Ramblin' Ep. 19: Nate Burleson talks the Rams putting it all together at the right time

Published Dec 13, 2019, 5:16 AM
Good Morning Football's Nate Burleson talks about the Rams putting it all together at the right time, his "dark horse" for the Super Bowl, and why you shouldn't mess with a pigeon's street cred.

One day, I was walking home and I tried to do though watch out and looked at me like, bro, you ain't from around here, from Seattle, And he was like f Seattle, Like damn, they're taking out here. Man. He didn't cut me out. What it is what to do? This is Rambling, your weekly RAMS podcast that gives you inside of the team and news from around the NFL. I'm your host and team reporters Serena Morales, coming at you from Agora Hills, California. As we head into week fifteen, the Rams are eight and five after a big win against the Seahawks with just three games left, the Cowboys, the Niners, the Cardinals joining me today. He's a man of many talents. He's like the Jamie Fox of sports, and that he is the trifecta. A former NFL wide receiver, currently a host on Good Morning Football and CBS NFL Today. He also raps. He has his own fashion line Life bless this man, and I am blessed to have him on the podcast Nate Burll Listen, what's going on? Oh wow, arc Hu Sleet. I thought that I was good at doing introductions. That was pretty good. I think I'm gonna go ahead and save that and use that as my ringtone. I will clip that off for you, no problem, right like hell, hello, welcome to Please give him message welcome, Welcome to Jamie Fox's stunt double's voicemail. Oh yeah, this is Nate Burrill. Liston and I appreciate that though, Thank you. Did you figure out all of your talents at once or did they like come with time. Were you like, oh, I'm good at football now, and I'm also good at all these other things, or was overtime you figured out kind of like the progression of a Starbucks drink. I know, right for me, it was falling in love with certain things when I was young, quite frankly, abandoning those things because you feel like you have to adults and choose, and then as you get done adults thing. The best thing that ever happened to me was rediscovering all of my passions. So when I was young, I mean I loved TV. I watched everything from black and white shows all the way to the current shows that were popular when I was a teenager, you know, the Fresh Princes and Martins and TGI Fridays. I loved music. I've always loved movies and pop culture. So yeah, the young age, I thought I was going to be a rapper in an artist, so I would draw and I would write lyrics down. And then as like an older and you start to get ready for college, it's you know, you gotta get serious, you gotta be an adult. You have to pick your focus and what's your major. And football started to open up doors and football really makes your focus and if you want to last a long time, you have to have a single focus, which is being the best football player possible. Nowadays, it's a little bit different because of social media and guys have more free to to really show how versable they are. I think I caught the beginning of that and the tale and football players only being football. If you're not playing football, just shut the hell up. So once I got done playing, though, then I was like, wait a minute, I still want to include all my passions. So I started doing that on my show on Good Morning Football. I started reciting poetry and rapping and writing scripts for the shows, creating segments and really just trying to weave in music, movies, pop culture and all of my references that made me me. And now because of those things, other things have opened up. You know, I'm a voice of Draftings because they heard the versatility in my voice, which I've never done voiceovers before. I do the podcast for Uninterrupted because they thought that I tell really good stories. Entertainment companies started to reach out and I signed with Extra because they heard me talking about all these things that were non sports related. So, to answer your question a very long winded way, it took time to rediscover all of my passions. But yeah, it didn't come all at once. You almost after you know all this. I mean, you're one of the best in the business, but you you almost have to focus on one thing in order to get back to other things that you really really love. That's a good point. And you know what, that's actually a good segue to actually ask you about football stuff because when you're figuring out your talents, right the rams, they seem to have focused on the things that they are good at and it's working. Yeah, it really is. And you know, I made a joke on the show. I said, all right, guys, just stick with me for a second. And Peter and Kyle they're looking at me crazy, like what is he about to say? And I said, just imagine Just imagine for a second if the Rams were playing possum this whole time and they're like, oh yeah, they lousing games on purpose, and I'm like, okay, of course I'm joking, But there's a lot of truth said in Jess and maybe they were trying to figure out who they were and they timed it out perfectly, and they're catching the rhythm right now, getting healthy at the right time, and they're rediscovering who they are, which is one of the best teams offensively and defensively. All the things that we thought they were going to be they're doing now. How girl, he's balling, he's hitting an end zone, the offense is opened up, Jared Goff is more comfortable. Wide receivers are making plays. I was like, this is a team that we fell in love with last year, and this is a team that convinced us that they were going to be Super Bowl champions before they met the Patriots in that big game. So yeah, this is this is perfect timing for the Rams. Of course, you