It’s usually Bethenny pointing out others missteps… But find out what happened that left her on the receiving end of a lesson and feeling humbled and even embarrassed!
Oh, did I fucking fuck up the snacks? So for sports, like my daughter has lacrosse and they email you and they ask, like if someone wants to be like snack mom or team mom, and like that's the correspondence mom. And I wanted to be like in the snack rotation, and I don't think I can own snacks. Snacks is probably something that many people want, but I got my fucking shot at snacks and I choked. And the reason I choked is that, like I've seen that they eat pizza or donuts and they've just done sports, and I thought, after sports, you'd want a Gatorade. Like I thought that was a lead. A gatory could be like two three dollars or you know, and just thirty kids. So I was gonna bring thirty Gatorades and a cond bar because I thought, you've just worked out, you has a donuts good and I know that's what a kid's gonna want. But like, I just got the combo between kind bars and gatorade would would endear me to the parents and be fine with the kids. So a couple of things happen. You got to know when to walk over you're on a la crossfield which is gigantic, like it's like a football field, and you don't want to be like the dork mom. It's like carrying all the snacks going across the field, and I already am like a no, I'm already a known person, and my daughter's friends are kind of fans and they know that. So I don't want to be the dork mom walking across, but there's sort of no other way to do it, and I just don't. I'm not incognito. And so I got to the game a little late last time, and Brinn didn't want the snack at the beginning anyway, because they're getting ready to play, so it's like you're playing double Dutch trying to figure out when to come in. So I walked across and brought them over there midway through, but like I didn't have it in a nice, cooler field with ice. It was just gatorades that were cold. I had had them in the freezer I prepared all day and they were then in this big like cooler zip you know, toe bag. But those kids are kind of intimidating by me and I at the end of the game, I was standing there and I was like, do you want to and I was embarrassing her. I'm sure I just wanted to sell my Gatorades and coind bars and I got fucking caught, and only and the first person took once I got excited, only three people took the Gatorades, and like nobody took a kind bar. But everybody was kind of dispersed already. So at the end of the game, like you need something that's going to attract them. It's not like the middle of the game where they're sort of just hydrating and bored and just taking something or it's on each of their chairs. It's something people have to walk over to fight each other for and like grab out of a bag. And it's like a psychology of things that are intimidating. And it happens at a Super Bowl buffet, or it happens at a barbecue. Like if you give people a certain food and it's the only thing they get and they're just standing there, they'll eat it. But if you're competing with other snacks, they're not going to go for your thing. So I choked. So I was talking to my assistant and she was like, you should you know we were in high school. They brought Clementines. I'm like, oh my god, I'll be canceled if I bring clemen. First of all, they're touching dirty lacrosse sticks, and then they're gonna fucking touch the skins and like touch put it in their mouth. I don't know. I don't like that touch, touch the fruit itself, put in their mouth. I don't like the Clementine vibe. And I guess the kind bar is that too. Everything you're gonna touch with your hands. So I guess now I gotta give them hand sanitizer and then they're gonna touch it. So then she suggested chicken nuggets. That's like so cool, and I thought, well, yeah, I love chicken nuggets, and so well they but what are we doing, Like, I'm they're gonna be cold chicken nuggets. I'm not gonna be out of like Schaefer trays to or like a fucking air fryer on the side. So I was wanted to be like cool snack mom, and I choked. So what I decided, And I don't want any other moms to copy me on this, And I know this will be a fail because I think I'm changing my mind as I'm saying it. I went to Cinnabon and I saw they have individual little mini cinnabuns, like you're pulling them apart. And that also feels like gross, like they're gonna have dirty lacrosse hands touching those. So now as I'm talking to you about it, I think, like a bake by Melissa, it's at least dryer. It's like not a sticky like mix with dirt, and those are small or like treat it's individual rice Krispy Tree, it's mini cupcakes. I don't know. I think I might do cinnamon be cinnamon because it's from you know, Cinnabon, and those are so popular and everyone always loves them and that's so unique and different, and they make mini ones. So I'll get back to you. It's important that I get back to you and let you know. And I'm a fucking around with drinks. They could drink water, and I should get them many little cheap o waters that they have at the drug store because the big gatorad you know, it's a lot of waste too. It's not being green. I just feel like there are a lot of things I have to think through. I actually think a juice box, but then are they gonna think it's too babyish and they're like above juice boxes because they're very hydrating and they're functional. I don't know. I gotta go back and it's tomorrow, so I gotta get organized about my snacking. Oh well, I'm not even snack mom tomorrow, but I want to, like I want to make up for my bad snack thing and be like cool snacks. And my assistant was like, no, you're not snack mom tomorrow. So now I'm gonna be the one like showing up the other mom. And that's okay because I fucked up last time and I don't want anyone to know. I don't want anyone to copy me, So let me know what you guys think. Because I thought come bars were dry and that was positive, like not bad dry, but like not sticky, like not chocolate all over your uniforms. So that's why cinnabuns are a little flawed. But like Treathouse is only one place in a city, and then I'm causing a problem, like I just want to get something it's easy and accessible, so it's like supermarket individual cupcakes. Mini donuts seem like a good idea too, you know how they like the but then the powders everywhere and the chocolate's everywhere, Like what the fuck am I gonna do? And would you show up the other moms? Like what would you do? There's not a group of moms. I'm just saying, like I want to redeem myself. And I guess cold pizza is good too, Like