Comedian, writer and filmmaker Mike Birbiglia talks about real-life sleepwalking, his movie "Don't Think Twice" and the insatiable nature of success.
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Of Course Love Supreme is a production of I Heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. Hey it's unpaid Bill. On this week's Quest Love Supreme Classic, we talked to comedian, writer and filmmaker Mike Erfiglia about his real life sleepwalking his movie Don't Think Twice in The Insatiable Nature of Success. This is from November nine, two thousand sixteen. See you on the next go round. Shut up Bill, Just start the episode. Suprema so Suprema, roll call, Suprema su Suprema, role called Suprema Subprema, roll call, Suprema Subrema roll call. I am Quest Love. Yeah, I do not quit. Yeah. They we're gonna find out. Yeah, I'll be ruined. Good ship roll Suprema so Suprema roll call Subprema so Surema roll call. I am yeah, Electric ladies. Yeah, we come to my crib. Yeah, but that rice and gravy. Suprema su Sufdrema, roll call, Soprema sun Suprema. Roll car. Name is Steve, Yeah, Sugar Steve. Yeah, I feel like I'm not wanted. Yeah in this room, road call, Suprema Suprema roll call. My name is Bill. Yeah, still unpaid. Yeah, I got divorced. Yeah, I need to get rolla su Frema roll call, suprima suprema road call my handbuss Bill. Yeah, I like Tater Tots. Yeah, I run this show. Yeah, don't believe me. Just watch road called. So Prima Prima roll call my name yeah here, Yeah, please don't fight me. Yeah, because I don't know how to do this. Ship Suma sorima, roll call, so prema, so prima, roll call my name is Mike. Yeah, I'm not going for a hike. Yeah, I can look at my physique. Yea, Yeah, I'm so prima. Roll call Prima Prima, roll call, so prima, so so so prima, roll calm so prima, so so prima. Roll Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to another edition of Course Love Supreme, only on Pandora. Yes, I'm of course Love and we got the team Supreme with us, and today we got a really great show for you. Comedian writer, actor and director Mike bar Bigley is on the show. He'll be on in a bit and we're talking about his new movie Don't Think Twice, which is out next Wednesday on iTunes and on December six on Blu Ray and before all that, we're gonna check in with the team Supreme. We are here at our home at Electric Ladies Studios. Yeah that, sugar, Steve. Yes, we're back at Electric Lady. Man. We never left. We never left. I've been hiding under this couch twenty years Steve. Steve and I first met each other twenty years ago at uh where we are right now, this location very uh to our anniversary tonight. Yeah, yeah, so it's good to be here. I just never knew that our return to Electric Ladies Studios would be a radio show. Yeah exactly. Okay, So to my left, going clock, Uh, Sugar Steve, what's up, pal? Feeling good? You're feeling good? No? Okay, my kurts, my head is killing me. Okay, okay, I'm paid Bill. How are you doing? Bro? Good man? Are you I'm great? How's life fantastic? Really? Sometimes you look like thank you coming from you? It's really really painful. A little another day, another dollar? Brother? How's it going? Man? I can't complain at all. Man, I'm sitting here in quest lot Supreme an Electric Lady and chopping up his paper. You couldn't leave it, you could, all right, we are officially chopping up paper. What did that means? It's like what I mean? Oh, you know for those that are as well, tell everybody, chopping up paper is a colloquialism used in the American South among negroes who are probably making their money and the legal activities such as drug dealing or money laundering, and it replied, it is referred to as you know, I'm I'm gaining this currency at an alarming rate. I'm amassing chopped eagle tender at at at at as at a rate that is just incredible. So I'm here about chopping up the paper. It doesn't mean I'm literally putting blades to the paper and breaking it off. It's just counterfeit money. You could be chopping it up, you could. You could be breaking it up like in the sheets like white. But it's just very much you know, I'm chopping up that paper, boss Bill. How are we doing? Doing? Really well? More importantly, how am I doing? You're doing great, You're doing a good job. But there's only the first like five minutes though, right, No, we've been at this for like about ten minutes so far. Okay, well's see, that's that's what you here for to keep me in mind. Good, you're doing a great job. And I guess the most notable thing to mention at the top here is that the familiar female voice you've heard on the past few episodes, A quest of supreme Yes, Layah, she's officially part of our family now of our show. Yeah, the team grows. Uh. I figured that we need uh in the room to breast. What's breast? I've known this lady since she since we were young and uh waits a stripper in Atlantic. Now you know she's my my comrade from Philadelphia. Uh No, you're from Philly. Okay, thank you? Um yeah, now I'm already regretting this this decision. Welcome like st Clair nickname. Sorry, I'm not good with compliments. We're gonna have to give you a nickname. Well, she used to be lady lay on Philadelphia. What do you see a lady? Were she at? Were you not lady? Like in syllables? What was your club name? What was just like other chicks with like you know, it just seems like it's gonna get me in trouble later. I mean, you know, you don't make no money in a daytime at the strict club oh, because you have to think, like, what kind of person goes to the strip club? This is the Gold Club right right? I know what I'm saying, actually work. I felt it and then realized, just wait, are we still in the air right now? Yeah? We are. We've been yanked off the year. Um yeah, I went to college, everybody. Yeah, I was gonna say, let's let's pay in a different picture. Like I've been working with Laya behind the scenes for several weeks now. She's very, very smart, very intelligion we were were blessed to have is No, no, no, no, let me. You're just saying I'm lying. Well, yeah that she's not pleasant. Um now, Laya is is actually uh Philadelphia Radio Royalty. She's been You've been on radio in Philadelphia for at least uh eleven since I was well eleven years. No, I knew you since you were twelve. No, I just don't want them to know that them. But yeah, that's fine. I've been on for fifteen years. Let's just keep it real, okay, Okay, yeah, yeah, you've done a great job. That's why you're here. I just want to mention y'all say something about Source magazine not being valid but it's still valid in twenty thirteen and fourteen because I was in the top thirty in radio. So as long as that's still going on magazine is still valid. I just I wasn't on the radio in two thousand and fourteen, but they still put me in there. So I just want to get them to love shows you how much credibility then I really he's gonna put you on the ain't gotta goddamn show. Poody don't need no words. Poody don't need no Poody, don't need no radio show. Poody know what Poody do. Why I just recently that Louis c. K wrote and direct movies that shouldn't want Oscar pood shouldn't want to Pooty Jagscar and Clifton Pile should get a Lifetime Achieving award. Dude, he's black excellence, Like he's one of those black actors. He's a black father. He's a black father. But then he'll turn around and like he'll being fucking Star Wars like he worked. He'd just be working and he was what he wasn't in Star Wars. But he will be in like some big but and then he'll be in he was in SOCIETI but then his greatest role I think was Pinky And next Friday he really just really there was a rich emotional tapsture that just really fine, fine time, you know, I'm time. Can we now? I have to analyze you how like the sponge that is your brain and the information that it retains. I said, that is it amazing? You might need to be the guest next week? Is that like no weed influence? Like seriously, is that no weed influence? No? I don't know, I don't know. I mean I would just eb. Since I was a kid, I've just been able to just kind of pertains a reading. I mean, I smoke, but I'm not I'm not a smoker. I mean, if you know, I'll do it in the gathering if like y'all got one here, Yeah, we're going in. It's just a celebration. But no, I don't really smoke no weed like that, because it's just it just it kills my productivity. And it was just one episode I had where I was driving back from the Wilf House high and the road started Chris Prosy. I told God, I wasn't doing that at no moment. Well, wait, I want to ask you something because this is why I learned. Haven't recently just visited uh Maui where the speed limit the average speed limit thirty five? Like it would be like something where it's like, okay, so where's the whole foods at They'll be like, oh, it's eight miles away. You'll get there and like forty minutes. Wow, yeah, and you gotta drive. And the logic was that it stops uh drunk driving uh incidents. But the thing is, I'm like keep saying, if you if you're inebriated a good one. If you're inebriated, Uh, will you see that thirty five there dominant? Like will you see that? I don't know, But if you're driving slow, like why don't that put your life at risk more? I don't know. I don't know what the one time I did it it was, and that was it like that ship scared the ship out of me due and that's not really like drugs actually really like scared me. So that one experience, it was me and a girl I was saying at the time, and we were smoking, just smoking, like just smoking just for smoking, and we had it at him and we're just doing it. That was like seven smoking man, he was just smoking, and she was actually I mean to bring it all home to Electric Lady. This was after one of your artists that you here produced had finished her sophomore album, so we were kind of celebrating that she was had finished. Related to that artist. Wasn't related, Oh god, no, it wasn't her. I know you're talking about. It wasn't related, But I wasn't related. No, No, disrespected that person, but maybe not. I wasn't here. But but now as we were hanging and so she had it on the on the pipe, and you know, man, I just I mean where I'm from, pipes mean crack. So smoking off a pipe just felt real crackish to me, you know what I'm saying. But I was like, I mean, whatever, we're doing it. So I was smoking it off the pipe and it's real pure. So I was like, damn on Hunger's hell, we need to go to the guy the wife house. And so I drove to the waffle House and we went to the wiffle House on a This was a Saturday night, and I remember sitting there and the high I just came over me. I'm waiting on my food and you know my thing with food, Like I remember my my dude who was took our joint. He had a jail tap named tap Daddy. And when I saw the jail tat, I knew it not for real. I'm not making this up. Dude, he had Daddy, and so I knew then. You know, that was one from my hypolitists that I knew the food was gonna be great because I felling cook the best food, right, you know, I mean like if it ain't at least three shout out the Prodigies prison recipes. But ya know, if you ain't got at least two felons in your if you ain't got at least two felons in your restaurant, the food is gonna be shitty. And if you don't have at least one person to your black family that has a black disease just cooking, Like if your grandma ain't got the speedbag on her arm, I don't want her dinner. I don't want it's not gonna be good. No, it's real, it's real, but it's really person with a black disease such as the galed bag is not a disease. It's just like what happens to women when they it's called wings, you know, no, it's it's I mean it's wings, and yeah, chicken wings gotamn in. So feedbag is better than you need. You got the speedbag. But anyway, So anyway, so it's it's felling cooking my chicken legs. I know that she's gonna be amazing. So I'm sitting here and the highs just keeping coming down on me. Right, And so it's Saturday night and the police is out there, and the girl on with by the time she so got damn high, she didn't feel asleep. She nodding off like they goddamn dope fen lean looking like bubbles from the wine ship. So I'm just like, yo, this is bad. So I tell her to just go getting the cars and just getting the car and just go to sleep. So the police is out there because they because you know, it's like the club. So man, I finally get the food and I'm walking out and the police is looking at me. I'm just like, dude, I'm looking at the d while doing the right and I had to put the key in my car. This is before. This was like when I was a really broke nigger and like I didn't have the remote control open key I had. I had the old school, like you gotta get the kid, the Latin turn Man. That was the most concentrated ship I had to do about life. And I got it. And you know, I remember driving home and man, the roads started goddamn zigzaggly man, and uh, I just said to myself, was like, guy, if you let me get home, I would never get this high again. And I made it home and I busted down them chicken the niggs and I down. I never got that high in that was it? Man, so um, wow, that was it. I got contact from oh man, our coffee tail looks. Damn, you should just move to walking distance from the wildflofts and you can get high. Some research. Thank you. Every time I go there, I try to figure out, uh, because I know there's they claim that there's a million plus combinations of the hash browns. Yeah, you can get them scattered some other covered chunk cap Um, you can get them with chili. You know what I'm saying. I I mean, I I know that mean you pretty well. No, But there's a scientific there's a scientific number of combination that says that, uh, it's one million, it's one million plus different confer nomination. Yeah, I get everything on mine? Oh work, what you get on yours? What which on your cheese and anything? Dude, I go full throttle. Oh damn, but I only do like a quarter of it. Okay, you know I'm one of those like I'm in the the god the am I about to make this reference the Ron Perlman facing my life. He orders everything and it does a little bit of each thing and then leaves, which it's that's probably the worst thing I can say, like, because there's this unspoken rule that we can't waste food. And then but then but see Wilfile's they don't upgraded a formula, bro. So now wait what they don't upgraded the formula. They messed with it. No they brother, So now what they used to they used to just have the regular waffles, just the regular Oh but now they got the peak in. But now they got the new joint they do. They'll do you a strawberry waffle. They put a little strawberry, like a little something some cancer causing ship they put in there, and they just cook it up and it takes amazing. Oh boy, oh boy, wow, we really do need to go to Wiffe House. Yeah, that would be after that cancer comment. We really need to let's go. Yeah, that was that. Did you see that story about the girls that was got the waff House. I don't think they got to shut down. They were fired. The girls that were doing hair in the waff house. Wait, what this is true? There was did you get your hair did well? They were doing it. It was like it was somewhere in Atlanta, I want to say side they were doing shot totally. They were doing hair washing hair in the waff House. They had so many World Star videos about waffle House fights. It's a lot go down because it's twenty four hours. It's twenty four hours. But I got to imagine they only make I'm sure like their profit margins are the highest from the hours of like twelve midnight to like three four in the morning, like eating waffle house. Much like you wonder about the guy that goes to the strip club during the day. I'm