Ep. 38 | Become One Person: Fix Your Finances, Friendships, Faith, & Family

Published Sep 23, 2018, 8:01 PM
“I do want to get married.  I just haven’t found the right girl yet” he said to me.  In this show you’ll hear what I said to him.  You will probably never guess when the right time is to start your child’s moral education. These are two of the questions I discuss in this show which is a speech I delivered in Dallas last Sunday.  I speculate on why I sound different when I speak to a live audience from how I usually sound on this show.  Some of the other questions I answer are these: why God chose Abraham. The surprising reason that Hitler and his Nazi war machine invaded Russia in summer 1941 instead of finishing off England. Did Hitler really never hear about Napoleon’s ill-fated attempt to do the same thing in 1812?  Can a multi-divorced person become a good marriage therapist?  The surprising four areas of human development that enable us to become fully integrated people.  How Bible study resembles landing a jet fighter on the deck of an aircraft carrier.