Ep. 4: ESPN Radio's Mike Golic Jr. on why Andrew Whitworth is the gold standard of offensive lineman

Published Aug 21, 2019, 10:38 PM
Mike Golic Jr. speaks on the sweaty nature of being an offensive lineman, the tragic truth about Todd Gurley’s cat, and the only thing more frightening than flying air mattresses.

I'm gonna call you the crop top wearing Blacksmith. From now on, You're gonna look up in downtown LA and see that on a billboard. Is where it all began? Is that Golick? It is, mother of guy? What it is? What to do? This is Rambling, your weekly RAMS podcast that gives you insight of the team and news from around the NFL. I'm your host and team reporter, Serena Morales, coming at you from beautiful Agora Hills, California, back from the madness of training camp. Joining me today. Here's one of the funniest guys I know. You can find them all over ESPN and ESPN Radio, including Golik and Wingo. He is not only an expert in sports, but also the Bachelor, and he claims if he was a girl, he would wear nothing but crop tops. Welcome my friend, Mike Golick Jr. Nikola. Why I think that's best introduction someone's ever done, mostly because it's the only one that is properly communicated by love of crop top. So God bless you, Serena. Great to talk to you again. You got it? Is that an ode to Zeke Elliott or do you just think that croptops are the way forward, and I've been doing it all wrong as a woman, you know what it is. I think it's less so that you've done anything wrong, and more so I just look around and I survey, like women's fashion has a lot more fun than men's fashion. And I think the idea of a crop top as a large man who sweats off and is nice because it's airy at less a little bit of a draft in there. And so I just wanted to make sure that people everywhere, regardless of gender and regardless of their body type because I'm a bigger guy, feel like the crop top is stuff that they can rock. What a kind thing to keep in mind, like the air of a stomach, Like if you've had too much to eat, you can air it out literally just you don't even have to do anything. What a blessing. Um. We'll get to Rams football first. The Rams are coming off of an incredible season. Right, it's a new year, it's a new day. Something's changed. But to be quite honest, Wade Phillips remains the defensive coordinator. And when I said to him yesterday, how are you? He said, Hawaii? That's right. We had a game there. So clearly, Mike, I get this every day as the team reporter for the Rams. What is the perception of the Rams from your point of view? I mean, I think they're right where they were last George is a team that we expect to compete to be the Super Bowl representative of the NFC. Yet again, like I think what's gotten interesting is there's certainly a little more up in the air, right like Todd Gurley and everything that transpired really from the end of the regular season through the Super Bowl has certainly changed a lot of thoughts there. But I think with the rest of it, you know, you've got a coach and Sean McVeigh who now is developing a young coaching tree, which is something that not a lot of guys says aid to get to say. And so I think the national perception on the Rams is one that's pretty highly respected. They are, I think treated the best thing you can say about someone in the NFL is they're treated as a known commodity. On the positive end, obviously you have people that drown and you know, anonimity and mediocrity like the Bengals, But on the positive end, the Rams are looked at as a known commodity for sure, and they've got some great a lot of big names now, especially with the additions in the offseason they Clay Matthews and Eric Weddell. But to me, I still am just like, if you've got Wade Phillips, you're okay, You're all good. We also have another guy, Andrew Whitworth, and he told me once you can tell the difference between an old lineman and a d lineman just by their personality. You a former old lineman, what like, what is it about them that defines that group? So I think it's two parts. One is they're definitely neurotic because you live a lifetime as pack animals, and so you're used to not only having to be everywhere together all the time, but having to be there very early because offensive line coaches are a strange bunge. And so even now, as someone who hasn't played football through two and fifteen, I still find myself showing up way too early to every meeting for a show, or way too early when I'm covering games right now, because that's just the old habit and the personality I think is a defense mechanism, because as I said, you're a room the offensive line room full of spat and sweaty kids at heart, and there are very few other people outside that are in general is going to be drawn to hang out with a group of fat and sweaty kids. And so you've got to make yourselves appealing with social currency. Offensive linemen can quote movies were generally pretty self deplicating, all because we have to make ourselves more inviting because