Just B Rant: Celebrity Issues

Published May 23, 2023, 4:20 AM

Bethenny has some deep insight into J.Lo & Ben’s relationship as well as what change Meghan Markle needs to make. Plus, Bethenny has first hand knowledge that pulls back the curtain on Kris Jenner!

So Jlo and Ben Affleck are in photographs with him being animated quote unquote fighting who says they're fighting? Now? It looks tiring, and it looks like the j LOO program for a person like Ben Affleck. Maybe tiring, But what does someone know about what's going on in their relationship? Like I'm animated all the goddamn day. Paul said he never saw someone walk with intention from one room to another like I do. I walk like I'm going, you know, to do the White House press briefing every morning, to go in the other room and get some popcorn. Like So, maybe he's an animated talker, but the best is everybody just speculating. Ooh, another heated exchange with Ben and Jen. What are you fucking You've got dog ears? You can hear what they're talking about. They're just he's just being animated. So I like to play Devil's advocate. I don't know. The looks exhausting, and Ben Affleck has looked exhausted, but it doesn't mean and they're having troubles, you know, and their marriage has to work. She cannot. This is that this is a it's too big to fail. It is a too big relationship to fail. This is her final chance. It cannot fail. They could buy a house the size of the state of Texas and live on opposite sides of it and have two different relationships going on. But failure is not an option. It's not an option. They cannot fail, just cannot fail. It is too big to fail. That is a too big defail Harry and Meghan is too big to fail relationship too. You can't fucking fail. It's too much going on. You can't fail. It's not allowed live on different sides of the Monacito mansion. But you cannot fail. Harry and Meghan. We're seen hanging out with Cameron Diaz and Gwyneth Paltrow. Like, Okay, there are certain people that when they get fail they're only friends with famous people, so I can name drop on here, Like I'm friends with some really really famous people, like I'm friends with Kelly Ripa, friends with Sea, friends with Ellen like friendly with Ellen, friends with Eric stone Street, friends with all these people, But like I have, I don't hang out with them all that much, Like I'm not always like dining with them because I'm my other my like real non celebrity friends. Those are the people that I really hang out with. If you see celebrities that like are all of a sudden just only going out to dinner with other celebrities, only being seen with other celebrities, think on it, like Megan and Harry. Meghan now is only friends with famous people. They first got married and they were just George and Amal. We have not seen them in a while. I keep bringing it up. Where are George and Amal? They were good friends with Pash and David Beckham. Where are Pash and David? They had a falling out, So now every that they're friends with, they only hang out with really famous people, Chris Jenner, Ellen DeGeneres because they were at Ellen's and Porsia's fiftieth. They're hanging out with Chris Jenner and Ellen degenerous just because they all live in Montecito and Oprah. They're not friends with normal people now they're just friends with Gwyneth and Cameron Diaz. Like it's giving, very elitist. It's not giving. We're people of the people at all. We're people other people. When we stand on podiums and accept humanitarian awards for being podium standards, they're good podium they're good at the red carpet, and they're good at the podium and the photo opportunity. But they go from podium standing and photo opportunity to a list celebrity hanging. But there's no middle there. They hang out with Oprah, Gwyneth Cameron, Ellen, Chris Jenner, Posh, David Amal, George Prianca, Jonas uh Serena Williams. Where are the Where are the people of the people? What happened to those people? We're the people of the people, just like Diana. What No, I don't see the people of the people. I see podium standards and I see a list celebrity hangers. And like I said, I can hang out with a less celebrities every day. So don't say, oh, because you can't hang out with a listen, I can hang out with a list celebrities every day. Why don't I Because I don't, because it's not who I am, Because because because that like that, it just reads it reads opportunistic to have gone from you know, just the regular girl to an actress on suits to like only Oprah Ellen, Chris Jenner and uh, you know a plus plus plus famous people or the people you hang out with. Don't sell me your bag of bullshit. Just don't the monascito millionaire. That's their audience, that's their group, when it's not the podium preachers. Podium preachers about the people, they're people podium preachers. I inquired about a vehicle. I wanted to trade in two cars that I have. People have always talked about the sleazy, sleezy, sleazy business of being a car salesman. You're on their mailing list. It is way worse than buying something online. One guy asked about the car, and then the guy was like, Oh, hey, did you just tell car Did