What it is what to do. This is Rambling, your weekly RAMS podcast that brings you inside of the team and news from around the NFL. I'm your host and team reporters Ferina Morales, coming at you from Los Angeles, California. I think Sean McVay said it best. Heading into the bye week should be a lot better had you taken care of business gotten to six and two than having this pit in my stomach at five and three. With that, Joining the podcast today is a man whose voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus. He is a studio host and play by play announcer covers all three major sports on Fox and FS one. He has some spare time now he's wrapped up covering the World Series with a Rod, Big Poppy and Print Thomas. I love that show, Go Dodgers. He's gluten free, not by choice, just like me. He's on Twitter at Kevin Burkhart and he is here with us right now. I Havan, thank you for your time, really appreciate it. I don't know how I topped that introduction, Serene got I got a lot of work ahead of me. I'll see what I can do. I'm so glad that you may have seen their brothers because sometimes I throughout quote. Of course we're talking about Joe. Okay, so let's get to it. The Rams with a five and three record. To me, they sort of had this roller coaster. They put me through roller coaster of emotion. When it comes to performances, you either have this crazy spectacular performance like last week against the Bears, and then on Sunday we saw more of this like head scratching, what's going on here? So, now that we're halfway through the season, what do you think of this Rams team and where do you see them to kind of improve upon? Well, I think there's a couple of things. I think the I think there's so much parody in the league for the most part. You know, there's there's a top tier of teams that I think there's only a few teams on, and then I think there's a pretty big next tier. I think the Ram are on that tier. You know. I think the surprise for me for the Rams is that their defense is better than their offense. I didn't necessarily expect that. I think they've done a great job there and I think they could beat anyone. I think that's been proven, but you know, some of the offensive stuff concerns me. I will say, I think Miami's played great, you know, and their front seventh has been awesome. So it was a surprise how much they handled the Rams, but it's not a surprise how they're playing. I think people just aren't really really used to Miami being good, so that's part of it too. So look, I think I think where they are right now, I think they're in a decent spot. Obviously, the NFC West is so good, but I think they you know, they have to tweak some things on offense and play a little bit better there. But I think they have the ability to beat anyone on a given day. And I think for them, just get in the tournament, you get in the postseason, and anything can happen. I mean, I really do believe that, especially this year. Yeah, and that's a good point because I do think that the team overall also feels the same way. They're like, we can beat everywhere. We just have to fine tune all these little tweaks and balances and not get got um when you're Jared Goff on offense. Speaking of offense, yes, the defense is definitely showing up more than the offense. Although we've seen this season a more balanced past run game. Do you see that as like, moving forward, let's stick to this plan. Yeah, I mean I think they have to look at the teams that are on that, you know, the Kyle Shanahan Sean McVeigh treat right. I mean, it's it's really everything goes off the run, even if you don't run as much, it's just a thread of the run. You know. Green Bay is the same thing with Matt Lafloor. All those guys work together and coach together, and they have the same kind of concepts. So, you know, I think for the rams, you know, they're using you know, multiple backs and trying to figure out maybe if one could be you know, more so than the other. You know, Acres has shown some positive verse. Will he get more of a larger role going forward? I kind of have a feeling that maybe will. But yeah, I think that is the way to go because I think that with the way their defense is playing, as long as they have the threat, I think goth is best off play action and off the movement in and I think their offense is best when they do that. I like him on the run and hitting those those quick targets to Woods and the guys. So answer your question, yes, I think that's when they're the best. How you mentioned it, Brandon's daily the defensive coordinator that just came on is certainly like wuha, like ignited a spark in this defense. And yes, because people are like, oh, you learon Donald and you've Jalen Ramsey, but I'm seeing plays from Troy Hill. They put the green dot on John Johnson the third What and I has impressed you most from the defensive end? Well, I think everything. I think when you lose you know, when you lose Wade Phillips, you know, that's a heck of a coach, you know. So I think for Brandon to come in, there are a lot of questions of he's obviously coming from a great defensive team, but I think there are a lot of questions that, Okay, how's this going to look? And you're right, yeah, they got great great some great players, right, so you expect certain things