just I'm just thinking, dude, because like if you go eating waffle House during the day, like for you goddamn savage, wait wait for the dance, wait time out. Really I mean because because for us, like when we was coming up, wiff House was club it was after the club food. It was after the club. It's late night you go, and that's what it is now. I will say during the morning, like if morning I'm with you, we would we would hit it. Sometimes when when I land before I go to the hotel, I go to waffle house like I eat daytime waffiuse. But you go to the strip club in the daytime too, though, So no, I don't. Okay, So uh, let's let's dial back via the food talk a bit here, guys and get a little serious, uh, at least in line with our our guest today, Um, who is a comedian. I feel um it's probably one of the more probably one of the most unique storytellers, uh in comedy, because this his level of comedy isn't just like why did the chicken across the road? Like? It's not just like set up punch line, set up punch line. Like. He tells these stories of his life and they're the most hilarious thing ever, except they're all like real. They're the most painful, realists, most insecure, most pie in the face, you know, self deprecating stories I've ever heard. But the way he delivers it, uh makes it so relatable, makes him so likable. UM. And he's made two movies that I really feel that are important. UM. I guess for artists Aliken and people that aren't into art, Um, they speak to all areas of life. UM. I'm speaking of a sleepwalk with me, and I'm speaking of his newest film, Don't Think Twice. UM. And our guest is Mike Berbiglia, and he's coming up in the next segment. Ladies and gentlemen, please give it up for Mike Berbiglia. Man. Thank you, guys, welcome to Quest Loves. Thanks man. How's it going. I'm good, I'm good, I'm I'm I'm psyched that you liked the movie. And I was just I was talking to Bill beforehand because he I ran into him a few months ago, and I was telling him about the movie right not to be confused with Boss Balls and and uh I ran into you at I'm forgetting the name of the place Bar Central, Yeah, and uh. And he was in a group uh for many years. Group. I was in a group I still, I guess I still am in a group called Freestyle Love Supreme. Sounds a lot like Quest Surprises Abound. So I played it. I played and still play. I guess in the hip hop improv comedy group where we get suggestions from the audience to make up hip hop tunes. And the people who are in the group are the people that went on sort of to create Hamilton's the Musical. They are Lynn Miranda and Chris Jackson and David Diggs and all the guys who are in that are in the same group. And Mike reminded me that we were at the same Aspen Comedy Festival together once many was that a Battle of the Uh Now I was just doing stand up and these guys were doing freestyle. Yeah. But then a few months ago I ran into these guys because I did something with Lynn Miranda a couple of years ago, and I was like, Hey, I didn't know Bill. I was like, hey, Lynn, I think you'll like this movie I made. It's probably a little bit like your life. Little did I know that it was, and Bill was part of it. Yeah. So I watched the movie today, I don't think twice an incredible film and was was that's a whole lot like my life up straight? And what mere? You and I were texting last night, who do you relate to most in the movie I mean in the beginning, I thought I was Jack, but then I thought, then I thought maybe I was your character, Miles. Yeah, because what I don't want to be is I don't want to be the character that doesn't realize that the party's over and the lights are out. Can we kind of give them an overview? Yeah? Yeah. So the gist of it is like, it's a movie about a bunch of best friends in like an improv comedy group, and they've been together for years, and then one of them gets a chance to be on like a Saturday Night Live type of show, and the rest of them don't. And it's about That's why we're talking about in relation to breakups, because it's what happens when not everybody makes it in the same way like Michael, Like Michael Jackson for example, Wait side note, because I'm gonna I'm gonna interrupt with small, meaningless questions, all right, similar to Nike's funt yeah, does does Broadway Video own that Weekend Live? Funt? No? They don't own that font that fun? How did you guys master that fun? Because that was impressive that font. We went through fonts and we're like, yeah, that's similar to Starrent Live. But it's not the same, okay, And uh, it's funny you asked that question because I was one and the same thing while I was watching well you know what you were like, Yo, y'all nailed this perfectly. And who who was? I was over? It's Has Myers. One day, like when I was in prep for the movie and we're doing all the production design stuff, aren't trying to make it look like Sarrent Live. And I was walking in to the hallways he you know, Causeth Meyers is literally down the hall from S and L. I was walking in just like taking photos of my phone, and the security guard I was like, hey, yeah, you can't take photos, And I was like, I got what I needed? And who was your fake? Dom Pardo? That was me? I did you? Yeah? But like, but what's funny about it is and that's why I don't mind talking about It's like if if Sarent Life sued us, it would be literally the best thing that could have ever the movie. It's like when Al Franken wrote that movie, that book about Fox News, the lying wres lies in the lying liers that tell them, and then Fox News sued him. And before that it wasn't on the best seller list, and then because of that it ended up on the Best of It was so anyway hoping it's a hit. Um, so yeah, I guess for those that have yet to see it, I really feel like this could be the the my big fat Greek wedding Tortoise in the hair, uh success story, Little Train that could movie, because this is everyone's story, um, and for me, the bottom line, I'm obsessed with why people clearly choose to ruin a good thing? Why do they self sabotage? Like I can name about and I'm probably one of them. I can name at least thirty people in my life that kind of have If you're familiar with SNL trivia, uh, the you know the Final Jeopardy where Trebec and Sean Connery are kind of going at each other, and you know, Final Jeopardy is like the answer is to All you have to say is the answers to and then the next thing, you know, that's the best analogy, right, and then they'll say, like I'm Michigan, that's the answer for me. The moment where I realized that this wasn't the average film was was when uh, Joe Gillian's character clearly didn't go, you know, to the audition to become a star, which he clearly could have been one. And I mean, how how did you even have the insight to to go into that psychological level where to know that happens. I feel like I know a lot of people who have done that over the years, who have like who you're like, you know how there's always the people you're like, yeah, Eddie Murphy is good, but the real guy was always like the real guy was this other dude. Yeah, oh yeah, for every Jordan on the court, it was like seven other and one that could have. Yeah. That was the thing that was like the joke was how did Eddie Murphy end up on Saturday Night Live? And because Charlie Burnett couldn't read that, he's same the actual guy I never named the street performer. He was a street performer in d C. And he's the guy who pretty much kind of who Chappelle used to watch and he's in DC Calb. I don't know if you've seen, I've seen he's in He was like that, he's one of the guys DC cat but like, I mean, drugs everything, But he was a street performer. He died in like late eighties. Don't want to say, but he was like the man, he was the dude, but he couldn't read wow, so he just sabotaged it. Yeah. I mean there's a million guys at the Seller like that. You guys you see all the time, literally a funny student. You're like, how come that person is not the most famous comic. This is what I learned about at least my five years of kind of being a New Yorker and and scope in the comedy scene, which I do obsessively more than musicians and more than chefs. Like comedians are a strange, strange animal. I'm now realizing that humor is uh is used as a means to deflect, uh, what the real problem is going inside. And I didn't realize that until I started hanging out at the Seller regularly. And this is the time period where like I started working for humor. She kind of showed me the ropes. And the thing was, it was at the very beginning of her slow rise. By that point, she was just doing you know, her Comedy Central specials, and the show wasn't even thought about then. Once the show started to develop, and then you know, I would ask her like obsessively, like, Okay, so do you feel a pressure now? Do you feel like you have to bring everyone with you? Do you feel as though like you know, and she kind of has. I'm amazed that it's ridiculous people she puts on her show. I'm in the comedy scene. She's she's like a more organized Allan Iverson. How does Amy Schumer like a more organized Allen ivers Because Okay, as a Philadelphia and as the season ticket holder to the Sixers, um, you know, especially during the period of Alan Iverson, I've never seen someone like literally carry the weight of his family behind that be cousins and like he would have cousins in the third tier, uh, extended friends in the second tier, family members in the first year, like and that's when I learned, like, oh no, I never want to be the person that has to like you can't take them all with you. And so you either are gonna have the crew of the posse that you have to take care of, or you roll by yourself. Now, I personally chose to roll by myself, to the chagrin of a lot of people in my life. So it's it's you know, damned if you do, damn if you don't. But you know, I can't figure out how Like at the Comedy Celler, at least can you explain what the what that environment is like there? When I started at the Cellar, it was in like two two, and it actually was I think much even tougher than like it was like Colin Quinn. It was around the time Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn was on Comedy Central. So it was like Colin Quinn and Nick Depolo, Greg Giraldo and Patrese, who was like I mean, like Neils, you know, one of the greats, and like just I mean those guys were tough on each other. Like Patrese could make you want to crawl under a ross. No he used to how he addressed you, You got the biggest head and that that literally he would do that for a half hour. He was a he was a mean guy. But but yeah, I know there's a lot of like survival and and people going at each other, and uh, I wasn't. I mean I never thrived in the environment. I mean, I I still play there. I love the seller, but like I never you know, I never got into that culture. So I'm saying I'm noticing, and at least the New York comedy world, there's three avenues you can choose uh kind of above uh Street, like sort of like to Midtown Manhattan. Um. I don't know if like what you would call that area, but that's where like more mainstream comedy is and I don't know if people necessarily aspire to be there. I would think that those that kind of thrive at that particular strip could also play Vegas Carolines and I don't know what you would call a David Brenner type or that sort of thing. But then over in Brooklyn, yeah, I'm discovering Littlefield Union Hall alternative kuse, Yeah, kind of the snobby millennials. Yeah, and then there's that's what I like. But it's I like performing there, but it's just like performing for your friends. So you're doing stand up. There's no challenge, no challenge to it at all. It's it's like people like minded people. And that's why I like The Seller is great because it's like a lot of tourists, it's people from all over the place. It's just like it's it's actually hard to kill at the Seller. It's pretty hard unless you're really feeling like if you're Schumer or yours, like you're famous and people are psyched that you're there. People. Do you think people come there to sort of star gaze and I think that's yeah, there's a lot of just hoping for that night that Luis is there, Louise. Yeah. Does that also does that make for a bad set for you? Like has someone ever just butted in line, like oh, Eddie Murphy wants to do and then like you have to go on afterwards? Or I remember I was on stage once for two minutes and I got the light and like, what the fun lever and it's Robin Williams. Yeah, when Patch Adams want to get on this we got missed out fire coming up. You gotta just short. I was so mad, though I was good, you know, it's five or whatever. I had an attitude. I thought I was better than I was. I was like, fuck, Robin Williams, who's that? You know? Walked off one of the things with your movie Man, another movie I kind of saw a parallel to. I don't know if you saw it inside Lewin Davis, Oh, yeah, yeah, definitely. It very much reminded me of that, just in the sense if you have a person where you just realized, what do you do with the realization that it's just not and it happened, and you just have those characters that's just like, look, dude, I know you thought you were that guy, but you're not that fucking guy. Um have you ever felt like that? I mean, I think you're very funny. Why did you make yourself that character real? Not for real? Because in my head I thought you were going to be the chosen one. I thought no, and I my buddy, you know, you know, he's a buddy who wrote for us now for a lot of years, and he gave notes in the script and he's a friend of mine, and he he was like, you gotta play Jack. And I was like, you gotta play Kegan's character. And I was like, I don't know, I'm not talented enough to play You don't understand, like you need somebody who is so good that they're undeniable and on the screen you're like when you're watching, you're like, Oh, it's got to be him, because that's the guy who would get it, because Keegan would have gotten it had he not gone to Mad TV. You gotta asked to do Matt TV before us to know, so then would good for his life because then that's where he met Jordan Peel and they made one of the greatest sketch comedy shows of all time, I think. But talking about Keegan Michael Key, Yeah, Keegan Michael Key. But but yeah, so that's why I played Miles, which is the bitter guy, which is uh, I don't I'm not like Miles. But I also I'm pretty good at wearing bitterness. Petty. I just I don't know if I'm I don't know if I'm petty, but like when I do it, people believe that. So we're petty, all right, this is the petty hour on question. Yeah, we're here with Mike. Is pettiness a positive character trait? I don't think so. Man, I realized it's wrong, but it can. I wear proud like like a like a scarlet letter that I'm happy. But but you're such a son of a bitch if you're petty, because there's so many people who are jealous of you, and so it up. I want to be like everybody, but I think it's relative. The grass is greener on the other side, Yeah, I mean, because and that was the thing. I'm like watching the movie, I didn't want to say. I mean, I think we could peter much tell people what happened. I mean we won't. I wouldn't do it, but it's still I think we wouldn't be spoiling anything because the way the story is told, it's I mean, to me, the magic was in the way you told a story, not necessarily in just the details themselves. But the thing is, if we're too self aware of what character we are, like it's sex in the City that I feel like. I'm like, I feel like we're all honestly, but it's been different parts. I feel like I've been that guy. I've been every person different in my career. I've