Just B Rant: Bethenny Cries over WWHL

Published Dec 9, 2022, 5:00 AM

Emotions are high as we all deal with the WWHL aftermath. Bethenny is mentioning it all…

What a circus of emotions. The ride I have been on this morning is like nothing you can imagine. So I did watch What Happens Live. I then did a re rant about my experience. I watched What Happens Live with Jeff Lewis and What's going on Andy Cohen and how I walked into the Bravo clubhouse and Andy and I first decided to address uh an issue in the clubhouse and then it aired, So then I had already recorded this and then it aired, and it was like, I wanted to talk to you, Againt. It's like a circular reference. I can't stop going in circles because I am so teflon and so used to just you know, playing strong tennis and going into the clubhouse, which is is a tough sphere to be in, um, which is part of the Bravo sphere that I just that's the part I don't miss. Like, Frankly, at the beginning of when I was coming up, you'd have enos weekly article. You wouldn't have Instagram and TikTok and Twitter. And so I'm gonna give a shout out to all the housewives that endure this pop culture circus because it's a treadmill, and people like Erica Jane have had to get pummeled, not only in the media, the mainstream media, on TikTok, on Twitter, on Instagram, live it, rinse it, repeat it, and do it all over again, people like Lisa Rinna. You know, it can be intense. So I have to give all the housewives a big shout out and say that they deserve whatever it is that they're getting paid, because they shoot the show, the show airs, then they go through the media, the media tour, then they go and watch what happens live. And you know, as I said tod Andy Coleman this morning, I said, I'm it's fine watch what happens live. For me, It's like, Okay, I went in, I record, I promoted my podcast. I took some punches, and that's what the deal is. I'm gonna go in, I'm gonna take some punches, you know, promote my podcast, and I'm sure I do it all over again tomorrow. So since this episode aired of myself, Andy and Jeff Lewis, a lot has happened. People have reached out to me, Oh my god, you handled yourself like a chance. They were coming for you. It felt like an ambush. It felt like they were ganging up some people. Wow, that was explosive, That was fun. That was a roller coaster road. Some people on TikTok Bethany's vile piece of garbage and she deserved what she got. Or you know, there's a I have a lot of haters on TikTok or they maybe I'll just show their face and say how much they hate me there and Twitter. To TikTok and Twitter are probably the two most hateful places I can imagine on social media. But you know what, you've got to be able to take it if you're gonna, you know, be part of the fun parts of it. Um and I am teflon. So after that episode, I got so many messages and everybody was clamoring. You can't imagine the downloads from my own this podcast, just just just talking about the aftermath of that, Like people were just running on to hear my perspective about what went down. And I was shocked to hear all of a lot of the negativity saying like, wow, they definitely came in, came for you, like and I had a good time. I had a good time. And so I mentioned before that my daughter my assistants thought like it was a pretty hostile environment, and and and people on social media that have messaged me many many people and people personally have messaged me. So Andy texts me that I wow, that was crazy. I'm like, yeah, people thought it was a little bit of an ambush, and he was like, it's crazy. I you know, I knew it was intense in the moment, just like a reunion. And Jeff Lewis messaged me something like that that was, you know, fun, and I was like, it was definitely interesting, you know, because I never lie, and I'm just gonna be like, not rude. It was definitely interesting. And then the next day he was like, your TV gold and I said it was definitely good TV. I had fun. He's like, that's not what you said on your podcast and I said, I did actually have fun. It just the way that it's perceived now now hear me out. When I was about to say this, my thought was he's going to say whatever he says here, but he's going to do what everybody else does that I've ever met that's in entertainment, besides a few people that I'll mention on this podcast. They go and they then go just use that they screen grab and then they go use that in social media, or he's going to use it as a five days a week show. So I thought, grain assault. Whatever I write here to Jeff Lewis is ending up somewhere else. But at least I said what I said. So I said, let me pick up the phone. I looked at my phone to see if I had Jeff's number, and I do, and I called him. I said, listen. He said, you know, sorry, if you hurt it was something, and I said, listen, I'm fine. I just want you to know. I thought, I know I started if I said I'm fine, and don't hate the player, hate the game, and when you walk into that show, that's what's going to happen. And I can handle myself. I'm fine because I can handle myself. If I couldn't handle myself, that would have been a whole different story. Like it only looked like it did because I was handling myself and I am trained for that. And I said, we're not good friends, and you don't owe me anything. I said, I just want you to know how it was perceived. Um, And he said, oh my god, I didn't intend that at all. Like, I really like you, and I didn't mean for it to be that way. I truthfully thought, we're going in there and we're gonna spar and you're the only person I know who can handle it and take it, and that's what we're going to do. And I said, I thought from the beginning, I just had some dumb idea for him as a show. It felt like guns blazing for the minute I sat down, But again, I can take it. I'm not upset, I'm not mad. I'm just telling you that what my daughter said, and what my team said, and that what people texted me, and what it was perceived to be. And I get the sense that he might be a little you know, sensitive as a person, but you know, act like he's just all all nails, all tough. And he said, I didn't intend that at all, and