Just B Rant: It Went Like This...

Published Apr 5, 2024, 4:48 AM

Kids and parents often don’t view family trips the same way. Especially teenagers. So anything can happen as Bethenny and Bryn attempt to recap their vacation to Australia together.

This is mommy and me, okay.

So we went to Australia together and we went to Sydney and Melbourne, and like most moms and daughters who are sick of each other, we are laying on top of each other in about like a sixth of my bed and the doggies are on my feet, and we love each other. We had a great trip and there were so many things. Brinn held in her hand. The most valuable pearl in the world. It's a past ballet pearl. It's been in the Smithsonian. It's it was worth I think two hundred and fifty million dollars in nineteen ninety eight. But it was this magical experience where we saw this business that had been around for decades and it's a family business and they supply like ninety five percent of the pearls on watches and buttons and things, and it was just amazing. Another day we went to see Camilla the designer and saw her whole infrastructure, and bring came to my appearances and we did everything. We ate everything, we did Vegromite, we did all the lollies, which is the candy, we did the Tim Tam their cookie, and the Tim tam Slam and we had a great time. So I thought we were landing at six and we weren't leaving until eleven.

We just wanted to get home and see the dogs.

Traveling twenty hours, so I go to to change the flight. So I changed the flight, and I say a brit well, you know the flights not till the original flight was not till eleven, So we're saving all this time?

And what did you said?

Flight was at nine twenty thirty five?

But you know what, because I thought it was it was at ten, so we would have saved like fifty five minutes, which is an hour which we should have done the.

Door No, because I would have spent all this money to save that. I'm saying I was paying to change a ticket, no, and I was going to get a credit. I thought I was saving like two hours and that meant a big deal to get home tonight and not be like home late.

So we didn't realize you have to like go walking through.

The thing with like ten thousand bags.

So we fight over whether to get the trolley or not. And I said not to get the trolley, and Brin, the adult, said to get the trolley because we had five bags, three big bags, two little bags, and my top bag falls off really easily, and it's very annoying. And so and in the airport, like morons, they do on a flat floor. They just have like carpet and like bumpy things, and it's really irritating. So anyway, to switch flights, you got to get off, you got to.

Walk to another terminal, or you got.

It, get your bags, go through customs, which is really better.

If you're traveling, you want to do it.

You want your layover to be in a US city because the last thing you want to do is you've been traveling twenty hours and still have to go through customs.

So I did like that.

The layover involves getting the bags. It's annoying because you have to recheck them, but that's that's what happens anyway. So then we were going over to Delta, which was two terminals over, and we're walking outside and we're in this sweatshirt and we're pushing.

The wheelie over. The coffee on you.

I spilled coffee on me because I insisted on getting coffee bean. I got the moca, you got the blended mocha, And I told her she's the adult. She said, no, Mom, this is not a good idea. And I said, I just want a coffee. I just want a coffee. I've been on the flight.

Well I think it was a good idea.

I'm really good.

But it wasn't a good idea because I had coffee over myself. So then we had to go outside to two terminals down and I was trying to push the trolley and coffee was spilling over my arm.

But I wanted the coffee. And it was a disaster.

And that's when Brin said, wait, Mom, we're talking about nine thirty five or saving twenty five minutes.

And I go, excuse me, I just.

Spent all this money to change a ticket to save twenty five minutes. So I we're sweating because I have the hot coffee. My arm pits are sweating. We go back with these trolleys and we're falling and it's not fun.

We went to the elevator to get into the airport from the Delta terminal.

Oh okay, right now, okay, Oh I thought we were going okay, So she's right. So now we went to go two terminals over to Delta midstream.

We're peeing.

It's midstream. I realized we're going back. So then you have to go into one of those elevators, no, those like elevators that you're pushing your trolley in and you.

Go in one end and you go out the other end.

So there are a bunch of I just remembered it was men, and they didn't have.

A lot of stuff like a backpack.

