It Ends With THIS

Published Jan 24, 2025, 5:08 AM

Juliette weighs in on the latest filings in the "It Ends With Us" legal news and why the fan support seems to be shifting in Justin Baldoni's favor. She shares her hopes for Ally Lewber now that James Kennedy is officially off the hook with a domestic violence case and what he should do next now that it's behind him.

Well, hello, and welcome back to another episode of Rogue Energy. I'm Juliette Harris, one of the hosts of these great shows and the host of the Headlines, and we're going to dig right in because as usual, they're just starn't slowing down, they're firing away and an ever growing trajectory for these headlines. So let's start with the one that you can't even avoid. And everybody's feed is still flooded with Justin Baldoni and Blake Lively. So for those of you that haven't been following it, which I'm not sure that anybody can avoid it even if they try. You know, they've been suing each other back and forth, and the very things that like Lively came out and accused Justin of seemed to really be happening the other way. And I spent some time yesterday looking through different polls just to kind of see where where people are at. And when Blake and her team put out that very first complaint that then got picked up by the New York Times, everybody was on team Blake. And now it's very interesting with the things that have come out, which we're going to talk about. The polls are remarkably Justin heavy at least what I was looking. I looked at several One of the things is just a PR strategy. It's a legal strategy and a PR strategy. And actually, when we spoke to Mark Ergos, we talked about the court of public opinion, which we've always known and is a thing, but suddenly lawyers are using it to the nth degree and it's kind of mind blowing because you know, gone are the days of holding all your evidence tight and showing it in court. My goodness, Brian Freeman, who I can't wait till he comes in here, but I just love he is out there talking and showing. And the big one was some uncut video from three different vantage points of them recording, and it happens to be the scene that Blake Lively's lawsuit references as the sexual harassment. And when you see what actually transpires, everybody jumped on Justin's side, So basically what happens in the scene. So we use a terminology called b roll. But there's different things. It's camera blocking, it's camera setting, and sometimes in a film or when they're filming, they don't need to get the scene over and over and over again, sometimes they need to get the actions. So let's say they did the script and they got the script, but they didn't get enough or the chemistry wasn't there something, so they'll just tape without sound. And so to me, that's exactly what looks like is happening. They're in character, whether they're you know, they're getting excess b roll, excess footage and don't need the script because they either got it. Sometimes they go in with sound, and I always find this fascinating. I think it's called the folly technique or something. Which is fascinating to me is they'll film something and then they'll go back and put all the sound in and the you know, the scraping of feet or you know, it's all done off set and added in later. And a lot of times they can do that with with the script also and words. So anyways, in these clips, it clearly looks that Blake starts the conversation out of character. She talks about her sprays hand getting on him, and he said, all it smells good, and it looked to me, in my opinion, he was trying to They were just bantering, but yet the actions were still filming this intimate love love seeing love couple. I just I can't see that as sexual harassment. Now, I don't ever not want to automatic not side with a woman or side against a woman. If she felt uncomfortable or something wasn't right, she should have just said, this isn't right. I don't feel good about this, this isn't right. She knew they were filming. There was rooms full of camera people, producers, he's the producer. They're doing a scene. It's not like they were hanging out, and she felt uncomfortable. This was filming a scene. So this was pretty damning, I think to her side. And then her lawyer came out and said, don't believe what you see. I don't even know what to say to that. We're all seeing it, we're all judging it. Unless he's saying something was cut or manipulated, which that's not what he was saying. He's just trying to say that they're distorting it. But three different video vantages. And yes, we cannot speak to how Blake Lively felt in that moment, and I'm not belittling that, But also you know, she could have at that moment done what she needed to do and say like stop or I need a break or whatever. Something's not right. You know, we've seen throughout this entire scene. She is not a wallflower, She's not shy. So anyways, that was one of the big damning things. So then the newest thing to come out is her side now. Actually, Blake and Ryan Reynolds came out to silence Brian. They have asked for a gag order on him so that he can no longer do interviews or talk about it or I didn't see the actual gag order, so I don't know. If it goes so far as to ask him to stop releasing evidence and things, I don't know. I think there becomes a freedom of speech issue there, right, So I'm not sure that they can stop that. Can they stop him from bombastically talking about it? I'm not really sure. We'll see, But that also seems to be a little bit insecure to me, Right, if you don't have something to hide, why do you care that he's out there talking about it? Because all going to come out in court anyways. But remember she moved it to the court in New York, which