Bethenny reveals a change in the Kim Kardashian we see before us and what's behind it. Plus, there's a new era of Bethenny coming!
I think this is Kim Kardashian's best era and her real glow up, because she's not attaching her identity to a man. So Ever since I interacted with Kim Kardashian in entertainment, meaning when I first saw her show, and I've met her a few times, very lovely girl, she has always been attached to a man, a successful man, an attractive man, a famous man, a rich man. Started out from my perspective, from what I recall, I remember her being with Reggie Bush, this hot football player. He played for the New Orleans Saints. She went to the Super Bowl, she wore the wardrobe, she was the footballer's wife. She went down on the field, she got the credit, she jumped up, she you know, the whole thing. And she was Kim Kardashian, but part of her identity was Reggie Bush, a hot football player, a hot football player's girlfriend, and he was on the show and did that whole thing. And then I remember her getting into a relationship with another athlete, a basketball player, this time Chris Humphries, kind of an unassuming guy that we hadn't heard of. He was awkward in ways, he was not from like the big city and super cultured and savvy. You could see his family was very down to earth, and she was able to lassow him into this life of luxury and la and this wedding and the Lorraine war Its ring that she got for him to give to her, and the KK bracelet and this massive, gorgeous wedding and it was for television and it was a spectacle, and they argued on TV and Jonathan Cheban didn't really you know, get along with him that well, or he didn't see it, and you know, this guy went and was churned through the machine. But it was part of her identity, this big gorgeous wedding on television, this gigantic ring that was famous, and it's still famous to this day because later I think they argued about it and he eventually sold it through Christie's I think it was. And so that was a big part of her identity. And then breaking up with him a month after they got married, seemingly because it was great content. They got caught up in the bubble in the machine. It was a great made for television romance marriage, wedding, good for ratings, all of it. And then he was just sort of chewed up spit out. We never heard from him again, and it wasn't that pretty. And by the way, I don't even I can't even begrudge her, I mean I can, but he signed up for that machine. The machine went quickly. I'm sure that was mesmerizing to both of them, and it was really the beginning of her having that kind of influence and getting all the free stuff and the integrations and all that stuff, and it was a whirlwind. And once you are off to the races with a television show and you're getting married, I'm sure it's very hard to get off the ride. So she probably was having anxiety, and a month into the ride she wanted out. So then her identity attached to the second athlete that I knew of in my Kim Kardashian journey was over. And then also on the show, we saw that Kanye West was a good friend of hers for years, and he had always pined over her, and he always was in love with her.
They were good friends.
He was someone that she saw as a good friend and confident and never in that way or they both were always in different relationships. And then they get together and she's his muse and she wants to be.
Invited to the Met Gala.
And he's always had an interest in fashion and relationships with Vogue and on a wind tour, and people think he's crazy that he says he's going to be a fashion designer one day, but she probably believes him. And you know, enter his yeezy era and her being his muse, and her style completely changes and he's dressing her. She ended up on the cover of Vogue with him. She ended up being his plus one to the Met Gala, and now he couldn't even be her plus one. So she evolved, She listened the some of them was greater than its parts. They both made each other much more successful and she became a lot more wealthy and successful. And Skims, which I believe Kanye owns a piece of, is a big part of that, which is her biggest success today. Her beauty has been successful, but Skims is her biggest cash.
Cow to date.
