Breaking Vanderpump News

Published Nov 26, 2024, 10:44 PM

With the internet breaking today over the news that the old cast is out on “VPR,” Juliette is explaining what that means for the show’s future, including why the decision was made now and who will make the jump over the hill from Sur to ‘The Valley.’ She also weighs in on Kristen Doute’s pregnancy news and how she’s successfully rebranded herself since her firing.

All right, well, welcome to another episode of Going Rogue, and we have a lot to cover today. It is kind of history in the making, I think, right, So let's start with the biggest headline and we'll go on in. For those of you that haven't been here before, I'm Juliette, Hollywood publicist of twenty four years, Rachel's publicist and the host right now of Going Rogue. So, okay, anybody not heard this yet, Van Derparnt rules as we know, it is done. It is done now. They have announced a reboot with all new casts. Now. Part of this I think is surprising, and part of it isn't. What I do find surprising is if it is true, it has been reported that the cast just found out last night. If that isn't true, then, you know, so be it. But what is not surprising is that they're going back to what was the original formula, right, which was Lisa being the mother hen to a bunch of young Hollywood people, you know, people trying to break into the industry and they happen to be you know, waiters and wait staff and servers, et cetera. Which in California it's kind of a running joke. If you go to a restaurant in California, everybody's an actor, right. They're all beautiful people. They could be the cook, that could be, the bartender, that could be They're all trying to break into Hollywood. So that's what the premise of the show has been, Her the maven of all these restaurants, and then Sina's kickoff affair launched this spin off. So let's dig in to why we think this is happening. And in my opinion anyway, I think that we've talked about this a little bit. There were so many rumors swirling around, from negotiations on the money, to cast members not get in along any mix of all of that. It's being too expensive. The salaries with the show makes sense. Remember, reality television has a specific formula for being successful. They don't pay as much, they don't have as many protections and rights, they don't have attorneys on set or you know, mental health app because they don't have all the cushy things that television and film actors have, so they do it for as cheap as they can. Plus, those reality stars, you know, their locations, they don't get paid for that. When they're using their homes, their clothes. They don't get budget for that sort of stuff, so it becomes very cost effective for a production company. Well, twelve years of being on a show like this and each year negotiating for new costs, new new salaries, all of that with quite a few cast members can really yank it up. And they're in the you know, production networks. They're in the business of making money, period, and they want to make a lot of money. It's not like an eighty twenty they want, you know, they are sorry. It is more like an eighty twenty. They get eighty they want to make eighty percent profit. They want to pay twenty percent. So when that starts shifting into more of a sixty forty or a fifty to fifty on the balance sheet, they're like, maybe not so much now. One thing that I find very interesting across the board right now is repurposing IP intellectual property. Take everything that is popular and happening right now, from Wicked to one to two, to Frozen two to vander Pump twelve. When you and to music right the sampling of music, repurposing songs, it is less expensive and more predictable to use IP. That is already well known because we're familiar with it. Right. It's riskier and more expensive to create IP your intellectual property, some sort of a story or brand, than repurposing ones that are out there. So that being said, that's why they didn't completely cancel vand apartment rules and say we're never doing this again. They had a formula they had to reset, so all these new cast members remember our brand new reality stars, so they'll probably be getting I can't remember if it was one thousand or fourteen hundred dollars an episode, something very small, where the current cast could be getting anywhere from twenty to thirty five thousand an episode. So you can see where the new reboot really benefits the network and the production company financially. Now, it's going to be a bit of a mixed bag, I think because you the viewers, I think are some of you I've seen and heard are quite ready for something fresh. Some of you are really invested with the characters and want them to stay. So I think that's going to be a little bit of a mixed BacT. The numbers were still good, right, There are still viewers, and I think that the network is banking on the fact that people will turn it on to see what's new. That they liked the formula, And remember that formula is also about people in their twenties messing up, making mistakes. Right, these people are current cast. I was looking up the ages. You know, Jackson's forty five, Tom is forty two, Ariana's thirty nine. These aren't young kids anymore. So that formula, which is cute at the beginning, messing up in your