Just B Rant: Meghan Markle's Identity Crisis

Published Feb 27, 2025, 8:00 AM

We understand the WHY—but we question the how. PLUS: Megan Fox on Heartbreak

Oh, I saw Megan Fox who looked so beautiful on Drew Barrymore and I guess it was a poem she wrote or something she wrote. But basically, I've been on like relationship talk and self help talk, and like I'm seeing a lot of different things about dating and just like things are coming through. Maybe because I have a dating podcast or I do dating rants, I don't know a lot it's coming through. But there was something where Drew kind of asked her what her motivation was in this piece she had written, and she was basically saying, and it sounded like she was talking about her acts. It doesn't matter. I'm not going to sign anything to her. That she fell in love with someone's unrealized potential. Meaning often we fall in love with someone's potential, and it's not that we just are fixers and we think someone can change. It's just like you could see the island and you can't imagine not being able to swim to it, and some people can't swim to it. So she was talking about someone that she had been in a relationship with and it just broke her heart that she could just see what they could be but it wasn't possible. That is a heartbreak. That's heartbreaking, you know, And there was nothing negative about the way she said it. It was just very relatable. You could fall in love with someone and it's not like I said, it's not just that you're a fixer. You could just it's just you see potential. You know how someone can be, and that's kind of like chasing the dragon. You're chasing the dragon. You've seen them be a certain way, maybe in a moment, maybe in their best light, maybe in the beginning, maybe in the honeymoon phase, maybe in the infatuation stage and the attraction stage and the sexual pheromones oxytocin stage, and then it just like dissolves, and it really is like chasing the dragon because you just know you've seen it. It's not and you just think that someone's potential is to be like that all the time, and people just don't have the bandwidth, you know. And then there's the whole question. I talk to a lot of people on this podcast about a lot of experts about if people can change, and they definitely can, but it takes such effort and wherewithal to do so. So I did a take on Megan Markel today because Apparently she has a brand called as Ever that she's partnered with Netflix on It was called American Riviera Orchard, which I guess they call Santa Barbara or Montecito the American Riviera. And I learned from someone on social media that she wasn't able to get the intellectual property or the trademark for that because it's it's something that is synonymous with that area, so you can't own that as a brand. But I guess she didn't realize that, and that happens a lot. By the way, you guys have to dot your eyes and cross your t's. I literally was dealing with HBO Max and the show The Big Shot. They we were about to launch it and release I think the art or the name, and they hadn't secured the IP, but I had because I very much think in that way. So anyway, Megan Markle hadn't secured the IP. But when she told the audience why she changed the name to as Ever, it wasn't that story. It was another story, just saying it's more aligned with who she is, et cetera. And she was in a more no makeup, fresh out of bed aesthetic as a reaction to the public thinking that her trailer was too glossy and too perfect Alah Martha Stewart or real simple. And I think the issue I said in a TikTok that the issue is I think that they're having an identity crisis because Harry and Meghan don't know in a post royal world who they're supposed to be to everybody, and they keep listening to the audience to try to decide who they are, when I think that's a mistake because it to be who you intrinsically are. The problem is that the they they sort of chee a pet their identity in the sense that now they're you know, they they're philanthropists and they're doing They did the whole podium tour when they were doing their Netflix show and the books, and it was a lot of a lot of them and that didn't land. People didn't like them just going around and accepting awards at podiums. And then what happened during the California fires and also at another incident, was they showed up somewhere to do charity, but it had the energy of showing up as royals as like part of a royal duty, like just it just had the energy of like Princess Diana coming and showing up, but they're no longer royal. So it's just not landing because there is a there is a suspension of reality and there's a word I'm looking for, a term I'm looking for, But the audience is not so like let's say it's like someone from Jersey Shore or Housewives, or even someone on TikTok who's like you've watched become very successful. It could be Alex Cooper, could be Alex or Oh, it could be anyone. You're kind of watched the trajectory michaelaw the beauty influencer. You understand how it happened, like you've watched what's gone on in their journey and so you know how they landed here, and it feels authentic. I think the problem that people have with the Meghan and Harry fame and its identity is they haven't really watched any sort of trajectory, Like you saw that Meghan was a successful actress on a show, or an actress that was on a show on a successful show, and I guess she had a website and was like a cute young girl. Then you saw her as a royal