QLS Classic: Jesse Johnson Part 2

Published May 24, 2021, 4:01 AM

In part two of two, Jesse Johnson talks being the man behind the tracks and his latest album, Verbal Penetration

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Of Course Love Supreme is a production of I Heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to Part two of our Jesse Johnson review. No part attended. This is QLs classic from August eight, two thousand eighteen, Part two of our interview with Jesse Johnson on Course Love Supreme. Hope you enjoyed. Previously on Course Love Supreme, we talked to the great Jesse Johnson about his beginnings in Rock Island, Illinois music scene, in Davaport, Iowa, of all places, and arriving in Minneapolis as the Formation of the Time was just starting. We also talked about who fights and vanity and also uh, we might have a surprise guest by the name of akershiz Poppin First Boss. Bill has a question that may be familiar to those who heard the Jimmy jam Enery. Here it is. I got a question, Yes, who broke the titty lamp? Oh God, glue? I know. I glued the ship, glued the ship the juice glue that one day and was armed deep in the juice machine. We didn't sunk that up too, And that dude that owned that was Mr weaver. He was no joke. And this brother had clogs on. You remember clogs, and and so when you a brother straight and you're wearing clogs, you really are nonsense kind of. But we were like we were moving something at table and the titty lamp fell on. For anybody that doesn't know what we're talking about, go back and listen to the jam. One of the seven hours of the Jimmy Jam. The first the first two hours I was there, kid, I forgot, brought me way back. We got. I came with some Elmer's glue man and had that ship rigged up, and that dude still knew what he man, who broke the titty lab? I was like, what what are you talking about? We glued that ship so well that you know when you have fine pieces still fit, and he's somehow still saw that. He like, I just need to who broke the titty? Like, Man, I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm gonna ease up to my car right about fighting? No old dude, And here they're used to shooting and choking people. Well, since we're asking who. Eventually let Prince know what Jam and Lewis were really doing in Atlanta. I don't. I don't think he knew. I don't think he knew for a long time. But something about them missing that because the next day we were in San Antonio. But I thought they got away with it. No, no, no, no, no no, they were in Atlanta. And it's weird, hard work because it hadn't snowed during fifty years, literally fifty years, and we were in here. We're here in New York. We're here in New York and we played the place Radio City? What was the place before Radio City? Where know where the stage was real short because the first time we played it, David Boy tell of everybody was in Frank's Appa, Grace Jones. It was the god it was before the it was before radio maybe desolutely Yeah, I think it might have been that place. But but I think what you but the show you're talking about wasn't played because he kicked us off of a lot of the major kicked us off of New York, the Radio City. He kicked us off of the l a day. And I never knew until you get there. You get there for sound checking and yeah, y'all ain't know on this, but we're playing behind the curtain I'm like at the spot a bit. Yeah, I said, just heartbreaking because you never played those places and so your whole dream You're like, oh man, you would, and so it would just break my heart from me, it was just like, I'm I'm out. I'm like, like it was one time for the Vanity six yew in l A. I didn't show up to half the set. I did like the brother on a David Letterman. You know, the show be gone and he came on there with no shoes. On the middle of that. I was doing now like, yeah, I ain't even trying to be here for that. I'm around kill somebody. But yeah, he would. When when you left officially, I guess at one point you were deciding whether than that. To know, I never know when I left. I left, so there wasn't an in creation. There was no before you left the Reserve. You need to talk of you taking over for Morrison the time never never, never, because the time was his thing, it was his baby, it was his I respected that one thing to this day. He'll tell you all. I have major respect for hierarchy. I don't like when I'm with D. I'm when I'm a D. I'm D's guitar and he's my boss, and so there's a lot of things that maybe if I don't agree with something, but because he's my boss, when we're on tour, I don't say anything. But when we're home, I there's been plenty of times when I called you even fired me. I'm at home now, but you know, he but I respect him greatly. It's his thing and I never step on anybody's toes during that thing. After Jimmy, Terry and Monty left. What did it feel like for you have to take over the leads for rehearsals like I always you were always yes, I was always kind of in that when Morris wasn't around. He I was like the guy that he didn't have to come to rehearsals if he knew what I did, so how arrangements he wanted to add or whatever or not. I was the guy that I hired all the other new people and blah blah bla blah. But I was like really kind of that that thing. And I was never officially the guy that runs this and I was never that never had that title. Okay, so when you're rehearsing though, and each album is six songs, each like, I mean, at what point are you just doing the stuff which just you're not. It was, it was, it was something that worked. It was it was kind of a busy work plan, but it worked against the boss because it was a busy work plan to hear. You know, I didn't know busy, but you guys got taking it sixty dollars a week for the longest and so but we ended up getting because you know, when you go on stage like that, you're you're not only good, but you're piste. You don't want to It's just like when a fighter says a whole bunch of stuff about it. I don't know if you saw that last Triple G fight is past weekend and I've got hit him good one time and then like dude, you gotta really and he came back and beat that guy like he owe the money or something. And that's kind of like when we would people see it said, no, man, you were amazing, and y'all many the attitude. They don't know this was mad for real, and it was the one way in time where you could get it out and it wasn't just suck in, but it was like he was out there playing ship through grit teeth and meaning it. How did it feel when he publicly said that, at the time was the only band he was ever afraid of. You know, honestly, it didn't mean ship to me. It's just like when people just like when all this stuff comes out now where he says all this great stuff about me, you know, it's just like it's like a child talking about a parent had passed away. It's like, why couldn't you say that tell me when you're here, you know, when I'm here, you're talking. Why couldn't you say, oh, he's you know, Jess, he's amazing guitarist. And he couldn't say that to me? And I got one compliment for one time, partly because it was when I dropped Crazy And if y'all don't even notice, but I'm gonna tell you, go back and listen to Housequake. That's why he went and cut housewake you hear crazy in the right question, why did he had called me this is tramps? This is tramps and men and Prince would go out and we're not drinkers, so we would we would we we we we we have like a kind of a punk drink, like we would get a clue and cream be more cream because we don't drink, so so that ship we would be different. Yeah, we would be dizzy as hell off of that, like we would drink five you know, like you know charity. And it's like, no, I turned him onto. I said, you never heard of this, and you you're gonna laugh when I tell you what. But it's like, Prince, it's a multi mediare, but you got a cabinet for because that's for people that don't drink. Because it's like, you know, y'all drink that ship real drink and srink that the head hurting because of sugar content. But we didn't drink, like we didn't drink like Morris. You could drink, but you know Morris want to fight everybody up in this one beer because he didn't really drink, you know. So so he's just like I just love to this day he like my husband. No, it's like major love between Morris and I because that was the three amigos right there, Morris, Prince and I. It's like you it was you. You saw one, you saw the three of us. It was a period where you never saw and there was other reasons, personal reasons why it was just ended up being just print and I all the time. But are you on tricky tricky laughing, No, I'm not. I hear three people though that's just overdubbing. But ain't okay though you were there. I love the songs because the two of that's what I'm trying to tell you. I'll talk to you about after this, about the things that are coming up. But you go, you want to grab these dre's and marking my line to him he there's yeah. I just I did twenty seven hours, twenty thirty two hours of music that you never heard before and on cassettes, remastered on no. But I'm just trying to tell you there's the whole entire for you album right right. But the demo I played a little bit of effort d on the phone. Almost died, I said, you because what you hear like, I don't want people like I didn't want it to go a market and people just oh, you know, and go to some collector and they buy it. And it's just that it's like if you hear uh say, for instance, I want to be your lover the genius, but it's all with a rhythm, mace whole out and then you hear sexy dancers, you hear sexy dancer and it's sexy dancer is uh, but the rhythm mas goes