twenties two thirties, Now everybody's over thirty. It's not cute to make those mistakes anymore. So I think it needed to be refreshed, and now it's going to be up to you, the viewers, if you buy in now. The first thing I did see was that there was not going to be any return of the current cast, But there are reports that they were going to do some sort of a finale, kind of a goodbye. I'm sure it'll be a reflection looking back. I'm one of the things that they did I think was the end of last season that I thought was really sweet when they did show the cast members back when they were young to kind of where they are. It did sort of pull a chair hearts. So I assume it's going to be something more like that, where they were, where they are, you know what the show meant to them, and where do they go from here? So let's address that. Where do they go from here? So there are rumors out there that make sense that there will be some of the cast members joining the Valley. Some of them will you know, I know Tom just did Villains, and you know Ariana is off to the races on all the things she wants to do, So some of them might stay away from Bravo. Bravo's very good about recycling their cast members, right, bringing people back, offering them different opportunities. So we may say goodbye for now, but I think that a lot of them will come back in various capacities because remember again revitalizing used IP. They are all used IP. They're all used brand that people are familiar with, and whether you like them or hate them, you have a reaction and you want to see. So it will be beneficial to them to use them to pop in. Maybe somebody will get to host, maybe somebody will be on, you know, other television shows. And remember if any of the existing cast were to go and do another Villains or Dancing with the Stars or any of those things, it's still Vanderpunk rules, so that's still drawing attention to the new unknown cast. So I do not think that Bravo from a pr or business perspective will write everybody off. I do think if it's true that they surprised them yesterday with the news, I think the part that wasn't a surprise is since the show was put on hold and it was uncertain, there were people that don't live right close by that had not been told to come back to report for filming. That had to be a pretty big red flag that things were still not certain. I remember at the first when they put the show on hold, there was this rumor of a reboot, but that one sort of got quiet and then all of these other things came out, And that, my friends, is also a strategy, right, so because they didn't want that news out of the bag, that are really a lot of these other distractions were to get everybody talking and not thinking about a reboot. It was everything but a reboot of a cast, right. It was finances, it was arguing, it was they couldn't get along. So I think that was quite smart on Bravo's part, especially because this cast in particular is not controllable. And that's the other thing about a twelve year run. When they started and they were pupps, wet behind the ear, and now they're seasoned TV people personas, and they know what they want and they know what they can do and get away with, and they don't always follow the instructions that they need to. I will say this new cast is probably going to have the most ridiculous contracts that are on the planet. Having seen the previous contracts and now seeing how difficult it was to control everybody, especially when they all have their own podcasts and their own projects, you know, it's kind of hard to control them. So these poor kids, they're gonna be lucky if they could bompe in their mouths at all, I don't know. Also what we saw because of that lack of control was the changing of the storyline. You the fans participating in what you saw or thought or predicted or wanted to happen, and the cast members hearing it, seeing it, reacting to it, and partially engaging in it. There's nothing really like that out there besides this this sphere, which is incredible to me. So all in all, you know, I think some of it's good and some of it's bad. It's bittersweet. I'm sure it's sad to see your favorite characters go, but I also feel that they have aged out of what the original show was supposed to be quite a bit, because it's not cute to be, you know, quite so lost and cheating and dating nine million people when you're forty two. You know, when you're twenty five, twenty six, twenty seven, you know you should be sort of well, let's just say thirties, you're moving out of that. Twenty to thirty that's your life. Thirty over you're learning how to maneuver out of that. So I think all in all, it makes a lot of sense and a lot of people who are tired of hearing the same stuff over and over again. And now with a little bit of reflection some of the things we've talked about in this podcast, with these people having their new you know, new soulmates or dating people they're dating, or new babies and we're going to get onto some new baby news, I feel like instead of that, that's going to play really well into the reflection as opposed to the new season, because that sort of moves people onto the valley hint, hint, hint. When you've got kids in a family now, right. So I do think that some of them, perhaps Lalla, perhaps