And then enter the Rebound Guy Pete Davidson, Rebound Guy Younger, Ripped alternative. He's funny, he wears like knee socks. It's just a totally different departure. A lot of people do this when they go through a divorce and it's a challenging one. They go the entirely opposite direction. It's some sort of a rebellion, a rebound. It was never bound to last. Nevertheless, they went to the White House correspondence dinner together, I think it was, and they posed publicly and they were having incredible sex, and I think her grandmother knew about it and all this stuff. And then he gets pieced out, discarded and they both go on their merry way. And while she's been sort of semi lukewarm link to other people, she's been a solo act now for a minute. And I'm sure you know it's not that easy to date Kim Kardashian, and she needs to write billionaire or mogul or successful athlete or actor or producer or tech guy, because it's going to be a lot to keep up with her the machine, that would be a lot to keep up with. So it's not an easy slot to fill. And when she was younger and not as successful and not a billionaire, it was easier to fill that slot because some you know, dopey basketball player, he's gonna think it's great, and he still is a basketball player. She can elevate his stock and he can elevate her stock. She's in a relationship, I can have this big wedding. Same with Reggie Bush and all of that, and Pete Davidson. They're both famous, so you know, it brought a different thing to the table. Now she's a bonafide media mogul on her own. She never has to depend upon anyone. She is going to law school, she is trying to help people who are falsely imprisoned get out of prison. And her business is massive, and she's on Bloomberg being interviewed with icons and doing real business panels and conversations. And this is her entrepreneurial solo act era. And I think it's her best era because she did it. She has nothing to prove. And by the way, who how many years ago was that sex tape? And if Chris orchestrated that, good for Chris because that was a long time ago. And if I was, if I the number of years ago that Kim Kardashian's sex tape was is when I was bouncing checks and having insufficient funds at an ATM, Like, how many people were a different person that many years ago? People have been incarcerated for terrible crimes and rehabilitated and repented and reformed and got out. In the time since Kim Kardashian was in a sex tape, so that sex tape was two thousand and seven, that was sixteen years ago. I wanted to I'm in my fitness era. I'm trying to enter a nature era. I beach walk in the summer, all I do all year round, and then all year I feel guilty because now I'm not near the beach and I don't do anything, and I talk about it, and I think about it. I say I'm gonna do it, and then I don't do it. So I found a nature preserved near me and I went hiking, and I was so excited. And I'm the type of person that when I break the seal, then I can go deeper. I'm not the type of person that, like January Twod runs into with a boot camp class with a headband on and like sweatbands and a hot knee on outfit. I'm the type of person that walks, walks a little more, does a little yoga, maybe takes a hard class like then gets needy in it, then maybe takes a spinning class like I dabble. So I enter my nature era. This morning, I woke up, I walked forty minutes. I think it was like six seven thousand steps. My goal is just like to get just to walk just I'm like, you know, I'm like an old fucking lady already, Like I just I just want to do something for my mind and just be outside and just say I did it.
So my nature era has started.
And then what happens is like, oh, I want to try to do something most days. So I went on to join these fitness apps. It's amazing to me. In twenty twenty three, our generation doesn't understand this. Our generation went to a class and like couldn't imagine exercising at home. And then you're like, oh, well, could I get a trainer? And it's expensive. It's like one hundred and twenty five dollars for a trainer, which is expensive. And then you realize you could just go on your phone and you could join an app. And then you realize you could just go on YouTube and just like put a video on it. You feel like you're cheating, like you could. I did a yoga video for forty five minutes yesterday Vinyasa on YouTube. Like I feel like I'm stealing. Where's the honor box to put the money in? It's so strange. So I joined some of these finis apps. I was trying to join the Tracy Anderson when I couldn't figure out the app. It's like six hundred dollars, which isn't that much if a trainer is expensive and Tracy Andrews's expensive. But then there was another one that was thirty dollars a month. But to join it, they required a capital letter, a lower case letter, a symbol, and a number. What like a lot of my passwords are similar and then I can remember and then I add something. I know you write it down, but like a capital, a lower case, a symbol, and a fucking number.
What are you gonna do? Break into my workout?
Like what the fuck? Who cares tell my password? Do a Vinyasa class. I don't give a fuck. Log in is me. They'll think we're all working out what the fuck I've never had? Like what do we We're at the CIA. It's mission impossible to do an app?
And then I just leave.
I'm like, this is insane, speaking of what you know I talk about on subscribe. It's getting nuts. Now they need real reasons why you want on subscribe, and if you don't check on that box that wants to receive offers, they don't even let you go to the next step. You want to buy something, Oh, just check this box it says you receive offers. I don't want to receive offers. Oh, can we automatically sign you in next time? Absolutely fucking nut joining to order from Target online, you have to sign sign into what I want to buy a fucking chaneail rope and a first aid kit.
That's literally what I want.
There's no checkout now, there's no fast checkout, no Apple Pang sign in. You are so fucking presumptuous, Like I want to join this club, I don't need to sign in, Gonna have to be on the list now, I'm back in nineteen ninety two in New York City, fucking velvet rope. I can't get into a club if I'm not like on the list sign in? What are you?
Insane? So fucking annoying