boom, God, dude, d bent God. The fact that he heard all of that ship and I when I went into the studio with him, I would ask him, how did you do all those drums? And then he would show me how he did the drums and he would have the machine play double time. So the machine he's going to take then he's an exactly And I just was like wondering how he got the drums so super tight like that, and he and so when I hear people go I play it everything, I'm like, you didn't play everything. You sequence some ship and turn on. You did what I'm saying. My mom was no, but you gotta. I'm just telling you. I'm telling your marror. You hear this, it's it's it changes you because you hear the genius to here, like because I have stuff like that of Hendrix Dalan, everybody that I owned, because everybody that I admire, I want to see what they how they got there or were they Because one of the most one of the only people that walks the planet Earth that was one of the most perfect writers out of the gate was Curtis Mayfield. The first thing he ever did, going back to Jerry Butler, oh my ship was immaculated. And then all of that impression stuff that you don't they don't, they don't make that to be that is until I'm I don't know if it was like it or not. But when I first like, there's four or five versions ahead before he got to the one that's like the one, and so when you hear it, you're gonna this is whack. This is. But and then the same thing with do Me Baby, there's like three or four versions before he finally got and I mean the drums are different, the beat is different, though Tim pulls it. When he finally got to the one, it's like and then there's a version to get it up no guitar that when the guitar solo happens to hear what he actually does on the base, fucking mind blowing man, and it's like, dude, was no joke on the keys man. But you know That's why I'm always telling d I'm like, Dude, when I put you up there, I'm putting you up there. And I've been around some really talented people. And so when I tell D, he trying to tell him you ain't no Running the mill Man, because how did he even get you? Like? How because it's not like you could just call up just but I had. It's really freaky how this happened because I always said to myself, I'd only played for two people. I only played with two people in the world, Michael Jackson, because Michael Jackson, D because they're the album they did to this day. Sonically, you never heard acoustic. You never heard a kick dramming a snare sound like that ever on any record ever now. I mean people might do it now, but it was that record that you heard a fourth string base that low, You heard a kick drawn with that much bottom of you know, a real kick drawn. And I try to tell tell D the Angel all the time how revolutionary that album was sonically, not just musically, but sonically, you know that something goes you come in real and I don't know if you're playing like but it's just like running too. I can run off the role off a cliff listening because it's that hypnotic. But people don't understand it's not just the vibe. These cats are bad Quest is on his game Peno D. It's sonically it's it's not of this earth. It's like and and and to think it's real instruments and nobody had ever heard of I'm skipping ahead a little bit, but um, listening to verbal penetration, that your last. That was the last. So I'm not crazy in hearing like a voodoo influence all over that. I could you You could say that or say not. But but as a blues player you play behind all the time. But what I don't know is when I did, like say, if I did be, when I did be your man, I delivered it be your man is like but if Quest is playing and I'd be behind him, but l A Cats would be like, man, that's not you know, because a lot of ascription. There's a discrepancy in the beach Leonard Albert Kravitz. But what people don't know is when Voodoo came out, a lot of people didn't And I tried to tell D. I said, see you on all of the Marvin Gay stuff and this now. But what you don't know when, um, what's the album with the leather? What's going on? Look at the reviews, go back and look at the reviews what happened? People like, who what is this? What happened? But people make it sound like they had open arms, and was like, so when you do music that people don't get. The albums are albums that constantly do this over a period of time. And I kept and I've always told D'Angelo, we make music they ain't on the trend. So we're doing ship that's ahead all the time of of what everybody's thinking. We're bored with that. So we're trying to do something that it's not so much ahead or but just asn't on a trend. It's just something we're pulling out the sky, something that you know, Uh, that's that you got your influences in it, but it's not what anybody knows. But and but it's on another level. And I think musicianship wise, what they did on Voodoo requests, uh d pin know what they did on Voodoo was so that only I remembered riding in the car with John McClain. He had just did the deal with What's the Girls say? Yes, he just did all of that stuff because I was all out of Hidden Beach, right, So he was playing me that stuff all day. He was like, are we riding around for eight hours in a car around l A. He's playing me all this different stuff and I'm like, yeo, man, that's cool. Check this out. Put in Voodoo and he's like you like that, man, this is you know because you know what that was. That was D's there's a ride going on, because there's a ride going on with Slides. Fuck you to the music industry. What y'all don't know about there's a ride going on. When he delivered it, he was the two biggest artists on Epic at the time. On the black side with Slide. The white side was Johnny Winner. When he delivered there's a ride going on, the record companies like the Funk, what is this bullshit? This is garbage? Da da da da. So it was one of those records that captured what was going on at the time. But it didn't just capture verbally. It captured the vine, the burning, the heat, the tension, and Voodoo did the same thing. Thank you. I can, I can, I assume, but he's not a good receiver of complic It's not me because two twice I met Slye and you know he's going so I know, I can't get the answer I went out of him. But assuming that during the shockedilic period that you spoke to him about, right, and his recollection is there, what was what was just his mind state to making that record, throwing everybody out of the studio and just doing he he was at the record plan and saw Clito and he was there so much. They made him. They took the one of the rooms and they made him a bed in it and it was a big old mouth and the mattress was the tongue, and they had a they had you know, the mic thing on the wall that plugs into that thing was in the bed. So a lot of the vocals he's doing and he's laying down, so just like he's never ever done a vocal and a headphone. So d D not knowing that does the same thing. You know, d don't wear cans. He does to have them speakers, and he did and he didn't know that. Marvin Gay did that. Marvin we you'd walk in the studio like Leon Silver's talks about walking in the studio and hey, Marron to Marvel, Hey, you know sitting at the board going hey, that's but the old consoles had where you can knock one of the speakers out of face, so they wouldn't they wouldn't come in, and Marvin would be sitting there and Marvin, you know, you don't see no handwritten Marvin lyrics around because he he never wrote anything down. Same thing with James, same thing with Slide. It was all up here and so he and so Slide. It was just on that straight, just crazy genius ship and he really didn't need his family or anybody on the record. Is It's like, you know, there's a lot of people that did they do that, but I was playing um Mark never released you know, the these uh summertime thing, which is a beast and he's like and any any and he's for one person. Always go like he'll put somebody else on bait and I'm like, dude, he's killing the basse. But going back to your question, it's more of a Curtis Mayfield thing. My my thing is Curtis for Eddie Kendricks. And I'm like, it's not like uh D and Prince were into like the stylistics, but he's a real He's a real Eddie Kendricks fanatic too. That's why he's got the bigger Fossil Prince was really into that the dude betch you buy Galli whoever that I never really heard you use your fast much until verbal Penetration. That's because I wrote all the A lot of the music I didn't write for me. I wrote for another guy that was supposed to sing it, and then he passed away when it was time to do this stuff, so I didn't. I what kind of wanted to step away from the mic and just play and not be straddled with all that. I really enjoy it more when it's a rock rock thing, but I know the R and B stuff, But I just like sometimes it's like to just like even being Indeed's band, it's just like not used to just the or the thing we did today with Chromeo. Uh, just nice to just play guitar, not be give me a Mike, I gotta. I don't never want to Mike. I just kind of have them put one on me and we're on TV so you get paid more. But I don't want that ship. I want to jump back again. I'm sorry. Do you remember Minnesota Black Music Awards for me with me? Yeah? I think it was the time. It was the time of the time I think somebody told me that you were supposed to be singing lead on the on Jungle Love. I guess Morris had already left the group or whatever. No, no, but then Prince ran out on stage and did leads for the entire set. I don't remember that. I think that's a rumor because I ain't never remember that ship He didn't do that that I know. But Jungle of No he if you ever here