know they're gonna have to see how things shake out with other teams within the division, but if they handle what they can handle, that's the number one job that you need to do at this point in the year, I've been here in this position where it's like, all right, let's win games the rest of the season and let's see how things shake out. Yeah, you know there's that always that famous line, Oh you got a Super Bowl hangover, you can't make it back. Do you think that has more to do with like guys keeping the same type of team? And I only say this because if you look at the Rams identity last year and you look at their identity this year, it is two different teams. Like last year it was like offense kept things going. This year, I would almost say it's the reverse, right, no doubt about it. I feel like it's a combination of that. But it is also a combination of energy. Man, I'm a true believer that life is a majority the energy you put out, how much you can recharge yourself in order to put out more energy. And you know, if we're surrounded by the right people, we can tap into other people's energy. What was great about the Rams last year is they were so talented and so unselfish, which means when one guy's energy source was depleted, they had on the individuals they can plug into. And you know, Tid Gurley was a prime example of that. I mean, the best running back in football, and then he gets banged up at the end. And what they do is they plugged into the back of running back. See je Anderson comes in. The offense was rolling, it was a pass game, it was the creativity of Sean McVay, the defense step that Aaron Donald was a monster. The linebackers may play. The list goes on and on and on, you know, and and that out. I feel like they're starting to tap into each other's energy properly. And when it comes to just specifically coming off of that game and having a Super Bowl hangover, which I do feel like exists. Let's just just think about hangover and what that truly means, and like the more secular world, just going out, doing too much, standing up too late, having too many drinks, and what happens. You're you have a lack of energy the next day and it takes forever for you to recover because you're so high, having so much fun, and then you realize that, man, I gave everything last night. It's gonna take me a while just to get back to the basics and feel like myself again. It's the same thing in football. They were depleted after that magnificent run one because you get to the game, you're at the top of the mountain, and let's call it as you get punched in the mouth by the Patriots, right the dynasty they're still another one. And then you spend the off season convincing yourself that you know you'll get back there, all the while taking advantage of the pot pularity. Guys are shooting commercials, living the life. So your energy, if it's a battery, it was, let's just say it was at a hundred off a pure just like enthusiasm during the Super Bowl. By the time you've turned back around and start the next season, you're not even at full charge. So how do you how do you plug back in? And I feel like right now the battery is a little juice stup. The question is how much more juice can you get? Where are you plugging into? Who's gonna raise their hand and say, guys, all right, it's the month of December. Plugging to me? You know, of course, I believe Sean mcvays is the top of the list. All right, guys, plugging to me, this is how this is gonna go. This is how the week's gonna go. And then after Sean McVay, you got the coordinators that say, all right, here's the perfect game plans we're coming in with week by week. And then after the coaches. Who are your leaders? Jared Golf, big money quarterback, Hey, plugging to me, TOI Gurley, Hey, guys, I've been cooling for a little bit, taking my time. I'm feeling good saving you like for the right woman, my right moment. Plugging to me, Aaron Donald, Listen, I know statistically I might not wow all the critics, but I know I'm destructing things on every play. And regardless of the double team, triple teams, I need you guys to plug into me. So who are they plugging into? Just think about the Patriots, what they've done it during their dynasty. They plug into different individuals every single time they make a run. It's all about energy. How do they find that proper energy to make that run? And I would say, just from experience, not that I've ever had a hangover ever, but you can get back to the weekend and forget that you maybe had a hangover at some point in your life. If you'll talk to that, you can convince yourself that it never happens depended on how hard you actually went. My mom is like, oh lord, she drank another McCallan. As a former wide receiver, what are your thoughts on this Ram's wide out group. You know, Brandon Cooks and Cooper Cup. I mean, Cooper Cup is definitely like a comeback player of the year in my eyes. And what Robert Woods has done, you know, coming back after missing a game for personal issues and having that spectacular game. I mean he was moving the chains for us in that game against the Seahawks. Yeah. No, I really loved this wide receiver corps man some of my favorite individuals to watch one. It's because of what I said first and foremost are very unselfish, just pure hard it dues man every time I sit back and watch him, whether it's from a distance or when I was working the games. They were one of those groups of guys that I thought to myself, I would love to play with them because they can go week in and week out, not be over dramatic, not be devous. They don't even demand the ball, They just patiently wait for their opportunity. Robert Woods is fast, He's slick, great, route running ability, he can play inside outside, Cooks is just an