Here college guys like yeah, okay, like now she thinks like some of them are like twenty five, twenty six, but yeah, yeah, and they're tall, they were, and they all had just like a carry on. No one had like, no one had a trolley or a lot of stuff. There was one, like I think person who worked at the airline.

Who was in there. But there was more than enough room for us to come in.

But I still felt like we were intruding because you're those people that have the trolley with the bags, Like, but that's what the airport's about, Like what else if we're not getting in the air in the elevator with people.

With you know, stuff in there.

So we get in and we happened to, unfortunately for those people, be.

The first stop. So there's a guy.

Like behind me diagonally and a couple of people in front of me, and several of them are to the left, so they're not really like in my way. But there was one guy pretty much in front of me and a guy behind me. So the elevator stops for our floor. It opens up. I'm like, yeah, this is my floor, and the guys that are like there's one, it's actually one or two guys are looking back like staring. I'm like, yeah, this is my floor. So the guy behind me is like, hi, everybody, what happens is we have to move now right, and the road rage is setting in because I have sweating armpits coffee all over my arm. I'm wearing a Quantus pajama shirt under my down under tourist sweatshirt and my jappie like Gucci rhinestone sneakers. I just took him a sweaty, disgusting crossbody wreck and so brings.

With me.

And the guy behind like, okay, guys, this is when like you have to move. So the guy he's sitting in the front, I could see him right now with like a dope look on his face, like a fluffy hair, and he's holding his.

Rolling like two pound carry on right.

He looks back at us and he's just standing there.

The doors are wide open. It's two elevator doors, the wide open. We came in one way, which is right behind us, and we're trying to get out, and he's standing there looking and it's like and he's looking, and we're just like I was like, yeah, Hi, this is our floor looking, this is our fun What do we at H and R Block doing our taxes?

We're at the airport, like, this is what goes on. We're getting off the airports and bags.

So the guy stands and I said hi, and he's like and then the other guy is like trying to get him to move out, and he's just like sort of tiptoeing a little bit, like only gonna like have his body so he's sort of near the I'm like, yeah, you know, it's great.

I go, don't worry, it's gonna be okay. It's okay. Just step outside the elevator. You know what's good about that? You can come right back on. It's okay, no problem, right? Is that what happened?

I love?

I don't think you should say it out loud.

I mean you could say you could just like a bad word, because.

No, you're not gonna say it, but you can reference it. You can like, you're not gonna say it because I don't want to know. This is bad parenting. And I've never heard you curse ever, and today it's not the day on this podcast.

I'm going, no, you're not okay. I don't know what you're gonna do. But I don't know.

I'm not I don't know, like I don't remember what. I don't want you to I didn't even hear it. I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't want you to curse.

I don't know. You have to ask the audience.

Can I say bad word?

No, it's just not good parenting.

No, Mommy, it's okay. I'm gonna.

So I'm I'm like now, like okay, and I'm like on the way out, so I'm like, yeah, it's okay, you're gonna get right back and like full road rage.

And then he was like, have a nice day, and then he said, can I say it, mommy?

No, he does have a good flight. He did that.

I know, But then can I say I don't know if you figure it out, Okay, I'm gonna say it.

Okay, I'm scared, do you say this at school.

Tell the truth, don't lie.

I've said a bad word at school, but I don't say this word.

Okay, what bad word have you said at school?

I've said the s H word when I stub my toe a lot.

No, when I stub my toe? Well, how often you stub your toe? Not much. That's the only time you say that word.

Yes, my toe.

Okay, don't stub your toe. Okay, Okay, I'm nervous. Okay, I just say it. Do you want to me? You can say it in another way. If it's an F word, it could be an f n.

Okay, it's an F word. But I feel like I should say it.

You just feel like being something bad right now? This is the podcast to do it. If it's any place.

I'm not listening.

Was like walking out, he said. I was still in the elevator, so I fully heard it. And he was like, my mom, I'm scared.

Word. Okay, he said, are you not?

I'm just embraced myself. I don't heard it. I wasn't there and he said, he that's all I said. He farted in the elevator. What did he say? Just say what he said? Fuck o, idiot, that's those.

