Ep 35 | How to Master the Curiously Complicated Machinery of Marriage

Published Sep 7, 2019, 4:00 PM

Most women want to give themselves to men they consider worthy of their surrender. What if the man of your dreams turns out to lack ambition, masculine mastery, and money sense? Let's revisit the time I took a strange woman dress-shopping. Is the man you’re married to now the product of your behavior over the past few years? Most women would like to be married to a man taller, smarter, and richer than they are. Think about boys who grow up with weak fathers and the spiritual power of divorce. Learn how and why a big city prosecutor found happiness as a small town kindergarten teacher. Avoiding the dangers of fantasies and daydreams is imperative. A woman’s physical affection increases her husband’s masculinity. The perils of 19 year-old bikini babes. Why are there no divorced couples in the Bible?