Ep 9 | If Reckless Ruins Your Venture & Caution Causes Collapse, What to Do?

Published Mar 2, 2019, 1:30 PM

A guard at the notorious San Quentin Penitentiary near San Francisco takes issue with my overly broad characterization last week. Another California corrections officer comments on my preference for fines, flogging and execution over incarceration. A Colombian family writes from Singapore, to where they moved from Malaysia, telling of how they overcame dark times and broke through to prosperity. Then, it's on to the true story of how Bernie and Arthur got fired from a small hardware store in 1978 and started Home Depot. Wasn’t that a great response to losing a job? Also, how 120 million Greeks, Italians, Spaniards, and Portuguese are enjoying their siestas and retirements on the work of 80 million Germans. And that is not to mention the 1.5 million Muslim immigrants they’re also supporting. If you’re trying to start a business or grow one, you have to think outside the box. You must escape the confinement of the conventional. But if you leap too far out of the box, if you’re too unconventional, you might be stepping over the legal line. Yet, if all you do is repeat what others before you have done, your business will fail. What’s one to do? Happily, there is an answer that pops out of one little verse in Deuteronomy and which Jews have used for generations to achieve financial abundance. Now, you can too.