his version, I mean it was the same song, but if you're here his vocal. He put his foot in it. And Morris did a great job a Prince. If you heard Prince wrote that melody and the lyrics not But it's just the whole twist he you dude, it's saying when he wanted to And um, have you ever heard that? I was was always hoping because I don't I had that on a cassette and that froze up like a you know, Land nine thousand, a long time agoing. You know, I don't have a copy of that. Pen um. Oh well, this is our rapid fire, because yeah, we gotta stop eventually. Um. Was there ever talk of the time going on tour on the Purple Rain tour? No, no, no, no, no, but that's what's really sad. We just ocently talked to my manager about that. We we uh, we never reached the Purple Rain thing. And because we were supposed to go on tour and when I signed my record deal, very few, if anybody, only John McClain knows and know this and Princes. But when I signed the A and M Records, I signed the deal, but I wasn't I didn't have to do a record for a year because I was like, I'm gonna go. Yeah, I wanted to go, And was there gonna be our first time out without Princes? Was to be on our own merit and was going to you guys were going to do your own things. Yeah, well that's that was the whole thing. We were never ever ever playing Prince? Was you kidding me? Prince was so sick of us putting our foot in his ass after he wasn't taken us in the backyard. I figured, because the Purple Rain to itself is like basically the movie, So I figured, you know, why it was an Appalonia six there and why wasn't the time there and it would have been because there's a bunch of bullshit all connected with that ship and I get tired of listening to people lies and ship about it. First of all, the Sheila the first she Lay album was the Vanity sixes album, and Vanity kept saying I'm not gonna be there. I'm not you know, she kept saying, I'm not doing Purple Rain. She was before she moved on in the Apples, and he just thought she was joking. She wouldn't. That's why all the songs were done by the time she was yeah, yeah, and she was showed up to do some sessions stuff and then and then some of the songs from the Vanity six album. That album went to like the Manic Monday, that was a Vanity six I was like, I was there for all of that stuff. I was very recording and doing all that stuff that would like, yeah, it would have had like vibrator and know whatever does she Ley the Glamorous Life that was that was Vanity's record, Don't I don't care what anybody did, and trying to tell me I was there cutting it. I was there cutting the sugar walls and all that ship when she in Easton came in and blah blah blah the whole show. I was there for all of that ship I was. I was there for those just it was really just Prince and I because Morris had like ducked out then, so so all of that stuff was and we were. He was still going back and forth trying to get Denis to do that, and she was like, no, nope, nope, nope, nope. And that's how she ended up being Vanity because he would never let her use the name Vanity six, and her lawyer, I forgot his name, Ape something, but he knew a sh He said, we don't have to use Vanity six, we use Vanity, And that's how she got to still be the uh, the the Tomorrow Margie Cox Project, The Tomorrow and the Scene album. UM, do you have any disappointment that that didn't blow up even more? Or was it across the boards mash No, No, because that album that I was just telling telling Bill earlier that that, um Everybody Danced as one of the best sounding records I've ever made. It's like it was mastered here at by George Marinocott. What studio would I wouldn't I want to say sterling sounding my yes, Sterling. Yeah, he did, he mastered that, And I was like I never could get that sound again. But it was like something I kind of did, like, oh, you know, like not really thinking that much about it. And then when it came out here and he mastered it because I never really go to masterings and just let him do the thing, and and he was mastered out here, and I'm ever getting back to acetate of the tollsions like God, this ship is on fire when it comes on, You're not here. But I could never but no, no, no no, you know what it was the bottle, I think the big thing, the biggest thing to term me on because she didn't want it. Damn she didn't want it. So when you don't want it, I'm like, what am I supposed to do? If you don't want it? Then I didn't. I'd have did records on you and I had um And so the I what was I think Blueberry Gossip might have been the second round. I did a lot of those tracks, but I didn't do any of them stupid as lyrics. I didn't do none of that. I just did the tracks. But so that song, Blueberry Gossip and all that stuff, that's all me, and a lot of the tracks are all me, but somebody else with the lyrics. Yeah, her and the Southern Cat David Cochrane finished all the record. I wasn't on any of that. I was like on tour at the time and I wasn't even invest in any of my time in. Um so I made you sign that one. Then I said, I'm sorry I made you sign that record then, because I did. I love that music. Blueberry Gossip is humping. I just don't know what the hell Blueberry gossip. Yeah, I'm still trying to figure that out. Okay, since then the bottom of the barrel, trying to figure out everything. But I gotta know. Um you opened for Luther Vandross. I believe on the night ifl and Love Tour. That's what I remember because all my aunts were to this show. Luther is world famous for micromanaging his opening acts. Let me explain something to you. Just talking, I was talking about that one of the most beautiful human beings ever walked upon it. Now, let me let me tell you, seriously, let me tell you. Let me tell you a Luther. So Luther, he brought me on and I'm in the middle slot and he was so accommodating, so absolutely just wonderful and being that because my ship is louder, and they their stuff is more stereo. His band was amaze. You know how ridiculous his band sound. It was like shade. It sounds like a giant stereo. It was just amazing. But my stuff was a little bit more raunchy. But he upgraded the monitoring system so that I would be He really wanted me on that tour with him, but his audience for the most part. Once we we did a week spectrum, right, there's no longer there. We did a week at the that's the one once went to. We did a week there was us. It was Luther headlining, Me in the middle, Ready for the world and ready for the world, a lot of ready for the world stuff. People were kind of a thrown back by them because they a lot of people thought that was print or me, And so when they would open, they would just get like no love and and Philly was death on them when they were open. This is the spectrum, this is sold out, but people listen you want they were, But you never want your music to be bigger than you, because if your music is bigger than you in the beginning, then your music it's just a lot of ship. Like people would would tell my girlfriend all the time. Oh, like she'd pick up my mail and they go, oh you're Sheila. Oh he wrote, oh she'll about you. And they said that they would that to this day. That's not me. And I remember being at home on a break on tour and hearing that talking together together whatever that beat was for that and thought it was me. I thought it was like a remix, I swear to guy for you know, when you have at half a second thing you go, that's a remix of that, and then and then that the music, and you know like that ain't you know? But I was like, how did you guys feel about I mean, because singer, Yeah, he was. I was always really encouraging, said, don't let these folks get you down. You just gotta keep pushing because trust me, I was because once we left we they loved me Philly and they loved us and they loved me. They showed me a lot. Was That's why Luther was like, but we went to Baltimore. Next motherfucker's was wooden Statue. It was buppies, you know, that was the whole buppy Luther drew like and that's what he was trying to get away from because people don't understand that Luther was so amazing as an artist. Is one of the few black artists that went platinum every time, just on the Black charts every time. So you're saying that you guys were there for the edge, to bring a different audience into to bring a younger audiences. But that's why I murdered, because he did some ship in Philly I ever seen before my life Philly. That that week was the most amazing. I was in the dressing room, sitting there, um uh, sitting there getting dressed or something. I was sitting and my back is to the door, and I'm sitting in front of the mirror, and I hear you in my town, my motherfucker. And I look up and it's Dr J and fuck, you know, and that's less like you know, that's fantasy ship for us and our air and sovers on. And that was one thing. The other thing is that Luther was he was a prankster, and so Luther would do always play jokes and ship like you you'd walk into like he'd be in addressing room few doors down and I remember walking in one time and the lights were off and I turned the lights on as a mannequin, would sucked up mask and shoot on you know, you should drop motherfucker's and drop glasses and you hear Luther crying. But I heard that when he's he was on tour with other female artists that he would. But let me go before you jump to that. This is what it was. I my belief. That's a singing. So when you're famous for being a singer and you ain't really a singer, singer, you did what, you know how we're snooty with that ship. It's like you go, oh, come and jam, oh, jam with you all day? Who else is playing? Oh? Really? Yeah, I ain't gonna beat it because you