and those things have happened. Donald's going to dominate and Ramsey's going to do his thing. But I just think overall, I've been impressed with their aggressiveness and their cohesiveness, as a unit. I think Johnson's a star. I mean, I just think he's a terrific player that most people don't really realize around the country. So yeah, I just think all of it. You know, they're getting to the quarterback, they're getting some turnovers. I like what I've seen. Yeah, me too, But I'm biased here and covering the rams every day. We're gonna get quickly to what makes me happy. So two of our rookies for Halloween read some really bad Halloween jokes to one another to see who could make each other laugh. Jordan Fuller and Treill Burges, two of our dbs. They're healing up from injury. However, they did save some of their energy with these really really bad dad Halloween jokes. Matt, will you please play one one of them for us MS? Listen rat music? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, so rat music. I like it. It's music. Why not? Do you have a dad joke that you would like to add to the mixture. Doesn't have to be Halloween? Oh my god? Yeah, So you could take your time. I mean, I might need to think about this one. I don't have as bad a joke as that. I'm not I'm not a great joke teller, it's not one of my strengths. I'd have to really, you might have to call me back tomorrow on that one dad joke, Sandy, that's something we asked for every day. Go ahead, man, your bad dad joke. It's not well dad jokes. I feel I have to be very in the moment reactionary things that just kind of come off the off the cusps. So it's just we're just sticking with bad jokes. But what do you call a cow with no legs? Good? I don't know what ground beef? See, that's good. That's good. Um, all right, from around the NFL. Thanks for saving us there. So you just came off of calling the Packers Vikings game this past weekend as a football fan, pointing myself here scolling through scores kind of seem final, you know, scores here. What should we make of either team? Are the Vikings figuring it out? Or are the Packers getting figured out? Well, that's a great question, Serena. I think so, you know, I think I go back to my first thing. I think there is a lot of parody here, you know, green bit. And I also think anytime you have a division rival like that, I mean that that is an ultimate rival in the game Packers Viking, So I I really I know it's cliche, but I really do believe you thrust up out because it stuff does. It's just different. So I think Green Bay's really really good. I think that you know, could they use another receiver, Yeah, probably, but Alan Lazzard will be back later in the year, so that will help them, you know. And Aaron Jones is out there, you know, who's a superstar. So they're playing without those two guys. Defensively, I think that's where their questions lie. I mean, they have some good pieces, but you go back to last postseason when the forty nine Ers ran for three hundred yards on them, right, I mean, and that's what the Vikings did. You know, When Dalvin Cook is healthy, the Vikings are a different team. They are a different animal. Their big thing is they have always had great defenses since Mike Zimmer has been there. That's that's who he is. He's a defensive wizard. But they're young. You know, they got rid of a lot of guys from last year. In the secondary is the cornerbacks are all rookies, so that is just they've just had some growing pains, But I don't think they're out of it yet. I really don't. I wouldn't put the fork in them. I think they have a lot of work to do. They only have two wins, but I don't think they're done. I think I do think the Packers are one of the best in the NFC. I still would put them, you know, top three in the NFC in my opinion. Do you see today's the trade deadline? Is there an insane move that someone's going to make, or do you think a team you know, a lot of guys have kind of talked about the Seahawks, where yes, they're a really good team, but they can improve a little bit on their defensive side of things, Like, do you see a team that kind of needs to make a move in order to contend for a Super Bowl? I just I think today you're going to see teams that want to get rid of salary. That's the biggest thing going in the next week. Because you know, yes, and you're right, like a team like Seattle could use some defenses out they already went out and got done lab from Cincinnati. But I think that the salary cap is going to come down next year unless they change it, and that's going to be really hard in a lot of teams. I mean, you already saw the forty nine Ers trade Kwon Alexander that they traded him because that's the big reason. I mean, he's to get a lot of money in The Saints are trying to win a Super Bowl and Drew breeses last year. So I think you're going to see situations and like that guy's making a lot of money on a team that's maybe having some struggles and a team that's like Super Bowl or bust. And there you go, because there's gonna be a lot of issues with a salary cap coming down next year. All right, Maddie, it is that time. Dangn that was fast. I forgot all right, made stay on your toes. This socially distant social segment is here, far too early for you. Still haven't had my coffee