History’s Biggest Non-Nuclear Explosion Yet Katrina Was Worse - 12/9/17

Published Dec 9, 2017, 5:00 PM
Why does the Canadian town of Halifax send Boston a fifty-foot Christmas tree every year?  Why have great senators of the past like Hiram Revels of Mississippi, Daniel Patrick Moynihan of New York, & Henry ‘Scoop’ Jackson of Washington been replaced with the clowns, creeps, crooks and cranks in Congress today?   Want to hear a fantastic 100 year-old poem answering this question?  The bullying, grabbing, groping, and touching of women (as well as of themselves) by disgraced men isn’t masculine at all—it’s pathetic.  Masculinity is what most women yearn to surrender themselves to. It follows that males who seize what no woman wishes to grant is the very opposite of masculine.  It is their behavior that is appalling not their masculinity.  The culprit is their character, not their chromosomes.  President Trump-Jerusalem Hero