you. I just can't play with anybody. I just can't. I can't do it like you can't. Rehearsal and that's good. I played and jammed at rehearsal, and I was just like I was, you know, from the Voodoo record until we finally met. And I'm trying to compliment him. He walking to do He's trying to compliment me. I'm trying to compliment, but I was really meant that he's I just think he's one of the dopest cats around. And he and there's a mentality in a movement. You don't know he really where you really know he a bad cat when you watch that was the Dave Chappelle thing party. Mother's a mainstay, and he's up. That's when I really knew how bad he was because he's up there. Everybody else is shifting, everybody's bringing it, but he's staying there. And I'm telling you everything. They're throwing it and he pulling it out and he's not pulling back killing it. And that's when I knew it was bad. Even this is after the voodoo, right, that's after voodoo. But I knew that's when you know when people you kind of see them cut their teening. You know, it's like when you probably he's like, yo, Jessie, he did an album and such, and say so let me listen to verbal and then and I kept telling people, know I need to. I was like working with other you know, guitar instructures. A cat named Mark Hammond that wrote the intro to Really Love played wrote and played that. But I was taking lessons from him because I was like, I can come out all this time and be playing a little, you know, I better come and be moving and with some chords and some melody and show some serious growth and all that time. But you know what I mean. But I think I more than sufficed on verbal lyrically. It's one of my favorite records because I'm I do poetry, and so to take poetry, I'm trying to put it to song lyrics that sing. And I keep looking at her because I saw I admire about her. She's like her her poetry ingrid Shop. You forgot this is the greatest ambuship life. And my daughter and my my biggest thing with my daughter loves her. She says face. I tricked her in the same face today and my daughter loves the way she says face face. I grew up in Georgia, but you didn't know that. I didn't know that. I didn't know that I was in the presence of greatness for the first hour of this interview, Bill, do you have anything else? I wanted to Larry. I wanted a Roger Trouting story, the Larry one. I've I know that. You guys, there was Boris and Jerome used to get into it Larry at the time, and then Larry's girl came out and she was like super super bad way out of our league. Way. Yeah. Wait, she's a woman, not a girl. She's a woman. She's absolutely just breath taking. But she stood at the side of the stage and we were standing behind her and whatever her dress she had on you when the lights came on, like, oh, we're just quiet. So we just like he just really well. Roger used to say a lot of stuff to us, like, man, you got all those white people working for you. Do you think Wonder Brothers is too nink it's from overs, Like please, we worked for the same people. Funk out here with that ship. But he would say all that stuff, like he would always say that stuff. Then he went up to Prince one day we were walking Prince walking the stage, and he said, you know, we have the same name, Roger, because a lot of people don't believe Prince's name is Prince, and it's like he's named himself that by day in his name and that's his real name. So Princess looks at him crazy and keeps walking like not even says anything. So they just really kind of didn't didn't like us, and so we would always be messing with Larry and so Larry Morrison Jerome wa tell you this to you, they'll verify. But Larry said, I want to talk to you all. We went to the dressing room. It was me, Morris, Jerome. We won't go to his dressing room with him, and he said, pull out a gun. He said, you mother, you know what this is. It's I'm forty two years old and I'm behind. I'm the last one. And then get the funk. That's how ignorant I wasn't get the funk out. He went this ship and laugh and they were still that listening to him. But Morrison tell you, but he pulled I want to talk to you. We like three fools went in there, like the three stooges, and so you know what this is. You know what disney mouth forty two years old. So was it just that you guys were prince, No, we were just I don't know what he said, say Tony, he had a bunch of hair shooting out of his nose and just disrespectful. No, but he would say they would say a lot of stuff to us and then we would throw bullets back, and then he didn't He just didn't like that and didn't think the last jaw and that's your girl, Oh man, she bad and it was something we didn't say. We didn't get more disrespectful than that, which was disrespectful, but we didn't. We just I should go, oh man, she bad, And then I think I said something stupid like oh yeah, man, when the lights come on, I really like her, and he's like, yeah, I need to hol at you. You know I do that finger y'all need to hol at you, all right? Can I? He said, Can I talk to y'all for me? Just you're thinking you're on tour thing now now? And I always telling I'm always telling Kats and D's band and young dudes. It's like, don't play with nobody. And he said, you'll me kesting gout shot on stage performing it. So I keep on messling with these these women. Man, I'm like, keep on, but I remember that Larry, can I talk to you for a few minutes on normal ship? You know? Because he was a really tall dude. Yeah, and he was older than everybody, and he's like, talked to your brothers a minute. It followed him in his dressing room and yeah, man pulled out a nickel plated with a pearl handling about forty two years old. You think I'm more fun to play with. And I'm just ignorant. I'm just young. You know, when you're young and you ain't scared, and you in the streets and you got a gun at eight and nine of them too. You want to get the funk out with that punk? Ask and I swear to God and just to this. And then when so when I got woke up and said he shot, you know, Roger got shot, I was like, it's probably by Larry. And I was in l a at Tommy Jenkins cameo and woke me up and told me that, and I said that it's probably by Larry and went to sleep. And when it was I knew that ship. I was like supposed to be in dating that weekend when that happened. But really, um, I have more questions. Speaking of Young end Ignorant, can you tell us about Old end Ignorant, the song that became That's a song to me Morris dead and we we we we were. It was one of the during that period when Prince was like, yeah, yeah, you can record it the home one ship there so it ain't no reverb and you know, everything just drive date and speakers, and so it was one of the songs that Morrison I cut. But I did this thing on where I'm going where the beatings like boot boo instead of it like Prince would always go, do do do do do do do do do I'm going. He just thought that was like the most genius thing. He was playing the baseline in the studio and m ooom boom ball and he just kept going while he's recording it. Where the sunset sound. But we brought out that two inch I mean a half inch, which I still have the two track tape of that, and that's what That's why I screamed. Aussele came from this song that we did call old and ignorant, but we would we cut about we are young and we are funky. We are young. They did that in Yeah you cracked it. Yeah, I'm playing all that ship on her. He was, he was playing. I came up with that baseline. All that was that tracked in the warehouse. No sunset sound. We did that at sunset time because I can hear at the towards the end of ice Cream, I just hear so much sunset toime. But even with you guys tracking in the studio, I can hear like feet rattling papers on the like because Prince used to take the youth forty seven and pointed. You know, he would use it properly, like I never used it that way, because you could hear him. He always he never worked with an engineer. He always punched himself in and out every vocal you ever heard. Like when I was telling D'Angelo that, I was like, may pick a song, pick a song, and this is the biggest song. He go controversy, wrote, recorded, written, all finished, mixed one day, Everything recorded, mixed, finished one day. You know, he never spent more than one day it was done. We would go out to the club, I think many of the club close a one, and we go back out to the crib and I'd go to sleep on the couch. And he walked up at too, almost like clockwork, two thirty the next day, like nothing happened, like just after being out all night. Were you were you impressed with what he was playing you or was it weird? Like if he's playing you, like if he's coming up, like here's a song called do Me Baby and you're listening on seven minutes, like is it weird you guys listening to this? Or is it I I didn't listen to songs like that. They I didn't. I felt weird listening, So I don't know, like say a dude sing like that, That's what I'm saying, Like, no, no, I didn't. I didn't. I listened to something like he came I remember this is really we went out club close. We came home and I was like, at this sectional thing in the in the in the living room because he had this gas fireplace that I hated because you'd be freezing. Then you turn that ship on. Now you're a thousand degrees and then you turn it off. So he we now came up with let's pretend with married song finishing in the CA and but Morris went down first. He said, Morris, come here this. And Morris went down there and he's like, dude, dude, dude, that's Morse's where the hand claps said, you know Morrison, you know handclaps. He's like, hey, get train music. And then he comes out and wakes me up and