doesn't allow cameras, So I'm sure none of this is making them sit well. The other big move that Brian made is he sequestered the movie house that puts out Deadpool because the accusations are that Ryan Reynolds's character in Deadpool. I think they called him mister Nice. I can't remember. I did see the movie, but was based off of Justin and sort of poking fun at him. And so they have requested all of the texts, emails, script, anything. So if that is proven correct, that's going to be a whole nother animal. Yeah, I think we're kind of hitting it on that. It seems as though the public opinion has really shifted, and you know, we go back to the pr component of this. She came out and accused Justin of retaliation, basically saying, I've said you sexually harassed me. Your publicist now went out and did a smear campaign. That's retaliation. Now they're trying to say, as they've come forward with their complaints and their lawsuits that Juston's attorney in Justin's side, coming in giving there as evidence is retaliatory. I mean, that's pot calling the kettle black. That can't be more hypocritical. You went out made a public complaint, not a lawsuit that would have been public knowledge. You made a complaint that was private. You took it public. You gave it to the New York Times. You gave them the whole thing, no paywall. You made it so that everybody could see your opinion loud and proud. And now when the other side is doing the same thing, or pushing back with evidence that is not altered, you're not happy. And that's retaliation. I'm not sure. I don't I don't like being mean and picking in a side or an opinion or whatever. But this one, to me looks pretty much right now in Justin's favor, unless she's got something she's gonna drop. And again, you know, you got to remember old school, the traditional way was to hold onto your cards until you showed them in front of the judge and a jury in a court, and et cetera. But that's clearly not happening here. One other thing, big, big, big, big edition. She wrote an email to Justin Baldoni, who who printed printed it, shared it where if you are a Game of Thrones fan, you'll understand the reference, and if you're not, I'll explain that. But where she basically called she pulled in Taylor Swift. She called in Taylor Swift and her husband as she was Callisi, and they were her dragons, which means they're her warriors there who goes out and fights for her and lifts her up and burns down anybody that gets it her way. They're dragons, they blow fire. So I don't know. Taylor Swift has not responded, and I believe she won't or shouldn't. She should not get in this mess. But people, someone close to her basically said she's perplexed by any of it, which look, she should stay away far away from this, as she should. And I think it was very poor taste and poor form for Blake to put her friendship on the line like that, and it was ikey to be like it just reminds me of like social climbing or name dropping somebody. My best friend is Taylor Swift and she's powerful and she's the most powerful entertainer and Nana n in and in it. You know, it just seemed a bit icky. I didn't care for that very much. I don't think it was a smart move. I don't think it was a professional movement. I can imagine that Taylor Swift team not happy about it, and I'm sure behind the scenes they're very good friends. So I'm sure she's supporting her as a friend, as you know I would expect if they are such good friends, but publicly to pull her in and put her name in an email, I don't think that was super smart and I don't think that's gaining her any friends also, So we'll see how that goes for her. Oh okay. And then Blake had another movie that's supposed to come out, a simple Favor Too, and the headlines were that it was canceled. It's not canceled. Yes, I think it has been postponed, and why wouldn't to be. It would be a dumb move not to because the minute that you from a pr perspective, the minute that they start talking about this movie, everybody's gonna ask what's going on in the lawsuit? The noise begets more noise. So it is a smart move for them to hold back. I think all of us thought that the Blake and Justin stuff would kind of settle and then you know, rear its head when court came around. But it just this isn't the path or the trajectory that this has taken. But I can assure you that Paul Faigue wants it to because he wants to get his movie out right, But I'm sure publicity is saying to him just wait, because if you put Blake on a carpet or on a press junket or to go talk about things, this press is going to overshadow any movie press. So now look, some people would double down and use it a different way. Yes, I will give you one question about this lawsuit because she can answer. I can't talk about it. It's an active lawsuit as long as you promote the movie. So there's two schools of public relations on that, and it just depends on the people driving the bus. But if it were me, I would definitely say there's no reason to hurry to get the film out unless there is that we're unaware of. Just hopefully this has got to play out somewhat soon, like it's got to get back in the box and wait till court. As I said before, I also feel that this was so public and so ugly and not attractive, and I feel that if one of them doesn't win in a huge manner, really win, that both their careers are going to be a little bit stuck, and somebody needs to win big to clear their name to move forward and beyond it. I know the saying all press is good press, This is not that, this is not now. I will say, like, you know, Justin's team, so they show him out there at the beach with his wife and his kid and doing normal things. And I know, you know they do that because they