Sina, will make a move onto the valley. I don't think it's enough just to be dating. I do think it needs to be a little bit into that family world and navigating the relationships. But we'll see, we'll see. For all of these people, it's a big job loss, so they're going to do what it takes to stay relevant and to bring in a check. So I don't think a lot of them would say no to the opportunities that are offered. For somebody like Tom Sanderbal, it'd probably be very good for him to have a year off of doing nothing and then coming back in some capacity new and refreshed, possibly married, maybe a baby, you know, kind of a refresh. Well, we'll have to stay tuned on that one. See if a leopard changes the spots for real. All right, let's move on to Kristin is pregnant. Let's give her a props. She's pregnant with her first baby. My understanding is she's done the IVF journey and so it's it's tough, and kudos for them and congratulations and once again, so maybe Kristen's moving or could make appearances on the Valley. One more thing too, Actually, a lot of them will probably make cameo appearances or something, and that's always a possibility to the new cast too, so we'll have to see or they run into each other or something like that. And who would have thought Peter would be the one with job security. I saw a meme on that and made me laugh because you know, as the manager of the restaurant, I think he's still there so he actually gets to pay check. So Kristin, much like Brittany, I think, has this new opportunity repurposed ip. We are familiar with her, but a new phase. What's next, the journey, the baby, what she going to do next. So it creates those layers of excitement for somebody that people already have an affinity towards. So we'll have to see what exciting things happen for Kristin. I think they'll probably be a lot. And hopefully, you know, if you look at La La and Kristen, you know, being pregnant new babies, hopefully that brings off that softer side, right because motherhood does change most people in some capacity, and so hopefully it will will soften them a little bit and humanize them and make them more appealing to people, you know, with growth. So so kudos to Kristen. And actually we did get a little bit of an interesting warning yesterday Schwartz and Sandy's is closing, and they put that out there. This is particularly interesting because I don't know, I don't have the legal documents for every one of these businesses that are Lisa's or Lisa's partnerships, but I do think that in this particular situation with and the Tom's and the other silent partners, the television show itself was a commercial for the restaurant, so you knew if you went to the restaurant, the chances are you would see somebody or you were part of the history. You know, you'd see some of the talent. Well, now with that going away, the restaurant business is very, very difficult, and I'm sure you've all noticed this. It changes. They rebrand every five years, they redecorate, they rebrand, they move on because people get bored. They want to see what's new. So in this situation, when you take away the television show and you take away your primary piece of advertising directing traffic there. It does make sense that enough is enough, and Lisa continues to pop up new restaurants, so her attention for some of the other ones. She probably doesn't have quite the appetite there either, because she's got new and fresh things moving forward, and this partnership probably I guess would become a little bit more of a hassle than it going on, you know, cruise control because of the television time also, so people are sad about it. Did see that they took an interesting stab at the end of their statement by saying, hey, we're still hosting event because we're up until the end of the year. Let us toast yours. So I think that's your last money grab, you know, to try and make some money, right, So, you know, sad but understandable, and the attention is going to go to the new restaurant or well the existing restaurant with new cast. Okay, staying on this vein too, our friend La. La put out quite a nice goodbye actually, I would say, you know, she was thankful and grateful in her statement for her time on the show, and it brought up to where she is and definitely sort of changed who she was, you know, she said, I'm unbelievably grateful for Bravo, NBCU, for our crew, the entire cast, and most importantly all of you. We rock this bitch until the wheel spell off. So Laala, So you know, again, somebody that did start out to want to make a break in Hollywood and ended up with the twelve your career on a show, so you know, and you know, a household name for a lot of people, So good for her. She's also got her second baby and already talking about a third, so yeah, you know, will she go to the Valley highly probable, would be my guess, and Sheena possibly too. The thing that's going to be interesting about that for both of them is, remember their pay scale goes on each year they're on the show. This will be their first show for first time on the new show. If they do this, this is transfer, I don't. I mean, they're gonna have to negotiate pay, but you know, it's not going to be close to what they're making now, I don't think, because that will upset the whole balance of the