been I've been every character in that movie. Yeah, so lucky. I can't wait to be Jack, like I was watching that movie, like, I know everybody struggled, but my Jack moments may have not been we live moments, but they've been moments were you definitely want more so than right. Yeah, yeah, Well, can I get personal with your situation? No? Cut cold over here, baby, let's go all right. Well, I'm just saying that who whose character did you relate to? Um? I could relate to all of them. When you watch the film, did you see your own group in this situation? Absolutely? Um, there were definitely moments and not necessarily in the group between me, Pool and ninth Um, you know, for you know, just to give them back. So I was in a group called Little Brother, a very influential group that kind of you know a lot of today's mega you know mega winners in the hip hop game always referred to as like one of their favorite groups. Definitely one of my favorite groups. Like that's why he's here because we love the ship out a Little Brother when he came out and so thank you man. And so the group was me, I was an m C. My partner Big Pool, and I produced a ninth Wonder who um you know went on to produce like major artist jay Z Beyonce. Uh, I mean just you know, do this really big records. And so for me, when me and Food first started, we had the conversation that listened. If you study hip hop, you know the producer always goes on to do more, and you want that to happen, you know what I'm saying. You know your man is talented, you want him to go on and go and do and and go forth. So between me and him. It was cool when when Knife got the jay Z. Look we came up here to baseline, met jay Z. I mean that was surreal, you know what I'm saying, because I remember being in the dorm with that dude. Well you came up the baseline. Yeah, yeah, because we mixed the missiles showing baseline. Wow, we met and we like that. One day we met j he was just there and he played us threats from the Black album and so yeah, man, So for me to see that journey of me and Knife being in the dorm together and him looking at like you know, the source and us him looking at you know, executive Bruce by DJ Premier, and I'm saying like, yo, man, one day I'm gonna have that executive produce a ninth one. It like, that's gonna be me to see him go from that to you know jay Z. That was amazing to me and I wasn't I couldn't have been happier for him. Um, where the disconnect was was in a lot of people in our camp that really felt like we left them behind, you know what I'm saying, and felt that Okay, well the Knife, if you did it with Jay why didn't you do it for me and this person, this person, this person, this person, And it's kind of like what you were saying, you know, you can't save everybody. And so for me, my moment where I kind of felt that Jack moment was then when Minstrel Show, when we got you know, four and a half mics in the source. At the time, the source was still kind of four and a half and yeah, yeah, you know, you got four and a half mics and so which was the perfect five was what you could get, but it was a really reputable rating. So that was my, I guess my Jack moment where I had my uh the girl that left up Samantha, she's the one that didn't go to Gillian. Okay, where I had my Gillian moment and not necessarily a self sabotage moment, but just where you know, the scene where she was like, yo, I'm good in the world. You know that that was kind of when Drake happened, because that was when everybody was like, yo, take Drake is the dude that you influence. He big Drake was picking me up, old take my favorite rapper and all this so ship and it was just like people were like, yo, man, you could come and you could do him, and you need to come for Drake. He stole your styling this And I was just like, dude, listen, oh they want you to come from him. Oh my god, are you serious, dude? Oh? I thought, see, I know battling. No, I know, battling is a thing in hip hop, but I'm always like, that's Penny, that would be I thought like it was the thing of like work with Drake. Well, yeah it was. It was work with It started like work with Drake, But then there's always that small cardre of people that like, no, you need to come, and we want you to you know, we want you to do it because you could either man. And so my thing was just like look, man, kind of like with that character, I'm good where I am. If my whole theory is like, look, if you're gonna pull a coupe and try to throw over the government, right, Okay, if you're gonna throw that dude out, then the government that you put in place needs to be as good or better than the government you out did. Else the people gonna come for your fucking head next, you know what I'm saying. So my thing is like, look, dude, I'm not done to quote unquote come for uh you know, Drake or whoever, because I'm not gonna serve his audience the way that he is. I'm not about to hop on fifth of them goddamn remixes with the hot drug dealing nigga of the moment and do this and do the auduct like and I'm not knocking that, but I ain't gonna do that. Ship man at thirty six years old, nigger, you serious? I really had a new clue. I thinking, like, maybe you do a record like Kanye did it record with Yeah, we got a record like way back Yeah, I mean, and we may do one in the future. I don't know. Did we didn't we had back in the day, we did a record with him like that would be back in the I guess if before you'm it would be the equivalent of we did right to sleep right. But then once the ship really pop, we didn't, you know, do nothing that post Orange is the New Black did? He was a new phone? Who did phone? Who did O? What's good man? My fault? So now that was my moment, man, I I it really hit the chord with me. So for me, I'm just in a place whereas many with I really related to that character Guillion because I think she and I wanted to ask you by that man. Because to me, I didn't see it as sabotaged by her not going I talked I would again. I looked at it as a person knowing their own limitations and just knowing, like, you know what, I know I could do this, but if I do this, I'm gonna suck it up. So let me just not like I don't have it in me to do this. That was that was my interpretation of it. Or she just didn't want it, she didn't want it. I think she did just didn't want it. She didn't She felt like it was a sellout moment. She said, like she was like compromising, good this lily Pad, Like I'm good on this little bad I'm really straight. No, I'm saying it's selling out real. Well, I don't think selling out is real now. I don't think it's no more. I don't think it exists. Oh if y'all could just see wait wait wait wait, because right now we're on radio, so no one can see. I've never collective, I've never collectively seen like all these teeth look at me like scratching their heads. Selling out real, I think it is. Yeah, I think it is. I think it is, But I don't think it. I mean, back in the eighties and the nineties, when you know, no, sellout was this whole big thing real, Yeah, when the whole thing was around, it was, it was. It was a different kind of situation because I don't even know what I'm talking because I don't know where I'm going with this. Opportunities weren't there for the opportunities like LLL he would say, like you know, back in the day, we would say, yo, fun doing the movies and funk doing this because we never thought it was possible to exactly. And then he owned the house, so you know what I mean. It's look, no, I don't think either. But let's let's take a cat like Miles Davis who has constantly made a career out of, uh, building a house and burning it down. I mean, he's totally defined what jazz music is at least four or five times, which is impossible, Like some people are lucky to change music once, let alone five times. Um. But then there was a point where, uh, when I was reading his book and just studying, like a lot of his uh uh late sixties mid seventies performances where he you know, turned his back to the audience and you know, he had this sort of uh wishy washy uh kind of middle finger or attitude towards his audience. And initially, of course, growing up, I thought, oh, man, that's cool, like you know, like you know, he stands for something, he stands for principles. But there's a period where I just started reading so many psychology books and whatever, and then I realized, like, uh, you're scared of rejections. So it's like I'm gonna to me before you can. Yeah, I'm yeah, I'm gonna reject you first before years like Bunny Rabbit Ship. Yeah. And I don't I don't I think that that the idea of I'm not saying that integrity, it's not real. But if we were really artists, artists with the Ethian or you know, slash, if we were all, we all be performing free on the streets. Like all of us in this room are business people, whether we admit it or not, to eat to be able to get the energy to perform. So I think that I don't know, I just I don't believe in selling out I'm not using that as excuse. Like, okay, well, whoever has the next big check right right, I'm there for it, Like I okay, I guess I can say I turned down the biggest check of my life like two weeks ago because I didn't believe in what I was being paid. I guess. I guess you gotta understand the difference, right, It's like there's selling out and cashing in, you know what I mean. It's like, I'm not selling out, I'm cashing in. So it's like to me cashing in. It's like, look, if I'm quest love or if I'm unpaid bill, if I got if y'alls is willing to give me a check to do what it is I already do that I love doing it. Yeah, it's like I'm getting paid for what the funk? I do what I mean, But if you ask me to change up the way I do exactly. For instance, for example, like Premier, like me and you know, we were talking DJ Premier um legendary DJ one half Gang saw that he had an opportunity. He was telling me he had an opportunity to do the Grammys with Janet. This is back in nineties together again. Yeah, she had that he had the chance to perform on it with her, but they wanted him to act like he was d It wasn't live. They wanted to pull a fat boy slim yeah exactly. They wanted him to be DJ. And so she wanted the credibility. Yeah, she wanted credibility. But he was like, but she wanted you know, I mean, it's pops so everything is synchronized in the minute. And he was trying to tell her like, look, I can do it live. This is what I do. I'm not gonna sunk up, and she was just like, look, I can't leave the chance. So he was walked away from the gig. So to me like that, I would have did it because I do it now. I've done Soul Train, I've done won't you? But I think, but I think with you man to next week. I think when you man, you like thirty years in the game, so your cred is solidified. See. But that's that's overthinking the situation. And that's the number one thing that self saboteurs do. They overthink. If you knew the amount of hours I've I've wound up in the hospital myself trying to take care of other saboteuris no, I'm no not not bullshitting you. The amount of talking them off the ledge. I say, my number one quote for there was some sort of like tally of all a mere quotes for the year. I'm certain that, dude, you're overthinking it. I have to say that so many times too people just to get them down to to the first floor again, because once they it inside their head, it's no escape because the thing is Okay, let's let's take premom situation. Now. Who would be the judge in the jury that would say, oh my, you know built Premiere. It's not DJ and Live. But again, I'm but this is this is no he worked. He he did that Janet remix. Uh was seven? Was it right? Was it? Take? No? No, no, no, no, this is before. I don't want to don't want to be his story wherever. Okay, the earlier, the earlier Janet, the even more I would have been like, oh, finally, like we made it. Like I would have cheered that one of us got in, you know, not like oh he he's selling out because he's not plugged in. Like it's it's overthinking it produced the record, so he already made it. But no, no, even I'm just saying that whatever the situation, if he produced or didn't produce it, or whatever, the whole the whole point of it was that she wanted Okay, she was drinking from his milkshakes. She wanted some of that street cred and I drink your milkshake. Yeah, I'm just a straw wait inside side note, side note, I cannot wait. I cannot wait till Bundby is a guest on this show. Soka cvs. Two Outcriterian collection each Other a movie trivia. Um, yeah, I think that's overthinking it. And a lot of our are artists, are artistes, Um, they kind of just they. But you gotta have a line though, I mean I think like because yeah, you gotta have a cold man. And so my thing is just like again, cashing out versus cashing in versus selling out. To me, it's only a out out move if you do something that is against your principles. You know what I'm saying, That's against your core principles, whatever they may be. You know what I'm saying. So you know I will not betrayed my heart to quote you know a famous you know what I mean? Room, Oh, that is this quest up Supremere on Pandora, and we're here with our guest comedian Mike Berbiglia uh talking about his latest movie, Don't Think Twice, his amazing movie. By the way, can I say the tweet that has like yes, so right now, my Mike has discovered farts. Do you just read like a lot of it is record? But I like this promo, but I like it. My sophomore solo album, No News Is Good News, will drop at the top of two seventeen. My workload this year is too hectic and I want to get it right. And I was like, oh, that's really nice. He's like leveling with his fans, and he's like being honest. I don't know, it's like it's aunt promotional because you're actually opening up and being like, I'm just a person. I'm trying my best. Yeah, I gotta keep it rude with him. You want to get in front of just go down, just scroll scroll. I've been chilling lately. I've been you know, if you caught me like, oh nine took a little when I was really going hard. Oh man, I'm gonna change, man, I'm coming in the blood of Jesus who's like the who's like the Samantha, who's the gillions character in music? Who's who's like the greatest? But never man, you're gonna make me cough. Uh uh, all right, just just go to my go to my disconts page. Just go to my disconts page, and let's just assume that. No, let's pick a number and then maybe of anyone I've ever worked with, I'll say this, with the exception of jay Z. Jay Z was probably one of the rare cats that, like, it was a pleasure to work with him. That's why I worked with him, not because like I saw like, oh a payday or finally like a way out of this crab barrel. You know. It's it's just that, you know the amount of times I've had to Jedi mind trick someone like, uh, say, I'm working on a song with somebody and I feel as though, you know, a particularly like the one is where this particular thing is like battling over where the one is. It's like one of my main arguments with people. So it's to the point where I'll just naturally go to another count or whatever, just so that they'll can you know, they'll contrary and by nature, will just go to the opposite place until they which is where you want them to be, anywhere exactly exactly with me, I don't my my my theories that if the crash symbol and the kick go at the same time, that's that's the beginning of the sentence. Yeah, all right, Now here's the thing though, I feel like we kind of tarantinoed you in this situation. I kind of wanted to build up to this movie, but it was so powerful. Yeah, I kind of want to work backwards because even before uh don't think twice sleepwalk with me. When I saw it, even then, I