want people that sort of fake it till you make it. They don't want you to see somebody down. I've got confidence in myself and what I'm saying, I'm saying the truth. I will wait for my day in court, just gonna sit back here and show you the evidence and you decide. It shows the position of confidence when you're out there living your life. So that's what his team is doing right now. I know that Blake and her husband went to what I think was the Golden Globes or you know, one of the bigger war shows. They showed a united front there, but I don't know. Some of the rhetoric that's now coming from her side from the attorney is looking like maybe she's a bit regretful or in a weaker position and more the defensive position as opposed to being the offense upon which she started. Okay, so let's get on to the what I think is the biggest vander Pump Rules headline. It's expected but yet disappointing, but yet positive. And if you don't know what I'm talking about, that would be James and Allie. So James attorney announced that there are no criminal charges getting pushed onto James Kennedy. Ali announced they are no longer together. She has moved out. She further went on to say that she believes that story or she's disappointed that the story got distorted that the way that it did, and they were arguing out in front of the house over his drinking and she wasn't harmed, and you know, she's taking time for herself. So look, the number one thing to take away there is we believe she's gone and left him, and hopefully that's true, because there's a lot of theories saying that even the breakups fake because they'll end up getting back together. But I'm going to hold that hope that that's not the case. I'm going to hope that she is taking care of herself and that she spent the time with her parents and her family that gave her the support she needed to get the strength to walk away, and that she gets to do whatever she's meant to do next. I also am going to hedge a bet and see if we think that you know, she was encouraged. The reason why there was not charges dropped is because she's not cooperating with the police. She's not standing there saying I want to press charges. There's two things. The person that the crime happened against needs to press the charges. And then depending on the evidence. Let's say she was truly beat up and bloody, then the district attorney the prosecutors have enough evidence to push it on their own without her. But if what was reported she was body slammed and she is fine, and she doesn't want to press charges, and they don't have any real other evidence, they can't pull in the past people for this. So that's why it all makes sense if she's not cooperating. Now here's the thing. If he's you know, they're kind of hot properties in the vand world, and you know, did she get pressured to drop charges and not press charges? Did she care about him and not want to I mean that happened with Rachel. She didn't want somebody to go to jail, so she you know, played it down a little bit. And I think that's what most people would do, right. They don't want to even they care about that person that might be hurting them, and they still don't necessarily want them to go to jail. It's tricky, right, It's tricky. So I think the fortunate thing is that it looks like Ali is starting her new life without James, and I hope that sticks. And the sad part is James not being found guilty of anything and not having any charges pressed against him, not that I wish ill on him, and him not taking some strides to really fix himself. His comment, what is going to focus on his sobriety and growth? Well, bloody, bloody blah. What was the thing from Charlie Brown? Don't want I'm just sorry. That's not enough to make the changes that he needs help to change. So that means that in Bravo's world, he's clear to go back to work, you know, and he's clear to do that to the next person. So the good thing that did come out of it is the public humiliation and that sort of tag on him should hinder where he's at unless he does something truly heartfelt and psychological or psychiatrists that's going to help or impatient treatment, some sort of treatment to make a change. So let's give well wishes to Ali and let's just see if how much encouragement she got to drop it. We'll see if there's a show or something that pops up another music video or something in the bravosphere for her, because that's kind of been Bravo's m O. Also, so let's see what happens next headline. I'm going to kind of try to blend these into two. I think one is that exclusive details Lala Kent slammed by ex vander Pump rules close star Faith Stowers in emotional court declaration. Yeah, so the claims here are pretty pretty damning. And then she the next headline, So why I'm gonna put these together is Faith accuses Lisa vander Pump of silencing her about alleged onset abuse and claims that Laala held a knife to her neck in lawsuit against Bravo as network pushes back on a jury trial. Okay, wow, right, so now we are hearing how inappropriate this behavior was and what she endured and not only did she go to production and remember, especially at this time, Lisa was a full blown producer, so similar to the Justin Beldoni scenario. Not only is Lisa on TV, but she's a producer, she's behind the scenes. It's her show. She's the boss. So when you go and say this person held a knife to my throat, she is the boss. She is human resources at that point. And rather than sort of standing behind her, she tried to shish her allegedly, that's what this is claiming. So you know, they tried to stop her from getting the help and you know, getting the support. They called police on her. They then when they tried to silence her, it's not just