Why does adultery inflict greater pain and suffering than corporate closures and job loss? In Governmental Indoctrination Centers (GIC’s), formerly known as public schools, little children are prematurely sexualized through a propaganda campaign known as Sex Education or Sex Ed. The argument is that children are “going to do it anyway” so we should teach them how to do it safely. Now, your Rabbi asks, let’s also have 'Gun Ed' since we know that children are “going to do it anyway”, that is play with firearms, we should teach them how to do it safely. Here's why this will never happen in your lifetime. When a policeman shoots a black man, without knowing anything else we instantly know that he did it because he was a racist. When a homosexual is attacked in a bar during a drug deal gone bad, everyone knows without doubt that those attacking him did so out of their hate for homosexuals. But when a fervent Muslim, steeped in the theology of jihad, murders a westerner while yelling "Allahu Akbar", authorities spend months futilely trying to discover his motivation. Inevitably they give up or ascribe it to ‘workplace violence’. Why can’t the Left accept the flaws of followers of Islam at face value? Furthermore, the Left considers Bible-believing Jews and Christians to be greater threats to peace and progress than murderous Muslims. Why is this? Whatever two adults do sexually is not government's business, but when two adults engage in a free, consensual, economic or business transaction; government regulates it, controls it, taxes it, maligns it or prohibits it. The Left gives a free pass to adulterers who ruin lives while they focus their fury on business professionals who improve lives. Why is our appetite for sex so understandable while our appetite for money so demonized? Finally, we reveal the difference between the two repugnant revolutions, French and Russian, and the two benign revolutions, English and American, that still shape our century.