there's just so you come here this and I was like, oh, yeah, that's nice, that's cool. I like that because I because I was there when the Darling and I was there when we did all that purp rain stuff. But it was like I went upstairs and Darling Nikki was done, and then he went down. I went upstairs and went to sleep for twenty minutes and he wakes me up and go because I'm here this and I don't know how he did that, but you know that double bass. Then he's on the Tom's it's a real drum set, but he's on the I don't know how he did that, but I was just amazed, but I'm like he knew that. I would just be like funked up behind that. I'm like, how did you do? Because he just had a little drum set out in the patio wars like you were still impressed? Yes, but I but I never like I'm singing, you don't when to go at this? Got went on, I'm playing that, but he ain't. I ain't credited. And then on the end of the song, Jill Jones will tell you it's me Jill Jones and prints on one mike and we're just going pod bad and clapping and singing all this ship and I ain't credited on I'm on a lot of ship like that what I said, And I was like the one time when I was so happy because when came he had the the pressing of it and the you know, the for the twelve inch or something and it said j j but you don't understand man, y'all laughing. But that ship. I was in avenue when he's playing it, and I'm like, yeah, I see the thing, and I'm like, finally, credit at me, and that ship wasn't me, it was Joe Jones and I was just like, once again, I was just heartbroken me. I was like totally, you know, but do you feel that's how you feel? You don't feel like you feel like really well really you know, not that feeling really, but really that's how you felt. And so that's why I so then I stopped like we were jammed and we would do that that ship right there right, So then I came up on the album as a song and I was like, wow, and I'm not crying it. So I stopped after that. I didn't just I was done. Was done? Was that? How did you get a bellow sat Mark? Because that was because I played a four I played as something I did on a four track or a track around the same thing out of the Jungle Love thing with the h track, so I'm going and that's one of the main things on the side. And I had played him that a few days before and then he heard that song and I was like, dude, really and he was like, what what tell me? And I was like, I, guys, can't explain it when you in that space and you can't really tell him. You can't really tell him because you feel like a punk if you tell him. I just can't explain that. I can't explain it to night today. I can go, hey, man, that's my but put my name. But he's like talking talking to I said, if I got to tell you, fuck you, you know, and that kind of thing. Because he walked into the where we're rehearsing, because we're rehearsed. He had bought this building and we when you walked in the front door of the time was there. Then you walked through this door, and then his band was where we would yeah, we would play. We would rehearse all day first and then when he finished, we finished, then his band would be coming in. But don't you think he knew that you would never really say anything. He just to do weird ship like that, like he'd see me with He ain't gonna check me on it. So no, he I don't know if he really just you know, sublime early didn't know, but I would write some stuff that would sticking to your crowd because that that whole jungle of that ah tract thing you see, that's all there. It's actually funkier to me, but it's all there. It wasn't like, oh did he really do? It's all there. And so when I walk in was just like with the time when we did. I walked in with those songs on two inch I already finished. I was like, I walked in with that ship finished. And so the same thing with Blondie. I walked in with those finish and there nobody else is on those songs. I didn't walk into loose roodsim. I walked in with a two inch tape. So here it is, Hey, go ahead, I know what sweet what are you gonna say? Girl? Get it out? Just gonna say this, Like I heard a small rumor in the mirror. I didn't even ask you about this, but I heard there's a small rumor that like D'Angelo is making music again. If it's true, No, they trust me. If you a beer can tell you more about it. He's saiding on fifty or sixty things and to make you never want to play music again. And you don't even understand are you involved in anything that he's sitting on, because I mean I'm on a some stuff, but it's mostly. But he's the one that's on everything. Yeah, he played me. You know the song he did for Lauren Hill, he played that ship for me. I had to leave. We were what's the one Henson? And he just just for Lauren? Is that? What the voodoo that she never did? That's just he and it's it's it's done. It's you don't understand. It's the horns, it's it's you don't he I can't even put it anywhere he got And I ain't talking about five or ten. No, we're talking like fifty at least, just the same we have like but you just gotta stop and be like here. But when you tell him stories about Prince making songs and twenty minutes and stuff like that, That's why I was telling him that because because the day because I don't get that going in and you know, like Fleetwood Mac would go they made great albums, but they would be in there for a year and I'm like, yeah, I don't. I don't. I didn't come from that. Were come in there, whatever you got, get churn it till it you burn it, don't go in there. And I'm gonna go to sleep now for you ain't thinking about none of that. I'm still like that. I swear you, guys, is my last question. Then I'll stop it. Can you please explain the last thirty seconds? I don't want nobody's going to know the answer to this. Yes, I feel like you do the last thirty seconds if I don't want to leave you, and which is just abruptly good, weird edit and too a jam and you can play it, yeah, because I don't. I didn't when Mark played that not long for me, I didn't even remember that even being on the record. Okay, so basically I don't want the last m M. Do you want me to pull it up? Because I'm playing to that, so basically, here we go. I remember that was that was I think that was from a version of you know, the song Makeup and a Microphone, you know the song makeup. It was like there was different versions of that because there there's a before the time had a deal, there was you you know about the what was it called? Was Jamie exactly. So that's part of the stuff that I re evaluated and remastered and all that stuff, all of their stuff is in there, and there was an actual deal in place for that. There was a deal in place for that. But that's Jamie singing all that stuff. I can breathe. But that was a part of the It was part of because there was a different That's that's what I'm telling you. That some of the stuff that's in there, it's like it's got the Vanity six stuff, but Princes singing it. Oh god, it's got It's like there's a whole different version of makeup. And but what blew my mind really was was the Prince album, The Want to Be Your Lover? Uh? Why why you want? All of this ship in demo mode? But he and the vocals ain't really the real vocal yet. So he's on. I ain't got no money, but he can tell it. He's figuring out how he's on. And I'm telling you, for anybody that's in the music and to hear how he's putting this ship together. To me, I'm sorry, priceless. I don't I don't want it to go to some collector that got the actual cassette because you know, he writes on all the stuff, because I have a ton of stuff. I actually was listening. I was because I'm moving in the process of moving to Las Vegas, so I was opening up a box and it's got these cassettes. You know, when the answer machine had cassetts and if you and if they came on and you picked up the phone. A lot of times, the depending on oh your ship was the conversations was something He's like, man, uh, come out to the thing, man, you know, come into the house man. And I'm like, why man, It's like hundred forty degrees and you hear these conversations to us, He's like, bad, just come on out. Fun and you you always you heard that tape where we're planning to walk and rehearsal and it's like, really, I mean, we's kicking it and in Princet and I relationship, all of a sudden the song stops. Rehearsal and your Prince Jesse, you should and you can't everything to see what I'm saying. But you hear Morris. You hear Morris, You hear me, go did you say my line? You hear me go get the fun fucking doing that? You hear laughing, and it's like, that's our relationship. And I was like, and I tried everything to have the mastering to figure out what he said to me what was because it's like, bam, we got to dance more. Right, we're kicking that ship is if I don't think you do? Who bed No, damn dude, thing right, we're kicking that. You're not said, it's just abruptly Jesse, because he's in he's over here and you, Jesse, you and you hear. It's so typical because then you would think I was like, here and you have it right, Mark, you have it? Go fucking you shouldn't go up about four or five actors? Ain you fucking doing that? Year more? It's just like all these two motherckers again? Are you just laughing? And we were just always like but it's like I'm not doing that, I'm not Jesse, you should but what the fun? Okay? And we saw it all of our questions. I have for one last question to the Bill. Okay, you'll ask the question. Bill. This is a quick yes or no answer. The song Jungle Love was it originally called Dreamer No but Jungle Love was written. The music was written for I said that in the demo when I posted it's written for Lenny Williams. Wait what the