Valley too, and the you know, the bottom line on the numbers. So Lala, I think Lala Brittany Kristin. They all have these great new starts right now, and if they do them well and brand them themselves well and use the cachet that they have a lot of opportunity, maybe it's a tell all book. The whole cast could go do a tell all book right now, each one of them, chapter one through. However many of them there are that could be fascinating, and the competing stories and I mean, wow, if Bravo was smart, they would do that book with all of them, So that could be interesting. Also to Laala, there's still a been a controversy around her assistant leaving now. You know, it could be something as simple as finances. You know, if the show's not going to be on, what's she going to broadcast on all the time. Maybe she doesn't want to do the podcast anymore. Who knows. Maybe there wasn't actual falling out. The gossip out there is that because the way that Jessica sort of didn't get to say goodbye and then went on her own social media and complained about not getting to say goodbye, it is making people think that something negative went down. Again, we don't really know. And Lalla is good for a great controversy. Every chance she gets, she will. I'm sure something will come out eventually, or she's gonna use the the what if to keep people interested until whatever her next announcement might be something else that's going to be interesting with the Valley is apparently allegedly, although there is video, Jack's accidentally rear ended somebody and it was all caught on video, and then the people that he rear ended are making all sorts of noise saying that it was a hit and run. I don't know the facts. None of us do right now, and you know, I'm definitely not a Jacks fan. However, I think there's two things we need to consider. A did he if they exchanged information and then left, He certainly didn't hit and run. There's a thing in California, and I'm assuming it happened here in California, because he was pretty sure it was in the valley. The police will not come unless there is a significant amount of damage or severe bodily harm. They tell you to exchange information, take pictures, and go on your way. So the other people, and maybe they're not from California, I don't know, they came out and said that he took off, he was surly, he was rude, and he took off. But in the video it does look like they're on their phones, probably exchanging information. I don't know that factually, but that is number one. If he did exchange information, it is not a hit and run. Number two, they said there was very minimal damage. However, the person that he hit is saying whiplash, but he said they went to the hospital and the hospital wouldn't even check him out because it wasn't significant enough hurt or pain, which is acidine to me. That's our healthcare system. However, my point is I think Jax is a little unhinged still, and I have things that we talked about last week with him saying that Brittany asked him to hook up, which she vehemently denied. Some of the choices that he makes in the same vein as sand of Ball to try to get a pr hit, to try to get a headline, they just aren't They aren't great, unless he's really comfortable with being the most hated guy. But he who is the oldest of the cast members, is forty five. He's almost fifty years old, and he is still like running around like you know, he's twenty a twenty year old in Hollywood. So at some point he's got to like get a grip and be the best daddy can be and figure out, you know, what he's doing. And you know, if you do rear end somebody, you get more flies with honey than vinegar. So you know, say sorry, change your information and go. What's also interesting about this is they were being followed by a paparazzi, and apparently the paparazzi is who walked up to the couple and said, do you know who that was? Was so well, geez, what went from ooh my neck hurts to oh my gosh, he's on banner but rules. But then they probably got a smack in the face today when he's no longer employed. So I don't know. I found that all very interesting. And I still stand by the fact that I think Bravo treats the men very differently than the women, and they let the men get away with a lot more bad behavior, and they sort of promoted and as a pro woman kind of person, you know, I don't love that. I find that very unfortunate. Oh and actually, back to Jessica, Sheena is the one that is really insinuating that Jessica left, and again the way that all these people insert themselves in places they probably shouldn't because it's not their story to tell. But everybody in this industry is trying to get there first, and they're trying to spill a bit of gossip because that's what gets the clicks. So, you know, her going on there and talking about it, I don't know. I don't think that's also really cool unless she had Lala's permission. It's Lala's storty tell her. Maybe Lala wants to just go away, but we'll have to wait and see. I think again, you know, all of these things create headlines. I'll tell you I had a pause for a minute because I just thought. One of the fascinating things with these people is going to be if they don't immediately land up on a show, the silence is going to drive them crazy. The lack of seeing their names in a