts and prayers during this challenging time, the submarine has been a rollercoaster of emotions. First, everyone was like, what the hell this submarine is missing? And it's not a submarine, it's a submersible. I learned that I've learned so much. I have a wealth of education about underwater activities and pressure and miles and meters and all these things that I never knew before. And it reminded me oddly of when you get into relief work you start learning about some vortex that you end up in. And women were really provoked by this. We're really really it took us by surprise. We just I've been obsessed with it. I couldn't stop thinking about it. It's just I'm invested. So I first heard about it and my first thought was what the hell, Like.

Who the hell?

Why? Who goes and does that? You know? And then we started to be humanizing the people, the father and his son, the explorers, the adventure seekers, this is what they do. And then hearing about a person who was supposed to be on this submersible and opted out because of the safety aspects, and then hearing that there have been twenty five missions before that went well, so they can say two customers, twenty five missions went well, And I could see how somebody would do it. I mean, I know it sounds crazy because they say it was locked from the outside, you can't get in, but most people think it won't happen to me. And so if you're a thrill seeker and adventure seeker and you know twenty five people who have done it already. One of the people was a producer for The Simpsons. And and then there were all these things on TikTok where they were saying the Simpsons right, because there was I guess some animation about something like this, and you know, you went through this emotional rollercoaster, and you were also doing all these no pun intended deep dives on this, So you were doing all these deep dives on this and realizing that they signed waivers that mentioned death three times. So the next place that I went in my mind, First I went to, oh my god, who the hell would do this? Then I went to after days and then counting oxygen and hearing sounds inside, and then I went to it's supposed to be so freezing down by the Titanic. No one was talking about how frozen solid they were. And then I went to they're definitely dead before it was announced, And then I went to like most of them knew what they were getting into, and they do these dangerous things year round and throughout their lives. And then now where I am is like, it's millions of dollars spent, and I know what money does to help people, like I know exactly how much it costs to help a family that has lost their home and lost their their life in a hurricane. So I can't even explain to you what we could do with ten million dollars because someone said ten million dollars. Is that how much this effort costs? It sounds a lot more expensive than ten million dollars. They have all these major, major pieces of equipment, but let's say it's ten twenty million dollars. I mean that was my entire relief effort for Puerto Rico, which I think was like fifteen million pounds of aid, So I mean, who is really paying for that? It's not you could appear insensitive, But these guys they went, they did this on their own. They wanted to go.

Just sounds nuts. The whole thing's nuts.

What happened with Pete Davidson leaving Pete a message about his dog, so he got a dog at a They trolled him for not getting a dog at a pound or you know, rescuing a dog. And he said, this is the only breed that he is not allergic to. Now, I know that there are some dogs that are hypoallergenic, meaning like certain terriers, certain dogs like a lassa. I think, shit, SEUs, he got a cockapoo. I think, but there's certainly not only one. You guys got to correct me. There certainly isn't only one breed a cockapoo that is non allergenic. Like it's like, I'm not only allergic to salmon. I'm allergic to salmon and flounder and a bunch of different fish. I can eat shellfish, but that's effectively a different that's an entirely different animal. Like it's like a cow or a chicken is different than shellfish, which is different than fish. But I'm not only allergic to like one type of fish, so is he He's only not allergic to one type of breeder dog? Is that? How to talk to me about that? Because I just haven't heard of that, So I'm believing him. But it was interesting that he said he had to get a dog from a breeder, which is entirely his own choice. I'm a person that rescues. I have had rescue dogs for the last you know, for as long as I can remember. But it just was interesting. It just struck me as like, wait, there's only one dog that he's not allergic to, and it's from this breeder. But he ripped Pete. God love. I like Pete Davidson, by the way. I'd like to say that in the past, I've made comments because he's been with Kim Kardashian and all these different famous people and whatever.

But I like him.

He seems like a nice sweet you know guy who's ridden this wave and I listen, go for yours. I like pet David, and I just want to know about the dog thing. I was actually concerned. Oh my god. I have sleep apps and they give you a sleep score, and it's almost a disservice because like, you wake up in the morning and if you thought you slept well, but it says you got like a seventy five. Like I wouldn't be happy if my daughter came up with a seventy five on a test. And so it fox with your head because you may think you slept well, but then it tells you only slept six hours and forty two minutes, and you then the whole day know that you had a shit sleep even though you thought you had.

A good sleep. So these like sleep.

Apps and we track everything that goes on in our day. It's a little obsessive, still doing it, Still love it, Still love When I won something, I looked down at it and it said I got a good grade. But just keeping you apprized of that shit show too. Kids, your kids, you have to ride the line for what you disapprove of. And I want to explain this to you. So this past weekend, my daughter was at a friend's house. She slept over, and it wasn't on my time, it was on her dad's time, and she was tired, and I don't remember. I think she said she went to get fresh baked bread early in the morning, and I was like, what time. She's like, if we woke up we went five o'clock to get bread. I'm like, you set an alarm clock to get fresh bagels? And she said she pulled it all nighter, which immediately to me, it's like, okay, great, now she's gonna she pulled an all night or she had a kid's party the night before. Now she's gonna be sick, and you know, like I'm doing that now. I don't remember if I was pulling all nighters at thirteen. Maybe I was, but Paul and I were like, ooh like, and she did it when she was really young. One night, I told her she could stay up all night, and she made it to like two or three, Like I'm talking like she might have been like eight years old or something. But I was cringing, like why do you want to stay up all night? It just makes you feel like such crap. But their kids, they're different. They just have a different constitution. And I said wait, because like she was just telling me a story about the bagels. But of course I have to be ornery and be like wait a minute, what, and like disapproving. And I wasn't there and she could do it. She could have let the house on fire when I wasn't there. It wasn't my time. How would I know. So I kind of expressed that I disapproved, but I diverted really quickly because in the future I can say something to the mom or any mom about all nighters, but then I don't want her to be the dork that's like wanting to go to bed early. But now just like, let's see if they could probably try to get like four hours of sleep, but what parent could actually force that. But more importantly was that I didn't want to be like a nag because then I don't want her not to tell me things. And I think many people helicopter and nag their kids, and then their kids are gonna lie and not tell them what they're really doing. So you have to ride the line in some cases about not being too strict, not because you're scared of your kids, because you're not strict because I am strict and my kid is scared of me, but because I don't want when she's not with me for her to not tell me the truth about what she's doing. It's just always better to stay in contact with your kid and have there be an open forum to talk to each other like that they're gonna let you know, like when it gets when they get older, and when it involves other things, and when it involves smoking and drugs and sex and things that really matter and relationships and boys not acting right, and you know you want to be involved. So I just think you have to ride the line and not pick every battle with your kids, because if you pick every battle, they're not going to tell you anything, and then you're gonna really be screwed. You'll be on the outside. And like in Wall Street when Gordon Gecko told Charlie Sheen, like if you're not on the inside, you're on the outside. With your kids. You got to be on the inside.

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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