Ep 38 | Why So Many Smart People Believe in Climate Change

Published Sep 28, 2019, 4:00 PM

We all change our behavior on the basis of our beliefs, not the facts we learn. Beliefs lead to feelings which are emotional—facts are intellectual.  We do things because we feel like it much more often than because we know we should.  Recycling is the sacred sacrament of the religion of urban atheists, Secular Fundamentalism. It is based entirely on false beliefs and not on facts.  The real reason why America’s temples of Secular Fundamentalism, the universities, hate Christianity but love Islam?  How the Quran’s story of creation differs from Genesis.  Why sophisticated and experienced adults turned into buffoons as they prostrated themselves at the feet of a precocious 15 year-old girl, Saint Greta Thunberg, the 21st century version of the 15th century Joan of Arc.  Why does New York pay $300/ton more to process garbage than necessary and why does Seattle employ inspectors to root through citizens garbage receptacles?  Why do people put up with this nonsense?