Questlove, Phonte and Team Supreme talk about their personal, religious and cultural traditions and share some of their favorite holiday memories.
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Of Course, Love Supreme is a production of I Heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. What Up is Some pay Bill? This classic Culus episode takes us back to December twenty one, two thousand and sixteen. We'll share some holiday memories. We'll get the twelve days of Fontigelo. We'll do the damn thing. Check it out. So Premo Supremo roll call, Suprima so Supremo, roll call, su Prima so Supremo, role called Suprema. My name is Quest Love. Yeah, and I owned this to my entire crew. Yeah, I'm giving Christmas bonus a Sma Supremo roll call, su Prima sun sub Prima roll call. My name is Fante. Yeah. Oh yeah, I'm here. Yeah, Quest Love Supreme. Yeah, spreading Christmas chill roll s Frima Suprema roll Sma Frema roll came on pay Bill. Yeah, put on my Yama car. Damn Quest Love Supreme. Yeah, fucking Honker su Primo road some Frema roll call. My name is Sugar, Yeah, it's Christmas time. Yeah, it's also Hanaker. Yeah, no ham Suprema road Surema roll call my names yeah, and I really wanna Yeah, I wish you were Merry Christmas. Yeah, and a happy kuoza about your line. Roll call, roll call, Happy holiday, Yeah, from Boss Bill to you. Yeah, there are two thousand and sixteen. Yeah, I'm screw you, Frema. Roll call, roll call, roll call roll. Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to the special Christmas Edition Holiday we pc y Yeah. Wait, before we start this off, I think we should play the official theme song of this episode. I'm going right off the top is my man, Jimmy Liggins and Drunk Drunk Drop. It's a mean old bottle day called moon Shine, red red wine, so mellow and fine, all mad night with a swiming in the head. Read fellow pillow missed the whole during band drown. That's right, we all showing up on Christmas Day. We getting yeah, yeah, yeah, Wait, this is the fourth first No one, it wasn't it hit? Yeah, that was Jimmy Links and Drunk. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. There's no pressure, there's no research to do on artists, there's no guests. We're just we're sitting with each other in in Electric Lady Studios, in the Holiday spirit, drinking Holliday spirits. Yeah, living living in the new era of our president elect. Oh my god, that's music, right, Do not do that when he that, because I know you when he finally makes it as the president, I know what you're gonna do. What I do, I'm gonna play sick that day. That's not a song y'all played in Piza President that would be pretty dope. I would love to do that or play something that just samples a break, so you don't have to like, actually, I tried that once and it really didn't come off. When um when uh, when Katie Holmes came on the show, Uh, we did cruise, we did time, we did a drop in sign. Oh yeah yeah, by uh all right. So we're sitting here swimming, swimming and our happiness in our misery. I'm not I'm not for this. Does he own Yeah? I do say so. Don't if I do say so much, I mean we'll own I mean he has to, simply because why would he go so hard with endorsing it. Did he owns the rock? No, but he did the most gangster thing of all times, Like what he did was better than own it. He just went to them and said, like, give me a piece of the company, and they did it and they're better for it. So well, do say it's better because they finally made it a punch so because drinking. Yeah, I didn't mate. You thought I made that homemade. No one thought that, especially when the when the two women came in here and it's in the bottom with a marketing pitch and everything totally punched. Shout at my man life wonderful for hooking the up. Know what I'm saying? Than keep for getting Fonte drizzy early? Man. Yeah, I'm on about number four. This is strong, Like I'm only on sip number three. I'm so excited right now about you drinking. I just you know, I'm like I've been. But I mean I'm drink before. I drunk before. If you don't know the work, jes no, this this isn't my first video, but I'll try and continue myself because I still have to go to work after. Uh I do this, I have like twelve jobs to drink during the holidays. I drink period. I mean, man, French, what's it called? Friend? Why doesn't knock me? Like seriously? Like drink like SNL. I did a shot. I did a celebration shot because like vodka or whatever. Brooklyn bowl or whatever I've done, I've done. I mean, it's not my preference. Like I'm still a timekeeper and that's you know, I just prefer to He prefers his drunken meter to be sober, to be calculated. Even my drunken meter is calculated. That's why I if quest Love did not have a driver everybody out there, he would be your designated driver because you are very depends what I because I don't drink regularly. Were you here with them for the story for the