thought like, oh man, this is awesome my life story, like because you never, at least with hip hop, especially after uh, in music in general, Uh, there's this dividing line between the winners and the losers, where winners are celebrated and the losers are forgotten about or never celebrate it. To me, it was always good to see the working man, the blue collar working man. And you know in that film you drive yourself. Yeah, I drive my mom's station wagon around to tell us all the process of driving to your own gigs. Uh. The especially tell me about the comedy condo yeah, I can tell you. So every comedian stays in. Yeah. So the comedy condo usually means you'll have a comedy club in the town and like Nashville, Tennessee, and let's say and like Zaney's Comedy Club. I'm not making up that name. Uh, that's a real club and national it's pretty good. It's really good club actually, and uh, and then the owner will be like, well, it's less expensive. If you can even imagine this, it's less expensive to buy a condo to have all the comedians stay in that condo. Then it would be to put them up in hotels, so there would be the club and then to be like the comedy condom, and it's like it's always terrible. It's always like the no, just like you just end up in I don't know, like like sheets are horrible. Yeah, you know, it's like yeah, and you by yourself were like you're with like two other comics usually, so you're with like the the feature actor, the in the m C and then uh yeah, I mean some of them you know, some of them you don't. I don't know. Like what happened was is I was working the door at the DC Improv when I was in college. That's sort of how I I broke in and the first guy I ever opened for with Chappelle actually, and so it's really true that he was four. Yeah, so he was. He was headlining that club. I was nineteen. He was like twenty three. Four Half Baked was about to come out. What was fascinating about meeting Chappelle when he was that young is that he was And I learned this trick from him because I I do it now, Like people come up to me now and they're like, hey, I know you're from blah blah blah, and I'm like, I have a movie out right now. It's called Don't Think Twice. It's down the Street, blah blah. Because I remember saying to Dave Chapelle, like, how do you come to stand up? How do you do this? How do you do this? And he was like he would give me. He gave me advice, and then he would be like, my movie Half Bakes coming out for four weeks and it's at the street theater on the street, and get all your friends to go, like there is you know. Chappelle is like he's like Sam in the movie, but he's like Jack. Also, like if you think about it. He's got both of those in him. He's got insane amounts of integrity. But he also he is he does makes money, is a real businessman. No, you're just gonna shake your head. No, I won't say Sam, and I won't say Jack. You think he's Miles. Oh, I'm sorry forgive me. You're right Sam, he's like Sam. Right, He's definitely Sam. He is Sam because he walked away from all that money Comedy Central. Yes, but he is like Jack in the sense that he's ambitious. It's an ambitious person. You don't write like nineteen hours of stand up and not be an ambitious person. It just don't. Again, it's the voices. I wish the world knew, Like I was one of those guys that like and I don't want. Lately, I've been on this kick, like on social media about how important meditation is, and I mean, the only thing I could logically say is that, you know, if you look at Russell Simmons uh in the eighties looking like a fifty year old, but see him now in the early arts, still looking like he might be, and he's approaching sixties. I I wish everyone really knew the addiction and the magic of what meditation is and how it can really truly save your life. You know, there's a group of people in my life that overthink a lot of things, and um kind of you know, it's a it's I think it's just the fear of failure or the fear of fumbling in public, you know. And I know we live in a kind of a social media world and whatever, which everything is documented and no one wants to, you know, try the process in front of the world watching them. But I just feel as though crucial the way that the way that was explained to me in a way that I truly understood how meditation works is of course, uh they used the MacBook pro analogy, which they said, Okay, so whenever you the rainbow wheel that you hate and you have like nine jillion windows open on Safari, you know, what's the thing you do and you're like, well, you either forced quit or you reset, and breathing literally deep breathing literally slows your mind down and it closes all those windows and you make better decisions in life with a clear head, Like where I am right now in my life spent literally with fourteen I mean, Boss Bill Will tell you what a nightmare I am. This is why a thing called Team of Mirror exists because logical thinking is out the window with me, because I'm busy trying to figure out, like, you know, which Woot Tang song is gonna go with which David Byrne song at next month's show, Like like that's the stuff I'm thinking about. So it's I don't know what two plus two equals, Like there's some information that I'm gonna lose and there's some information I'll retain and use. But I'm just saying that I really think that meditation is the answer, but I know it just sounds so cosmic and weird. And the way that your eyebrows are looking at me, like I don't know if you're full of shit or not. Amusingly, that's my natural face. And it's also like it takes some times to get to a certain age to get to that point. But you're totally right, And I know I don't say that to you often, but can I ask you a question? I ask you a question about that because we were talking before about about being a businessman versus selling out whatever. I feel like you you are saying that you're thinking about what song is next and whatever. But you're also a very like in tune business person, So it's not like you're completely vacated the other part of this, because you don't. You're not just like in your creative world where you have not at all, look the furtherest, the furthest I go with business. At least my business thought is to make sure that I generate enough business so that my mama don't move into my house. So wait, Mike, can we start? Yeah? I wasn't. I wasn't kidding when I said that we were tarantinoing this yours. So when I started out, I was working the door at the Comedy DC Improv, and I was opening for guys like I said, Chappelle and like Brian Regan, Mitch Hedberg, David tell guys who come in there. Yeah, that was he like, man, how do you come up with so many? Just one? How? You know what he said? He said, I think that I think is really wise, which is he thinks that people undervalue daydreaming. Mm hmm, you know, like just just sitting there, just like thinking right and step down. Yeah, A lot a lot of times i'd I'd see Mitch somewhere like I I remember opening for him once in Dayton, Ohio. That's where I met him. And then like years later I run I ran into him like in Montreal and festival and he was just like lying backstage before the show, listening to music and it's with his headphones and he's just like lying on his back and everybody else is like networking talking to each other, and he was just like daydreaming, like that's what he was all about. So people would be like, where does his thoughts come from? He just always kind of lost in his thoughts and he'd write down, and you write down everything. I've never heard of a person that does these nonsensical just or just these random he was unbelievable all over the place. Uh you know, these these thoughts so literally he was just oh yeah, he had just like his wife Lynn has just no piles and piles of notebooks. And uh. One of one of the things that isn't even uh in one of his jokes is in his notebook it says, do you believe in Gosh? So they did like a posthumous album of his stuff and they called it you Believe in Gosh? Yeah, isn't that great? Where is that notebook. Now she had all that up in the their cab. They had a cabin in the woods and I think big Bear and that's where they lived and and yeah, she has all that stuff. It's pretty amazing. I when I met mitchin Lynn, it was dating. OHI I was at Joker's Comedy Club, which doesn't exist anymore, and I was trying to like socialize with them, and I mean, I didn't know anybody was like, hey, do you guys want to go bowling? Is the dumbest thing. We were next to a bowling alley and they were like all right, and uh, And I was terrible. I'm nervous. I'm like with my idol Like I really idolized match. I said, so you knew him by that point, I was just a fan of him. And then I was opening for it was like the most real thing in my life. And then I was just terrible of rolling like ones and zeros and he said the funniest thing he goes. I thought, when you suggested that we go bowling, that you would be good at bowling. So so you working in d C. That was your introduction comedy, that was it. I mean, you weren't like the class clown at the age of ten, or I really wasn't I was. I was always sort of like I always felt out of place. I always felt like when I when I would say the things that I was thinking about, people would just be like, that's that's what's weird, you know, and uh yeah. And then then but I always I always thought I was funny, you know what I mean, Like it was one of those things like I think I'm very funny and and they don't get it and that kind of thing. And then at a certain point I got on stage in college and and uh and it started to click. And in Sleepwalk with Me, I have that joke where I say, I'm my my girlfriend's starting to get the age where she's thinking about having kids, which is exciting because we're gonna have to break up and I don't want to have kids until I'm sure that nothing else good can happen in my life. And that was like the first time that that was like the first time I made a joke on stage. And it's in Sleepwalk with Me. It's like this as a plot point, but like it was the first time where I said something it was true and it was a joke at the same time. But that's comedy, is right, and that's ended up being sort of what I what I do. But like that was the first time before that, I was like making jokes about cookie Monster, and then when I started making jokes about myself was better. But I'll say that you're a particular brand of comedy, especially at the time where I really became aware of you. You don't see many comedians on Broadway, and so initially I was trying to figure out, well, okay, did you at least cut your teeth in Midtown? I was trying to figure out what side of the fence you want? Where you alternative Brooklyn? Where you the varsity letter of the seller, or were you the hacks Bille of midtown or uptown? I had, I did my tone all of those three worlds and the road. Can you please all three? Yeah? I mean I think ultimately you have to. I mean, it's complex question, but you just have to be you, and it has to you have to get good enough that what you're doing can kind of work anywhere. Okay, so the joke has to work with the all crowd, with the I'm smarter than new college crowd of the village and the the hack, the drunk hacks that might Yeah, although they're the hardest, of course. I mean that's why I like, so I've never early on, I would always get these gigs in Jersey because nobody wanted to do them. Nobody wanted to work. And jer say sorry Jersey, but no, I was gonna ask you. Now I know Chris Rocks uh regiment and he chooses Jersey. Yeah right, and yeah he he listened like four like before he starts in HBO Special or whatever. He told me the five clubs that he chooses, like place down south, place where only old people go. He's like, if I can survive the scrutiny in the heart, Like, so, what is your exercise process of so might will be like I go to the cellar, I go to the I go to the to Brooklyn rooms to just like feel confident, to feel like, oh this is work, this embrace or do they look like you might be a suit You might be in Boklyn. In Brooklyn, they like, because they know I live in Brooklyn. I I have a lot of you know, there's a lot of local references or whatever. But um, and then and then I go to the seller, go on the road to comedy clubs like I'll go to Charlie Good Nights and Raleigh or you know, zaying He's and Nashville or that kind of thing, because ultimately you wanted to work everywhere because you want it to be human. You know, the bottom line of everything is that like hearing you guys talk about don't think twice and you're like, I'm Miles or I'm Jack or whatever, that's like gold for me. For for me, that's like the biggest compliment. When you and I were texting last night and you're like, this person in my life is like lindsay this person like this, It's like, oh my god, it fucking worked, Like I can't believe it. It's working because you wanted to be so human that people just see themselves in it. And that's what takes forever with stand up, that's what takes for It takes years with material, you know, to get it to that point, takes it so long. Why does it takes so long to find that? I just think because you you have to do this thing of simultaneously having people see themselves in it and laugh and laughters just like you either get something gets to laugh for it doesn't how shows the stand up process versus the movie screenplay process different For me, it's similar because I I write a lot with the screenplay and then I would have friends over like this, like literally, like like ten of us in the room just sitting around would read the screenplay and I would get and I would ask people for notes that afterwards. And so I did that about ten times with the movie and then see you focus groups like people, Yeah, isn't that the hardest thing in the World's It was really painful because afterwards you get assaulted with notes and people are just like, you know, Iron Glass, who is my producer ended up being my producer, was just like early on was just like Mike, like, it's just not a movie, Like it just doesn't work. And I was like, no, it does, and he was like, I was like, it's like it's like The Big Chills set in the world of an improv theater. And he was like, well, the characters have to be more different from each other because at that point the characters were too similar and the conflicts weren't there. And yeah, but but yeah, I mean everything I do is sort of I work. I put in front of people. How long did it take what like from screenplay to shooting? How long did it take to do? Took about a year and a half writing it. I was in the middle of writing another film called My Girlfriend's Boyfriend, which is an adaptation on one of my shows. Wait you're going to make that? I might? I might? Based on the sketch. Yeah it's true that. Yeah, it's true. Story the high school one. Yeah, yeah, you can play that. You can play that track. I don't have to repeat it seriously. Yeah, yeah, that's true. The gist of it. I'll tell you the gist of it. When I was in high school, I went out with this girl and she was like, uh and I was. I was like, really into her. And then she was like, I have another boyfriend, but it's a kind of ending and that kind of thing. This is going to be fine, and and she invites me to meet her parents and I go, and I was like, Oh, this is gonna be my big moment. I drive your parents house and we're hanging out and then this other guy comes over and I'm realizing slowly that it's her other boyfriend, and like it's going okay, you know, I know, I don't think so I think he just thought I was a friend in retrospect, I don't know for sure, but like and and and so that yeah, who's yeah, yeah, no, no