ignoring, it's retaliatory in trying to get her to I think they try to get arrested basically, right, So, and I believe both Stacy and Kristen issued an apology to her in twenty twenty, but Faith goes on to say she was subjected to racial slurs and about her nappy hair. Okay, just people, it's not okay to just misappropriate terms outside of your culture and take them as your own and feel like you're a part of it. You're not. Stay away from talking about African American hair and stay away from calling it nappy hair. I mean, just there's no right there, there's no right. So and again you know that's very personal to Faith. And in addition to you know, cut a bitch with a knife. I mean, I don't even know what to say here. I don't know how in any other universe, any other world, these things would be okay. And just because they make good TV doesn't mean they're right. And if you use it to make good TV, then offset take care of that person. I'm not condoning it by any means. But yet they double down and pretend it doesn't happen and make it okay, and then the behaviors continue, and James is a perfect example, and Lallah holding your knife to I. Sorry, I don't, I can't, I can't, can't. It's just not right. It's not right. So in this lawsuit, Faith is also represented by Brian Friedman. He's a busy man. He's a very busy man. And one side note what I will tell you, which is kind of funny, but it's not that surprising, just because when I saw Brian's name, it made me think there was another headline that came out that Brian actually sued Justin in a previous life. And so everybody's all up in arms about that. But I will say this in learning, when I've been with these attorneys in office meetings and whatever, what is fascinating is the people that they're suing are in the next room. They're lawyers, right, and they're going back and forth to get it to the next place with mediations and judges and lawyers and everything, and in multiple times, because these guys are so high profile, they are representing somebody that they went against the next day. It is just you know, as long as it's not a clear conflict of interest for somebody, you know. And I'm sure what happened is Justin. I believe Justin settled that case and he probably looked at it and said that's the guy I need on my side, and so now he gets them to represent him. So I just I didn't want to ignore that headline because I think a lot of people were making noise about it, and it's really just not that uncommon. You want the best, you go to the best. And because their paths had crossed again on the other side, clearly Justin didn't have any hard feelings cause he hired him. He knew he was a pit bull, and so he brought him on board. Back to Faith. Faith is now also represented by Brian Friedman, as is Bethany Frankel and many other people. And look, at some point, are you not Bravo and NBC and Evolution, are you not going, Oh my gosh, we're at like thirty five right now. We need to change our ways or you're just going to keep doubling down and doing the wrong thing. I don't know, it's fascinating these Look. I'm sure from some people perspective outside of Hollywood, they're like, oh, these are just these babies. They signed up to do this, they knew what they were getting into. Screw them, They're making huge money. Blah blah blah. My understanding is Faith didn't even get compensated, and she was subject to this horrible, horrible behavior. Look right now, as normal people, you go out in the street and everybody is at such a heightened anger alert. Somebody accidentally bumps into you. You turn around and you're like, what the hell. It's like, we are at this heightened imagine. I mean, this stuff happening right now, So we should stand up for anybody. Nobody deserves. It doesn't matter what contract they signed or thought they knew what they were getting into. First of all, she has a compensation. Was it compensated? So she didn't make the big bucks? And so did she deserve to be treated the way that she did? And more importantly, is it okay that the workplace which remember the lawsuit we spoke about last time, now means it is a work place. These people are not independent contractors as it was they were trying to fight that they were. They are subject and protected by what should be normal rules of the workplace. So if any of you go to your regular job and somebody brings a knife to your head and calls you whatever racial slurt, it's not okay, right, and you have protections there. And that's what the reality recognie is all about, is putting those protections for other people. I know that we like to project our unhappiness on other people. It makes us feel better, But you know, I can't see any of these people deserving this kind of behavior. And just because they signed a contract that said that they have the right to do whatever they want to do to them and they can't talk about it, that doesn't mean that contract's right or the behavior's right. At some point they need to start curbing this, okay, moving from Faith back to James again. Why this is just so frustrating is he's still very he's very trite about it. So his candid quotes on the ups and downs of his sobriety journey just still makes me think he just doesn't get it. California Sober is cute, it's a cute name. And my understanding is he's not using alcohol, but he might smoke weed. I'm gonna say this for the I don't care if I say a million times. He does not get a pass. It is not an excuse his behavior, which is the abusive behavior, whether it is physical or verbal, is not anything to do with the alcohol. Does the alcohol perhaps exacerbate it or add to it perhaps, but stopping the alcohol does not mean it's going to stop the abusive behavior. So, and