again, in general, we're rather large and we don't always smelbrate. Maybe Jared Goff for his present to the Old Lineman, because I've suggested a couple of things should just be to get them crop tops right if they're all sweating, just like a, well they're all sweaty, and they're in Los Angeles, Like what area would be more receptive to big boy crop tops than LA. You can do anything out that. This episode brought to you by Old Spice apparently is a worth the gold standard of lineman in so many ways. First off, you can start off on the field, like I often said about the twenty sixteen Cowboys offensive line, that really was one of the ones that made O line talk in the NFL Sexy. You added Zack Martin to that group and it was really sort of the last piece they needed to unlock Voltron, and Wit was really that in La when the Rams started to take this step into becoming the known commodity that the stability that he provided coming over after what was a great career but one that didn't necessarily get the pubb it deserved in Cincinnati for obvious reasons with that team's success. But Wit coming over and the things he's done now, I mean I look up and the guy is thirty seven years old and still not only does all the things that you would expect a veteran lineman to do, has the full tool bag. It's such a technician when you put on the tape foot to still be as athletically gifted as he is. To the point where I'm looking on his Instagram the other day as he's wrapping up you know, this is before training camp. He was wrapping up summertime with his family, and I look at a pool picture. I goles he is a three hundred and twenty something pounds offensive lineman with what looks like a borderline sick pack. And that's what I realized. Sometimes the genetic lottery just didn't fare to all of us. So he is for longevity for all these things. Is such an unbelievable example of what this position should be and a lot of the people don't see this side of w where like even in a punt on special teams, he's the first guy, not the first lineman, he's the first guy down the field to where the ball is. Yeah, he's fast, He's like he belongs in the redwood forest. He's just all tree limb. It really, it really is something like he is. He is a mountain of a man and absolutely like the rock of what has been Like I've been so amazed during this run for the Rams at just what they've been able to do continuity wise, and obviously John Sullivan, you know, you have some departures here in the off season, finally in the middle of what was getting to be an older offensive line, where just how healthy they've been able to be for the last couple of years. And to have your thirty seven year old Stalworth at left tackle the one leading the charge on that level of consistency set the tone that really ends up I think reverberating through a lot of the teams. There are two preseason games left, which seems like a century from now, but as an undrafted free agent, Like, what is the key to some of these guys making the team that maybe we are not able to see, Like, is it more than just sparking on the field during these four preseason games. Yeah, I mean, listen, what you see during the games is certainly a part of it. And it's a great opportunity I think, especially for guys. You know, I was always in a weird way jealous as an offensive lineman because you don't get a chance to pop on special teams as much. And so for a lot of these guys, especially in the last couple of weeks here, you're trying to be you know, the fifth or sixth lineback or the you know, the extra dB that gets kept. And the way you do that is certainly performed at the decision. But you've got to go out there and dominate and make a mark on special teams. And so that's certainly one way. But it's continuing in practice every guy I ever talked to who came up in the undrafted path, as I was seeking advice for guys to try and figure out how to make it, it's start a fight. It be the guy that pushes someone over a pile it's find a way to stick out, even if it seems counterproductive, even if it's extra, and a lot of times even if your teammates kind of get a little upset about it. You know, we call him tempo violators if you're going a little too fast for what the period is supposed to be. But to an extent, if you're trying to make it and it is a zero sum game out here, you got to be the dude putting it on tape each and every day because every practice, even addition to the games, is monitored and evaluated by your team and the thirty one other teams that are looking for dudes, and so it really is you almost have to be a little bit extra in a way that's sometimes uncomfortable because it's not what you're used to as someone who came and probably started at a previous level in college. Speaking of extra, the cats out of the bag, Todd Gurley doesn't have a cat. I know you have trust issues over this, but if if if he were to actually have one, right, what kind of cat dad do you think Todd Gurley would be? Would he be the guy who posts on