It’s a new year but it all still feels the same. Bethenny has cheat codes for making the new year more about a new you and not living for what you’re “supposed” to be.
So we see all these different magazine photos that we see like the Megan Foxes wearing the crazy, crazy outfits and then the you know, ozempic Dashians like in half tops and looking all snatched and great, and you know, everybody's so body forward and body conscious and it's new Year, New you. And I know I'm thin, and you know I go on photo shoots and the the costume person, the wardroperson, like, oh my god, you're so fit or you're snatched or whatever word they use. It's not snatched, like you're tight or something. And my first thought is not to say thank you. My first thought is to say, oh my god, I don't exercise at all. People always say, oh my god, you must exercise all the times you work out every day, And I said, I don't work at at all. And then I feel guilty because I feel like it's like a humble brag, which it's not. It's like saying, I know, you know, I eat everything like it's so annoying, so I don't want to be So it's sort of like I hide the fact that I don't exercise. And I will say this to you people who are worried about exercising that eating is really important. It's probably the most important. That never binging is so critical, that indulging is also critical, because if you don't indulge, then you'll deprive and binge. It's a hard thing to understand, but I eat chocolate and ice cream every day, but I don't binge chocolate and ice cream every day. And I don't need a bowl of pasta and bread and wine and chocolate and ice cream every day. I picked my spots and I wrote about this in Naturally Thin, and it's basically, your diet is a bank account, so eating is much more important. I'll also find which is weird. I'll really be like I should be working out, I should be getting on the elliptical, I should do this, I should do that because I used to have some level of a practice. I used to be a person that, back in the day, like in my thirties, would go to spinning class every day, and then I'd be starving and tired. Uh. And then in the summers I get into a good habit where I do a beach walk every day, but that's really only two months and it's like four days a week, and I feel fit and amazing. But I'll tell you this dirty little secret. And I've heard other people say it too. When I'm exercising or working out, I gain weight and you'll say it's muscle, and I think it is, but it's not like I'm doing anything made or just walking on an elliptical, so I don't think it's real muscle. It's that I think you get more hungry and you're more structured to be like, okay, when are we eating after? So I will just say that weight is not really just attached to exercise. It's definitely more attached to food and not exercise. And then I want to get into just that. When someone says to me, you look great, the first thought I have is like, oh my god, imagine how great i'd look if I actually exercise, Like if my butt was tight and if it was high and perfect. And I talk about this to my fiance because I look good in clothes and yes, my butt could be like higher, But like, do I really care if I look good in clothes? How often are we in bating suits? And like how often are we in bathing suits where I'm strutting and someone's going to see a picture if I look cute a bathing suit I'll take a picture and I'll post it, but like otherwise, why do I care? And the truth is, I don't really like working out. Like when I do it, I like that I did it, and sometimes it's fun. But I don't sleep alat. But if I've slept, I would never wake up from sleep to exercise, like I would never do that. That seems crazy. Sleep is so important, so I wake up, and then I also like having a coffee and I like laying around in my bed, and I don't want to be like, let me get up and go work out, and then I'm too crazy as a person to begin with, so I'm gonna be like, let me get up and work out and then do the next thing and then chet. I just don't love working out that much, so I don't do it. And many of you haters will say it's not that it's for your heart and whatever, because I run around this house and run around everywhere and to the store and to the restaurant, and I run around like a hummingbird, like a maniac, which also maybe why I'm thin. But I can tell you that when the stomach has like the lines and my butt is flat and like the little thin person cellulite, I just don't really care. And if you're a person that looks good and clothes and can work it out or figure it out short of health, barring health and how you feel and skin and endorphins and it helps you sleep and all that ship. But if you're who gives a ship, like when I'm in my yoga mode, I feel good. That's when I feel the best. When I'm doing yoga, I'll feel happy about it. But this is another dirty secret. Sometimes I'll do yoga and then my body starts to hurt, like not right then, but like I'll get these cracks out, and then later my body is hurting, and I'm like, but I fucking just said yoga what you do to resolve your body hurting. So it's all upside down. Do what you feel when you you feel it. Do what you can when you can. Take a nice twenty minute walk, do stretching, do meditation, do yoga. If you're away somewhere, do snowboard, do ski, do take a walk on the beach. I just it's a new year, and it's not that much of a new me as it pertains to exercise. So sorry, not that sorry. Holidays last forever. I like that we started Halloween