Ep 36 | One Lens to Reality Makes You Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise. The Other Lens Does the Opposite.

Published Sep 14, 2019, 4:00 PM

Why you should never take notes while listening to a lecture. Why Jewish last names usually advertised their owners’ occupations. Yes, a man may be somewhat more than his work, but surprisingly, not as much more as you’d have thought. The activity of work and money-making influences women’s personalities and identities far less than these things shape men. The real reason that unemployable people are not working: (Hint) It’s not because they don’t know how to fix computers or write software. Why their children are utterly un-educable regardless of how much money we spend on teachers and schools. Islam’s plan to wipe Christianity off the face of the Earth and what really happened on 9-11. No, not 2001, but 1683. Explaining Middle East politics without using words like God or Religion. Why Holland has a stronger economy than Belgium. How to use optimism as a revenue tool.  Why the swimsuit industry rejected your rabbi’s job application. The mysterious fifty-year economic cycle in international finance. Why the verb “write” occurs 248 times in the Hebrew Scripture and how you can use that permanent principle to increase your income.