Excremental Assault & Fecal Fixation-The Culture of Death

Published Jul 7, 2017, 8:55 PM
In this show I describe the many ways that death has unobtrusively invaded our culture. Sometimes it is camouflaged as tolerance or political correctness. Other times such as the assisted suicide and euthanasia legalization movement it is quite blatant. Infatuation with the culture of death underlies much of how ugliness is replacing beauty, vulgarity is replacing restraint, and why C**P and S**T have become part of almost conventional communication. Every A*****E knows that. Flinging those words around is the equivalent of a Guantanamo detainee flinging a bag of his own feces at an American officer. I explain how the world REALLY works, even in these darker corners. So, remember, always choose LIFE!!