that I'm sorry now that's from that's Abby's the character's name and sleepwalk with Me, which is not her real name in real life. But uh but but yeah, no, that was this girl in high school and I was man, I yeah, I was just really hung up on her and I wanted to believe it was gonna see the led Zeppelin sloan. No, no, that's different. That's different. Yeah, for some reason, like I've you've jumbled my level. But so if if comedy, I don't know if if that's a cliche, like comedy being time and tragedy. Yeah the other day the other day I tweeted, comedy is tragedy plus fuck itt Uh so how do you make a joke of of you have an insomnia? And oh? Yeah, I mean that was weird. Yeah that's a true story. But you guys do you guys know the story? I have a sleep disorder where I where I sleepwalk and I jumped out a second story window at Yeah, I was on the road. This is like probably ten years ago. Now, I was at la Quinta in and Walla Walla, Washington. Yeah, and uh. And I had a dream that there was a guided missile headed towards my room and I was like, I jumped out of bed. I was like, there's military personnel in my dream there. And I was like, what's the plan? And I said, the missile coordinates are set on you. And so I decided in my dream, as it turns out it was in my life as well, to jump out the window so as to detonate outside the window for the sake of the platoon. So I jumped through the window like the Hulk and uh. And I landed on the front line of got up and I kept running and I'm slowly realizing I'm on the front line of Laquinta and Washington and my underwear bleeding. I was like, oh no, but I swear to god, I was relieved in that moment that I hadn't been hit by the missile. I was like, that would have been a disaster. And so yeah, it ended up being sort of the baseline of what what my whole It was a one person show off Broadway, and then it ended up in my first movie. But yeah, and in response to what you're saying, Like, how how am I comfortable talking about that? For a while, I wasn't like for a while, I was like, Okay, I'm gonna say this and people he was the first person. Oh that's a good question. Well, the first person I told was my wife, who at the time was my girlfriend. And I called you know, I called her in the middle of the night and I was just like, hey, you're not You're not gonna believe it. From the hospital, right or no. From it was weirdly, from the from the front desk, walla walla, Washington, and I was bleeding and everything, and uh no. I called her and I was like, hey, this is what happened. And I called my parents and and I went to the dot. I went to the hospital. I went to check myself in an emergency. I was like, I'm the Hulk. I'm the Hulk. I'm the Hulk. Were like, no, you're you're Bruce Banner. I was a point taken there, and uh and yeah. So it was, yeah, it was. It was a really weird thing to tell people, and I didn't really Actually, it's funny, you should say we were talking about Hedberg. Hedberg was one of the first people I told it was it was at Caroline's. It was like a couple of months later, and it was Mitch Hemburg and Lynch Chakraw for there and I just told him what had happened. And he, you know, he has he you know, he had a lot of demons obviously, and h he had a you know, he had a lot of issues. And I think, you know, I think he understood it in some way, like I think that there was a there was a It was the closest I ever felt to Mitch was when I explained to him that I jumped through a second story window. So it wasn't like, yo, the craziest it just happened to me last night. No, I mean I was really fucked up from it, because I mean I still him to this day, Like I'm still when I go to you know, when I go to bed at night, I sleep in a sleeping bag. I'm not making this up. I take medication. I sleep in sleeping bag. And for a while there I was wearing mittens so I couldn't open the sleeping bag. Yeah, and so so there's any is it? Nothing like that? Can I guess cured? There's no cure there's no cure. Yeah, I mean you can take medication. I take I take clown of him. But but and I go to my sleep my sleep doctor. But it's no, there's no cure. There's never I'm gonna have to live with this for the rest of my life. It might being intrusive if I asked, when was the last time you sleep walked? No, you're gonna ask. It's probably like it happens a handful of times a year, so like six times a year or so. I'll have an incident like I remember a few years ago. It was like New Year's Eve, and I did all the things that trigger it, like I was eating red meat, and I was drinking, and I was doing I was sleep deprived. Who were out to like five am? And and then I had a dream that there was a This is a kind of abstract, but that there was a It was like an alien was in my throat. And when I woke up, I was trying to gorge myself in the bathroom. I was trying to like rip like something out of my throat. That's when I woke up and I and I had I was and I lost my voice for the next couple of days so least the next day or so. Yeah, it's it's it's not yeah, no, it's tough. I mean it's it's definitely like one of those things where that's my you know, we all have our thing and it's like that's my thing. I mean that it's pretty embarrassing for me, but I kind of broke through the like uncomfortability of discussing it and now I'm like, yeah, that's just what I that's what But you say, like you do know at least kind OF's what will trigger, so is there Yeah, I mean you you know, there's just a great book if anyone has a sleep just or if anyone has bad sleep or whatever, this is a great book called The Promise of Sleep. And you know they basically say a few hours before bed, turn off your phone, turn off the internet, uh, don't eat big meals, you know, like that kind of thing, don't watch TV news and of course like that's all yeah no, and so that's you know, you're trying not to do that stuff to silent that's yeah, that's that's the hope. Yeah. Sometimes I listened to like meditation podcasts and things like that, But what about like when you have a whole night with your wife, Like, is she just puts you to sleep? What do you do? Like, do you are automatically No, No, She'll she'll like she'll like a lot of times she'll be she'll like wake me up and be like, hey, you should take your pill and that can and she'll stick me in my sleeping bag. She literally said, my wife calls it my pod. She'll be like she she calls, she goes me mo. My name's Mike, uh not Jim, but she'll go she'll go mo. She'll go, mo, it's time to get in your pod, and she'll stick me in. It's yeah, it's wow. That's very embarrassing. So if she wants them, she gotta un zip zip. Man. Why it's embarrassing, that's fascinating. I don't know why you why you'd be embarrassed, But I'm not really it's a sleeping back part that's embarrassed to sleep. Yeah. It's just one of those things where I all that people think I was crazy, you know, people think like, oh, this guy is just not all there. I mean, it's the kind of thing that in the eight hundreds they put you in a hospital and throw away the key, you know, what I mean, Like, it's if you jumped. Think about that another era, you jumped through a second story window when you're sleep. Yeah, I'm amazing that you said this guy is crazy. I'm a phenomenal athlete. Looking at me people, I mean, people aren't looking at me at home. So you can google image, man, and you can R B G O B I R. You are a Google nightmare. I didn't realize the R was the third letter of your last name. So for the longest I was looking at bub big Leia like, yeah, it was, it was. It took me time. This is a quest Love Supreme on Pandora here with the crew. So, Mike, what is what is your okay? I hate to ask this question because I also asked lim Manuel this question as well. An he kind of rolled his eyes in the air slightly worked. Um, but have you started working on your next project? I only if if this becomes so bar can't you win? That becomes a burden that you know you could run the risk of writers black or whatever. So are you immediately pushing for the next project? I have like five Wow, I have like the three or four movie ideas that are kicking around in my head right now, and I like to kind of let them fight with each other, like like I don't I don't rush to write one of them. I just let them kind of play around in my head and then if one of them feel strong enough, then then that's when I'm going to write it. But in the meantime, I'm just trying to live, you know, and you know, be I have a fifteen month old daughter, and I'm just trying to hang out with my wife and my daughter and live. Thanks. Just trying to live a bit, you know. It's I feel like I've been I've been kind of hustling for like fifteen years, sixty years, and I'm trying to like you're trying to take a break now. Yeah, it's an awesome looking hustle though, but wait, well it's weird only because like I feel like you're about to ride to such a a rival place, like now is not the time to not. But I think he's I think it well because I had a conversation about this with uh uh correct page Carter Carter homy Car, who's one to write us from how I much your mother me and and we were talking earlier and we had a conversation that was almost exactly what you're saying, Like in the sense that once you get to this point in your career, I think an age rather particularly when you have a kid. Yeah, you work smarter, not harder. I think that's what I'm trying to do. Yeah, you gotta kind of read, you know what I'm saying. Like the days of me staying up all night and just working, you know, twelve sixteen, eighteen hours straight in the studio, It's like, dude, that, yeah, I can't do that. I'm the same exactly way working. Then I'm going to bed because it's like I gotta be at car pool at three thirty tomorrow. Bright, you know what I'm saying, and like it. This shouldn't still be here when I like, but Mike, are you cool with that? Like? Are you cool with where you are right now? I think? I mean it's kind of dope to look, like I said, look at your IMD page and see that you've been in train Wreck, you got Orange the New Black, you got your own projects. Are you cool with that? Or do you want to be like, you know, recognizable on the streets and everybody. No, No, it's it's weird. I I am cool with it. I when I when I wasn't. Part of the reason I feel like I was able to write the movie was in my twenties. I feel like I wanted this one type of six sass, and it's like what me and all my buddies wanted the same fucking thing, like we want to like write for Conan or SNL or this is that or whatever. And then you get to be your thirties and you start to be like, no, no, that that's not what success is. Success is like any number of things on a spectrum, and that it's personal to you. And so I'm just starting to understand, like, no, no, I I'm my own thing, and I don't need to be like you're saying, like recognizing the street and all that kind of stuff, which I think in my twenties I craved, certainly because I'm single. So in your head and you and it's one in your twenties, writing for Conan would have been the pinff. It would have Yeah, it would have been the ultimate thing. And but do you think it's more of an insatiable thing, because I've had that thing where it's just like, yo, man, if I just get one grammy, that's that's all. And then it happens and then you're like, all right, if we could just come home with like five thousand dollars, that's all I went. Wait, if I lived a life where like I could just get four pairs of Nikes every month, that's all I want. And then it was like, okay, five bedroom house and that's where I got no more. That's well, the craziest thing I think it's I find that. That's why I like about New York City is it's less like that than Los Angeles. I think, in my opinion, when you go to Los Angeles, I feel like you see a lot of people who they got into it for the right reasons, and then they start to take money gigs just because they're around, and you know, there's there's money all around in Hollywood, and I feel like my goal is just to continue, like I think, I don't think twice is better than Sleepwalk with Me. I hope my third movie is better than my second movie. I hope I can make about ten in my life and then that'll be it for me, you know what I mean, Like that's that's all I want to do. So you see an endgame, you see, ah, I can walk away from this. Yeah, I think about ten movies to get back to Tarantino. I mean Tarantinos. That's what he said. That's what he said. Yeah, I mean even on a hip hop right. You know, Hank Shockley, who is the main producer of Enemy, I'm talking for the people for the I'm still I wasn't correcting you. I'm still getting over the chill of stopping wn't well to that point. Hank Shockley always said that bands after three records they need to just be like fuck it. He and I mean, and and to be fair, if you look at a lot of bands like their first three, not that they didn't make anything great after that, but I mean, look at publicant me, look at outcast, look at see what the thing is r. We didn't start popping to our fourth record. Well, y'all didn't stop popping. Popping is different. Y'all didn't pop into your for and again y'all were one of the ones like I mean, I brought all your records. But even still, y'all got the opportunity to make that records. Y'all came along at a time where you know, well when all particular situation, you were giving that space to get to record three, four or five, whereas now you know what I'm saying, Uh, you know, particularly black artists, you're not getting that many chances at back without a home run. It's just stopping never. This is from if this woman, dude that took his first vacation recently and to not work for five days, it wasn't killing me as bad as I you know, didn't think it was going to kill me because normally when I tried to do that, Okay, I'm not gonna work today whatever. And I just feel like like something's happening. Someone's getting the advantage that you know, do you do you want kids? And like do you want to be married with kids? At some point? I want? But now that changes things, dude, I think you'll relate to a lot of what like what Mike is like just kids. It just that it changes everything. Man, if you have a conscious, If you have a conscious, changes things. I know some ambitious people that put their family second. I can see that. I don't think that I could do that. But I'm also person that doesn't say why I'd never do that. You won't do that because you waited this long. Those other people started early, and they don't appreciate it, you'll appreciate it more. I'm sorry just now that now that's that's a bad point. I mean because right now, I mean, I had my boys, Jo, I'm from the South. We you know, we start earlier, so you know it was, you know, not seriously for real. I mean my boys are fifteen and ten. Yeah, yeah, no, we started. I mean, it's the country. What then else were we gonna do but cook out and not pull out? Jesus, that's just that's just what you do. But but now, but like a freight style, did you just coin like a I don't even know what the kind of like really does that count as an idiom or I don't know. I just came. Mike should tweet that my career. But no, man, I hear what you're saying. No, Mike, I mean I think you know, particularly when you get to that, because it's not from what I heard you say, it's like, it's not like therapy and ship now what I heard you say, it's not that it's necessarily stopping. I think it's just necessarily just getting to that point where you realize like, okay, I've done. Once you get to the poin where you realize I've expressed myself to the on the highest level that I can, whether it's a movie, whether it's a radio show