music? I did the music for Lenny Williams. That yeah, tar power Lenny was going to do. And that's why I said it in the in the thing, and then I said it in the one I posted the demo and then Lenny say, hey, Jesse, what's up man? Because one was working with Lenny and that's who hooked it up. And that's how I wrote that for him before. But before I played it for him, I was like, it was in these acting classes with ballet shoes and ship let feeling vulnerable right now, But the reason why they made really went to ballet class. The reason I was like, why am I in ballet and doing all this ship with Leo's hard on and some pants? Yeah, but you're not the kind that you would see like that, like you know, not yeah you know, but you got but you got your know, but you got regular pain. You got them pants anywhere you got, you got those. They're made out of some kind, but they're not that clingy type. But you gotta have h LINTONA when you're doing that ship because otherwise you will crush your franks and beings. That's why, that's why when you see a ballet dancer, what does this dude gotta cup on? Who's gonna tackle him? Because you got because ballet was really written for women and and in designed for women, So you gotta take all of your ship and go here like it doesn't exist. So you can because I always wondered why somebody's do playing football after hours or something. You got a cup on? What the ballet? Whenever you do acting for real and you do true acting, what the ballet is for? Like they never said anything to you, just okay, ballet class. I don't know they seen me leaving a smoth, but you're in ballet class. But what it is they shoot, They teach a routine, and they teach a whole entire movement all the way to the end. And what they what it's doing is doing memory for lines. So if you can remember that whole routine and you know, and they and ballet's all in at one too, four and sit and all that crazy ship. But it just if you can remember that whole routine from the beginning all the way this movement all the way to the end and around and back again somewhere else. Then it helps you remember your lines, so develops memory, muscle memory they call it. I never knew that. I didn't know that. Did you have to do that too? For that was before and she wasn't No, I knew. I just figured it was an acting thing. Period. We had to do that. The whole summer was acting and ballet. Acting in ballet, because even if you didn't have lines in the film, you still want to there doing some routine. That crazy assent there too. Yeah, yeah, everybody was in. Did you have any lines of her cut from the phone, because I know Jellybean has to see where him and the kid getting the fight. There was a lot of when you do a movie, they go to l A and they have these special screening because I remember editing being out there editing uh and talking to Clint Eastwood and he was there screening the Rookie and so. But that's why a lot of Purple Rain was reshot because there's a part scene in Purple Rain. It in there where he prince goes up the Morris and slaps the spit out of his mouth. But when all this ship would happen. There's a lot of things in Purple Rain that when the testing audience watch is supposed to be like, oh my god, they were krying. You know black folks, man, you know black folks. They ain't gonna sit there. They're gonna be that shit. And so a lot of scenes that were supposed to be like, oh man, he wouldn't slapped. They had to take that ship out because it was like, it's like Kevin Hart slap in the rock. It's like, dude, we're not ain't believable. And that's why there's so much. There's so much I think, okay, okay, okay, no, you know, I'm so grateful about everything in my career. I'm so grateful about all the ignort Ship we did. There was no cell there was no cell phone cameras because we used to do the time like we would be on stage. This is true. Ship was one on stage and and this is so the time we go up there and play and then dudes would be there with their girls and ship and the girl will be like, yeah, yeah, maybe you're in front of me and I One time I turned my back and Jerome was on this platform with Monty and Jerome would be up on the platform doing that clap thing, and Jerome was as I'm turned facing my back to just go, and I turned like what. You know, you're looking at somebody face and you're like what, what wouldn't you turn on nothing? Some as you watched the video, dude took a magnum. It was before when they would let people bring ship in the countybody took a magnum bottle and threw it at me. What and it went and it missed me, but it slid under the rise of Jerome was on. So but it means how ignorant we were. Let me tell you ignort we were. We would come off the stage, go putting on, go change, come out and start pointing, get that motherfucker and there you get his punk as to it. And the dudes would come backstage and would be me and Jerome, yeah, bring that ship back here, and the guy would be talking mad that. The dudes would be talking mash it to me, but they didn't know Terry was back there with no shirt on, some church shoes, church pants. Yeah, bring the mother there was one guy started crying and we were so ignorant that we would go back out after turning it out, get this motherfucker. Yeah you wanna throw bring your punket and they would be talking because it would just be be a Jerome walking them back and it would be everybody back there way, Yeah, bring them motherfucker. And and and when we were one that we're like you bring people like hawk is the time there was camera phones back then. Man, I'm so glad there was none of that existed video cameras because bad I want to see it. This is going to be the final question, because I'm gonna ask the question that like wraps up the thing? Are you? Because I wanted we got next three hours even though Jimmy Jim the Prince, after he didn't put the record out. Okay, that's fine after Creedy Bridge, but that's fine. I just alright. He put on after Graffiti Bridge and was like her album never because you can't leave Electra arrived. Yeah that was rellion dollars and nobody still cares. He spent a million dollars. Okay, go ahead, go ahead. Then that's my questions as we sit here. Were you on the set when I was had to grab him and all that stuff, and were you in the set when something happened, and everybody clear that and Prince was sitting on the floor and they made everybody clear the set where you on the set when that happened. What happened? I had to grab him and like man handled him or something, and I didn't wasn't you know, it wasn't really doing that much. But I don't know what happened. And he sat on the floor and everybody and then they were like every Craig Rice, everybody cleared. Everybody cleared the rice, everybody cleared the room. Everybody they made I'm thinking something we part of this chip came. Oh, but I thought something bad because no, no, he there was a lot of times. But you gotta remember, I'm talking about doing that my hair as long as hell, but I'm talking about doing that when I go out because it's too much work. But yeah, I know, Yeah, that's why I'm like going, No, I'm gonna get there's a place in l A that does it. And because I want my hair blond or red or whatever I wanted to be. I don't wanted to do that to my own hair, and I don't want to be somewhere in the middle of this place is in the Europe. I mean it's up to date now. But if you went into London and Paris and especially Paris and all that stuff, like in the eighties when no black hair, not ship nowhere, Yeah you ain't. Still ain't a lot of places. And I'm a black woman, and yeah I remember going and trying to find the ordering and that ship was at a specialty perfume store and it was that old remember that mom type ship? Remember Mom, y'all remember Mom? That ship was a pag. Yeah, it was kind of ship. And it was like, yeah, I'm like yeah, Mom, like yeah, I'm Mom, alright, But yeah, no, no, I get it with it because he had what he was going from. I don't know his actual hair was always long, but he made it longer for the movie or something. But because it was perfect, it was laid. Who gives a ship? I'm like, that's what you're supposed to when you start. Nobody gives a ship. But that whole sentence that you said about putting the extra stuff in your hair and dying and stuff like that on the floor, But my hair can't take it to be right on the floor. Now, I get it. I should have fallen out so faced, so fast that it ain't even funny, man, So no, I don't. I'm putting some other ship in my hair. So I ain't even got a comb, and I just wanted can y'all make it where I can just wake up and it still looks cool. That's what I am not lying dude. I never seen dude's hair messed up. Yeah, especially when he went to the fingerway. No, no, I ain't talking about that. I'm talking about through the purple Perfect would walk out of the bedroom and I said, I hate you. He would his ship would be I was like, how do you are you sleeping? Like, which makes me think about Purple Rain and Graffiti Bridge And was there ever scenes where the woman got to put her hay No, But trust me as a friend, as we were just like we never washed our hair. That's why hair looks so good. You don't know. No, it's we're hearing funky. But you know black hair, when you wash it, it takes a long time to get back until it like when it was looking real cool, it'll deal should take weeks, so we like so Prince would would have this really back when I really skinny curling iron and he would be for hours be talking to him. Yeah, man, we all did. We didn't never have a hairdresser on us. You just I mean most sons don't really, but we got we got long ass hair, were trying to