yet. But yeah, you guys are both gluten free. You have to miss out on one of my favorite things in the universe. Big fan of gluten Always order extra on the side. But I'm just curious when it comes to game day, what kind of gluten free snacks are you putting out for everyone that is a great question. Yeah, and Serena can speak to this. It's not like we you know, we we voted for this. I would eat a barrel of gluten if I could, um, but you know it's not not the way it works. So to game day for me, I have a couple of qualifications, so I am I just want First of all, I just want stuff. It's definitely louting free. I can't get sick during a game, right. So our guys are so good they buy I'm I'm like a big snack guy. They make me like these peanut butter cracker gluten free things that are amazing, So I'll eat. I'll like devour a box of those. My big thing is, I'm I'm not a soda drinker. Really, I'm not a big soda drinker, but during games, I drink doctor Pepper, like by the Leader. I don't know why. It's just kind of my thing and I got I started doing it years ago, and so that's what it is. It's probably like the most unhealthy day you could possibly imagine, garbage just going into my system. But it works for me and I like it, so I'm just gonna keep doing it. That's what live broadcast is all about. It's just you find whatever you can put in your body just to get through. It doesn't have to be nutritious or good for you. Well you know too, it's like you don't have a lot of time, right, so it's like, you know, you get a commercial break and halftime. It's so fast in the NFL, so it's kind of like all right, like all right, bo them go to the bathroom in two seconds and like then you're back on the air. It's like you don't have It's not like I could sit down and have a steak dinner, right, do anything right, It's still stressful. I'm always eating chips because people are always like, oh you can eat chips, and like potatoes are our friends. But yeah, it's usually eighty six gluten and then add on egra sugar to replace whatever the heck we can't. Yeah, time bars are really really good too. Those are great. I like those. Those are a good, good little snack. So yeah, you know that, you know the droll Serena's did you find out recently the gluten situation? No? I found out, um gosh, I mean probably almost twenty years ago. Now, it's been a long time. Yeah, so it's I'm used to it, so I mean, don't get me wrong. You know, when I go back easton people are picking up pizza in New York. Its brutal. Yeah, because we fold our pizza on the East Coast and we let the oil drip out the crusts. Yeah, that's that's tough to replace. That is tough to replace. But I will say that Jersey Mikes is amazing because they're an East Coast sub shop and obviously they're all the country. They're you know, they're in LA where I live and where you guys are obviously, and they have gluten free sub roles and they're amazing, and they they do them separately so because I think like the owner's wife had Celiac or something. So they they're terrific about it. So it makes you feel like home. Yeah, oh my god, let's go get Jersey Mikes today. I'm also angry at like subway and sandwich shop commercials are like understand, yeah, they don't get it. You got it, you know, you they take it seriously. You tell them I'm an allergy, and like they do it in like the back away from like well the others all the other stuff. It's awesome. It's like great, I have no financial implications with it. I just love the place. So just as if I think the reason we're an excuse to get jersey mis today. But yeah, food sensitivity tests like a month ago, and I've just been kind of selectively choosing parts to ignore in the meantime. But I know eventually did say what is the test listening to that? What do you got that? It said, I'm not lactous, but basically like milk and dairy and cheese, which is a lot of stuff, like that's my highest reactive all the same thing. I think it would say that, but um, yeah you dair like or milk like from a cow product. It's not like but also like I have like some reactivity to chicken. And I was like, no, please, don't take chicken out of my life. It's like ninety six percent of my meals. Yeah, I don't think anything like they're always gonna tall dairy and cheese no good. But how do you stay away from cheese? And it's so oh man, that's a hard one. Yeah, I don't know that. I could order and it just it wasn't the same. It didn't hit No, you gotta have it on there man. Sorry, um, I will wrap up quickly with say, what so there's no surprise Aaron Donald should be MVP all the time, right, Like he's just really really good. And Jalen Ramsey brought up a really good point on his buddy Aaron Donald. Our buddy Lindsay Theory, who covers the Rams for ESPN, asked him a question about Aaron Donald being the Defensive Player of the Year every year, and I will just play this for you quickly, Well, do you think that Aron Donald is on pace to win another Player of the Year awards? Well, he said win it every year brothly in my opinion, I mean, it's starting to get to the point where it's like everybody knows he's the best, so no matter how great he does, people don't sometimes don't look at it. It's like, wow, that's amazing because they're getting used to it. Like it's kind of like the