headline, the inability to pick up the phone to a publication and say, oh, this just happened and then see their name on a headline. It's going to be really interesting to see how some of them handle it, because it does become an addiction, and there becomes with a lot of people if they don't. Madonna is a really good example. When you stop seeing your names and the headline, even when it's horrible, when you're going through it and you're like, gosh, why are they talking about me? And why is everything so horrible, it is not as bad as when they're not talking about you. And for talent in Hollywood, whether it's music, television, it's that silence. It it's maddening, and then they get desperate for headlines. So it'll be very interesting depending on where people land, to see how they handle the lack of seeing their name on a headline or the inability to get one quick. So that I think is going to be a definite pr thing to watch, those that try really hard to stay in it and those that get away from it. Okay, let's see another headline. Sina again. Sina suggests some of the cast members are faking it for the cameras on the valley. Why is she going into that lane? So that to me might be she wasn't invited to the valleys taking it out on them, or I mean it could be she's headed to the value and she's just trying to you know, drum up controversy because everyone has to have a villain or the show is boring. So maybe her role is going to be there to I don't know, jush it up. We'll have to see on Matt, you know, I think again the formula of that Bravo and Vanner, Pump and the Valley have where the fans get so involved, now they open the door for that too. Let me let me explain that Bravo and the networks and production treat the bloggers and the fans like insiders, which definitely has its pros. You the fans get treated special. Other television shows they don't do that right, So part of why you're also invested, which is the good side. The bad side is because social media is what it is, and all of a sudden, everybody can be talking about social media and flip on liking or hating somebody. The talent themselves. They have to be really thick skinned, really hard and discipline to stay away from watching that stuff or they become affected. And it's scary. It's scary to get your name drug everywhere and horrible things said about you by somebody you don't know, and to be hammered and hammered and hammered. It's a lot unless you have the power to not look. So with all of these people right now, one of the questions is has that impacted them? Do they not show as much? Are they less vulnerable because it's not just what happens on screen that they can navigate through. It's all of the social media dialogue, which is hard. So Sheena's point is thinking that people aren't putting it all out there now, a little secret in most of reality, not everybody puts most things out there, and so much of it is actually scripted and thought out and whatever. And I know nobody wants to hear that, but you know there is a lot of that production that happens, and so you know, it's balance of both. And I think that people do need, especially parents, you know, young parents of young kids, They need to protect themselves a little bit. So it wouldn't surprise me if people were being a little bit more cautious. You know. The other thing is, in this particular situation with mandipromt rules, I think where it started and where it ended, it got really really kind of dark and negative. Right again, when Shina had her affair with Eddie, Cipriani and Brandy Brandy Glanville that whole it's not even a triangle. I guess it's a square because the other the singer was involved in it too, LeAnn rim So what a crazy time that was. But it wasn't nasty, you know. The last one with Rachel and Tom it just got really really nasty, and so I do feel people are afraid of some of that, and some of the audience thought it was overkill. You know, you get emotional in the moment, but at some point you kind of let it go. So I do think that again another reason for the reboot Right Fresh Faces, Young Faces. It gets back to being light hearted affairs and cheating instead of serious ones. I do think what I find fascinating is Sheena is talking about having another baby and using IVF and sarrogacy lalla used by VF, I believe, and I think she did her own eggs and Kristen has been on an IVF journey. I did IVF, So I happen to think it is amazing that people talk about fertility issues because I think I know I've said this before. I tell everybody that's twenty to twenty nine Freezer eg. Fraezer x fras or eggs because you never know what your body's going to do and change, and they don't educate women on reproductive health nearly enough. So all these young women talking about it, I think it's fantastic. I think what they don't tell women, I kind of find it God's cruel joke when you have baby in your twenties. Emotionally you may or may not be mature enough or ready, but physically it's the best time of your life. When those of us that choose to have a career and have babies later, you know, the cruel joke part is mentally you are right where you need to be. But my lord, physically, the kids they kill you. You know, they're running your around, raging, you're huffing and buffing, when you know in