Race MattersRace Matters

Migrant Sex Workers of Colour: We Are Here To Take Space

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We are very excited and honored to bring forward the first episode of Migrant S3x Workers of Colour, a series of intimate dialogues produced by Jasmine Raat Ki Raani

"The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this audio series are by migrant sex workers of color who speak for themselves and not for the entire community. We do not take responsibility for how the audience perceives us or our stories because we are not here to please. We are a work in progress and our thoughts, views and opinions are subject to change. We do not intend to hurt anyone’s feelings, your feelings are your responsibility.

In India the s3x workers I met taught me that 'the first step towards revolution is the revolution of self-worth. That we can’t fight the world if we haven’t fought with ourselves. The only thing that matters to us is how we see ourselves.'

No longer are we going to wait for someone to pass us the mic. No longer are we waiting for someone to save us. No longer will we let anyone decide how our words should sound. We speak clearly. We affirm we are here to take space. We urge everyone from in and out the industry to listen to listen" 

Series concept, produced and edited - Jasmine Raat Ki Raani

Episode dialogues with - Alana, Rosa, Milan

Series artwork - Katy Cao

Final mixing & sound design - Shareeka Helaluddin 

If you have the means, consider donating to their mutual aid (more details about this at the end of the episode). BSB: 013040 & Account: 464120537

This series was made possible by the Community Broadcasting Foundation. 

Additional sounds

Frank and Poet - Reflections

Plum Blossum - Kokura Station

Kelela - Contact 

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