Instagram every day? He's part of that cat family? On ig or do you think he is someone who posts like three days after the CAD's birthday and he's like, oh yeah, reminder, I'm a cad dad, you know what I want? Like even still, and this is how heartbroken I am, because he checked all the boxes, like we all thought he had misspelled cat Dad when it was cat ad, but he had dressed it up and had a little bow tie. He had a different voice for his cat, which I said is a hallmark of trust. If you do not have a different voice for your pet, I don't know if I can ride with you. So all of these things. Still think I think he would have been a really great, diligent pet dad. You know, he probably would have been kind of like what you have in Pittsburgh. Would you miss Schuster and his French bulldog Boogie. I really think that's the kind of guy Todd Girley could be if he applied himself. And I'm just upset that we were all deceived in plain sight really because he didn't lie to us. It said cat Ad. But I still I feel, I feel I'm hurt, I'm confused, But for some reason, I still believe in Todd Girley's cat parenting skills. I did too, because I don't think that you just pull out. You know, no one tells you, hey, I want you to hold up a cat's paw and put on a different voice for the cat, like that came naturally. The boat tie not so much, but the voice that came within. That's so true. That's instinct right there. Because you're right, we've all done certain things where you got to do a read for a company and no one in that company is ever creative enough to add lib that. So you're right, maybe we saw the natural instinct take hold. I hope, I hope he takes this opportunity to do right and goes out and find himself a cat or the people. Do you think he had, like what do you think the other voices for his cat that he practiced? Yes, yeah, this is This is always the struggle I have because with smaller animals, like my family has got two pugs, and so I tend to give them higher voices, kind of dopey one because they have the smoshy face and so you assumply go high voice with a cat. But I would like him to actually break the mold and maybe deepen it up a little bit of cat with a big grumpy boys like this walking into town. Maybe a little western. I don't know why I gave it a Western voice. Maybe it is the Wade Philip Jacket effect, you know, the old son of Bum deal that leaked in there. But I feel like we're due for a deep voice cat. Yeah, so like a Morgan Freeman voice, right, oh yeah, very deliberate. You still haven't seen the Lego movie, have you. I haven't said, Okay, well there's all those cats that go by, and it's like, yeah, yeah, oh see, that's the cot we're looking for, um based on things that have happened in the news this week. I want to say a name or a football related word, and I just want you to fill in the sentence. So we're gonna go. Baker may Field is Baker Mayfield is learning. He is learning very quickly that nothing is off the record unless it is said to be off the record, and that everything you do kind of like it was in college. And that's why I'm surprised it's taking so many of these instances for him to learn. But you know, I just I just saw some note flash by that he had reached out to Daniel Jones to try and mend the sense after some comments that were, to Baker's credit, kind of taken out of context in certain ways. But I think Baker is learning that as the face of the franchise now, it's still a different step up from being the face of Oklahoma football, from being a Heisman Trophy winner, when you are now being one of the guys that's one of the ready associations with a face of the NFL kind of guy. The Cleveland Browns in the Super Bowl this year would would be one of the most shocking spots stories on Earth. Like, I think this team has the chance to be really good, but them being in the Super Bowl would be the kind of thing that we would hand an SB two out on the other end here, because for a place like that to go from winning one game in two years prior to the the last season to that would be It'd be awesome to walk like my dad, my dad from Cleveland, his side of the family still all out there, Like we have plenty of roots there and it's amazing to see how far Cleveland has come since, like Lebron James went back there and really brought everything up to speed. But that would be that would be an act of God. How about that? Yeah, helmets are. Helmets are my current least favorite thing on the planet. And don't get me wrong, like when I had to wear helmets, it sucked because I get that first couple of days of camp when you put them back on for the first time, and your next superstore because no matter how many four way next machine exercises you do, there's nothing quite like having to toad around what feels like a ten pound helmet. But my god, I never have to hear about a shut model whatever for the rest of my life. Again, even as someone who loves and cover football, It'll be too soon. Ab killed helmets for me. Did you have to do workouts