Freedom’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose - 5/26/18

Published May 26, 2018, 4:00 PM

Do you really believe that all children born ought to have equal opportunities for successful lives?  Really?  And how far exactly do you want the government to go in order to guarantee this?  How should we guarantee the child of a drug-addicted homeless woman the same shot at success as a homeschooled child from a caring intact family?  Should parents be able to bequeath their assets to their children or is the death tax a moral attempt to provide all children the same shot at success?  Does a religious upbringing confer an unfair advantage on some children?  Why isn’t it just a little immoral to care so much more about one’s own children than about all the other children in society?  Why was Russia the first country to recognize the new State of Israel in May 1948?  Politics is nothing more than the practical application of our most deeply held moral values.  Is it wrong for prestigious universities to provide priority admission to children of alumni?