I was, you know, and I'm about to start crying again, which is weird for me, because something about it. People are so gross these days that when someone is just the opposite, it shocks me and it moves me. And he said, I would love to apologize to your daughter. I'm really really sorry. And I can't believe he said that. I know it sounds crazy. I'm crying over this, Like he said, I'm really sorry. And I couldn't believe that because people don't do that. They don't call each other, they trash each other on social media, they go in circles. And I believe he was sorry because I've been there. I've said things that are cold and then realize, like other people, either he can't take it or be like I didn't realize how I came off. There's something that's how you come off. He didn't realize how he came off because of how it felt to him and how it felt funny and like making good television. I said, this is the nature of that beast. You walk in there and you're gonna get You're gonna get hit, and it's the price you pay for being able to promote what you're doing and what I'm doing, and you're not at the one winning. I mean, they're getting ratings and it is what it is. That's a massive show, has been their moracks and they're like, it's the price of admission. And I said, and he said, well, it'll be great for your podcast. And I said, if that were my primary concern, I wouldn't have left Housewives for millions of dollars, Like, my primary concern is being a human being, and you're saying that to me just now, and and you know, and he said, I'm gonna go on my radio show and I'm gonna say this, I'm going to talk about it. And I was like, I thought you'd do the opposite. I thought you'd get on and start trashing me like everybody else does, Like people just keep trashing each other onto other trash versus ironing it out and talking about it. And it really moved me. And I just have to say, but it's not the things that we do in our lives. We make mistakes, we say stupid things, we say inappropriate things, we say things that are not for the modern day. And the first thing that happens is everybody wants to beat you down. And it's gotten out of control. And instead of just me going and just doing a tour of trashing Jeff, I got on the phone with him and he, you know, I'm here to say, like, we all make mistakes. And I'm not even saying it was a mistake. He was on a television show. I can take it. It's a it's a it's it in many ways. Reality TV's a ship pit. We're all in it, you know. But he perceived he said as either a mistake, whether he didn't want to hurt my feelings, and he didn't even I didn't even know I had feelings about it because I'm so teflon, but I just realized I have feelings about it because when he said sorry, it just moved me so deeply, and I just think he's a class act and it said so much more about him for him to apologize. And then I was getting off that to get onto an interview and Andy calls me, and I said to hey, you know, you didn't need to say that line. And he was like, well, something that Ramona said about you. You know, but I don't support women. I'm afright, but you didn't start it with the Ramona. You made it like that's what people say. And he was like, I get that, like he was acknowledging what was going on, and he said it was not ambush. I'm like, you're right, it was not an ambush. I do not think that there was like a pre plan and everybody was sitting there with guns waiting me to come in. But it felt a little bit like imagine I'm okay with that. I'd go on again for tomorrow. It's a good promotion and it's funny you get to you know, it's the price of admission. But then he and I had a really nice and lightening conversation about me leaving Housewives and on what that process was like, which is private between us because I do not share the things that Andy and I discussed. You know, I don't air our laundry. Um. And we talked about just different things that have gone back and forth, you know, between the two of us. Not it's never been an argument. We have not ever been in an argument. We both are not only thick skinned and really enjoy each other and like each other and respect each other, but also business people, um. And we both have reason, both have reason to be annoyed at each other for different things because we've come up at the exact same time. Don't forget the first time Andy ever did a reunion was I don't know if it was Orange County, might have been with New York, Probably was Orange County. I don't know. It was like back in that day. It was just an idea that the network had, So he was like a young executive coming up in the entertainment industry, and I was a young real the person coming up in the entertainment industry. And we both have had ten careers since then. We both published books, we both have done shows and TV and radio and podcasts and deals and products and all of it. So you know you're gonna crack a few heads. I just want to say that shout out to Jeff Lewis and Andy because both of them today I wanted to really clear the air. And you know, I'm not saying Andy, like you know, apologize, just kind of apologize with Jeff full fledge apology apology. Andy, I'm not saying he owed me any sort of apology, but like an apology lights like I'm sorry that this went down this way today. And also this is some stuff that you and I have gone back and forth about and like clean and it's really nice. I just think that that's just it's not about Bravo and it's not about myself for Jeff or watch What Happens Live. It's about life and things are gonna be unpleasant. You're not gonna like everything someone says or does, but to kind of get on the phone, not all the time, but just like pick up the phone, get sit down a summer for lunch and just clear the air. It's really made me feel good. I've been like I've cried three times, like you know, slight tears three times today. So I'm really glad I went to watch It Happens live because it restored my faith in humanity

Rants with Bethenny Frankel

Bethenny Frankel tells it like it is. RANT Definition: speak or shout at length in a wild, impassio 
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