where it's a part whatever. If I've done that on the highest level, right then I which leads back to our earlier conversation of listening to those voices in your head. Now, what what I'm just saying is if you think that there's a limit, like okay, now a lot logistically speaking, now, if we're talking to uh uh, twenty year old Amir Thompson busking on the corners of South Street in Philadelphia. Now, someone came up to me and said, check it all right, like my version of Jacob Marley that says, you know, okay, now here's the deal. You're twenty now, and you know I'm actively in hip hop now. Usually quote it's supposed to go down at least in like two years. That's when you get your your moment in time. Now, if that voice told me you're gonna get your moment and whatever quote your moment is is relative. I don't mean like, you know, just to pour champagne when people or whatever. But if someone would have told me that twenty five years from now, when you're forty five, it's going to be on in popping, But till then, it's gonna be the slowest, most torturous ride of your life, Like it's doing Biggie. What is stuck? Like if someone told Biggie alright, alright, Christopher Wallace at nineteen, it's just not really gonna happen for you till you're like forty three. Do you think he would have been like he maybe he would have stuck around. I mean, I don't know, but I mean, but that's like it for everybody though, I think, I mean, if you really look at it, you know, in terms of but that's there's an and I can kind of back it up with science a little bit pseudo whatever. But there was an autoicle read while back they talk about by how creative people why most of their creative peaks happened in like you're late thirties, you know what I'm saying, Like you'r late thirties, early forties, that's really what you get to your money making years. And it's something to do with that's when both sides of your brain kind of learned to talk to each other. So it's like you learned how to merge the creative and the business, and you kind of what you're saying, you kind of get out of your head a little more, but you understand how to make those two sides co exist. So that's why people have they creative breakthroughs. So I mean, so for someone like Mike, I mean, you know, you were just the comedy seller God. I mean, like, did you ever think, like, man, I'm gonna make a movie. I mean, was that you know? I always thought that was gonna happen faster, like a mirror saying. I always thought, like when I was like two, I was like, I'll make my first movie at four. And then now it's like when I was thirty two, it's like, we know, it's like literally ten years longer than I thought it was gonna be. Okay, Now, I'm just saying that in your thirty eight Now, no, no, I don't mean impossibly, are I mean in your in your eight movie plan, in your eight movie plan, movie plan, eight more movies in your tim movie plan. What if movie number seven becomes You're a piece of resistance, What if you wins, drop the mic and leave you mean, well, no, I'm just saying that, what if it enables you to start an empire. Oh, I see what you're saying, like like Apataw or something where like like old Virgin kind of thing, and then all of a sudden I could branch out and make Burbiglia films that their stamp on a bunch of different positive that Larry Sanders era Apataw didn't even think that he would be the comedy go to god he is right now. No, I don't think she probably, but I think it takes that time, No, man, because gotta think about it like ten your now you're saying that two year old guy, right, I think sometimes we have to grow into as an arts. You have to give your times, give yourself space to grow into that so you're ready for it. So if you were that guy at twenty two beating on buckets and they gave you the Tonight Show, you would have probably would have sucked it up, you know what I'm saying, because you weren't ready for that at that nobody's ready for that. Like I mean you you don't have no there. Your your brain is not even fully formed to like calculate risk and ship, you know what I'm saying, Like it's not even you're not ready. I never just I never desired the show. It wasn't a dream like where like Doc Severson's on the wall, like I'm gonna be that dude. But like I take it as it comes. But if I were when I was thirty eight, uh okay uh two thousand nine, I have no shame in my safeness and in my older states been whatever, I might get a little irked if you know, millennial calls me O G. But are you get um? Certainly in no, but I mean has like like Cutty called you O G. Yeah, yeah, like I've been called O G U O G. I used to listen to you in middle school. Oh I get that now. Really, I get people I ceping my show saying I'd listen to you in middle school. Wow. Yeah, it's crazy. But they don't call you O G. Nobody calls me. Nobody would ever call me O G in any context. Let me keep retweeting you will get an wait a week. Well, I'm just saying that in two thousand and eight, two thousand nine. I you know, I don't know. I just feel like to say what your plans are. I feel like that's desire, not planned, because if you do become an apatat out or have an opportunity to become or be greater than that, to become Spielberg or greater I I would think that you that might be a Sam zone that you're in. If you walk away for it for any other reason, then you absolutely must bond with your kids. But even then, like Spielberg has kids and a family and that certain thing is able to juggle it. So I'm saying that I don't know if you see, but I relate most to Sam in the movie. Like I, when I look at him, I'm like, Oh, that's what That's what I I wish I was. I wish I was someone who had complete integrity and didn't care about all that. I didn't see her. I didn't see it as well. Again, I didn't see it as integrity, like she was just she was scared. Yeah, I thought she checking out. At first she was scared, but then when she broke down, she was not scared. She explained that I really don't want to do that. I really don't want to be that. I don't want to be on that shot. So I still think there might have been some fear in that I'm talking about. I think, yeah, fear up yeah, well, fear of maybe getting to that point where you think you might be selling them. Okay, So one another scene that that that that that Sam reminded me of. So where's the line, right so Louis. You know, I don't know if you watch Louis, the scene where Louie is in his uh it's in like season four where he goes to his agent he has the he has the opportunity to host, and his agent just sits him down. It's like, look, dude, this is what it is. You make eighty tho dollars a year your stand up comic. You know she is not going to get any better than this if you were if you were waiting for that moment. This is that moment right here, and if you don't take it, you're done forever, you know what I mean? Just kind of just that you know, that nut up, shut up kind of moment, right and so he people just got really excited anytime it list any time Sad I thought it was put up, shut up when I come from but that's what it is. But we're from different places. Like just like a little he's watching lot of times you took that one and I took that got it the past diverge. But but now, so where is that as an artist? For you might like, so, where where is that moment? Because you could say, again, where I'm just trying to understand how can you we say that the person is sabotaging when again, it just may be a thing where you just say, look, I know my limitations, you know what I'm saying, and well, it's just it's just what you I think. You ultimately have to do what you love and not what you like. So it's like people say to me now, like, oh, the next we'll make will be with the studio. It'll be like Universal or Paramount or whatever. And I'm like, I don't really like those movies. I don't really like big movies. I love small movies like I love movies. I don't think twice and uh, you know, Captain Fantastic is a good one. That's that right now? And tickled like there's like indie small indie films. There's like what I love so absolute final say on this film. Yeah, I final cut. I finally cut of my first one. I just want to in all my all my one person shows the same thing that's Hollywood coming knocking. Yeah, they call okay the congrats like I'm I'm obsessed. I'm obsessed with any not aggregates, but just any sort of rating system. And you know, when I first saw that ninety nine Rotten Tomatoes thing, I just thought like, oh, okay, one person reviewed it, and then that was the area. And then I really I was like, Yo, this is like across the board. This is probably the highest rated uh movie that has at least a minimum of twenty major reviews to it. Like everyone's just yeah, I've been I mean, I don't know what the humble thing to say is here, people like people have been digging it, like I've been really lucky. Yeah, like this, this, this is the equivalent of This is really the equivalent of like, if I gotta put in perspective of Allmatic getting five mics, Yeah, this is the automatic five mic movement where you know, like critics are really truly getting it. For those that don't understand the reference, did your mom and all her friends write all those rotten Tomato reviews? No? Okay, So for hip hop heads, uh naz is illmatic and the extremely glowing review that uh I guess we can reveal that Minyo miss info was quote Shorty, you didn't know this, Yeah, I didn't even know she was mean. No, I didn't know miss info. Okay, thank you. Yeah, back when Mino was at the Source magazine, back when that was our pitchfork, it was that was our pitchfork, that was our rolling stone, and there was a good six year stretch of it being absolutely incredible. Last word on what was quality hip hop or not? Mad Men got made? Men got four and a half and it was just four and a half. Yeah, it was just like a little Kim cough no, no, no, look got five. Look, Kim got five? Got five? She got five? No. Notorious was the one after that, the Naked Truth. Yeah, yeah, yeah, because that was crap because the dude was like her, what was it her? It well deserves lights. That was a tipping point track and then Scott gave it to all right, do you remember that? Alright, now we're falling down rabbit hole? Do you remember the Senior Love Daddy shout out moment, do the right thing? We love radio seeing you love that and when he names all those groups, well, like I was watching that and made a beat from that with Scott, and we were going to take it. And then next thing. I know, even here in the beginning, like hear my drumsticks and on, like, yeah, that was a roots track, but now it's a five my classic thank you, don't don't take Yeah, but no, I'm just saying that when Nas Is Illmatic got reviewed, that was it was well, it was a game changing moment in hip hop, and I guess it wounded up being a burden to nas at the end. Yeah, really did. It became a burden. And so you know, I meant to get a ninety. I think getting a ninety nine is better than getting a hundred. No, I think, well there's one, yeah, there's one negative one from the Washington Post and he tweet even tweeted about it because Seth Rogan tweeted like, I agree with all the critics. I agree, like I agree with all the critics about don't think twice or whatever, and then that motherfucker tweeted, well, I won't even say his name, it's like not all the critics. I was like, no, I'm not that. Yeah. I was like, I'm not gonna I'm not gonna write, but I'm not gonna take that. Putting in my two cents on the New Frankocean album. But I feel like you're the kind of person that lives totally Bill. Bill's is the weird thing, though, because I don't feel that bloss Bill is the guy that genuinely feels that he needs to knock down your Jinger game, but just part of him that just has to Charlie Brown kick your Jinger game. I'll let you play Jinger if if you know, if it looks like you guys know what you're doing. But if you don't know what you're doing, I'm gonna knock that ship down, don't let somebody else play. All right? Did you all right? More Rabbit Hole Falling? Did you love the Jenga metaphor? I'm just saying that I don't is the jangamy metaphor out of respect for the Jenga in the movie Good I love it. I'm just saying that, Like, but part of you knew that you didn't want to like it in the first place. No, it's not I didn't go into it, not one voice. I didn't go into it knowing that I didn't want to like it. It's I knew what to expect, and I knew so even though expressed sadly knowing. Well, it's like I knew what to expect and I didn't want to like just you know, go off the cuff and say, oh it's trash and I didn't even listen to it. I needed to get confirmation, and I got confirmation. So but I don't think I still say that you have to live with something, uh for about three months before you really Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, it's like it's like I could listen to Jesus and know that I never needed to listen to it again. But you see, I had to change your heart about Jesus. Yeah, you had to go to a loud ass stadium to hear where. I believe Bob Power, who was our guests when you told this story, said that if you play anything at allowed volume, it automatically sounds better. So I mean, come on or in a strip club that was so. I mean, if you're if you're listening to at a loud volume at Madison Square Garden, it's gonna sound like it's gonna sound amazing because everything sounds And Send It Up was the only one that stuck for me on that album, Like Send It Up I cut for like that one was like, okay, I'll send it up, and Black skin Head is like great montage Navy seal training music. That's cool, like you know what I'm saying. But other than that, I mean, ever since they played it at the engagement party and messed me up. So Cam and Kanye's engagement party at the stadium, Jaden, then we're dancing in the background the Black skin Head. It was like, what are we doing? Who? Jaden and Kylie? Yes, I missed this. It was at the San Francisco Stadium. You watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians. You gotta you gotta look on Black Twitter tomorrow. Yeah, that wasn't too Oh my god, I'm not I'm not all right. I'm not even gonna leave you out there like you twice a year. You know, like when sometimes you have to handle your battery. You'remoting what, I don't know what you think? What's happen when your remote control batteries haven't been changed in a second? You got you gotta find them furious styles, right, the furious I was doing the Michael Jackson. Uh oh. For those listening at home, you don't want to see what's happening for those ladies, listening. You do want to see this, Okay, So I'll maybe once or twice or three times a year, you know, TV will be stuck on the E channel and I'll fall into a Kardashian rabbit hole, and of course you have about nine of those episodes will just run and I can't stop watching it. Every man in here has watched it at least one. I've roped speak because Quiet speak on it, Mike speak on you watch it. I've watched about half an episode of a Kardashian show once and then I didn't. I I'm sorry I didn't get into it. No, I just couldn't. I couldn't follow it right, he couldn't keep up. Well, I was confused because I I turned it on just because Kanye was on it. Yeah, I thought he went in the rabbit hole. But then I was like, if he's not on it more, I'm not gonna watch this because I don't know what the rest of him do. Nothing, Like what do they do? Like? Why are they? Why is it? I think we're jealous that they're able to monetize women's features. I don't want to monetize. I don't like that's how that's how I you know, that's a good example. I think. I think it's a