wor yeah? Yeah, which story I got? I ain't doing that ship no more. But yeah, no, I have a limit with my uh inebriation. I'll get to the line, and once I get my line, I'm good. You know what I'm saying. It's just certain highs I don't need to achieve, like the new weed they got the k to like, well, yeah k too. Yeah, it's that past g bro. It's somebody right now that shouldn't have people like eating motherfucker's faces and ship it's like some walking dead ship. It's really bad. It's synthetic. Yeah, it's really bad around where I live out Inkly well really, and it's weed. It's not weed. It's like, I don't know what it is, but it's I guess it's some plan or whatever, and they just pray all these chemicals on it and people smoking and just I don't need to be drugs. Yeah, that's real drugs. That's that's real. So now I'm not into real drugs. Drugs. I don't want to do no ship that I gotta go to meetings for and show up for me and say affirmations and ship. I don't want to do that. I just like nobody a little buzz every now again, Ain't nobody got time for that? But a little, a little bit. I can't wait for her holiday song. Oh, Jennifer Lewis, Ain't nobody got time for that? You know she's been doing song dep Jennifer Lewis on the show. Please everybody got I like to get your ass out in Bote song that that was good. Get your how it votes, indectual, how to vote, get your ass vote? It was the movie screets even listen, I'm sorry, Jim so alright, So here it is. It's the holidays. Is everyone celebrating or like, do we have any atheists in the house or just poor people people? Just people I mean, atheists still celebrate the holidays. They don't. Are you atheists? No, I'm Jewish, but I mean I'm not like, have you not been here for the past What I'm saying, I know, you know if he was practicing. Yeah, nobody practices anymore, you know, Okay, but we still celebrate the holidays, right, Yeah, don't call IBM sugar Steve or nothing. That is your Jewish brethren judging you. Steve, he is judging you. Do you work? Jo, I'm I'm the least Jewie Jew and Jul I'm not my family or what I like to call sudden Jews, which is like they're going along in their normal life and then there's some holiday or some ship and they're suddenly Jewish. Like my mom is like, this is what that's why, That's what's my intention? The first thing I was saying, and Jesus, I can't talk. Are you drinking? Always question for you between you and like the Hasidic like the brothers with the hats and the black like Bill can dry they like the hardcore Jews, those are those are the real Jews, the very orthodox practicing types. Yeah, I'm not many religious people are are there in this room right now. But I'm sure we're all celebrating the holidays in blue Jeesus besides being bathed in the blood. Still it was kind of like I celebrate. I celebrate. I mean, it's really for my kids, you know what I'm saying, because for me, like Christmas ended around like because at that point, it was just it was I was totally cool. I was totally cool because I had younger brothers, so I mean, we didn't we were poor. So I was like, listen, take care of my brothers, you know what I'm saying. And I still my mom still was able to do little stuff for me. I still got stuff, but my whole things are like make sure my brothers are good. I ain't all right? Tell us a poor Christmas? What is a poor Christmas? Yes? With the with the the music, okay, just not poor Christmas. Picture it small town, North Carolina, nineteen four. I'm sleeping in my bed and I hear some rustling and I'm thinking it's that ranger on my roof. No it's not. It was my father, who I hadn't seen in several years. So God, So now a poor Christmas is like listen, man, uh eighty four hours five. You have seen your father in seven years. I haven't seen my father's sin inception. But but not man a poor Christmas or Christmas. Listen, let me be clear about something. My mother and my grandparents, they always work to make sure that I had a decent Christmas, you know what I mean. And so one of my most my most memorable Christmas is was when I got the Nintendo. This is when the Nintendo Tonintendo, and so it was a step up for me because at that point in time, we had been renting the Nintendo. How very familiar. Why do I feel like there was a Nintendo rental in my town? To No, there was no bullshit, There was a There was a no because I mean it was all Pole and none was had Intendo. There was a There was a small town I lived in rest foring you, North Carolinas, for the God, there was a video stores called Dougs Running Video. And it was just like you know, like any other video rental store, Dugs Running Video and they started the very forward thinking and I'm sure probably illegal practice of renting game systems. And so you could rent a Nintendo. You could rent it was like renaissent exactly. You could rent a Nintendo and so I remember I think my grandmother