you just text me to tell me that our pricing is too high? Did you want to make me an offer? Like bullying? Like car salesmen bullying, They're fucking nuts. They're fucking nuts. They're aggressive, they're abrasive. That must be so cutthroat. They're emailing, they're texting, they're stalking. But it's fucking crazy. I have a great cool story on TikTok. I saw Chris Jenner promoting this like pizza specialty with the Dorito's and pizza okay, and I have a story about it. So number one I saw a girl posted about it is cringe. Chris Jenner telling a story about what she grabs her It was her idea because she has Dorito's in her purse and she decided to marry it with you know, Papa John's pizza, this cheap pizza, you know, this cheap pizza brand pizza, and she decided to marry it together. And so the invention was born. And I'm really just picturing Chris Jenner as she shakes her fifty dollars salad and like her Dorrito's in her purse, so whatever it is, and it so seems so fake and it's cringe. It's like what advertising used to be. Like, Hey, I'm talking about the schleppamito and it's about this bag it chips it and it's like so cringe because people have become more real and you're just like, oh my god, Chris Jenner, what did they fucking pay you to destroy your brand like this? Remember when she did Chris Jenner did depends. They paid her a million dollars to do a dependzad. But anyway, it's just a cringe ad because of the way that it's delivered. It doesn't seem natural at all. And I know this because for my daughter's birthday party. She wanted this stuffed pizza. And we've talked about this stuffed pizza in the past on social media authentically because no one was paying us and we were just talking about this stuffed pizza. And she loves Papa John's. So I was talking to Papa John's because they've reached out to me by text before do you want free pizza? And do you want us to send you pizza? And it's like, if I'm gonna talk about your pizza, I want you to pay me. So we reached out to them and they meaning like naturally if I'm you know, because they've been like, we want you to get the free pizza and like they're gonna use me and post it on social So if I'm gonna talk about the free pizza, I'm gonna get paid. So they said that they had this like, you know, budget for this thing that coincidentally is the same thing that Chris Jenner was talking about. And I said to my person that I work with, I'm not going to talk about this thing in like an adsy way. I literally for much less money was offered that Chris Jenner add, well, I don't know what she did it for, but it wasn't the money that I was proposed. I'm sure she's got much more followers. So I was offered the ad that Chris Jenner did for Papa John's, but I said, I just want to talk about the pizza I'm eating naturally and what my daughter likes. I'm not gonna be like and they were like talking points, and I'm like, I'm not going to talk and talking points about this thing that I've never tasted, and like I'll mention that it's right there, like this is a piece of paper, this is a lip glass. I'll mention, like, oh, and they have this new product, so and I'll taste it and I'll say if I like it or if it's fine or whatever. And I saw it and it looked like a crispy like folded pizza colsone with a lot of stuff in it. It seemed if there was a lot going on, and the doritos and side weren't crispy, so it seemed like do we want Dorito's not crispy? And I don't know what it is. I haven't tried it yet because I wasn't being paid to try it. I saw it and I did not taste that some of the girls tasted it. I don't know what they actually thought, but I want you to know that my claim to fame is that I was offered the Chris Jenner AD, but I didn't like all the words and something got caught up with PepsiCo, who I guess owned them, and like it takes longer to approve an ad, and so I didn't do it. But I can tell you and I have the receipts to prove it that I said to Danielle, I'll do it, but I'm not doing all these points, like I'll just say, like I ate the pizza, and there's the thing, and I have to do everything totally naturally, like that's just the way I have to do it, with the exception of some podcast reads by a company if it's about a medical thing or they really want it to be like that and it's for the podcast. It's how the podcast goes. But I always try to make it in my own words, and some of the brands will be like, you can riff, but we could never do a podcast if every single one I had to like vet and do the way that I do in my own non pod life. But it was just funny that I saw Chris doing the most cringe worthy thing. I was like, how the fuck like you gotta like you gotta be selective and what's gonna come out of your mouth? Words have meaning and power and currency, and it was so inauthentic. And there's an other very an authentic ad I could think of right now and TikTok without throwing someone under the bus. So I won't say it, but like, guys, it's it's cringe when it's really not authentic. It's like, really, it's gotten way more cringe worthy

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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