what do I do? What's the one thing I could do to be different and unique that I'm willing to do to just like redeem myself and be cool snack mom? And they'll be like, oh my god, yay, Brin's mom brought like I just want to do that sports thing. They went from being little babies in a carriage to being like real athletes and like I thought if my daughter didn't play a lot, like that's the kind of thing. They're at the age where you could say sending to the coach like yeah, like can she play more? Like this is not where we are. We're at like competitive level sports. Some of the kids on her team for volleyball and basketball on lacrosse, they're not fucking around. They're like gazelles running down the field checking people like they're not they're serious athletes. So the game started catching up with me really quickly, no pun intended, where like I just didn't know that I had to have like extra credit sports. We're trying to do a tutor sometimes for school to keep up with that, but now we need like a sports tutor. And it can't just be like someone to come over with her and fuck around once in a while. It needs to be a league and camps. Because her friends are all in competitive leagues when they're not playing at school, so they're playing soccer, but they're playing soccer after school, and they're playing in a league after school, and they all are playing together, So like Britna doesn't look as close to the school as everybody else, so she's not caught up, and I just felt One day I had a breakdown. I was going to Florida for U for a trip, and she went to go to this after school sort of half bullshit volleyball thing. But I thought I was good, like I was doing extra credit getting her in a volleyball thing, but it's like not at the level. I now realized that I had her in spoiled volleyball, not intentionally. It was just like a normal place, but like it wasn't competitive fucking cutthroat volleyball. So she went over one day and the other kids didn't show up on that day, and she was crying because it was like an hour away because she was committed, and she's sometimes doing this till nine o'clock at night. She doesn't get home till ten o'clock at night, my twelve year old. So that night she was crying. She was like, now I missed. It was a nice day and I didn't get it, and everyone's ahead of me, and she was having anxiety because she's middle of the pack good, she's not the best and she's not the worst, but like other people are fucking on the case. So now I was gasping for air because we were behind, and I just didn't have it organized, like I didn't know it needed to be organized, like my business. So one night I got organized. My assistant. We were both like crying. My assistant was crying. I was crying. We felt like we were behind because we're in so sweet and we don't want her to feel bad and behind, and she's so nice and she's willing to do anything and she'll work hard and she doesn't care. But we weren't organized. We weren't treating it like a business. So I was more concerned with that than the appearance I was doing. And I got very fucking tight and right, and now I can't even breathe. Now she's like, now we're on the case. And what happens is during that sport, they're focused on that sport. So we were in basketball season and she realized that she wasn't good and she was freaking out, and she was like, I'm not good and I felt bad, and I found a place, and I found a place that weekend in Boston where she could at least go play with like older kids. But that's not her main sport that she cares about. So during basketball, all she was thinking about was basketball, but she wasn't playing ahead and thinking about what was gonna happen in the spring for lacrosse. So then she started lacrosse, and she's doing lacrosse, but like off season, people are still playing lacrosse, so and next year they'll be ahead of where she is. But it moves fast because now we're into volleyball and so it's very hard to know how to like be good at all of it. So she doesn't feel left out. And I think the answer is like you got to pick one or two things that you want to be good at because God doesn't give you everything, and you can't be good at everything. So we have to decide we're gonna suck at some things and play for fun, and some things we're gonna focus on. And that's really hard because when it comes to the season of sucking, you feel insecure and bad about yourself because the other people are good. So it's like it's very hard to manage playing chess and checkers with this sports shit. So right now, she's not in volleyball season, and she's doing volleyball on days that she's not playing lacrosse, and then so hopefully in the fall she'll be better at volleyball when they're playing volleyball, and all summer, I'm trying to manage, like playing all of it so we could just keep up with the joe Is and basketball is gonna be some sort of occasional thing and we're gonna sort of suck at basketball, but try to keep up and not cry because we suck, and then try during basketball season to keep up with lacrosse for next spring. I don't fucking know. This is insane, That's what I wanted to say overall, I want to talk about tween rules in an uber. I'm not comfortable with their Like many adults now after school they walk to get boba. We walked to We mean walk to get boba? And what do you mean you went to Target in New York City by yourself, Like you're twelve years old almost she's thirteen years old in two weeks. But like, these kids are all going to the mall and doing things, and I know I'm helicoptering, but it's just like it's New York City and I don't like it and I feel uncomfortable. And so I have the Life three sixty track you kid on the phone, which I feel comfortable about, and it talk. It tells you how fast a car is going and all that. And Paul, my fiance, actually gave her rules for an uber, which I thought was amazing. When you get in, you take the uber's name, you take the information, and you call a parent and you tell them who you're in the uber with, and you tell the uber person that you're just gonna call the parent and can you get their name and information. You basically let the uber driver know that you're calling your parent and letting them know that you're in the car and how long will it take to get to the next place. So if you don't get to the next place on time, the parent knows that it's because of the uber that you're in, Like it's just effectively communicating so you feel safe, so the uber person knows you're alert and just that was sort of how Paul told it to her. She could explain it better because just a lot this between age who