Just B Rant: It’s the Wine Talking

Published Apr 28, 2023, 4:00 AM

Bethenny talks about Hollywood money. Who handles it well and who doesn’t! Oh by the way, there’s wine involved!

I'm proud of myself because I'm launching Forever Young Wine and it's like back to Skinny Girl, back to the beginning where I walk restaurant to restaurant, talk to managers people who don't know who I am, French restaurant owners and managers who do the wine buying, and they're very snooty about it. And Rose is so crowded. And my Forever Young Rose, thank god, got the highest rating in US history for this crew Class A, which is this elevated level of Rose. We have two price points, and the elevated price point only eighteen vineyards in the world can make it. So I'm like walking and pounding my chest because quite frankly, I'm the one who started this modern version of celebrity alcohol brands. So I also feel like, okay, great, all these other celebrities are in it. I did it first. I was the first woman to be in it, so I've paved the way for all of them. I exited with Skinny Girl and now I'm walking back in. But because i'm you know, I did this. I sold the company. I sold Skinny Girl cocktails over thirteen years ago. I'm not somebody who's still on the cover of Forbes magazine and in Hollywood reported that everyone knows, and I'm kind of trying to stake my claim and be like, listen, I started this fucking thing, so I have a right to be here. And I'm coming back, you know, fifteen years older, with an elevated product, not just a cute, whimsical product, with an elite, phenomenal wine, with a great story, with a great name, with a superb bottle, and we are going to try to fucking crush it again. And I think we're going to. I think we're going back in like we did the first time. So I'm very excited. I want to talk about Sophia Ritchie and this wedding that everybody is idealizing into this fairy tale. And while she's young and beautiful and looks perfect and her fashion was amazing and it was a Chanelle moment, and you know it was, it looked like a fairy tale, we don't know her, we don't know this man she married. And here's the fairytale. She was with Scott Disick, which definitely represents the bad boy that many of us have been with dating them on a roller coaster, the highs, the lows. It's exciting, but you feel like you have no seatbelt on. You're in a car with no brakes. You are breathless, and you don't feel like you're on solid ground. And she seemingly married a nice men. She Jewish guy named Elliott Grange converted for him and he's wealthy and he comes from a good family. And she has curated and planned with a team this rebrand and she has a new social media page and it's Chanelle and it's vogue and it's natural and it's fun and it's accessible and she's doing her makeup and a bathroom so we can I'll see it live and direct, and she's having fun and it's not orchestrated. And everyone is comparing it to the Kardashians that this is a new era, and everyone's talking about the new aesthetic is going to be understated, old money elegance, which is funny because everybody's acting like this is very accessible. When she got married at the Hotel dew Cap, I was there years ago and I'm going this summer with Paul. It's a very expensive, very exclusive, very elite place in the south of France, and it was a star studded wedding, and she's managing to execute this in a way where it seems accessible. But let's not get it twisted. It's not accessible now. No one can afford to, you know, to go there and dress like this and do that. It's not you know, for the masses. So I guess the lesson is there's a way to deliver elitism where people feel included. Gwyneth Paltrow has failed at it. She has made it seem like her noses up and it's not accessible, and that she doesn't speak to this average person. Somehow, Sophia Richie, who is in many ways more elite now than Gwyneth Paltrow, portrays to be, and she grew up with money. But somehow people are mad at Gwyneth Paltrow but excited about Sophia because of the platter that it came on, because of the team that orchestrated it, because of the way it's being distributed, because of the new TikTok page, and all of it is just different versions of an inaccessible fairy tale. But everybody idealizes it. And back in our day, we idealized Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston, we idealized Justin Bieber and Hayley Bieber. We don't know any of these people, and we idealize all of it. We idealize Kim and Kanye we athlete, we know them, we put them on a pedestal. We idealize, you know, sometimes Jennifer Lopez and Bret and Ben Affleck because they're getting back together on a lost love rekindled. We don't fucking know anything. We don't know what goes on with Machine Gun, Kelly and Megan Fox who people said was cheating, Travis Barker and Courtney Kardashian. We don't know these people. We don't know anything. It's the package that they're delivering it in. So Sophia Ritchie's package and delivery and team is smarter. Are we just respecting the marketing or are we actually thinking we know any more about the people because we don't, so we have to give credit to the business in the package. But why is that different than the actual package that Chanelle Blush comes in than a Nicks, you know, a Nix Blush. Why if what's inside is similar? How we don't know any different? Just the package is different. We don't know if Sophia Ritchie is a better or worse person than Gwyneth Paltrow or Jennifer Aniston or Hayley Beaver. We don't know her. We don't know. We just know the package that it's coming in, and we don't know. Maybe she's just smarter, We don't know. I love the package that's coming in and it's beautiful and to be respected, but we don't know. And you know this is talking about the Kardashians. I do know this. I do know that the Kardashians brand and package and the way it's delivered is fuck you. You can't afford it. You can just buy a lipgloss to try to aspire to have it and to enter into this. This is dripping new money. We make our cars silver and Swede and pink, and we just dangle and drip the money. We tell you that the inside of our plane is airmes we go, and we rent Marilyn Monroe's inaccessible dress. We are fuck you rich. Our aesthetic is fuck you new money rich. And you will never attain this waste to these extensions, these lashes, this face, this beat with the makeup. You can just buy into it by buying a lip gloss or a pair of shapewear undies that are gonna suck you in, but you don't get to participate. We're not gonna give it to you for free. We're not gonna give you photos and our routine for free. You got to go somewhere and subscribe to it. Chris Jenner has to decide when you're gonna get the baby name. Chris Jenner is gonna spread out the announcements of relationships, babies, divorces, affairs, celebrity entanglements, and what goes on on an episode. She's going to slowly give it to you on an ivy drip as she deems profitable. And Sophia Richie is going to give it all and connect with this audience live and direct so we feel like we're connected to it. Chris Jenner is going to parse it out as she sees fit. She's gonna give some over here to TMZ, She's gonna give some to E so she makes sure that the headlines are all positive for her. She's gonna sell some here, sell some there, detract from this there. She's got to make sure that she's gonna fucking spread that shit around in an orchestrated manner where Sofia Richie is going to do attainable wealth, seemingly accessible wealth in real time as she gives us her makeup tips and routine. We get to be there with her. We get to be there with her, even though it's no more attainable than Kim Kardashian. It's simply a different esthetic. But it just doesn't seem as manipulated. It doesn't seem as take every fucking penny off the floor. It seems more fun, like she's having fun. It doesn't seem like it has to be perfect, and it doesn't seem like it says fuck you. This is new money. Frankly, Sofia Richie was born into money, but so is Gwyneth Paltrow. So here are three very different ways of delivering wealth, Gwyneth Paltrow, Sofia Richie, Kim Kardashian, three very different ways of delivering unattainable wealth. But yet it's coming off differently. It's hitting off, it's hitting different. Gwyneth's wealth is hitting as very intimidating, very unrelatable Shia Gauasha Asie micro needling, bone broth. That's Gwyneth Kim Kardashian. And Kylie Jenner and Chloe and Courtney and the car Jenner's. Their wealth is coming off. Fuck you, I'm rich. You're not. You'll never come close to whatever this is. Sophia Richie's wealth is coming off. As it's understated, I was born into it. I'm entirely comfortable with it. I don't have a ton to prove, but I'm going to maximize my moment, and I'm going to do it in an elegant way, and I'm going to lean into this new wealthy marriage in a different way than my bad boy era.

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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