Ep 45 | Live With Love & More Money by Never Saying (Or Believing) “I Am What I Am”

Published Nov 26, 2019, 12:42 AM

How long would it take before a visitor to your home saw a shelf of books? Why this really matters. Want to change your actions? Simple! Change your beliefs. Your soul abhors a vacuum. Absent good beliefs, it will readily embrace bad beliefs and bad beliefs stimulate self-destructive actions. The real reason that certain courts no longer punish certain people for certain crimes. Being depraved is not the same as being deprived. True companionship comes from shared beliefs, not shared skin color. Why actively nurturing a common belief system is a vital marriage maintenance program. Why Native American chiefs had names like Little Wolf, Red Horse, and Black Snake. Why merely regulating what people do is never sufficient for communist tyrannies. They have "reeducation camps" in order to regulate what people believe, and we have public schools (GICs) and universities (kindergartens) for the same reason.