what happens to basketball players sometimes, like what happened to Kobe and Lebron? What happens to Lebron all the time? He's you know, the best player and most player a lot of times. But it's kind of so it isn't glorified as much as it should be in my opinion, But um, every year, and that's not disrespect to anybody else who's one. That's just it's that good, and everybody knows exactly good. He's that good. You're just doubling up during that. Yeah, Kevin, you know is there? I are we getting too used to like these really good players, like, well, you know you should you should be having at least three sacks a game. Yeah. I don't think anybody in the NFL is a gaining us. I think they all know. I think they all know that Aaron's the best player in the league defensively. Um, And you have no disrespect to anybody else, it's just the truth. Um. I like, I like what Jalen said about Lebron. I think that's I think that's a pretty good comp because you could give Lebron the MVP every year. It's pretty you know. And again that's not the Steph Curry or Kevin Durant. Everybody else doesn't deserve it. But when you watch Donald, I mean he doesn't get single team. When he does, it's a sack. Usually when he gets double team, I mean he destroys schemes so I have a hard you know, it's one of those things where you know you need like an exemplary performance to take him down. You know, you need someone else to have twenty sacks and or you know, ten interceptions because he is that good. So I think, yeah, you can maybe outside outside world you be like, yeah, you know, we know he's great, but because it is expected, But no one in the NFL thinks that they all know the guy is absurd and they have to game plan for him. Obviously for sure. It's kind of again like we really are Rams fans, but I'm not sure if the rest of the league or when they it is unfair. And I do think that's why I played that quote from Jalen like we were just like, oh, that's Lebron though, like or they complain, yeah, he's crying on the court. I'm like, bro, he's still like the best player every time you step on the court. And Aaron Donalds doesn't cry and usually like picks people up very easily and makes other people cry. It is insane and it would be just I kind of see, like I mean the way that Sean McVay speaks about him, way like the Rams offense speaks about him because they have to face him during training camp and obviously this preseason was a bit different. So yeah, I'm always like, let's just give him MVP. It's just like the gold thing on it. Forget all the quarterbacks can believe. I mean, look, you could make that argument, right, but but you think about the last two MVPs. Lamar Jackson was completely off the hook last year, right, you couldn't. It was impossible to ignore. And Mahomes, well, he's always ridiculous. I mean, you know, I think I think probably Patrick and Aaron are probably one two one one. A know, however, you want to do it as far as just you know, talent, so you know in the quarterback position, obviously is having like an insane season. Also, Yeah, I mean I think you know right now, Russell Wilson's the MVP of the league for me. I mean, if I'm voting that, I don't have a vote, But I mean he's he's he's a joke. I mean it's just what he's able to do is unbelievable. I mean, he's four or five touchdowns a week. Um. But yeah, I listen, Aaron is right up there for me and for everybody else. So well, we do not forget about him, Serena. I promise you that, Kevin, I'm watching when you have that RAMS game coming up on your schedule. But like, I hope we do. I mean, we haven't had the Rams yet. I had. The last RAMS game our crew had was last year, um at the forty nine ers on a Saturday night. Actually, yeah, I know, I'm sorry. It was a great game. I know it didn't work out for the Rams. It was a great game. So I haven't you know, I have. I have not been inside so far yet. I have so many friends who worked on the play, and I've seen pictures. But so I'm dying to get a RAMS, a RAMS home game, and you know, not get on a plane for a week would be kind of cool too. But so you know, if you could, if you could put in a good word with the folks the Fox and say, hey, you know that would that would be great? Yeah, you sent us Shlarett, then m Adam and me, and yet last the other week, I was like, what I listen, I apparently I have to put into request. I guess, you know, to get a home game, That's what I have to do. I like, you're right, there, like it's fart minutes away. But if our crew, if our crew gets roun wee cold away from like forty feet away in the socially distance land, it'll be fun. Yeah, now that'd be awesome. Well, I'm crossing my fingers that you get on the schedule at some point so you can check out so far it's amazing. So but either way, that is it. Thank you Kevin for joining us another episode of Rambling in the books, mouchet Hit. That subscribe button won't be bringing you more episodes throughout the season. Need to crave an even more RAMS podcast. We've got rams Abials with JB. Long, Ram's Iconic with former Ram DeMarco far and we've brought back Between the Horns that you can watch live every Thursday morning on YouTube. We're streaming wherever you get your podcast. So in the meantime, Kevin, thank you very very much. Appreciate you Ken, Thanks for having me. Guys,