be pretty and shipped too. We don't care about what dudes think we did. I always tell dudes all the time. Who was out talking to I think I was in a maxwell. I was like, you care about what the dude things? Dudes don't buy? Ship women do want to go buy women to go dudes be his dudes. Oh man, you got that copy? That's what dude women. I want the picture. I want to read all the ship in it. I wanted. I'm like dude, and I'm not thinking about what No, dude, thanks we I forgot the most important question that we would have killed ourselves for asking. For not asking me, we didn't mention we were pink at all. In the three there were how many suits? Pink suits? How many pink suits did you own? And like you know that it's a story behind it though. Jamie Shoe, we were rehearsing on the Sunday the time and Jamie Shoe came out with she she met us out with prints because Andre s my own sister up until uh from and she made all of the clothes Andre's older sister or older sister, um, Sylvia, Sylvie Anderson, she made all our clothes. And so the day that they brought out the swatches, to look at the swatches and so, um, if you ever see any video of the time, we used to call it the Shrek like we used to call because what we used to call it the Hulk because it wasn't no Shrek then. But were he knew when he was kicking ass because that green all the lights will go off in to just be this green light. Motherfucker's be looking like Martians. I think it's it's tossing now. So if you watch videos from the very first tour, you never see me because I was like, I'm cool. I got around black. Literally no, my black ass wasn't saying either. So when they brought into swatches, uh, they're Jamie showing us to swatches and it's like this real cool swatch of this future mohair. You know, it's like changes colors. And I suppressed you should wear that, and he honestly the stock of Bibles. He said, oh no, I wouldn't wear that. People already say enough stuff about me, and I said, Funk that I'll wear it. And that's how that came to be, and that's how I wore. And then it worked out perfectly because no matter how much dark he put me in, you saw my ass. He saw my ass in the dark. When I walked on stage in the dark, you could hear him on the thing ja jazz. Yeah you see, Mom came put the light out on my black ass. Now I got on this pink white and a white shirt. Yeah. You before I didn't consider I'm telling you, he really beat the ship out of our assets on the first tour because we didn't know anything yet. We was like getting he was you know, he was on the top of the speaker doing all of that jagging off the guitar and this and that and that, and we were just like getting as handed to us, you know, and anybody only knew a couple of songs on the record. And second tour, ship Fucker's came out clean, came out with some steps and had it hard, and so then he was like and it was weird. And then we saw the tide turn where I was telling uh Inger today how we would outsell him on merchandise because a dude ain't gonna wear no shirt I belong to prince, you know, ain't gonna you know, unless he you know, different and wanted to belong to print. But most dudes ain't gonna wear that. But our ship said, ain't nobody bad like me? I'm so cool and so so we would midway through the we'd already sold over a million dollars in merchandise because I should appealed to both men and women. How did you upkeep it? Though? Because the thing is that the pink thing. I mean, yeah, because you do a show, you're sweaty as hell. I don't be guys, I'll tell you I don't for some reason, on sweat like that. He's too cool. I never I never have. I don't don't. Yeah, d sweats more than deep sweats before he even starts. He seriously as an athlete, because he just I mean, I've never seen anybody sweat like that what I'm just saying. But no, I know that you have to take care of that every night. Yes, on the time tour, because you gotta. But you gotta watch the beginning of the tour if you see the things, because I got cuffs in averything. You know, before we had professional clothing makers, like the clothing makers that take the material, throw it in a vat of water, pre shrinking and all that didn't make the clothes. But see, we didn't have that. We just had somebody's sister making us some stuff. And she wasn't didn't know all about that then, like these people that may clothes, you can be completely wet, you won't see it. You like the cat that made all the clothes for Purple Rain, and so he grew up in the same we were from the same hometown, Rocker and Lewis, Lewis Wells for Lewis and Vaughan that made all the ship for Purple Rain and numb was princes Those was Lewis Wells, uh patterns Prince Ward to the end of his life. That's all Lewis Wells. He designed and cut all that ship. But but they knew their ship like they would know they have them. They wash the silk and so you know how when you sweat you won't see it. I don't they're just magicians that the ship or something like how your accounts be on stage three four? Oh, hey, what y'all got invisible counts and breaking in the bad Ship. Don't tell nobody no keys all night. I'm like, y'all, don't break in the bad ship. Don't even you ain't gonna okay, yeah, John when the flat that they was killing ship and y'all got invisible keys like the count okay, got you. Your classics are in the flat. We went to your the Jesse key and all those are more. I wrote those for Marri's case. I can't sing you. But if you look at the very first videos of my pants are nice, cool, got the plate, got cuffs, but look as a tour going higher, not a cuff is gone higher. And yeah that's that. So that was one suit. But when I did the first album, then it was like three or four of those. Thank you. But I would have like twelve shoes. And then I would always have my door open to my room and so girls are coming in the room, my door would try to be wide open, like you know, they just would be chilling, but they were ninjas. I would go on tour like twelve pair of white boots, right, come home with three because they were taking it. How do you I just saw you? Yeah you know, and you're like, how did you do that? But but once again going back to you know, the camera phone thing, it's like scary to do a self with somebody because even now, because the era I come from, if somebody got a selfie with you, you were somewhere selfie with them, and it's like meaning somebody can you know, like say, if you go to court somebody said he did this to me, I don't even know her. Why y'all on this like that? Why y'all you know that? All that's just scares me. I mean, he never went through that. But I'm watching enough crime shows, like when Patrice O'Neill said he would go buy a stick of gumb and go okay, okay, so he won't be because because I'm lazy, you don't want to throw the PEPSI cannot I'm the PEPSI can't rape. And I'm like you, I love him to death so much. I miss him. So he Jesus a great guy. Absolutely, That's why when I think his face on Love said that Dave Chappelle and funny, and I'm like, he might not be funny if you're not intellectual. Dave Chappelle is genius. Dave Chappelle is from the George Carlin he's from that even though you know not to be whatever, but his comedy is very, very brilliant. Bill Cosby back in the day, and he's he's Dave has all of that and more. He's like, he's scary. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Because George Wallace said something that to me. He said, you ever noticed when you move? He said, my wife is darker than me, and he said, we were moving, I found a bottle of Suntanne lotion. We're looking at each other like that type humor that I you know. And then I saw when we played Vegas, he would come on after us, and I saw him cut some kids out and everything. He said he was allowing people in the joke in the audience to say some jokes and his kids look kissed him, saying, your mama was so fat that blah blah blah. And he said, well, what are you doing down here? You have your ass in it, so we'll watch your fatass, MoMA, your mama, so your mama so ugly. The birds fly upside down that I love. I love Georgia, who was all in the memories on the same floor in the dressing room, and that's where I ran into Regina King when she was doing that Southland and she was killing that pixie she had that she was killing that ship. I was like, it's like, it's like when I saw Gabrielle Union tonight. I was telling question no, but she was having a heart attack. She's like, she's I wonder if she remembers me. Because I met them all they were like, you know they're right on that cuss third twelve thirteen, and so you're like it was her, kim Phils and Janet, they were all like best of friends. And so I met her way back then when they were the little kids, and they were like, oh I just a crush, did it? And I was just wanted to was like it was like this big and I'm like hi, and then I'd be no, I just her back with stars. But she was looking at me like she's so beautiful. It was beautiful. But whenever you how you know, I'm not how you know where I'm coming from. I was and said, else is a beautiful kid, you know, like I'll say to her her young, beautiful kid, her too, it's a beautiful kid. And then that means you know that I'm looking at her like that and not as like some perverted you know, but I'm telling you, because I had girls so young, I just good. I have enough of them, that's damn sure. No, no, no, because I'm they they He'll tell you they're they're they're together. Girls, they're together and they just having a daughter means that he needs to learn some lessons about his life before he will know. Because I had them so young, I was didn't know anything about life when I was a young