for your neck to wear a helmet? Oh? Yeah, you too? Fun. I mean just in general you absorb a lot of shock with your neck. But like you, I don't know. Those things are heavy. Like the first you ask any guy the first couple of days you go out there and helmets even going back to like OTAs you wake up that next morning and you remember every time it is brand new. It's like squatting for the first time after a month off. Russell Wilson's man bun is you know what, I'm gonna go ahead and say it progressive. I really I as someone listen as someone who just opened this podcast by campaigning for crop tops, Who am I to stop someone from going for a man bun just because I am balding at twenty nine and can no longer do that? Like, you know, get how you live. I could do without the late night like Russell Wilson contract announcement videos that was kind of creepy and stuff like that. But as far as the man bun here, I'm all for it. Go work with what you work with, what the good Lord gave you. Is it because he now owns or a part owner of, like the Seattle Sounders, Like is it like the whole soccer frenzy that he's just trying to, you know, earn the trust of soccer fans, that he grew that thing out? Oh exactly. I mean that's you know what. You can say a lot of things about Russ and sometimes he comes off a little bit corny and sometimes he can try a little bit too hard, but man, when he is in on something, he goes all the way in. So I guess congratulations to the Sounders. They're good for them. Is he Also I always think like Russ might be doing the exact opposite of the tom Brady look, which is like the clean, you know, shaved, you know, keep it one hundred, just sell saying, and then it's like it's like almost the two pretty boy looks. But well, I guess that's the thing is you know, if you at this point in tom Brady's career, we've watched him go through every hairstyle, like you know how they do when someone's birthday, they do that faith mels of the face from every year over time. Tom Brady's is such an adventure. That guy's had every hairstyle and about everything done to his face that you can. So maybe Russia season, like that's how you become the goat. You change it up every once in a while. I'll challenge tom Brady to grow a mullet. Oh my god, there's been anything that we need more as NFL fans than tom Brady's mullet. Can't cut it till he retires, Yes, Oh there we go. Could be forever, um last one. Antonio Brown changes the preseason, changes the preseason. I'll say, outlook on cryotherapy forever, Like as someone and I thought I had one of the worst cryotherapy stories ever because when I was with the Saints, and I will not name this person, but a certain player that I was friends with on the Saints once ruptured a nipple in the cryotherapy machine. Yeah. Yeah, full pause, ruptured a nipple in that machine. And that was the last time because I'd used it before. After that, I was like, you know what, I'm good in the ice ups. I'll go back. I don't need this anymore. And so I thought that was the worst story you could have in a cryotherapy until I saw ABC. Wow, that's sounds awful and painful. Do you think that if he comes out and he's just like a monster and everyone loves him and he's winning a gajillion points on Fantasy football this year, do you think that they that helps change the momentum of less preseason games to no pre next year. We're just like, no preseason. It's cool, no worries, we don't need it. You didn't show up. Oh. I think it would definitely be another positive plot point on that end, right, I mean, hell, you guys have one out there. I mean Aaron Donald missed the last what two preseasons as defensive player of the year, like you're seeing time and time again. But a lot of these guys as they go along in the league, these better in players. If it's a year round job, they're always working on this, and so the notion that you need preseason nearly as much anymore in a lot of instances, it is kind of being shown to be antiquated. So yeah, I think that would definitely help go a long way in that. All right, well there's your answer. Now we've got our Serena's social it is time for Serena's social segments. All right. I have to ask, because this has been the wave and the debate for the last three days. Now, Popeyes Chicken sandwich? Have you tried it? If the new king? I went and tried it yesterday. I had to do it. I had to ride the wave of guys, And let me tell you what I was someone who was going to that for I'm pretty I don't want to pay down on I appreciate Chick fil A, but I think, like in an outburder, it gets a lot more hype than it does substance after a while. But I went and tried the Popeyes Chicken sandwich yesterday. It even jumped my Wendy sandwich that I truly enjoy, great girth, an awesome audible crunch when you bite into it, Rio che buns. It brings the heat in basically every level you can is a chicken sandwich. I already googled the closest Popeyes to Agore Hills. If you'd like to fly out for lunch chicken sandwich on Matt today, Oh