sellout adventure. Well, but they still out on purpose they've never had like you know, yeah, I mean, do you think that Chris Jenner was at the murder trial of her boom that her ex husbin was defending while sitting defending her side dude while with the new dude? Like, that's that's like the boyfriend Mike and Amer confused, They don't. That's like the boyfriend who came to Mike's girlfriend's house and then Mike him there too, and those two boyfriends the same, Yeah, without the murder murder? How do we get to this? We just fell down rabbitals. I was trying to explain the atmatic and we ended up like the little Kim, which then led to so let's go back to imatic. I guess. Yeah, so you got nine unine and written to me and congratulations Mike. No, but I feel I feel like, I feel lucky. I feel luckier about like us sitting around talking about it and how it relates to our lives. Then I feel about reviewers. I feel like, because that's that's all. When you're making music, or you're making a movie or whatever it is. All you want is for people to go all that's like my life and that's you know, that's all you want. So I I that's all that. I feel very lucky. Okay, you know they don't all work. Can we go bottom line? Let's go bottom line across the room desires like, are we really truly honest with what we want out of life? Steve? Steve, Steve, what is it that you want out of life? To be honestly, what do you want? You're going to hip first of this because I know it's gonna be hilarious. Pass I mean, but I think there's an instinct in all of us that truly knows what we want. I mean in what regard though, like personal relationships or professional Like, at what point? At what point are we like I'm satisfied, I'm gonna stop. Never happens. I don't think it. I don't think you ever stopped. No one stopping. Yeah, I don't think you ever stopped. I think you just can reach a point of complacency. Yeah, right, you stopped chasing. It's like the Bill Withers thing where he's like, you know, if you're going through when when you're when you're going through life. If you're on your way to excellent, right at some point you're gonna get the pretty good. And once you get the pretty good, look around, because that maybe as far as you're gonna go. So it's just kind of like I don't think no one ever stops, but you have to think at some point right now, if my life doesn't go past just being able to talk ship with quest love and two Jews, um, have my Jewish brothers, you know what I'm saying, like in a room and alleged lady, just being able to talk with my homies and have like anyone's head exploded in the room behind me. Okay, we still not read anymore. He's not ready know what I'm saying. If my life doesn't go past this point, it's like, yo, I'm good. I get to make a living working with people. I really you know, love and respect and ship like what else I got my answer? Okay inspired the Elvis album. The we did an album with Elvis Costello. Alright, so you're just you're contenting me when your achievements surpass your dreams, right, so you got to produce your idol so you don't feel like now like okay, next record. Yeah, there's more he's gonna do. It's gonna do another song that I wrote the lyrics for us, so it gets it gets bigger. And you know what that's all bounced with. You know, you gotta keep the family situation harmonious and you know, keep the regular work job going. And if all those things are cool, then you know you're cool. I think so alright, being right, can we just let one episode without diabetes being mentioned? Police? No? Bill? Yeah? What do you want out of life besides getting laid? Which can happen. That's it, It's gonna happen. Man, It's gonna happen. Thank you, we all talk about that. I feel like we've all been working so hard to get to a place where we can plateau. Not like plateau in a negative sense, but in like, you worked so hard to get to this place where you can do what you want. And I think that that's that was always my my desire was, like I I did not intend to get involved in any of the things I'm involved in it. Yes, okay, but if you fulfill your ghetto you got we're not doing. If you get your oh, if you get your oh, then will you be like I did it, that's it. I think I'd like to get the oh so that we could stop talking about it more than more than actually getting it in then, and you you don't have an oscar. That's like the most potentious bullshit, Mike, I don't have an oscar. You know how many you know how many great films don't have oscars? How many? Man like so many. I feel like I'm in superficial for I don't think I want to boat. I think, well, I don't know. I mean, there's just Angela Duckworth wrote this column for The Times recently, where she said, when you're to college graduates, she said, I don't recommend you. I won't ask yourself what do I want to be when I grow up? Ask yourself, what's the world I want to live in? And how can I help make that happen? And I feel like, now in my late thirties, I'm starting to be like, that's what I want to do. I just want to figure out how can I help. M Hm, I gotta list, so skip and Bill, let's just go. Oh no, I'm gonna list for Mike to help, but don't skip, Bill, Oh my, my my, what I want my ultimately is um to make as much money as I can behind the scenes, so I can only leave my house, and I feel like it that's real. To make as much to have enough money to where I don't gotta leave my house like NB seen, that is real, you know what I mean. So that's that's awesome. Yeah, that's what. That's olsomely what I want, you know what I mean. It's just I think sometimes you know, when we as desires, like you know how Mike you were saying, you know, in your twenties, you think, man, I'm gonna do this at UM. For me, it was very much a thing where I think sometimes you know, whatever your belief God, you know, whatever the universe, how do you want to phrase it? I think sometimes people, you know, in life, you'll get what you ask for, but not what you wanted, you know what I mean. It's kind of like the Henry Ford thing of like if I asked, if I would ask the public what they wanted, they to ask for a faster horse, you know what I mean. So sometimes I think in life you can say if you're that young kid and you just think, yo, I want to record, deal, I want to record. I want to record I want a record deal, and you get the ID deal and then you realize, oh my god, this is ship. So then in the midst of that record deal you realize, you know, what what I really want is freedom. But you don't get that until you don't get the lesson, until you get that thing that you thought that you really wanted. So for me, I'm just at the point where I was like, you know, I admire I like my privacy. I like just you know, laying low. I really don't do people like that. Um you know what I'm saying. I prefer just close companies people you know I do. Oh yeah, and now everything. His answer is my answer, get my bread and just be able to lay low. And you ain't got to know my name, you ain't gotta know, just know my work and know where to send my checks. That I want to be the kind of guy that can shut a sight down like Gawker, just you know, pure Spike, yo, who are you? It can't be like the mental terrorists like I'm with fun Like, I just want to be able to do my thing, you know how, I want to do it without all the extra hullebaloo and recognition. I want to be able to, you know, be a regular person. But you know that just does extraordinary ship. Okay, so let me look at my list, like a house in Brazil, a house in d C. And in all seriousness that I do want a house in Brazil and a house in DC. But um, I'd just like to get again. I've been doing good. I was doing good getting paid to be myself. I like that. I would like to be able to really make a living off of that. That would be great. Um. And for a man to say one day, hey, would you marry me? Because you know, it's just I heard that's kind of nice. What a dude does that. Don't mean to get all girly on y'all when it never happens and you're of a certain age, you're like, and then I'd like to use this little coachi here for a little baby. I'm used or you know, like a s firm. I will take anybody. I have a couple of shortlists, Lady and John, that's another episode, Steve. You don't have any babies. Do you know that sugar hereditary? Or is it that was that was man made? We'll talk caused it. I'll give you one sperm. The little swimmer that could never had. Okay, yeah, I just want this episode to be over. But what do you want? What do you want? Now? I feel like my life is superficial? Go in, go in, like you're in the circle. Now, Okay, let me look before you preface it, like, you have a skill set that a lot of us don't have, and we can't make money off of our skill set the way that you can. So you know, if if if you feel like you know, you're once a little bit more superficial. I'm not mad at that because you have them. You got a lot more tools to work where it's like, dude, no, seriously, it's like because you DJ and you you're incredible drummer and you're famous, so it's like you almost Okay, do you know you have your Mario with the with the mushroom, with the big mushroom and the flower. Would you shoot out the fucking fireball? You're supermo You're super Mario with all the fucking all your powers. All this ship is relative. Okay, how so it's relative? Okay, so how can I make a million dollars off of my skill set? And well that's the thing, because if you're thirty eight years old and you say, okay, well here's my final plan, and dada, da da da. I don't know. I'm just saying that I'd like putting a cap on it. I didn't see. I didn't even imagine that that part of my life was ever gonna happen. I mean, who starts winning at forty four? Man? Yo, everybody, we just had this conversation, not dude, we just had I had this conversation with car Dude like actor, right, Steve Correll. We were talking about with Steve Carrell. You know, he didn't really stop popping. He was forty fucking Morgan Freeman. He didn't started he was got damn sixty ship, you know what I mean? Like, alright, my, my, my, real. I don't know if it's because of this mantra. All right, There's there's a Spin magazine that Spike Lee was on the cover of back in that's just like the Bible to me? Was that the one he edited? Yeah, they let Spike Lee edit when more Beta Blues came out or no Jungle Fever? Uh, the Spin magazine and he gave an article to Harry Allen Chuck d the right of which those two accurately, um predicted what their life would be like in twenty years now. It's and you know, the bomb Squad in Public Enemy were so damnibiquitous, like between Bell DeVos poison if you have a black planet, excuse America's Most Wanted You soundtrack, Like they were the stand They were the gold standard what the hip hop was. And they said, um, we're probably gonna fall off in about three to four years. Then our contemporaries will uh sort of discard us out the window. Um the very first time I ever heard of because Harry is such a nerd, the idea of the Information super high a you know, uh, we will probably you know, be kicked off our labels, so we'll be forced to sell records on our own. They want this whole thing, and Chuck's whole thing was like, well, not to be a total kill joy, but you know, I'm also in this business. My endgame is to create five thousand black leaders, and so I thought maybe I could be a black leader. That that that sort of thing. I mean, it sounded lofty and kind of just like weird, like the idea of meditating or whatever. I just read it as like that seems a little bitter and whatever. But then I realized, like, oh man, that's some legacy ship. That's powerful, that's some real legacy ship. Well one they were in that mission, that eighteen point missions they were correct or what life was gonna be in two thousand and two. Um, but at that I I guess, my, my, oh, I guess my goal is to create uh unmovable, un erasable graffiti. So you don't think you've done that already. I mean, at the rate where my last class, where six of my eighteen students never heard a thriller. That scared me because now I'm realizing that, you know, it's one thing where it's like, okay, you might forget E. P. M. D S fourth record, But now we got a generation that may or may not know. I mean, I hate to say that Prince had to go through his transitional process to be forever etched in the memory of a lot of people that he otherwise, especially with the way he was going with the you know, being off the internet and stuff. Uh, you know, like basic things that we should take for granted, like there might be a time in two thousand sixty where thriller might not matter. You know what, I mean something like Thriller, the greatest selling about you know. It's just that's scary to me. So I'm trying to but what has lasted? I mean other than I mean a song like I mean happy Birthday? I mean what Yeah, that's there's a whole book about this recently that Chuck Klosterman wrote about what what is in what becomes history now? And he was saying, like, of all the music that exists right now, probably Marching Band because it's ubiquitous. It's in everything. It's ever, every football game, everything, every movie, will never stop. That's like the tuxedo of I think. I don't, I don't think whatever. My contribution that will last is in music. So uh, you know, you know, is it in the food world, is it in radio? Is it in creating drum sets for for kids? I don't know. I think you have to keep going though. I think you have to just you know, when we say like not stopping, it's not. It's just you got to use all the tools in your toolbox because you never know which one is going to knock the wall now or knock a wall down, you know what I'm saying. So it could be it could be your fried chicken. I mean, who knows, right, it just you have to just keep keep going ahead, laugh like a double dog dad, not be your fried chicken. That's what I'm I feel it's disingenuous of me to just say what my goals were without pointing out that like, I'm also like ambitious and I want things, but also like you know, I don't know, like I I have some Jack in me to like the Jack character in me too. I mean, if my wife were here, she would do you like, yell at me for my answer and be like, that's not what you're like at all. You're ambitious, yourselfish to be Jack, to write a movie yeah, and direct a movie yeah, and starting it. Yeah, you are Jack. I got some Oh we're here with Mike Brabiglia, creator and star of Don't Think Twice and also Sleepwalk with Me and a gazillion other projects. Yeah, well Orange, Yes, and anyone else wanted uh uh Twitter, Bachelor of Suicide Squad. I felt joined that thank you. I got mad at m p a A because they gave me a yeah, and for smoking smoking weed. That crazy. That's m p a A. Man. There's a crazy movie. There's a crazy documentary about this This movie is not rated and it's it's I've heard of that. So wait, what is the process, like, it's not available anywhere? Is it the Four Old People? Yeah, I swear to god, it's hard. I know, I know, but now it's pulled off. I feel like, is it like the Huey Lewis High School Committee and Back to the Future that watches your movie. It's like eight people according to this movie. This movie is not yet rated. It's like eight people and they've been doing it forever, and I think it. It has sort of a moralistic bent to it, you know, And a lot of times they'll give notes in the movie. They'll be like, we should only see her orgasming for eight seconds and not eleven seconds, and it's like Bill Sherman's yeah, that's crazy, that's crazy. Well, so these eight people watch every movie? Yeah, yeah, So what if your film like is shown at like uh one in the morning or something like. I feel