in Rachel's situation, he was sober. So in California sober most of the time. We makes you. My understanding is it makes you pretty mellow, not wired and angry. And you know in the reunion he looked like he was coming out of his skin. That's not California sober, that's not pot any who. I just think when he says things like it helped me quit the alcohol for good, you know what I mean, or and I'll also quit weed when the time comes. I don't feel like I should quit right now. You know, there's no point. I don't even know what to say to that. There's always a point in getting healthy and doing what's right and recognizing that you're doing something wrong. And you know, Alcoholics Anonymous is one of their things with an alan On and I've had a lot of friends that have been involved and really benefited from both programs. And at the end of the day, all of these recovery centers, including the one that Rachel went to that was an impatient one, they're all voluntary. Nobody can keep you without your will unless you are an absolute danger to somebody else. And it takes a lot to get deemed into those things. I'm sure you've all heard that term fifty one fifty And that's when multiple people, including multiple doctors, say that you know, you tried to kill yourself, you tried to kill somebody else, and they think that you're a danger to yourself or others, and they can hold you for I can't remember if it's three days. I think it's three days that they can hold you and then they're going to release you based on what they're findings. That is the only way that anybody can hold you at any place. Okay, the days of being able to put somebody in an asylum, and they got rid of all the asylums. So those that are hospitalized have to be very seriously dangerous to other people and severely mentally impacted. So for the average person struggling, if you don't take yourself in the door, they will let you leave. If you commit yourself and you leave, there's nothing they can do. They can't hold you. And alcoholics Anonymous and alan On, or is that right, Alanon? I think that's how you say it. They will tell you if you're not ready to actually, if you haven't hit your bottom and you're not ready to take the journey, don't bother coming. They can't make you, they can't coerce you. You have to get to that place where you realize and him saying things like you know it doesn't harm me, it doesn't like affect my life in a negative way, So why quit? I just I just don't know what to say to that. Whether it's alcohol, whether it's pot, it does change you know, your your outlook and your actions, and it exacerbates or you know, makes things stronger, louder, more intense. But again, the abuse is actually there. Now. He does say one thing. He says, obviously, when the Tom and Reuel stuff happened, a lot of emotions were flowing in. Ali and I were fighting a lot. Then she went and stayed at a friend's house for two nights. I think we all saw that happen. And then I came home and the cats were gone. I was so upset because it was empty and there wasn't the energy that was there before. I was willing to do anything in that moment to get her back. You know, at a certain point, when you do realize that you're at fault and you're having these issues, you want the people to go because you want what's best for them. When you love somebody, you set them free, right, You don't try to hold them there and keep them in and messed up scenario. And then the last sort of quote he gave last time I quit drinking, it was for the relationship. I quit drinking for two and a half years and decided this time, I'm doing it for myself, because I'm doing it for myself. It will better my life, better my relationships, friendships. I've seen those benefits before and I want to see them again. That sounds like somebody helped him write that. That's a really good pr person putting that statement out there. But at the end of the day, it's really tough, and I'm not knocking him for this. Addiction is tough, and if you think you can just handle it yourself, it's really difficult. I wish him the best and I hope he does make progress. But once again, any of the abusive behaviors verbally physically that anybody has is not intertwined into the alcohol, and the alcohol can't be used as an excuse. So let's see what else. Oh well, one a little close to home for me is I part of why I look the way that I do, not that you can necessarily see me, is because I just got back from DC last night. The next headline is this isn't politics. Nelly defends decision to perform at Trump inauguration ball after backlash. So I wish that y'all could have seen what he did. But one of the things that was pretty fascinating is he came out to hail the chief song, and from the video monitors behind showed pictures of all his relatives that served in the armed forces, and Nelly was born on a military base and is a military brat and has a lot of respect for the military and the office of president. And he further went on to say that had President Biden asked him to perform, or President Obama asked him to perform, he would have performed for the office of the president because it's the highest office in the land and he has respect for that office. He his entire career has not done anything political. He has stayed away from politics. And this is not to be construed as politics. For myself being there, it was and this is the only thing that I hadn't done before was actually been a part of an inauguration. I've done the Oscars and the Grammys and all those fun things very fortunate in my career, but this wasn't something I had done, and being involved in it, it's still it made me feel very patriotic and it made me feel like I wanted to go do more for my