What it is what to do. This is Rambling, your weekly RAMS podcast that brings you inside of the team and news from around the NFL. I'm your host and team reporters Ferina Morales, coming at you from Los Angeles, California. I think Sean McVay said it best. Heading into the bye week should be a lot better had you taken care of business gotten to six and two than having this pit in my stomach at five and three. With that, Joining the podcast today is a man whose voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus. He is a studio host and play by play announcer covers all three major sports on Fox and FS one. He has some spare time now he's wrapped up covering the World Series with a Rod, Big Poppy and Print Thomas. I love that show, Go Dodgers. He's gluten free, not by choice, just like me. He's on Twitter at Kevin Burkhart and he is here with us right now. I Havan, thank you for your time, really appreciate it. I don't know how I topped that introduction, Serene got I got a lot of work ahead of me. I'll see what I can do. I'm so glad that you may have seen their brothers because sometimes I throughout quote. Of course we're talking about Joe. Okay, so let's get to it. The Rams with a five and three record. To me, they sort of had this roller coaster. They put me through roller coaster of emotion. When it comes to performances, you either have this crazy spectacular performance like last week against the Bears, and then on Sunday we saw more of this like head scratching, what's going on here? So, now that we're halfway through the season, what do you think of this Rams team and where do you see them to kind of improve upon? Well, I think there's a couple of things. I think the I think there's so much parody in the league for the most part. You know, there's there's a top tier of teams that I think there's only a few teams on, and then I think there's a pretty big next tier. I think the Ram are on that tier. You know. I think the surprise for me for the Rams is that their defense is better than their offense. I didn't necessarily expect that. I think they've done a great job there and I think they could beat anyone. I think that's been proven, but you know, some of the offensive stuff concerns me. I will say, I think Miami's played great, you know, and their front seventh has been awesome. So it was a surprise how much they handled the Rams, but it's not a surprise how they're playing. I think people just aren't really really used to Miami being good, so that's part of it too. So look, I think I think where they are right now, I think they're in a decent spot. Obviously, the NFC West is so good, but I think they you know, they have to tweak some things on offense and play a little bit better there. But I think they have the ability to beat anyone on a given day. And I think for them, just get in the tournament, you get in the postseason, and anything can happen. I mean, I really do believe that, especially this year. Yeah, and that's a good point because I do think that the team overall also feels the same way. They're like, we can beat everywhere. We just have to fine tune all these little tweaks and balances and not get got um when you're Jared Goff on offense. Speaking of offense, yes, the defense is definitely showing up more than the offense. Although we've seen this season a more balanced past run game. Do you see that as like, moving forward, let's stick to this plan. Yeah, I mean I think they have to look at the teams that are on that, you know, the Kyle Shanahan Sean McVeigh treat right. I mean, it's it's really everything goes off the run, even if you don't run as much, it's just a thread of the run. You know. Green Bay is the same thing with Matt Lafloor. All those guys work together and coach together, and they have the same kind of concepts. So, you know, I think for the rams, you know, they're using you know, multiple backs and trying to figure out maybe if one could be you know, more so than the other. You know, Acres has shown some positive verse. Will he get more of a larger role going forward? I kind of have a feeling that maybe will. But yeah, I think that is the way to go because I think that with the way their defense is playing, as long as they have the threat, I think goth is best off play action and off the movement in and I think their offense is best when they do that. I like him on the run and hitting those those quick targets to Woods and the guys. So answer your question, yes, I think that's when they're the best. How you mentioned it, Brandon's daily the defensive coordinator that just came on is certainly like wuha, like ignited a spark in this defense. And yes, because people are like, oh, you learon Donald and you've Jalen Ramsey, but I'm seeing plays from Troy Hill. They put the green dot on John Johnson the third What and I has impressed you most from the defensive end? Well, I think everything. I think when you lose you know, when you lose Wade Phillips, you know, that's a heck of a coach, you know. So I think for Brandon to come in, there are a lot of questions of he's obviously coming from a great defensive team, but I think there are a lot of questions that, Okay, how's this going to look? And you're right, yeah, they got great great some great players, right, so you expect