ask who Burner. I mean, he can go and play in any system, which means the versatility that he brings to your team, it's really something that you can't put a price tag on. And then Cooper Cup. You know, I've told people this before and I'll say it right here. Cooper Cup is so good you can run an offense through them. And I know people are like, well, what do you mean. I'm like, let's just think about his size, his ability to catch the ball, what he can do in the run game, you know, and and the fact that he can play all the way outside and run past your fastest you can put them in the trenches and he can run those those routes that a lot of slight receivers don't like to run, where he can do the dirty work and move the change from the inside out. So the wide receiver corps man, it's it's gonna be that group that you know, helps this team make that run that we're talking about. I mean, without this team being successful, I mean without the wide receiver crups being successful, statistically, these guys aren't going to have a chance. Did you watch the Seahawks game, and you were just like, whoa, what in the world? What? What? Where did they? Because I watched the Seahawks Vikings game the week prior that Monday night game, and I was like, Oh my gosh, I am nervous. This is crazy. And then you watch a Sunday night football game and the defense like, I mean, I saw Russell Wilson on the sideline shook now and Sierra was in the stands. What happened right? Right? Exactly? That was, you know, because you guys are hitting them with the one two step and trying to level up like a couple of serio singles. And you know, for the first time pretty much all season, I saw a discomfort and Russell, and Russell has a magical ability to self correct anything that's going on. And you know, I've said it before, Russell Wilson has the greatest pocket awareness I've ever seen in NFL history. With what he does in the pocket, being able to negotiate with the speed, extend plays, and keep his eyes up field. I've never seen anything better for the Rams defense. And I'm not just saying the d line linebackers, but the defense as a whole. To be connected like that common thread from the top safety position all the way down to the d line on being able to put pressure on him and make him uncomfortable. For Russell, it's not about sacks. It's not even about QB hits. It's about creating discomfort for four quarters and consistently doing that. And that's where people getting messed up. You play against russ some of the great quarterbacks in this league, and it's like, oh, we just gotta get sacked. That doesn't matter when you're great, Like a guy can dust himself off from being sacked. What a guy can't dust off is the feeling that the walls are closing in. It's like it's like the movie Saw or Escape the Room. Like if you feel like you're claustrophobic for four quarters, you can't shake that Mentally, you could shake a physical hit off. What the Rams did and what made them special last year and what they're gonna need to do in the month of December January is make QB's uncomfortable. Forget about stats. Just make the battle in between his ears tougher than the battle that he's actually facing physically. That's true, And speaking of good quarterbacks, I'm gonna just hit some quickly. Some news from around the NFL. This is crazy. According to CBS Online, since becoming the Titans starting quarterback in Week seven, Ryan Tannehill has a better QB rating than Drew Brees, more yards than Aaron Rodgers, more touchdowns than Tom Brady, fewer interceptions than Russell Wilson, and a better completion percentage than Lamar Jackson. One explain this, This is insane? And do two? If the Titans actually go to a playoff situation, are we putting him in an MVP situation? Like I feel like we. I was just like, hold on one second year, where did he come from? Yeah? I feel like he'll get he'll get votes. I think Lamar's running away with that MVP for sure, you know, but I do feel like he might be in a conversation comeback player of the Year. And I know that's usually set aside for guys battling something off the field or even a physical injury, but just think about where Tannehill was in Miami. He was banged up, overlooked, they said he was a bus He got paid too much money, former wide receiver trying to be a quarterback, and then he goes to Tennessee and immediately we're all like, oh, that's that's my oldest team, So that's a good story. Tanne ollandis somewhere. He'll be a backup for a long time. Backups make you know, three, four or five million a year. Tannehill is going to be just fine. And then all of a sudden, Rabel makes a decision to make a quarterback change and Tannehill looks better than ever, which one makes you question the system he is in Miami and start to question whether he was actually surrounded by the proper talent. But you look at how they're playing. The offense has a better flow. Derek Henry always cooks around this time of year, so he's looking like the best running back in football. All of a sudden, this Tennessee Titan team, who we always overlook their wide receivers, we know who they are, A J. Brown, Corey Davis. They have tight end play and on top of that, he's also tough man. Ryan Tannehill will escape the pocket and give up his body for a first down or a touchdown. You know, I said it on the show. The Tennessee Titans. They get in they're my dark Horse. To win the Super Bowl, you gotta pick one unlikely team. And it's not even like dark Horse Cinderella. Cinderella, like the odds are way stacked together them. I'm just saying the dark horse because nobody would consider saying that they could make it to Miami. But I think they have everything that you need. Good defense, very opportunistic when that balls in the air, those dbs