and that made sense. It was like a girl that came from you know, that life and was really a fairy princess, like whisked into this life so amazing, so interesting, and that track. Then them leaving was just jarring for everyone, and it was abrupt, and it didn't it didn't necessarily flow, and so you would think they left that because they wanted some privacy, and they didn't. And if they had just gone away and been private for a while and re emerged with something new, it would have made sense. But what happened was they left and did a lot of press about it, and we're talking about it. So it was like you're staying in the fame lane, but like not with any actual merit, respectfully, Like they weren't doing anything in that time to connect the audience with the level of fame. It was like you are famous because you are a royal, but now you're over here in a different category, and no one understands or trusts you in that category, respectfully. When I started relief work, it took me a really long time to get trust in that category because that wasn't where I came from. And even a Jim Carrey when I used to go from comedy to a serious role. People don't buy it. They don't see you there. You have to walk with them and then trust that process. And so I feel like it took me a lot of begging and working and establishing trust slowly to enter into the philanthropic space to be a philanthropist that's credible and build that brand. And people just don't trust Megan Markel in this brand because we haven't seen what it took to get there. So one day people just see a glossy kitchen that looks perfect as if she's put in the blood, sweat and tears that a Martha Stewart has, or even to this point, I guess at Gwyneth Paltrow, but we haven't seen her do that. So people resent the fact that it's called you were just in the royal family, and you were you know, you had fairy dust sprinkled all over you to be famous. So you get to come in here and decide that you want to be the glossed over Martha Stewart. So people weren't having it, and then she pivoted because people weren't having it to be I'm real and I'm just in the backyard with my chickens making jam, and I decided as ever is the brand name because that's more authentic to me versus I didn't get the intel the ip like it just never really fully tracks for many people because people weren't involved in the process and they didn't see how it went down, and so there's a suspension of reality because people just don't buy it. And it's not shade or hate, it's just people want to see you get somewhere by putting one foot in front of the other to arrive at that destination. And it's like Maggie Markle, It's like Candyland. You basically got that card and went from the very beginning to the end, and that's that does happen. But the people resent not seeing steps, so they don't buy her at the end of the game, and that's she's gonna have to go back and stitch that together. And I've gotten into trouble for saying things about her at the wrong time. And I said crime a River right before the Oprah interview when she talked about racism and contemplating suicide, and it certainly didn't land because it seemed like I was not compassionate about her plight or I didn't believe her or anything like that. I think I just was like wow, to be thrust into the Royal family and to just like eject so quickly in that way. It was never the action, it's like anything else. It was never the content, It was the delivery. It was never you can want to leave the Royal family. It was but how. It was never you can do philanthropy or go up on a podium, or launch a Netflix show or a book, or tell the story. But how. The how is a b The how is as important in any story as the why. And I think that we understand why Meghan and Harry are making the choices they're making. I think that I've always questioned the how. I don't I think the people in twenty twenty five are ill advised because it's a new world order. And I think I've said this so many times. J Lo has been ill advised because she has representation from a former era. They don't work in twenty twenty five. Not everybody is a crossover artist, and Blake Lively found out the hard way, and so did Ryan Reynolds, that traditional celebrity doesn't land and play the same way in twenty twenty five, and the same representatives giving the same advice doesn't land. You have to understand what goes on now. And Meghan and Harry, she's a traditional actress that went into a traditional royal family and they're trying to now make that institutional knowledge work in a non traditional twenty twenty and it really doesn't land because they don't because they're ill advised. That's the truth. I would love to advise all of these people. And the reason I know that I would be good at it is because representatives from all the teams that I've mentioned, not Megan's, but have reached out to me because they are nervous about my take end or they know that I'm spot on and have asked people in common with me, like what does she think we should do? Or why is she saying this? Like I know that I'm onto something with the way that I view these people's choices in this new world. Even trumpa Milania are acting very different. Even Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, They're all acting different. It's twenty twenty five. It's very different. We are in the upside down to the coster, to the conster, to the Conster

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