Let's learn from Justin. Plus, the many, many available ways to not drink and drive.
So let's talk about Justin Timberlake. I am going into New York City. I am going to his concert. I am excited. Let me explain to you there are ten people in the world that I would get off my ass, oh my god, and go from the Hamptons by the beach in the sunshine into New York City to see a concert. Let me tell you what they would be. Alicia Keys at the Beacon. I fucked that up and I missed it a couple of years ago, and I'm still not over it. Alicia Keys, I would get off my ass for to see Justin Bieber. I would get off my ass for to see Pink. I have gotten off my ass to see And some of these people are generational, like meaning, I don't know if today I would go see Elton John or Billy Joel, but there was a time that I would go Lionel Richie. I fucked that up too. I didn't go in Atlantic City or Vegas. I fucked that up. Jayla's a great concert. I believe I'd have to go see jay Z and I'd probably go see Beyonce if I had the tickets. But like not the same as Justin Timberlake. For me because the dancing and she dances too. This is no I mean, Beyonce's a queen. There's just something about Justin Timberlake for me that's like, I know the music and the dancing, and I think he's so incredibly talented. By the way, if you've ever seen the mashups he does with Jimmy Fallon, it's like watching the Muppets buss like all these heads everywhere and all these instruments, and like, give the fucking guy his flowers. We can get into his mistakes, but like, we're gonna give Justin Timberlake his flowers. That's what we're gonna do. Because he's talented. We cannot negate in a person's entire career because seven hundred years ago, when dinosaurs were walking the earth, he did something that people don't like with Brittany when gene outfits. Okay, I don't know, it was a thousand years ago, and I'm not belittling anything, but we are not who we were twenty years ago. Kim Kardashian is not in a nude film or doing a sex tape. Today. She's a businesswoman, and I'm not who I was twenty years ago. Either like Basta. So justin Timberlake is not whatever he was with Britney Spears. And by the way, Britney Spears has made some errors in her life too. I don't listen to anything about justin Timberlake as it pertains to Britney Spears, like we are adults. He's talented beyond measure. Okay, now we get into the Hamptons. Now we get into the alleged driving under the influence. The bartender said he had one drink. Now I wasn't with him. I don't know he was stopped after did he have a drink before? Maybe for argument's sake, he was at the bar, and I know he's justin Timberlake. But if he was blackout drunk with the bartender at the American Hotel has served him, I don't think so. Those bartenders are very familiar. This is not like you're at the Marriott in Times Square. It's a small bar where people know each other. At the American Hotel bar, a lot of stories have happened there. They're not gonna serve someone blackout, so we're gonna just keep eliminating. He took a picture. He didn't look he looked great. Everyone loved it. But he didn't look sober. But I have no idea. Was he surfing, Did he have saltwater in his eyes? I don't know. So now we have a guy who the only proof is that he had one drink. He has a mugshot that's brought sexy back in mugshots. Justin Timberlake has single handedly brought sexy back in mugshots. Okay, we didn't even know it was there, but it's there. And in the Hampton's we do mugshots differently. But he's an entertainer. I'm going to see it. And let's chalk it up to a possible mistake. Let's say he drank under the influence, and people are saying it's a mistake. It's a massive mistake. It's a tragic, grave, dangerous error. It's a cautionary tale. What I like about it is no one got hurt, and it's the beginning, not the end. It's the beginning of the summer. When people like me who have children who are either going to be on the road in an uber or driving or at parties where people are drinking, it really solidifies for the parents too, the message of drinking and driving, and people always think it's people that are younger. You know, it's gonna be teens. In college students they all take ubers a lot, and it's the adults. And I think about certain people that I know that I know go out and have cocktails and get in the car because the adults think they're invincible, the married couples. When someone looks middle aged, they don't look like they're gonna get a driving under the influence. You think of like people in college, But it really is a lot of times people my age drink so their tits fall off. Okay, they're middle aged, they're bored, they're stressed, they have bills, they have kids, they have responsibilities, they're in the thick of it. Now, these are the people that drink. I'm not saying college students don't drink. If you're on TikTok, everybody wh's twenty two is black out every weekend. I'm just saying people my age give them a run for their money. Go to a middle aged party and any called to sac you're gonna see some fucking swinging, some drinking, some edibles. You're gonna see some serious shit. So justin Timberlake is a man who I think he's middle aged, she's almost middle aged. She's married, he has kids, he's wealthy, he has responsibilities. But it was a cautionary tale for people to not not drink and drive, like one one glass of wine, like that's it and you won't have your judgment. So if you're planning on going anywhere near alcohol, you have the plan in place with other people, like a buddy system. You say, it's your wife, your friend, everybody get organized and you know, yes there's Uber, Yes they're drivers, Yes they're a taxis. Get a friend, you know. But I'm saying, you got to have a plan. You got to have a plan. But it's really easy to get Lyft and Uber. It's so easy. And nobody has any right to have a drink if they don't have a plan for how they're going to get home. Now, a designated driver, a taxi number, a train, a bus. I don't care, walking, I don't care. But drinking and driving you could kill somebody else, ruin your life, ruin their life. The whole thing is just a bad disaster. And the first thing that happens this is a one And I am a woman who invented the skinny margarita and has a wine called Forever Young. You drink and you lose your judgment. So drinking is a wonderful thing when in moderation, when social, When it becomes something that is dangerous, I'm against it. So you're gonna drink and you're gonna lose your judgment and you're not gonna make good decisions about what the fuck to do next. You have to have a plan before you have any alcohol whatsoever. It will impair your judgment. So I'm going to see justin Timberlake. I'm excited for the concert. You know. I'm happy this happened and no one got hurt because everybody's more on alert and hopefully it will save lives and people will be safer. So it doesn't matter about the gossip. It doesn't matter about right now for me in my life, what happened or what didn't happen. What matters is mine, yours, and my daughter's safety. That's what I think about. Let to the pasters, to the after, Let to the after,