they're getting pvus or I and ts they get after quarterbacks. They're super physical on the offensive side. Like I said, they're averaging like thirty seven points over the last handful of games. That's wild. So this isn't until Granddaddy's Titans. I mean, they can run the rock, but they also can throw a good ball. So I love what they're doing. Let's see how strong they could finish. Ryan Tannehill is playing very motivated. And I say this and I try to describe it as well as I can. There's certain times where guys are put in situations when they're playing completely free, and I feel like free football is the best football. You know, when you have stretches of fulfilling expectations or fulfilling a contract, or you know, trying to trying to be the face of an organization like that Prescott and the Cowboys, or you know Tom Brady playing out all that pressure for so long, which makes him great. We've seen guys either rise to that or crumbling that there's this like gray area where these guys playing. And Tannehill he landed in that spot perfectly, like what did he have to lose? Once Rabel say, hey, Tannehill, you start like what he's on a one year deal. He purposely took a one year deal with the Titans just to see how things go. If it went horribly wrong, he pretty much was in the same position like, hey, you're land somewhere and fight for a spot. But if you play free and you make every instinct, that decision the way that you feel like you in the game in real time, these are your results. And it's hard to translate. But if young guys look at Tenney Hill as an example, when you get in the league, sometimes you got to put all your problems in a box and metaphorically set that aside and play that game as free as you can, and you'll get You'll get results like you've never seen. And this is speaking autobiographical, and you see right now, ran Tannehill playing just like that. You say that, you know they're your dark horse to make it to Miami. A team that always seems to make it to the super Bowl, the New England Patriots. They just added to their roster a kicker to their practice squad, Josh Gable. He's never played a college football game, but I have looked up his demo reel and it is impressive. And the Pads have gone through now five kickers this season. What do you think of this move? I don't know if you've looked his video up, but dude can hit us sixty five yard and he's got like he's doing soccer kickups into the field goal and whatnot. But you got to look at other kickers and they're like, oh, you think this dude could just come in and right No, no doubt, no doubt. I think it was young Way Coo who had like some YouTube highlights where he was putting the ball, kicking it and doing all kind of crazy fancy stuff with the feet. You know, I've learned to not question a few things in life. I don't question Uncle Sam when they come for them texts, I don't question. I don't question my wife when she tells me my clothes don't match, because I'm slightly color blind, and I don't question the New England Patriots when they signed anybody. The Patriots can sign Tyrone Jenkins from your local grocery store and he will probably end up being the Super Bowl MVP. There Scout. We joke all the time on the show that they have somebody in the basement of the facility chained to a desk, flipping through the rule book and watching countless tape of guys that we don't know, and the the only way that he gets fed is if you come up with something good for the week. It's it's like this this fictional storyline that we have in our head. It's like, what, okay, what we're in the rules? Can we bend them where we don't break them? Okay? All right, here's here's a sandwich for the day. So I feel like the Pats when they make a move. It's basically just let's just wait and see this be successful. All right, The time is now for Josh Gable, But Serena, do you know what time it is for us? I do. It's time for Serena's social segment. All right, there's been several fashion trends floating around the internet this week, and you, sir, are a fashion forward kind of guy, so we wanted to get your thoughts on some of these statements of fashion and you tell us if they're fab or foul. I'll start with the Texans linebackers pregame outfits, both the Swat Team and Moral Kombat. Um, the Swat Team and I love the Mortal Kombat. What happens is when you show up as Dodgeball characters with patches of who the Hand and you can't you know, dodge the team that's beating you up, which is the Romancos. I'm not feeling it, but you know what, I guess if I could pick one or the other, Yes and no, I'll say it's fab because how often are we so excited about guys dressing up outside of Halloween? Like it's kind of cool that we're looking forward to it. So I say, keep doing it, man, and you know, listen, as much as people don't want to admit it, Like a big part of the NFL is entertainment, So we got a little WWE factor and guys like cal walk down that tunnel and hear their own music. In their head. Go ahead and let them do it. I'll say fat. I say fab too, But I just want more color. Like I feel like if anyone, you know, you're in New York, like if anyone were the Swat Team or a Mortal Kombat like, you'd be like, yeah, it's just another dude walking down the street. So I'm like bringing the color. Yeah, yeah, we know what it was. I was like, is that is that on? It is that? Like? Like, what is it's going on? I feel like the tunnel walk is fifty percent of the NBA's entertainment, especially especially with their ratings. But yeah, speaking of the NBA, Uh, Lizzo's Laker fit, have you seen this? Um yeah, I'm gonna say fab You know, she had them cakes out. You know, everybody loves cake, you know what I'm saying. I'll say this. One thing I can appreciate about it, uh, is