Ep 14 | Hey Brides! Both is Best, but if You Must Choose, Money Beats Love

Published Apr 6, 2019, 3:53 PM

Men who marry moneyed maidens hoping to get their hands on her wealth deserve what they get, which most times won’t be good. But girls marrying guys with gold is quite different. Men who make money reveal much of their positive masculine desirability whereas a lady’s bank balance reveals nothing of her feminine desirability. Why do men in uniform fascinate females? Also, learn why, in 1970, AMC paid $75 Million for little more than rights to the Jeep car name. Other topics include: Yin & Yang, Grand Coulee Dam, and why weddings happen after men propose to women (not the reverse). The Beatles lied in 1967 when they sang “All You Need is Love”. The real meaning of the Biblical jewelry when he gave her gold at that desert well where Rebecca was betrothed to Isaac, sight unseen, and the future of Israel was assured. When he says, “I love you”, does he mean it the same way as when he says, “I love roast turkey”? A great Russian novelist accurately wrote “Money is coined liberty”. A financially ambitious man is far more likely to love freedom than a community activist, a politician, or a government bureaucrat. A great American novelist accurately wrote “The man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably but the man who respects it has earned it.” Such a man is a far better bet for a good woman than a man who can do no more than express pretty feelings about her, which, in truth, camouflage selfish intent.