certain things and those things have happened. Donald's going to dominate and Ramsey's going to do his thing. But I just think overall, I've been impressed with their aggressiveness and their cohesiveness, as a unit. I think Johnson's a star. I mean, I just think he's a terrific player that most people don't really realize around the country. So yeah, I just think all of it. You know, they're getting to the quarterback, they're getting some turnovers. I like what I've seen. Yeah, me too, But I'm biased here and covering the rams every day. We're gonna get quickly to what makes me happy. So two of our rookies for Halloween read some really bad Halloween jokes to one another to see who could make each other laugh. Jordan Fuller and Treill Burges, two of our dbs. They're healing up from injury. However, they did save some of their energy with these really really bad dad Halloween jokes. Matt, will you please play one one of them for us MS? Listen rat music? Yeah? Yeah, yeah, so rat music. I like it. It's music. Why not? Do you have a dad joke that you would like to add to the mixture. Doesn't have to be Halloween? Oh my god? Yeah, So you could take your time. I mean, I might need to think about this one. I don't have as bad a joke as that. I'm not I'm not a great joke teller, it's not one of my strengths. I'd have to really, you might have to call me back tomorrow on that one dad joke, Sandy, that's something we asked for every day. Go ahead, man, your bad dad joke. It's not well dad jokes. I feel I have to be very in the moment reactionary things that just kind of come off the off the cusps. So it's just we're just sticking with bad jokes. But what do you call a cow with no legs? Good? I don't know what ground beef? See, that's good. That's good. Um, all right, from around the NFL. Thanks for saving us there. So you just came off of calling the Packers Vikings game this past weekend as a football fan, pointing myself here scolling through scores kind of seem final, you know, scores here. What should we make of either team? Are the Vikings figuring it out? Or are the Packers getting figured out? Well, that's a great question, Serena. I think so, you know, I think I go back to my first thing. I think there is a lot of parody here, you know, green bit. And I also think anytime you have a division rival like that, I mean that that is an ultimate rival in the game Packers Viking, So I I really I know it's cliche, but I really do believe you thrust up out because it stuff does. It's just different. So I think Green Bay's really really good. I think that you know, could they use another receiver, Yeah, probably, but Alan Lazzard will be back later in the year, so that will help them, you know. And Aaron Jones is out there, you know, who's a superstar. So they're playing without those two guys. Defensively, I think that's where their questions lie. I mean, they have some good pieces, but you go back to last postseason when the forty nine Ers ran for three hundred yards on them, right, I mean, and that's what the Vikings did. You know, When Dalvin Cook is healthy, the Vikings are a different team. They are a different animal. Their big thing is they have always had great defenses since Mike Zimmer has been there. That's that's who he is. He's a defensive wizard. But they're young. You know, they got rid of a lot of guys from last year. In the secondary is the cornerbacks are all rookies, so that is just they've just had some growing pains, But I don't think they're out of it yet. I really don't. I wouldn't put the fork in them. I think they have a lot of work to do. They only have two wins, but I don't think they're done. I think I do think the Packers are one of the best in the NFC. I still would put them, you know, top three in the NFC in my opinion. Do you see today's the trade deadline? Is there an insane move that someone's going to make, or do you think a team you know, a lot of guys have kind of talked about the Seahawks, where yes, they're a really good team, but they can improve a little bit on their defensive side of things, Like, do you see a team that kind of needs to make a move in order to contend for a Super Bowl? I just I think today you're going to see teams that want to get rid of salary. That's the biggest thing going in the next week. Because you know, yes, and you're right, like a team like Seattle could use some defenses out they already went out and got done lab from Cincinnati. But I think that the salary cap is going to come down next year unless they change it, and that's going to be really hard in a lot of teams. I mean, you already saw the forty nine Ers trade Kwon Alexander that they traded him because that's the big reason. I mean, he's to get a lot of money in The Saints are trying to win a Super Bowl and Drew breeses last year. So I think you're going to see situations and like that guy's making a lot of money on a team that's maybe having some struggles and a team that's like Super Bowl or bust. And there you go, because there's gonna be a lot of issues with a salary cap coming down next year. All right, Maddie, it is that time. Dangn that was fast. I forgot all right, made stay on your toes. This socially distant social segment is here, far too early for you. Still haven't had my coffee yet. But yeah, you