father, like in fifteen sixteen, married and all that ship. So I had girls early, and so they just you learned a lot of things. Like I hear guys say they might only have one to have a boy, and say, oh, you know, the best thing for man, it's a it's a son. And that's bullshit because a father and son it's a yin yang. So if the son and mothers like insuperable and and the fathers like the daughter can come to I'm sorry, dad, I killed eight people. They must have been fun and and that's a that's an amazing and important relationship. Well we uh initially thought we were just getting an hour and a half. Well y'all gotta know, and now we have a double episode, so uh, sorry, Steve, how you do I'm good, I'm good. How many episodes did you do? Doing these two episodes? Nice tour of Electrical Lady for the for the Sugar Network. But um, you never asked the question that you said was going to wrap up the whole because lightly interrupted you. You had some larger you had some question that was that was gonna on everything up? Well it was he kind of mentioned his kids, which was basically, it's true, I've never You're like, I've never been in prison. I've never I've never been a heroin AT's so much bullshit out there about me, but now I've never been in prison, never been a heroin attict, never did drugs, never drank, never did none of that. Ship. That's all a bunch of bullshit. Well, my wrap up question was what do you want your legacy to be? Um? Just what James Brown and west Montgommy, you, HENDRICKX. You you leave great music because that should all outlive everybody Like I I would get so upset when people say about James, but no, we're all gonna fucking eat it. You just hope that you live. You leave something that's a mark for your children to get their trade because as songwriters and artists, that is your that is your your land, you know, because think about it how the land thing really works. You pay taxes on it the money you buy it with, and then you pay taxes on the rest of your life. This ship that you're leaving them, this music and and every that electoral property is like to me, the real deal ship. So it's just like, even even as tragically as losing uh uh somebody like like print, but at least what that catalog like When you already hear people go I don't like they want to help me do too, I'm like, yeah, but then I've got a catalog. He can play for three hours and you know the B sides because he got a catalog like Lacey Brothers can go play a four hour show and it's all hits. You know, are you making sure protected? Because I wonder, in the American idol sense of things, even though you know I choke somebody to death, isn't it even about you no more? It's about It's about your your children and and and so you do make sure. That's why I stopped making records like the verbal record was supposed to be on Universal, was supposed to be on Where's Angie's that label? Angie Stone was on uh J Records. You no, it was when she did the baby record that label. I was supposed to be on that leabel, but they want to it's yeah, it wasn't Jay. It was like like where Leila Hathaways on that label? Try to exactly, And they wanted to own the masters and ship and all that, and I ain't doing it no more, I said, So I said, anything I do, I'm gonna own it from here on out, going back to bear my neket sold, so I I that was my first foray into independent. I think I printed a hundred thousand through BMG. They sold them all. And so now I'm I'm on eBay right now watching a copy unopened and it's a hundred and twelve dollars and I'm like me, I ain't paying that for that, but I just want to see how crazy there's even an unopened copy on on Amazon for like two hundred dollars. But I but I would admit I had to go buy and I had to pay forty dollars a piece for that ship because I burned. I sold every copy I made, And yeah, I tend to lose records too. Yeah, have you ever thought about putting those two albums out digitally? Because they're not the the I couldn't find they are. I couldn't find ye as that's on purpose, but but I am. It's part of the there's a whole thing that I'm gonna do that I'm actually that's why I'm moving to Vegas. I'm not moving to Vegas because I'm moving to Vegas because somebody. I'm just getting away from everybody and everything and I'm running a crib. Nobody's gonna know. No, no, no, but not that I know. I don't know anybody that I'm moving in. No, he lives Miami and things. But I'm moving. I'm moving there farmhouse in the middle of nowhere, studio, no furniture, just the gear, the guitars, the studio a bad and the TV. And I have these three records that you don't even know about here tell you that they're all new Ship and they're just crazy shit and and and I'm have this campaign behind them. And then after those are all done in the campaign's moving, then that's when I finished the audiobook. Because there's so much Ship that y'all don't know, the ugly ship. It's like he really choked them on. When can we expect the first of these three projects, the first of the first of the three projects. They're all coming out the same time. It's gonna be a three tier thing, and it's not it's not a kickstarter or something to finance. Everything will be done. It's a pre sale thing because now the way records are not you know folks renting music and ship so you and and and they're they're gonna not gonna be CDs. That's the only antiquated thing. So it's gonna be a twenty four bit n s K every version and said then and also the same versions and um, you know wax if I it's the part of the campaign if it reaches a certain number most deaf out of doubt. Yeah, so it's got the it's it's three album and it's a three tier thing, but it's more involved in It's like each there's gonna be a photo booklet, a colorful of book booklet that you will have in person and a poster. But the color booklet will detail everything about the records, like what pedals with me playing, what I'm doing, what the chords are the whole shot like that, and and I'm just trying to decide if I want to do it physically or phone. But I know I'm never making a CD again because I can't even listen to verbal on CD. It's not if you hear it in the studio on you know twenty you know Wenting Forbid nineties K, It's a totally different record. I can't even listen to the CD. It sounds so garbage. And so what is is you spend all these tens of thousands of dollars that come up with this bad ship and then githerer it down to some antiquated bullshit. I'm done. That ain't never happening. Then when people like you know, I see people want the you know what, get an a track while you add that ship too, because I'm not making that. But you will have the ability when you get your card, you can burn and all you want. But I ain't making that ship, no mark, because I can't hear it. I'm telling you it's terrible sounding. It's like I didn't know it would be that bad. But because Verbo was cut high deaf, and I should have put out a high deaf as well as a and I think I'm still gonna do a vinyl of it, but I'm just gonna pick certain things into it on vinyl. There you go, Well, Sarah Johnson, I thank you very much. Why I answered all the bad questions, answered everything to shout out to my uncle Jesse rest in peace. Yes, oh that's the one. Yeah. Yeah, I want to thank you. Know. I want to give a shout out too, and and and when well wishes to his mother's Mike, Mike go see you. Oh really yes, he's a Baltimore as I Mike. Love to you. Man. He's always been just really really wonderful and ever you put pin the paper regarding all of us, he's just been like really okay, okay, shout out well. Dianna love you baby. Yeah, she was gonna come, she got tired, so she went back to Philly. Yeah. Now I just gonna thank for coming and thank you all for bringing it. That cheesecake. That cheesecake was great. Shout out to find tikoloose countertops. Right now, what's going on? And there's two other members of this team missing today. Later, I want to talk to Ingraf like about what it's like to be a woman in this environment and not be able to really talk too much, can't you because I don't know because we didn't get to talked about her about that questions. But I mean I can come up with fully. She's a boss. I know she is. That's why I wanted her to be able to open her How about I come back? Okay, what do you live? I live in New Hampshire. I live a few hours. Ye many time, now that we know you're here, Yeah, that I'm still alive. Yes, I do have a new record coming out? You do? Yes? I did you do Wednesday? I'm coming out. She'd be out by the end of summer. Okay, and then you have like three albums already? Are you calling it January? It's going to be called Memories of Flying? So what was it was just a date that we picked that was around the time that we were, you know, creating the album, hard work and stuff. But it was just meant to be. Like a lot of my records are like journal, you know in trees that makes sense, you know, all my songs, so it's like journal. We will do a proper ingoros and now the time I know you're here, all right, y'all? That Uh, that makes for another exciting conclusion quest Loves and Greens with Jess and Johnson also like to thinks when we're stopping through dropping a lot of tools. Uh be app Sugar, Steve and Bossonville and La and the rest of the q Alls family. And thanks for listening, and we will see you on the next episode on the next cover. All right, see you later, of course. Love Supreme is a production of I heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. For more podcasts for my heart Radio, visit the I heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

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