rented me a Nintendo for like a little bit and I played it and I had Mike Taxons punch Out and um my whole thing was you would try to beat the game before you had to take the ship back. So I was unsuccessful. But about to say my commentation, well, I remember, but I learned. Oh man, I think without it, I got up to Tyson. I got up to Tyson, and I got beat. But then I got the code and the code to get directly to Tyson. Oh seven three seven three five nine six. That was the code seven three seven three five note six three. So so yeah, so I've been renting it. And after just times of just renting the Nintendo, finally I woke up to Christmas warning. I was a sleep in my bed. And this was at the time when my I was living with my will and my grandparents, and my grandmother and my grandfather. They slept in separate rooms and being a you know, eight nineteen year old kids like, yeah, I never saw the dysfunction in that. But you know, I never thought but I was like, man, they but they never stepped because I don't know, I never I didn't get it. But for whatever reason, they didn't sleep in the same room together. So me and my grandfather stepped in the same room and beds and so my grandfather, you know, he'd be sleeping, he had his music on. So I get up and I walked down the hallway and walked through the kitchen and I turned the corner and turned the corner like that was the surprise moment, nigger, Like that was when like, oh ship, what did I get? And Uh, I came in and I saw the Nintendo and I had a TV and they bought me a little TV. And the fun fact about the TV, it later got pawned because my mom's boyfriend the time was hooked on crack. So he later pawned in television a couple of times. But I got it back, and uh that's the story within the story, I want to hear he got the TV back. Okay, how I got the TV back? Well, I don't know the exact particular. Uh this was it was the eighties, man, it was time. Remember the Nintendo cold But you don't remember the particulars. Don't getting the TV? Yeah, because I mean I didn't go into the pawn shop and say, hey, when you came home from the school and saw there was no TV. What was your response? Crack, Like I knew that that's something. I was like, it's it's that just has to be crap. So yeah, so that was my thing. I knew that was what it was. But you know, we lost the TV a couple of times. We got it back and uh I hadn't well or sold it, you know whatever. But yeah, man, but I had a Nintendo in my room. My mother let me have it in my room in fourth grade and that was the year I got it. I got the Nintendo with the power pad. Remember the problem of the power pad was this piece of elector. It was this it was this piece of equipment was plastic and it didn't work with for damn no. But it was just loud and like, you know, you could run track and field on the power pad and like jump hurdles and ship And at the time we lived in like a two story house. So every time I played the power pad, immediately my mother would tell me, like, cut that ship off and make it too much noise. So um, so we never I never really played it much. But but yeah, I had a power pad. I had an intent on my room, and as long as I kept my grays up, she would let me keep it. But my mother when my grays all slip, she would be extra evil. And so what she would do she wouldn't take the Nintendo. She would just take the controllers. Just look at it, look back at it. So she was just take the controllers. So I would come home and like be in my room looking at this thing that I can't play. That cruel and can I say that things like that are one reason why I want to be a parent children, just so I can do little things like that. I don't want to put Kamara out there like this, but Kamar once told me a story foul. He literally just took Christmas away from his kids, like they woke up the next day to no gifts under the Christmas street, like it was like they were there. It was the humbling, well that kid needs it. So that reminds me of a couple of Christmas ago where I got Kamal as my secrets say, oh yeah, I was ar yeah Kamal so um, this isn't playing piano right now in the back. So I was his secret Santa, and so I got him. I just filled up a box, a cardboard box filled with sodas from our refrigerator from the side of the lane. Wait, tell them how you wrapped it what. I just wrapped it up like a real president. Man. I thought I told you to get refrigerator blocks and put that in another box, and then another box and then another bond. Sorry, now I just put a bunch of sodas in a box. But I didn't say who. You know, you're not supposed to reveal yourself as Secret Santa, so I didn't. I didn't reveal myself for like a week and a half. He was mad, but it was funny. You know. He was telling everybody on the staff, you know, so um you know who got me soldas was trying to figure it out and so then eventually I told him who it was, and I gave him like a one of