guys are both gluten free. You have to miss out on one of my favorite things in the universe. Big fan of gluten Always order extra on the side. But I'm just curious when it comes to game day, what kind of gluten free snacks are you putting out for everyone that is a great question. Yeah, and Serena can speak to this. It's not like we you know, we we voted for this. I would eat a barrel of gluten if I could, um, but you know it's not not the way it works. So to game day for me, I have a couple of qualifications, so I am I just want First of all, I just want stuff. It's definitely louting free. I can't get sick during a game, right. So our guys are so good they buy I'm I'm like a big snack guy. They make me like these peanut butter cracker gluten free things that are amazing, So I'll eat. I'll like devour a box of those. My big thing is, I'm I'm not a soda drinker. Really, I'm not a big soda drinker, but during games, I drink doctor Pepper, like by the Leader. I don't know why. It's just kind of my thing and I got I started doing it years ago, and so that's what it is. It's probably like the most unhealthy day you could possibly imagine, garbage just going into my system. But it works for me and I like it, so I'm just gonna keep doing it. That's what live broadcast is all about. It's just you find whatever you can put in your body just to get through. It doesn't have to be nutritious or good for you. Well you know too, it's like you don't have a lot of time, right, so it's like, you know, you get a commercial break and halftime. It's so fast in the NFL, so it's kind of like all right, like all right, bo them go to the bathroom in two seconds and like then you're back on the air. It's like you don't have It's not like I could sit down and have a steak dinner, right, do anything right, It's still stressful. I'm always eating chips because people are always like, oh you can eat chips, and like potatoes are our friends. But yeah, it's usually eighty six gluten and then add on egra sugar to replace whatever the heck we can't. Yeah, time bars are really really good too. Those are great. I like those. Those are a good, good little snack. So yeah, you know that, you know the droll Serena's did you find out recently the gluten situation? No? I found out, um gosh, I mean probably almost twenty years ago. Now, it's been a long time. Yeah, so it's I'm used to it, so I mean, don't get me wrong. You know, when I go back easton people are picking up pizza in New York. Its brutal. Yeah, because we fold our pizza on the East Coast and we let the oil drip out the crusts. Yeah, that's that's tough to replace. That is tough to replace. But I will say that Jersey Mikes is amazing because they're an East Coast sub shop and obviously they're all the country. They're you know, they're in LA where I live and where you guys are obviously, and they have gluten free sub roles and they're amazing, and they they do them separately so because I think like the owner's wife had Celiac or something. So they they're terrific about it. So it makes you feel like home. Yeah, oh my god, let's go get Jersey Mikes today. I'm also angry at like subway and sandwich shop commercials are like understand, yeah, they don't get it. You got it, you know, you they take it seriously. You tell them I'm an allergy, and like they do it in like the back away from like well the others all the other stuff. It's awesome. It's like great, I have no financial implications with it. I just love the place. So just as if I think the reason we're an excuse to get jersey mis today. But yeah, food sensitivity tests like a month ago, and I've just been kind of selectively choosing parts to ignore in the meantime. But I know eventually did say what is the test listening to that? What do you got that? It said, I'm not lactous, but basically like milk and dairy and cheese, which is a lot of stuff, like that's my highest reactive all the same thing. I think it would say that, but um, yeah you dair like or milk like from a cow product. It's not like but also like I have like some reactivity to chicken. And I was like, no, please, don't take chicken out of my life. It's like ninety six percent of my meals. Yeah, I don't think anything like they're always gonna tall dairy and cheese no good. But how do you stay away from cheese? And it's so oh man, that's a hard one. Yeah, I don't know that. I could order and it just it wasn't the same. It didn't hit No, you gotta have it on there man. Sorry, um, I will wrap up quickly with say, what so there's no surprise Aaron Donald should be MVP all the time, right, Like he's just really really good. And Jalen Ramsey brought up a really good point on his buddy Aaron Donald. Our buddy Lindsay Theory, who covers the Rams for ESPN, asked him a question about Aaron Donald being the Defensive Player of the Year every year, and I will just play this for you quickly, Well, do you think that Aron Donald is on pace to win another Player of the Year awards? Well, he said win it every year brothly in my opinion, I mean, it's starting to get to the point where it's like everybody knows he's the best, so no matter how great he does, people don't sometimes don't look at it. It's like, wow, that's amazing because they're getting used to it. Like it's kind of like the what happens to