Two words ef an idiot, yes, not she's then he just said an idiot.

Yes, And I was still in the elevator.

And did you find it funny?

No, I just I don't know who.

Was right, be honest, you No, you don't have to.

Say no, you were right because he was being lazy.

It was also really funny because you really yelling at everyone in the elevator and everyone was just towering over you.

Well, no, the one guy was on my side. He's only started.

He's going to said, yeah, we gotta move, guys, and that gave me license.

You were saying my thing.

Hear him?

Who the guy you couldn't hear I heard?

No, I was out at the elevator anybody he cursed him me.

I know, I meant like the guy who was like hyping you up. He wasn't like you couldn't see him, so he like it didn't really do anything.

It did something for me because it started it when he said when he said, hey, guys, we gotta move, I felt I got empowered.

And that's why I who cares? I don't need to wake a date with him.

Everyone thought it was probably you know, he had a man's voice because you know why he was a man.

I didn't sound anything like him anyway.

So we've been talking about it all day because she's like, can we talk about the elevator? Because I had full road rage. I'm like, this is aw someone gets canceled.

Guess what I do it again? The guy was a jacket. You know what I do whenever I'm mad.

If my iPad like falls off my bed like two times in a row, yes, well, I'm trying to watch a show, I'll get really mad and I'll like lightly well not like.

Oh, I'll go I guess my iPad.

I'll like hit it a little bit, smack your eye.

This is my daughter's going at Harvard to make Donald take it like mad?

And you want your iPad to be mad?

And in my phone like won't charge or to charge, like, won't plug in? Then I like like because.

I want to get frustrated.

No, I don't get frustrated.

I wanted to feel the pain like it made me angry, So now it has to be angry, like now it has to feel what it did wrong, so it won't do it yet.

But that's not normal. Okay, just so you're aware, I think that's not normal.

And people are gonna hear this and someone's gonna come over here with a straight jacket.

And put it on you.

Okay, I love you guys. We had the best time in Australia. It was such a bonding experience.

In your life. Yeah, you're you're you're the terminal. Oh, she's right.

So when we did go back, when we did come back, oh, we were in the lounge.

She has such a good memory.

We were up in the lounge, the flagship lounge at American is really it's what.

It's great.

And we were up in the lounge and thank god because no one really there weren't a lot of announcements about the flight and your flights, we're gonna start boarding now, and I just the guy was really chill when we checked in and said what time we had to leave. So when we left the lounge at ten, No, we didn't leave ten.

We left it ten oh, because it said boarding at ten, So we left a ten.

But then when we asked somebody, they were like, oh, yeah, it's just in the other terminal.

I looked at Bryn. I said, I don't like that word. No, we didn't look at someone. We've realized that ourselves.

I didn't just out of my mind realized that there was another terminal, oh, because.

It said it said gates fifty to fifty nine that way, and I was like, oh, that's our gate, and then it said other terminals.

Oh right, sorry, No, you're right, because we asked somebody about the other thing, the terminal, but that wasn't the same elevator.

It was a different story.


Right, But I said to Brent, I don't like the word terminal. She goes, Mom, I don't know what to tell you. We have to go there, And then we were sprinting, sweating.

I usually said like I would usually say, oh, I agree, but I can't really because it's just easy to say I agree. But I couldn't really agree because we have to go right.

Like oh yeah, so there was a pause.

What to do.

Yes, I'll be the one that starts crying, and she'll be the one that pulls it together. And I'm not kidding, she's the parent on the I'm the child sometimes.

So anyways, we were like running, it's anyway, so anyway we're wait, anyways.

It's not. But I'm so glad.

We've got a couple of good examples of your application for MIT.

So anyway, we were running through to get to the terminal to get to our gate, and we ended up making it right, yeah, and here we are, and my hair was super greasy and there was like so many cute boys in the like in our gate.

So that's a cautionary tail, which is cute to the airport, decently cute, not like a swamp thing octopus.

I know.

My hair was really like you could buy chicken on it, and

All right, guys, bye bye,

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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