that she is comfortable in her own skin. And this isn't a message to women. I think this is a message to men and women that no matter who you are, no matter what you look like, tass, short, little, big, old young, just rock it and rock it with confidence. You know, most of the time when I see Lizzo, whether she's on stage or talking, I don't even look at her body or outfit. I just look at her eyes and her mouth because that that shows me how confident she is. And somebody when their eyes like never leave who they're talking to, or they're glowing, and their chin never dips in and in their body language never cowers. I can care less what you're wearing. You can't have something on from the thrift shot, but it's just the fact you're carrying yourself like you got one hundred million dollars worth of gold on. So I say it's bad because we need more people that are comfortable on their own skin like Lizzo. Because there's handsome, beautiful, rich people that live the so called perfect life that be standing on a gram that don't have the ounce of confidence that Lizzle got in real life. So I'm gonna say fad. I hear that. I say fouled only because if I was wearing that, I would be like, who sat in the seat before me? Because like you're gonna your butt's gonna feel the seat like that's uncomfortable. Like oh, like it almost looked like she farted and it just like opened uphold and I'm with you on feeling company all that. If you can wear it, you wear a girlfriend for you. All right. We'll wrap up with uh, some pigeons wearing cowboy hats in Vegas because where else, like like real life pigeons with little tiny cowboy hats on. Come on, man, why why can't we just let animals do their thing? Like like you know what I'm saying, Like animals don't don't run up in our houses, Like, hey, I want you to try on this left for jacket, like you know what I'm saying, Like you don't have a wolf like yo, you want to try to spur on top like we don't, nah, like we're the only coach that does the other day, this is the true story for you guys. Actually that the other day I'm driving home and I see people walking their dogs, which is fine, and I see these like German shepherds with sweaters on, like and I'm like, okay, so listen, I get the little poodle thing, you know what they mean? A little too wild wise, the little ones that you could take on the plane, the little little snack snack a ball, a fun sized off but a grown ass German shepherd. Do you think that German Shepherd was like for real, like I'm gonna lose all kinds of street cribs, Like what are you doing? You're gonna take me to the park where my homeboys? Is that all my homie? And I gotta word this sweat from man, you can't play catch today exactly. So um yeah, I'm I'm gonna say that's fat and I'm not saying cass's another word for a bird, but you know what, yeah, that's good. We man and I were joking like does the bald eagle need like a Yankee fitting because he's bald? Though, like maybe the pigeons are kind of like yo, but I do I need a little more swag because everyone said, you know, hating on me, so maybe I need to say that kind of you know up these feathers. This is see here's the thing. Pigeons. They they ain't even like the cowboy vibe dressed up a pigeon. That's what I'm saying here, that's a pigion Like you said, it's it's like you might as well do like uh like tims with it with the hoodie. Yes, because pigeons is gully like we specially out here in New York man. Like you know, one day I was walking home and I tried to do though watch out and the pigeons looked at me like, Bro, you ain't from around here. Yeah you're right, I'm from Seattle. Yeah. He's like, yeah, I'm like, you're right, I'm from Seattle. Bro. Our birds a little bit different. And he was like, f Seattle, Like damn they're taking out here, man, pie and cut me out. You got like pizza rats and you got the cock ROAs to take smoking a cigarette, pigeons and checking themselves. So yeah, you're right, it's disrespectful to put a cowboy hat on a pigeon. To be quite honest, I don't know real they start the suspect is still at large. Yeah all right, well, and we will end this with if not for football, Nate, then then what what would you do if football did not exist? You were never you never wear white out in the NFL. You're not covering the NFL. Now what are you doing? I think I'd be one or two things, which is behind the camera um writing scripts for movies or in front of the camera reading the script. I think that might be the next move for me is challenging myself enough to get in front of the actor, get in from the camera and start acting. What kind of what kind of actor you're gonna do? Like comedy, everything I think I'm doing, I think I'm doing a lot. I want to start with drama. Um. Comedy is too much of our art and I just have the immense respect for stand up comedians. It's one of my favorite forms of comedy. UM. But I do feel like I can do drama because when you go through real drama in your life, then you can you can find places, um that it can derive from. I dig that man and then brings back to Kyle Brant. I was just like, can you cry? Like, if someone tells you to cry, can you do it? And he goes he met a woman on the set of Days of Our Lives and the woman was like, which I do you want me to cry out of? I was like, what in the world. That's the next level, That's what I'm talking about. Oh all right, Well, I'm excited to see whatever you do in the future, and I'm I'm so happy and appreciative of having you come on the episode. Don't forget For those looking for more all Things Rams. Make sure you check out our other team podcast, Rams Reveal with JB. Long caught up with the Rams undrafted rookie and fan fave symbol Webster earlier this week. Thank you, Ny, appreciate you, Thank you guy,