country. And I know exactly where these performers are coming from when they are doing it for the love of their country and At the end of the day, whichever side of politics you're on, the only way to make change is to, you know, go for the whoever's in there. Right, So what I'm saying is throwing a tantrum and shutting down and being silent is not going to mean anything to Trump because Trump's going to still keep doing what Trump is doing. The only way to initiate change is to work with the other side in whatever way you have to work with them to try to get what you need done. It doesn't mean you're acquiescing to who he is or his beliefs and actions. And we're all against a lot of things that he's standing for or executing. But but protesting artists that's saying is not going to get changed change right, And and in Nelly's point, you know he won. He is the president. So if we want to make change, you could sit back and wait four years, or you can get out and fight for the things that we believe he's doing wrong and make the noise and work with your local senators and vote. There are a lot of people that didn't vote, you know, and you can't vote. You can't, I'm sorry you can't not vote. And then like say some singers shouldn't go perform for him. It's just it's like an oxymoron to me. So but I will also say most of the press has been very very good in reporting Nelly's statements right and not not dragging him any further. And you know, I look at social media and it's the same thing with any anything that people disagree with, they project and the people that make the comments that are negative sort of spiral and go down that algorithm of continuing to stay negative. But overall, what I've seen has been very very positive reaction and understanding. It doesn't mean that he likes Trump or the fans like Trump, or they do or they don't, or it doesn't matter. It wasn't about that. It was about performing for the highest land in the nation and now making it known that we have to we have to fight him on the things that you don't agree with. You've got to get out there and fight him and change things and make voices known. Burying your head he isn't going to help. Ignoring the situation isn't going to help. So that is my opinion on that headline. I think that he's really you know, this situation and has turned a corner. I think most people understand that what he did was not political, that it was out of respect for the office. And I commend him for that and standing up for what he believes in. And I commend him for going to make noise about the things he doesn't agree with. So I hope we all do that in a way that we can still respect the person sitting next to us that might disagree. The only way that change happens is through compromise and communicating with each other, not burying your head in the sand and just calling somebody a jerk and moving away from it. Next, which this is just fascinating too, is what about TikTok? Right? What does Trump's executive order mean for TikTok and who might buy it? I actually went while I was in DC to the TikTok party, and I was there with all the executives and it was fascinating and they were very relieved because the party was planned to happen before, I believe, you know, the cancelation, and they had to rally and do what they had to do to get this this lifting of the ban. But it is still an actually it's still a band, and they still need to come up with a solution, and the solution has to happen at a certain a certain point. Trump had floated the possibility of TikTok becoming a joint venture, a partnership of fifty to fifty partnership between the United States and Byte Dance, which is so interesting too, because it's like a private company. That's like I'm trying to think of a good Google, I guess, or Microsoft in the US saying you're making so much money that we want fifty percent. We're going to run it with you. How does that work? Right, that's a private company. Now I get the part about China and the information and the spying and how people feel. And you know, there are people that say we shouldn't sell land to people of a different country. Right. I understand losing ownership or control of the information, but I don't know how legally they are actually going to to get somebody to say, yes, we're going to take a private company and partner with your government. So now I know that there's oh shoot, I forgot the guy's name, mister something that one of the influencer that my kids love. I know that he's looking. He put his hat in the ring, and I know Elon put his hat in the ring and other people, and then so is the government. So it's going to be very interesting how that works. And when you say the United States, so what happens when if Trump makes this deal with TikTok and it's fifty to fifty and then Trump's that office and the next president's in like, so it's going to stay with the United States, right, it's not going to go with Trump. I don't know. It's fascinating. I don't have an answer on this one. I think the optics are great because he looks like he's saved TikTok and he saved all those influencers and those are jobs, make no different, no no argument about it. Those are jobs. So he saved those jobs for the time being. But now they've got to come up with an actual solution and we're all going to be watching with baited breath on that to see what happens. So I think that kind of wraps up the most compelling headlines for the moment. As soon as I sign off, as soon as this air, something's for sure to pop up, and so we will try to cover those as quickly as possible. In the next Rogue Energy Headlines episode, but for now, have a great week. I hope you got something valuable and fun out of this and have a good one.