Just B Rant: I'm the Prize

Published Jun 12, 2024, 7:00 AM

Get off the taking train, get with the program - we'll sleep when we're dead. Plus, some of my favorite one-liners of advice!

Another thing society tries to put on young women. I was at a dinner a couple months ago with several gorgeous young women. One had more extensions and lashes and makeup, and they all looked hot, and they had hot dresses on all of them twenty years younger than I am.

All of them.

I can't meet anybody. There's nobody. I'm like, listen, you guys all don't know what you're doing. Get to come to my house with the internship program, because I could be your mother. And I can get pretty much any man that I am interested in and that I meet. And I'm not being conceded.

I'm not bragging. It's just a fact. It's just a fact. Why.

Because I have my own money, because I'm confident, because I'm funny, because I'm not vain, because I don't care, and because I'm enjoyable and entertaining. Nobody has anything I need or want. I don't need someone to support me. I don't need someone to pay for my dent work, my new tits, my new nose, my house. My kids are not coming in a lot of women are coming in their fifties divorce, and they're they're the taking tree. They think they're hot. They've gotten plastic surgery. They're forty, they're fifty, they're divorced, they've got two to three kids. They're a little self conscious about that. They've got a little bit of baggage. But okay, they start meeting men, they start being on the blood in the water hunt because they want to meet a man who's gonna take fold in this program. They may not have done well and they're divorced, they've got kids. Men are gonna be like, what the f I don't.

Need that program.

I don't need the I got to support someone in their whole life when I've got my own ex program. It's gonna be hard for that group. That group also has a lot of problems, and they're always I've heard my friends say to me that they're other friends a bag.

How does Bethanios meet these guys? How does Bethany always meet these guys?

Oh? My god, the rings, the guys, the men, the boats, the planes, the presence. Why because I'm the prize? How age is just a number? It is, it doesn't I don't care about it. If you care about it, keep it moving. But I haven't had that experience I also know to shop. Not going for twenty eight year old You know guys like I'm not going for thirty eight year old bro, Guys that fistpound each other and like go to bars, and like, I'm interested in men. If you're a man, you do not want to date a young girl who's on the gold digger take care of my life program. That's not what they want. So be a woman who's independent, who's happy and fine being alone, and any man would just be additive. That's the kind of woman you want to be, where the man is complementary, a supplemental aspect, but you go out there hunting. Be a one size fits all woman that can support yourself, can have a baby on your own, can do whatever you want on your own, and then if you meet someone, it's just additive. That's the way to roll. And I've had men say to me, I don't know what the what's wrong with me? Why I'm jealous for the first time, Why I'm so into you? I'm not.

You know.

What they want to say is you're fucking fifty three, bro, I don't know why I'm so into you. That's what they want to say. They're confused as to why they're into me. So if you don't get it, you don't get it. I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you. So I'm not saying it's gonna be this cute at sixty five. But this fucking program is still going. And I'm shocked too. But there's no shortage of men at my feet wanting to me to pick them as the bachelor, wanting me to give them the final rose. So while you're young, this is what this is. This is what my daughter has to look forward to. That's what my daughter has met. Young boys always swirling too, because she's the least interested party. She's confident. She wants to work on her own, be on her own. No, I'm gonna be at the girls this weekend. What she's fourteen or fourteen? I was running boy crazy. Nope, we're not inviting Boys's just gonna be with the girls this weekend. I'm like, you go, girl, I want to make my own money. I want to do my own to make my own money. I don't need a boy. Yes, yes, Quin learned from the Master Jedi. Mind trick is working. Let's talk about the lines in my life that people have told me famous quotes, the famous people and some non famous people have told me in my life that I've stuck with me. I could have had so many more, but these are the ones that stick with me. Number one, pros play hurt. You fucking show up. That's it. It doesn't matter, no one cares. You committed to it, you do it, you finish it, you crush it. We don't care if you're tired. We don't care if you're hungry. We don't care if you can sleep last night. We don't care what happened to your foot. We don't care if you have a sore ankle. We don't care if you're cold. It doesn't matter. If you're committing to it, commit to the bit. So pros play hurt. I can't sleep at night, I have to do an interview the next morning. That are committed to I have to get on a plane, do an appearance. It's the tough Ship program, It's the pros play hurt. I'm down, I don't feel good. We'll sleep when we're dead. So number two is we'll sleep when we're dead, which is a relative to pros play hurt and commit to the bit is just to it you're a bad singer, but you're singing in something. Commit to it, don't like be don't waffle, don't be halfway in, don't be halfway out. Commit just go all the way. Okay, whatever it is, do it or don't, that's another relative, do it or don't. But the ones that are like more like less obvious are Ellen Degenero is telling me two things.

You may love Ellen, you may not like Ellen. I don't care. What she said was right.

What she said was don't believe the hype and don't believe the hate. Don't believe everyone loving you, don't believe everyone hating you. And you don't have to be famous for this to apply. It means in any case, don't get all into yourself. Don't drink your own kool aid, don't believe it all. Just don't buy into it. But also when everyone hates you, don't buy into that either. Be unbothered. People hate you, great, they're talking about you. If they stop talking, start worrying, that's another one. I keep doing ones that I don't even believe, like that it weren't even intended, Like don't drink your own kool aid. That's a cousin don't believe the hype. That's funny, So yeah, don't buy into the bullshit. I am a walking bumper sticker. I've determined after this okay. He also said to me, you will keep making the same mistake until you learn the lesson. Yes, relationships, jobs, problems, issues with the law, substance, whatever, you will keep making the same mistake until you learn the lesson. A cousin of that is definition of insanities repeating the same behavior and expecting different results. These things are real because they're true, Maya Angelou. If someone shows you who they are, believe them massively true. Another one, Lauren Michaels, said to me, he's the creator of SNL.

You have to make an exit to be able to make an entrance. I love that.

For me, that was the difference between leaving Housewives for what was now to me a pittance coming back to a pile of money. I didn't do it on purpose. I hadn't heard his quote yet, but I left because I wanted to leave.

You have to be able to walk out of something. That's what it really is like.

You have to be able to walk away from something for everything else to come. That's how my career became so much more lucrative every time I walked from the Housewives. The first time I came back for any number I wanted, I asked for the number. I got it, and it's not a million. Just so we are all clear, I didn't make a million dollars per season. I didn't make a million dollars per season. I made a lot more.

So that's that.

But I walked out, and the second time I walked out, I thought, I'm so to semi retiring, and I make a lot more money since walking out, a lot more, and I thought the party's over.

It was multiple millions of dollars.

Guess what, being honest, being truthful, loving what I do, being passionate, being authentic, and doing it my way, I ended up making a lot more money and.

It drives people crazy.

So and the last one, my friend Loui Lasanaro, he said to me in Matters of the Heart in dating and relationship, based on my patterns that he's observed knowing me, he said, you're always with the same it's all the same guy, the same guy, over and over. He said, rock stars need rock stars. I said, that's fucking powerful. Lulaiz an arrow.

Rockstars need rock stars. You're right.

My whole life, I've gone out, I've found amazing people, but in many cases, dated down rockstars need rock stars. We as women often think we're lucky to be in the room.

I'm like God, the God. I see it on TikTok all the time. Look what he said, Look at he texted. He texted, you're cute. Oh my god, what you're the prize? He should be texting that. He should be texting.

Don't be graveling and picking up scraps and crumbs, and don't be dating down.

Be alone. If you're gonna date down, be alone.

If you're going to settle for less than what you deserve, be alone.

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