talking about Thanksgiving, and we started Thanksgiving talking about Christmas. I like decorating. I like it lasting. I like an everlasting gob stopper. I got it the holiday thing. New Year's Day, got it. Hungover New Year New You make your resolutions, rest football check. The second became a holiday this year to the second is a holiday. So then that was a full fledged holiday, and then the day after was then I'm swamped just getting back in now just seeing this. Now we know you are on a holiday, so as I saw, is everybody else. I don't give a ship. This is the third. We took the fucking second and added it's the pile. Now it's the goddamn third. Nobody cares. Let's get going, like the holidays are just something that we just like suck on for months and months. And also you'll find this, people want to milk the holidays every which way, but Sunday, like it's a whole scam, Like the holidays have become starting when it's got December in it, everyone's fucking checked out, like starting probably December twelve. Oh yeah, well, because do you know why holiday parties? That was when it all started holiday parties, holiday party season because you gotta leave work, earlie gotta be hungover, so that's a holiday. And then it goes right into January. So life is just a fucking holiday, I guess because I found that everybody wants to be loosey goosey, and I've gotten so attacked for like not loving full remote. Sorry. I work in a business where I like to be with people, and I like a hybrid model. If you're doing a certain job, remote is perfectly great. If you have certain things and tasks that you have to get done in a certain period of time and you're performing remote, fabulous. I support it. I love it. There's some jobs on my team, but I remote no problem. If you're working semi hybrid remote, it feels a little bit like the days that the persons not in person don't feel exactly the same. So you can choose to like task out what's better for those days, because those could be days to someone just has to get things done. But it's not always the same. And I also mind that during a holiday time, if it's if people are remote, that's where it gets murky. So it's December six and it's around the holidays, and I've left to go on vacation, which is always gonna be hybrid because I'm still gonna be doing social media, I'm still gonna be doing rants, doing my podcast. So I've left to go on vacation. It feels like because I've left to go on vacation, then everybody else feels like they should be sort of on some hybrid vacation. And then if it's like January third and I want everyone to get back to it, they're like, oh, I'm now on vacation. I'm like, but I thought we were doing sort of vacation like that last week because it was Lucy Goosey. So my point is, like, with work and people that you work for and work with defined terms of what remote and hybrid and what off and on our are critical like the Lucy Goosey you're sort of a holiday sort of working sort of not means that then we have to stay Lucy goose you with us getting back to work in the beginning of January, meaning you can't be like, oh, no, today, I'm fully off when I'm like, okay, well I thought we were. We were partially off those other days. So I'm realizing that in the workplace, you have to be crystal clear. A work day off is a work day off. Don't bother the person, let them be. Everybody around them knows it's a full work day off. Because I found that this remote hybrid stuff means everything is remote and hybrid and people don't know what's what's sort of stringent, Like I have a businessman manager that says is off and off. I think he said, I'm obviously and January one and second this year, that's what we're doing. That's what most people are doing. But that means that the twenty two, unless it's vacation days, are not off. And I sort of thought I was some sort of ogre if I didn't give everybody off between December six and January nine. So I was like, oh, so I came back and I thought we're all gonna get be back cooking January three, and people had different ideas about that. So I learned you have to be really structured with being loose. So if we're gonna be loose, you know, let's say someone's gonna come in, stay late at work, eight o'clock at night, be a structured but like, okay, that's fine. You start tomorrow, start later to make that time up so like you feel valued and you don't feel like you know it's all over the place. If we're gonna do December sixteenth, I'm going away. We all know it's going to be quieter. That's option A. Then let's do lucy goosey sort of lucy goosey days. But then let's do some loosey goosey days um that are supposed to be holidays. Like then veterans Stahl be lucy goosey too, because we chose to make non holidays lucy goosey. We have to define terms of what's off and on and what's loosey goosey. But I find or, like you're Jewish, can you tell us six months ahead of time the days that you really need off? You need Hanukka, you need Russia, Shana, you need jump to pour, you want to pass over. It's tell us the day, okay, because then you can't take that and then also take all the Christian days and vice versa. So everybody wants to make everything work for it themselves. And I find that people do take creative license with that, and I think things need to be very, very defined and structured and January three this year became a it's a holiday because we're swamped from being off from the holiday, so everything came in today, so that's like a swamp holiday