there we goes. Yeah, yeah, do you do yourself that favorite, Throw a biscuit, some Cajun fries in there, and have yourself an afternoon. Why does this sandwich like max out all the other sandwiches, Like, what have they done? Is it the bun? Is it the brioche bun? You know what? I think that's a supremely underrated part of it, Serena. To be honest is you don't often think about bun innovation when you're dealing in fast food. You just assume that's sort of gonna be like inflated cardboard, and you move on and you go with it because you're paying for efficiency. But they go the extra mile with that. I really think chicken is made by the breading in a lot of instances too. And I think they did enough but not too much, if that makes sense. With the breading on this, I think it's a good solid amount of sandwich before you bought. It's a good balance. Something else in the news, air mattresses were blowing in the wind in Denver. The man who recorded this beautiful visual called it the Great Mattress Migration of twenty nineteen. Great name. It was for a movie night. They put air mattresses out, but then the air literally lifted up all of these mattresses and they went blowing all over the place. It's on social media, you can see it. But this brought me and Matt to an idea to really brought us to Sharknado. We went from mattresses to Sharknado. So we want to know what is another inanimate object flying through the air that would give you the fear to hide in a ditch. It's like air mattresses are like, oh man, I got hittled from an air matt like there's no real fear. And watermelons coming at you. Yeah, watermelons? Oh man? Hide? Oh man? You know what? Like I feel like you could. I'm looking at this video right now and I think it's the ominous sky that really, because like I'm even kind of scared of these their matches. Now, what's the right skylighting? You can really be afraid of anything. But I would say if you're gonna have a wave of everything, it would be like disappointed mothers, Like I like, like a bunch of disappointed moms just rolling in the wind, scolding me, Mike, why aren't you dating anyone into your early thirties? Why haven't you given me grandkids yet? Like all of that rolled into a thunderstorm barreling towards us like a bad out of hell, and they just keep coming. It never stops. Because the thing about a screaming mother is that you can walk away from them and like the noise stops. But if they're just all coming at you and they just keep rolling through, that seems awful. No exactly, And the worst part is their intentions are good. They just love you and want the best for you, But it doesn't matter when wave after wave of their constant stream of disappointments in you are coming at you like an unstoppable rebel force shark Nado five. They have a new one coming out, Oh do they Yeah? Oh it's a zombie it's zombie tsunami. Oh yeah, great, Mom's tsunami um our last rabbin up here. If not for football, then so like, if football didn't exist, Mike, what would what would you be doing with your life if football didn't exist? I always said that I would really like, I'm very jealous to my brother, my younger brothers a year and a half younger than me. But he got all of like the handy jeans in the family, so you can fix things, you can put stuff together, like he's very good at home projects. And I always took that to a stream. I said, if I wasn't if it wasn't for football and I didn't do media or anything else, I would have loved to have like gone back to something primal, like being a blacksmith. You get to work with your hands. You're kind of jacks because you're always listing and doing stuff. Anyway, it's metal work, so I can make stuff like swords, the team super badass. It just it all seems very appealing, like I'm covered in soot. I'm in you know, I've got like an apron on going into work every day just hammering away at somebody's battle act. So how far so we're going back to like medieval Blacksmith, not just like Industrial Revolution Blacksmith. No, no, no, I want to do the goods I want to like, I'll make them for like a medieval times fare and stuff like that. I recognize that I'm really limiting my market like that, but the heart wants what it wants. You can only live in one. You're just you know, back with like John Snow because that's all of a sudden become history. In my eyes, the Game of Thrones is a part of actual history. Now part of a collegiate course, probably, I'm sure. I mean I had. I can't wait for my kids to learn about the Battle of the Bathroods and school. No why we my senior year, we had an entire class called Examining Friday Night Lights and we watched the movie. We watched the show, and we read the book. It was kind of it's real based on reality. Um, all right, well that's it. That's our fourth episode of rambling. It's in the books. Thank you to the Blacksmith. Shout out to all the screaming moms out there, top wearing Crocksmith, a crop top wearing Blacksmith. My going junior, thank you for hanging my friend