basketball players sometimes, like what happened to Kobe and Lebron? What happens to Lebron all the time? He's you know, the best player and most player a lot of times. But it's kind of so it isn't glorified as much as it should be in my opinion, But um, every year, and that's not disrespect to anybody else who's one. That's just it's that good, and everybody knows exactly good. He's that good. You're just doubling up during that. Yeah, Kevin, you know is there? I are we getting too used to like these really good players, like, well, you know you should you should be having at least three sacks a game. Yeah. I don't think anybody in the NFL is a gaining us. I think they all know. I think they all know that Aaron's the best player in the league defensively. Um, And you have no disrespect to anybody else, it's just the truth. Um. I like, I like what Jalen said about Lebron. I think that's I think that's a pretty good comp because you could give Lebron the MVP every year. It's pretty you know. And again that's not the Steph Curry or Kevin Durant. Everybody else doesn't deserve it. But when you watch Donald, I mean he doesn't get single team. When he does, it's a sack. Usually when he gets double team, I mean he destroys schemes so I have a hard you know, it's one of those things where you know you need like an exemplary performance to take him down. You know, you need someone else to have twenty sacks and or you know, ten interceptions because he is that good. So I think, yeah, you can maybe outside outside world you be like, yeah, you know, we know he's great, but because it is expected, But no one in the NFL thinks that they all know the guy is absurd and they have to game plan for him. Obviously for sure. It's kind of again like we really are Rams fans, but I'm not sure if the rest of the league or when they it is unfair. And I do think that's why I played that quote from Jalen like we were just like, oh, that's Lebron though, like or they complain, yeah, he's crying on the court. I'm like, bro, he's still like the best player every time you step on the court. And Aaron Donalds doesn't cry and usually like picks people up very easily and makes other people cry. It is insane and it would be just I kind of see, like I mean the way that Sean McVay speaks about him, way like the Rams offense speaks about him because they have to face him during training camp and obviously this preseason was a bit different. So yeah, I'm always like, let's just give him MVP. It's just like the gold thing on it. Forget all the quarterbacks can believe. I mean, look, you could make that argument, right, but but you think about the last two MVPs. Lamar Jackson was completely off the hook last year, right, you couldn't. It was impossible to ignore. And Mahomes, well, he's always ridiculous. I mean, you know, I think I think probably Patrick and Aaron are probably one two one one. A know, however, you want to do it as far as just you know, talent, so you know in the quarterback position, obviously is having like an insane season. Also, Yeah, I mean I think you know right now, Russell Wilson's the MVP of the league for me. I mean, if I'm voting that, I don't have a vote, But I mean he's he's he's a joke. I mean it's just what he's able to do is unbelievable. I mean, he's four or five touchdowns a week. Um. But yeah, I listen, Aaron is right up there for me and for everybody else. So well, we do not forget about him, Serena. I promise you that, Kevin, I'm watching when you have that RAMS game coming up on your schedule. But like, I hope we do. I mean, we haven't had the Rams yet. I had. The last RAMS game our crew had was last year, um at the forty nine ers on a Saturday night. Actually, yeah, I know, I'm sorry. It was a great game. I know it didn't work out for the Rams. It was a great game. So I haven't you know, I have. I have not been inside so far yet. I have so many friends who worked on the play, and I've seen pictures. But so I'm dying to get a RAMS, a RAMS home game, and you know, not get on a plane for a week would be kind of cool too. But so you know, if you could, if you could put in a good word with the folks the Fox and say, hey, you know that would that would be great? Yeah, you sent us Shlarett, then m Adam and me, and yet last the other week, I was like, what I listen, I apparently I have to put into request. I guess, you know, to get a home game, That's what I have to do. I like, you're right, there, like it's fart minutes away. But if our crew, if our crew gets roun wee cold away from like forty feet away in the socially distance land, it'll be fun. Yeah, now that'd be awesome. Well, I'm crossing my fingers that you get on the schedule at some point so you can check out so far it's amazing. So but either way, that is it. Thank you Kevin for joining us another episode of Rambling in the books, mouchet Hit. That subscribe button won't be bringing you more episodes throughout the season. Need to crave an even more RAMS podcast. We've got rams Abials with JB. Long, Ram's Iconic with former Ram DeMarco far and we've brought back Between the Horns that you can watch live every Thursday morning on YouTube. We're streaming wherever you get your podcast. So in the meantime, Kevin, thank you very very much. Appreciate you Ken, Thanks for having me. Guys,