like it also depends just play art houses. You can have your movie be not rated, but then it'll it may not it may not end up anywhere. Yeah, they can't play in the movie theaters. That kind of you haven't even happened, So you wanted this to be yeah, because there's it's harmless. I feel like teenagers can watch it and there's nothing to it. I mean, it's just a story about friends. Like I wanted it to be like a big chill or like it's an almost fire kind of movie for this generation. So I'm like the fact that they're kind of making it like taboo for anyone's it's just kind of annoying. Yeah, he is an adult movie, but it's not like a vulgar It's nothing in it that I thought wants it in our makes it real? I felt about no. But the thing was the main thing that turned me off about Suicide Squad was as PG. Thirteen, I was just like, I'm just lame. Like if it were are then I'd be like, word, okay, I would you know, I have the desire to see it, but I did. I know why yours are because you point out how all the pettiness and adults people can handle it like that was the most disturbing part to me. And really the most memorable part was how they were friends obviously, but um, but there you know, there's that there's that part of it that's rooting for your friend, that part that's jealous and all living side by side and comes out, you know, like when when the people in your movie say I just got this gig or I got the writing gig or whatever, and there's those moments of like nobody knows what to say because when you they want to say it's fun. Why the crazy thing about my movie is that I don't it's great to talk about it because I can't watch anymore because I get choked up. I like start crying every time. Because I feel like I relate to all the characters. I feel sad for them. What's the moment in the movie that you must relate to? When the final scene with Jack and Sam. But wait, I was gonna say I was for a second, I thought you were gonna make Jack sabotage his moment too. Yeah, he got well for a second, he was like, maybe I won't take the train of my dude, Lauren's gonna kill you. But not Lauren, but I mean Timothy. Timothy. Timothy was rather kind of doucy though, which I felt like you had to make him super doucy so it wouldn't be what you think that Lauren is. Because Lauren is the opposite of that's different. It's different. Yeah, yeah, you know, it just it's his own thing. I just wanted to make the boss like cold, you know what I mean, just like tough. Where did that bicycle come from? That was my question. I'm sorry. So there's like the wooden bicycle in the movie. I live in Brooklyn by this. I always walked by this shop that has like Swedish bicycles, and one day I walked by and it had like a wooden bicycle. I was like, I gotta put that in something. It's so funny. It's one of the funniest looking things I've ever seen. And they're like expensive, is that like? Yeah? I think they're like thousands of dollars. Yeah. Yeah. And in the band on the show, Yeah that's a real band. They were really exciting. Yeah yeah, they're called l L Yeah. How did you? How did you? I found them? Uh? Just like fishing around for new bands. My wife and I just we listened to a lot of new bands and and we just found that band's well because who sang the Dylan song at the end um it's piano by Roger Neil, It's piano instrumental who there's composer, yeah in the credits and uh and Dylan was nice enough to I mean, I don't I never met Bob Dylan, but he was, you know, his manager, Jeff Rosen, was nice enough to let us have that sound for for next to nothing. It's really generous. I mean, Bob Dylan is really good to independent film like he's I have to say, like that guy like really gives it up to a lot of movies for very little money. It's nice talk about talk about legacy. He's a guy who's i think very kind of focused on sort of passing, you know, paying it forward to the next generation. Is that like a small collective of no musicians that do kind of kind of cater I don't know. I mean for us as George Clinton is that well, George Clinton always uh uh charge the lowest rate possible for music. It was kind of the crack theory exactly, like you give him get your test. I'm not gonna I'm not gonna comment on that. Why George Georgie George George cleaned himself up. So yeah, oh yeah, but yeah, it's the crack theory. Just give you a little taste, not really yea, yeah, giving your taste then and then get you addicted, and then he keeps coming back. But oh, by the way, Dylan is a great example of the guy who has always he never he never stopped. He kept going. He keeps making new albums. He's not like the Stones. He doesn't go out and do the hits. He just he keeps like making new music. Side note, the Dylan that I know like the back of my hand, it's just the Christian era. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Christian. There there's a whole bunch of albums in there. Yeah, it's like four records that between like seventy six and yeah. So when my parents were on their Christian kick with only Christian radio in the house, I thought Bob Dylan was a Christian Artist's amazing. I didn't know about what's incredible, didn't didn't deal and also do some records with Full Force and No No, with Salon Remy and Curtis Blow. Whoa what dog? Salam Remy was Salam's father, Uh was a staff person at Mercury Um So he was already at like thirteen fourteen years old, producing Curtis Blow that America album The Kingdom Come Album, backed by Popular Salm salm remy at like of teen, sixteen years old, you know, salon me the the Payback makes the James Brown pa that Wait, I didn't know that. I didn't know that. I did that Payback the Payback mix, which one was it's that James Brown Like there's like a James Brown Master mix. Yeah, you'd know it if you heard it. Side rabbit Hole. That's a rabbit the rabbit Hole starting quest Quest Los rabbit Hole. Now yeah, well, uh Mike, um, I I have to say, uh, thank you really a sincere thanks for creating a conversation piece and something really universal, Like it's rare. It's super rare that uh that I see or witness something that I totally relate to and they don't necessarily look like me per se, but I totally see myself in those characters. You know. I really I can't thank you enough for it, like that I needed to. I really need to see that film and thank you for creating Thanks a lot of thanks for giving up to the improv community too, like that was dope. Thanks for having me on and uh this is this is uh, this is awesome. Thank you, thank you. I'll see the movie, go see yes, Yeah, it's in It's in like a hundred and fifty theaters in a country right now. And uh, I don't think twice movie dot com. If you want to find out where it is, I have to say, this is uh this, this is this is one of them deep cut episode. I suppose it is one of them deep cuts. All right, So what did you learn today? Man? I learned today that A mer Thompson is one of the most shallow motherfucker's fucking paper chasing keep up with the Jones ass fucking Yo, It's gonna be a great man. Uh nah, man I learned that. Um, I learned it from from Mike. Just that whole man, just the whole thing about the sleepwalking, Like that's just I imagine, like I mean, just having the courage to share something like that and uh, just you know, knowing that you gotta deal with that all your life. I mean, that's just something crazy. But I mean he is, uh, definitely one of the favorite people that I've introduced a lot of stuff that he's saying. He um, I hear myself in that, you know what I'm saying In terms of getting older, you know, hitting that kind of late thirties, not being old but just older and just being able to put things in perspective, you know what I'm saying. Um, he was very you know his his movie. Like hearing him talk about the process of how you know, twenty two working the door at the comedy seller and thinking you're gonna do your first movie by twenty four, which you don't do it till ten years later. I mean that resonates so much. Man. Like that. You know when people say that the entertainment and this is me and Unpaid. We've had this conversation on Texas of before. When people say that the entertainment, you know, it takes hard work. I don't think anyone ever realizes how much hard work it is. I don't think they realized that. It's like, no, it's gonna be ten, fifteen, twenty years of just fucking slavery until one day you'll see like and it's like, oh, ship, you know we made it. But uh, yeah, man, I learned it. Uh. A lot of our stories are very similar. Cool big ups to Mike, Unpaid Bill, What did you learn today? I learned that I need to keep a running document of fontas quotes. Number one, number two I learned I thought well, cashing inversus sell it out. I thought that was fascinating idea because I've never ever heard that before. I don't forget pulling out. Well, that's that the nutting. Yeah, you know, And I would, honestly, I would not have watched that movie had we not been here talking to Mike, because I don't ever watch movies because I don't have any goddamn time. But I was like, you're in the industry. Well I know, but but I don't. I don't know. It's the one thing that is foreign to me. I don't I don't go to the movies. I don't know kids, man, kids. But but I was I was saying that that I haven't seen a movie like that in a while. That was so universal that appealed to me in a way that I thought I was almost after I watched it, I was embarrassed coming here and to say to everybody that's about me, like that movie is straight up my life like that, like except the improv ship, which is not that into but like having a group of friends and I know I play we are IV. It's true. It's true. Zap uh yeah yeah, yeah, So I I was just I was it was just interesting to see how universal your own story is and how other people share that ship. And it's nice to know that the Dirney on life is with other people. True. There you go, Paige Steve to mock. So what would len? I learned that Mike B. Bigley's name is not um. I learned a lot about him. He's an introspective, right guy, that's good grip on things, and it's creative and um but like Unpaid Bill, Um, I didn't think I was going to be into the movie. I'm not into independent films. I'm not into improv I don't like being told to watch a movie. Sorry. Um but but again, like these guys that came out of it, sort of thinking, you know, I can relate to Summer all of those characters in the sense, especially in the sense of what I brought up to him, that that's sort of duality of rooting for your friends and also sort of having that constant jealousy to beat them to the finish line. There's a Oscar Wild quote about that, where it's like, you know, it's something to the fact of you can it's easy. Basically, it's easy to be friends in times of sympathy when your friends need the sympathy, but can you be a friend in their time of success? Like that's what tests friendships. It's not just quote Oscar Wild Yeah, fuck you man. Every every time we do this ship you you will quote the dumbest television show, the dumbest, smartest philosopher Rapper And then like I mean, when it wants who then are you with my hands? You need to be alone by yourself, like with money and just like like novels, like you could be imprisoned for all I know. Anyway, Sorry, so I'm paid Bill. Would you learn now that's paid? I'm paid Bill? What did I learn? I mean, I think everybody's pretty much already touched on it so far. Um, you know, just watching the movie, which probably wasn't a movie I would have normally watched, um, but like by the end of it, I got so wrapped up in it because, like like everybody said, it was like watching my life on screen. Like I'm not I'm not in improv I'm not you know, into I'm not a musician or anything, but just so much much of it rang true with just seeing being on Facebook every day and see what my friends are doing and seeing where I am in life and you know, uh, you know, and some people I'm ahead of. Some people I'm way behind. So you know, it's it's it's I don't know, it's weird getting old. It's it kind of sucks. I don't like it. How do you I'm thirty six, I said, getting older? No, I thought you were like forty six. Now I am a year in like a week or something younger than Ponte. I'm a year younger than you. Look, man, this I mean, look, I'm not saying everybody's journey gotta be my journey. But again, I was kind of ready, you know, thirty eight, thirty nine. I was like, uh, well, this was nice. It was it was cool. But I'm like you and then you know, Evin like a window opened. I'm just saying that it can happen late. But but but a lot of times I don't think that's That's what I'm pressing. That's that's not late. I think that's kind of poor for the course. I mean, well, yeah, but just a lot you usually post thirty five, we start like, okay, minus well, I think you're just looking at it from the perspective of being in the music industry and like in any any other field, you know, just say man with like twelve syllables, okay, in any other industry that most people don't find success in their twenties. And so you know, man, talk about it. I think we were the generation that was. I said, always say that did he messed it up? I say that did he messed it up? When he quit college and kept doing those trips to New York and got to sexts early and became millionaires. And everybody looked at ditty and was like, you know what, it could be done by twenty something, but not for you having a successful rap career as a non rapper. That's how Kim Kardashian looked at it. But I'm just saying that, well, yeah, did He's the beginning of the Carter personality, right, So but yeah, it starts with him and ends with Kim. Oh. But here's what I learned today that you were asking Mr leaf Um, Mr. I learned that, unlike y'all, I'm really in the improv to stand up a couple of times and whatnot. And so from Mike, I've realized that, you know what, it's it's possible to live your dreams, and it's possible to use all these tools for the greater good, because I'm hoping at some point did all those classes and improper groups and stuff lead us out mouse So I'm just saying, that's what I learned today, it's led you to this. Oh that's right, I made it. Yeah you did? What did you learn? Like? Seeing being now now as the leader of this flock, now I feel like I'm gonna let you all down again because the one thing I learned I'm gonna try tonight. Okay, I'm gonna sleeping and sleeping, You're gonna pot it out. I just make sure I have the inside zipper though, because well no, only only because I'm one of those people who's air conditioning. Like you ever, are you ever so cold in the morning or hot in the morning that you're too lazy to get out of bed just change the temperature day you just rather suffer through it and just hope that take your clothes off or right, I'm one of those lazy can't walk to the air conditioner just to turn it down or whatever. So right now it's like my my joint is like on freeze freeze times pie, Like my room is like just like tell them we call that strip club weather is that we call it yeah, because that's they kick the nipples hard. That's how to keep the nipples hard. I just want to say, let plays the bomb. Yeah, shout out, she got couch and this is better than yes. Yes, it's it's, it's it's important, quite awesome to come back home to uh electrical lady And until next time, ladies and gentleman on behalf of Boss Bill and Shot Steve and Unpaid Bill and Lie Year and Fine take below. My name is Love and this is between only m h M course Love Supreme. It's a production of My Heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Vandora. For more podcasts from my Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.