Priority Is a Singular Word. Win By Discovering Their Sometimes Hidden Priority - 11/4/17

Published Nov 4, 2017, 4:00 PM

Secular Fundamentalist pundits in print and TV don’t know why Saipov the Slaughterer mowed down 8 Manhattanites with his truck last Tuesday.  “Why, oh why, would he have done it?”  they cry in mystified confusion.  It certainly can’t be because of his religion.  Turns out that knowing your opponent’s central core principles is a huge advantage whether you’re dealing with your children, a business transaction or terrorists.  In the mid-20th century, there wasn’t enough space in the world for both Nazis and Jews. Now, early in the 21st, there’s not enough space for both Moslems and Christians. And Jews?  In this show I reveal their role.