your twenties you could keep up with them. So I find that very funny. It's empowering to women to have the choices to have both. So I am very grateful for all of the young women that do talk about it, And I wish that even in middle school and high school and the sex education and health they really explain to women the amount of eggs you're born with is what you're born with, whether they're good or bad, and you will only lose them and they become less healthy as you're older. Hence why I tell everybody frees your excrasreg But I think they're all doing a great service to young women when they talk about it more and they take away the shame in it, because there are people that can't have kids and they should not be denied if they want them. So I'm all for that. I think that's fantastic. So for doing that. I think we spoke about Laala breaking down her feuds and whatnot in last week's episode, But I like it when Laala's raw and she talks about things very honestly, and you know, I do think again talking about the maturity comes a point in your life where, like, you know what, I don't want to be friends with that person. I don't like them. I'm not going to bend to be friends with them. They do not stand for the same things that I do. I don't need to force it. I can see them in the grocery store wave hello and keep it moving right. And I think Laala's that girl she's gonna say and her very close Jack. She doesn't talk to the rest of them. She's not really talking to very much. I think she's good with that. So I think that that is a good thing about Lalla. And the one relationship she told us about that she kept good is Lisa Amanda Pop. That could also bode well for her because Lala also has that personality she doesn't give a shit, so she we'll say whatever so on the show, for example, the last season after scandabal or I guess was maybe in the first episode of last season where she supposedly calls Rachel, but it was actually me that had Rachel's phone and got the messages. You know, she was told to do that, and she did it because she doesn't care where most people will be like most of that cast would have been no, I'm never going to do that. I'm not going to do that, while I was like, I'll do it. I'm down. Let's see how she let's give a call, you know, did she do it? Sincerely No? But out of all the people, I do think that Laala would be the most likely to sit down and hash it out with Rachel, and she has been the one person that repeatedly gives a little bit of grace tiny, tiny bit, but then you know, whenever I say that, and then the next day she goes out and kind of slams Rachel. But for the most part, she does seem like because she says she shouldn't wear it like a scarlet letter, she shouldn't wear that forever. So I just I think Lala just doesn't care enough. Right, she kind of gets it. You move on, whatever's next, whatever's in front of you. That's where her focuses are, which are good traits in this business. All right, Tom Sandibal still getting his fifteen minutes growing too. He did Traders and said how intense it was and talked about how the producers really wouldn't let them talk about anything. I think all of these things are good moves for Sandibal as a human. One of the best things for him is to get away from vana Prum rules and not be that guy because he's not been a very good guy. He's not been a stand up guy. He's been a slimy guy. Now is the chance that he wants to rebrand, to do some things that are going to show that stop putting your foot in your mouth. I am not sure if he got a new team, but his old team was walking him down a plank of you know, over the water full of sharks. So hopefully they've all pivoted and he because we have notably seen him be a little bit more quiet. So again minus the paycheck part, which sucks, if he took a year off from doing anything else and started peppering himself back in in a more likable situation, probably the best thing he could do and come down and have sort of a coming to Jesus. And speaking of that, in this one session that they do for the existing cast is a really big chance for each and every one of them to take accountability for the bad and open the doors to the new. So me from a pr standpoint, that's what I'm going to be looking for. I'm going to be watching it from a perspective of how do they use that time? Now, Remember it's not all in their control either, because it's a produced show. However, how they come across on that show, how they ended, how they put that punctuation on the end of the sentence, and what door they open for what's next If they're allowed to do that, and or with the press directly following it, that that's going to set the frame for what's next for them. So for Santoval in particular, this is a very good time for him to rebrand, to say he's sorry for a lot of things, recognize his real failures if he wants to change, and then set forth the stage for what's next. So I personally am going to find all those things very interesting to watch. Katie Maloney, you know, she's like my least favorite. I just think she's a bit of a wet towel. But you know, so she's she's talking about her relationship right now, she's confirming it more. You know, we'll have to see good for her. She's in a relationship. She probably had the least amount of depth in the