What’s Worse: Job Loss Or Spouse’s Adultery? And Other Perplexing Problems - 3/10/2018

Published Mar 10, 2018, 5:00 PM

America’s bizarre distinctions in how two human appetites are treated—sex and money.  With sex, anything that two consenting adults chose to do is viewed as nobody else’s business. Anything at all!  With money, even if two consenting adults agree to a certain job at a specific hourly rate, the government steps in to insist that employer must pay employee a minimum amount.  With sex, if one party decides not to deliver to another, not only is that fine but the other, the ‘buying’ party can be destroyed for even suggesting the deal to the reluctant ‘seller’.  With money, if one party, say, a baker, decides not to deliver to another party, the government steps in and punishes the reluctant seller.  Why hotel rooms in liberal cities are so expensive. What did Frank Sinatra/Ava Gardner, Clark Gable/Carole Lombard & Spencer Tracy/Katherine Hepburn have in common? School sex-ed, yes but gun-ed, no? Four revolutions that changed our world.