show. So do you think she's gonna go? And now people like her sense of humor and people like her podcast, and also because I think Dana's quite sharp and snarky too, and so they kind of have that snarky thing with them that works, So maybe they're going to keep doing it. Maybe. You know, there's a lot of podcasts out there, and so it's it's challenging on how you get your guests and how do you stay relevant and and you know, do you have the stomach to do what it takes, So we'll have to see are all of them and to keep their podcasts. I'm not sure we'll have to see that. I guess. In closing, one thing that I would say will be very interesting is to see if this new cast of young fresh faces are going to be interesting and have what it takes for this next generation to keep going. I do think it's going to focus more on LVP, and I think LVP wants that her formula was to be this mastermind of all these restaurants and take all these young people to work for them and use their drama instead of her own, because remember when she was on Housewives, when the drama drama turned against her, she didn't want a part of that. So it is a interesting tightrope to be a pivotal character and not just pop in like the den mother, but yet escape the drama yourself. So I think that's what's we're going to have to stay tuned to watch on this new version. So I think for all of you fans, some of you are grieving, I think it's really great that at least Bravo is doing this kind of the wrap up show, because that's a lot of years for y'all to be invested in something that you love or love to hate, or love to follow, or you know, ignites in emotion. And now it's you know, who's going to be gone. And it's not that simple to just take all these existing viewers and automatically move to the new one. Maybe fifty percent will move to the new one, Maybe fifty percent will say nope, I'm good, I'm done. You know, they did as dirty and we're out. Some people are just ready for it to be over because of you know, kind of aging now on some people, the younger crowd, the younger kids are going to come on because the people on their television screen are more relatable to them. So I am thankful for all of you that that Brago is going to do at least this this kind of a you know, reflection on this current cast. And then I'm going to be really interested from my own perspective to see the direction for all of these people. How are they going to utilize the pr tools that they have of the existing cast to introduce the new cast. Will they compare this new member to this old member, How they'll get the press stories, what they're going to how they're going to get people interested in these newbies, right, they're going to need to use some of that old ip. They're going to need to use some of these people, uh to get it exciting and create some unbelievable dramas. What are they going to top? Right? What are these poor kids going to do to top what these original cast members did? This is all the pr and production that we're going to stay tuned to see, and I am hopeful that the existing cast is going to show their growth also and new beginnings for them. So one thing I do want to mention is that we're waiting for the onslaught of all the blame of vander part Rules leaving gonna be because of Rachel and Tom's affair. So we're all waiting to see that coming. And the good thing for Rachel is at the end of the day, this is all gonna go away for her now, so that's going to allow her to get into her existing new life. And then the final thing, when I looked up the ages for everybody, what I've sort of stuck a spark for me again Jack's forty five, Ariana thirty nine, Tom sand of All forty two, La La thirty four, Sheena thirty nine. When Rachel made the bad judgment that she made and was involved in the affair, she was twenty six and twenty seven. And now let's take it back to when the show started and the current the UPco one the twenty to thirty that's when those mistakes happen. That's when you're growing through your twenties. You're doing all that bad stuff. The people on the other end, they're all in their late thirties and forties. It's like, let's remember, you guys all did that for the first ten years of this show. Again, not excusing Rachel's choices and her behavior, behavior and or the affair itself, but at the end of the day, geez, of all people, sheina, the whole show started off of your affair, just leaving you with that to think about. So I think that's all the headlines for today. I mean, they're coming in as fast as I prepped to do this, so you know, we will try to stay on top of them as quickly as possible. More news. We are going into Thanksgiving, so that is good. If there's anything negative, it'll probably come out Thursday or Friday, so it gets buried in the weekend. But most of what we're going to see should come out next week. Throughout today and next week, we should be hearing from other cast members. They'll be, you know, mentioned in the articles about the new show. So they're using the old to bring in the new from a PR perspective, and I think it's going to be really interesting to watch and see what happens next. So I hope you tune in next week. We'll see what we've got coming up. I'm sure there'll be a lot, and I hope you enjoyed today's episode of Going roun