those g n C cards for actually the year, the year you did that. That was the inspiration. See, I'm a guy. To see people, I feel like they have to try hard, like for me. But some of the best gifts I've ever gotten more like the smallest, most minutes your gifts, Like people think like oh mere love soul train, let me get him sold and I'm like, dog, I got every episode of sould Train. You don't have to give me no more sould Train. So when you gave him that gift, do you remember what I asked for my birthday? Which is like a month later. It was like soda. Every one got me. My favorite soda was the Pellegrino lemon so it is, oh my god, man, that's the best. Yeah, like the blood orange blood him. Yeah, so every I got fifty cases and surprisingly not diabetes. I gotty cases of Pellegrino for my birthday because everybody was just happy to ask for gifts on the twenty bucks. He's like, yes, but not but he so it's like what you get everything? You've got me one year? Who got you? What quest love got me? It's not my baby. He bought you a game. Man. It has been twice injected into your womb. No, you don't. You don't remember you gave me a doll? I gave you a what you gave me a doll? You gave me a Mr Nice guy doll? Remember this Mr Nice guy doll? That sounds like something to give you in counseling. It was on the doll he touched you. It was a little white man who when you pulled his hand, he would say anything that a woman wanted to hear, and he would say like, no, you're not that, and all the things you know, just like are you I promise you I still have it? Yes? Yes, you do not remember? Did I not? Was that not for me? Did somebody somebody else? If you don't remember, I think you, I think someone else. Give you know we were at the Bowl. It was before it was before Zeron. Yeah, you don't even remember. No, I give my gifts out. I don't know. It was a joke. That was a joke. I don't do he get her, get her what you want? Well, okay, are you complaining? It was it's hard to tell him know that doll has been her best friend for the last night. Yeah, he definitely tells you what I need to hear. I need to hear anything like I got a man, Oh man, I ain't like I got that? Was that? That was sad? Finish the story? Yeah, yeah, and it started with Nintendo into Crack. It all comes back to Crack with her. Yeah, in the eighties, it was it was a poor Christmas, but it was good. I mean, listen, I always appreciate it more than anything else. Like we would struggle like during the year, like it would be times I might come home to no lights. I might come home to a big yellow sign on the door that says condemned because I watered and got cut off. But Christmas is always cool, So I would say that above anything else. My family always made sure no matter how poor we were, Christmas was always we always had a decent Christmas. We always had you know, we always had a good so shout out, pick up some my mom's and my uncle's and my grandparents were always pitching in and uh and making sure that the grandkids had what they did. Still, man, yeah, we we we survived. Might gonna take a nap, it was. He was like, yeah, no. I was reflective because this du say got me thinking like, yeah, it's my life, so give us, give us a broken story, give us a boot Christmas. Like in a relationship during Christmas, like what what's something sweet that a guy did for you? I'm so sorry. That's like the wrong question, which means the question that's the wrong answer, because right because my last relationship, we were only children, and you know, when you're an only child and you have two parents that are still living. You have to like decide, so like my parents are real, like overly lovingly real, lovely like so man, now it's hard to leave my house on Christmas. Yeah, so I never really supposed to get sad. I don't think that I've had. I don't think I've had a couple of Christian chas. Once I left my mother, she got real piss and like she cuts me out for a man and then never I never did it again. Really, it's only child ship. Don't nobody know about this life, this only child life. Your mother so you do it was mad because you went with your boot at the same because I'm her only child and your mother is single as well. Yes, that's what it is. Do you know somebody because she is a very sexy sixty six and sexy. Hello. Her name is Kareema Tyla. You know she wears push your prize. You have me at sixty six? You don't old brown? I like the old brown. That don't mean that don't mean nothing. A lot of people may bootoo have done down with the brown. But good to know. I will daddy. Please let that he calling you daddy. I'm already calling Steve daddy, sugar daddy, A couple of I was gonna say, Fonte, kind of your broke story trump my broke story, because I was gonna say, my dad is an artist. He's like a artist, a drummer, a photographer. And he didn't always have it like that, but he was always a very loving daddy, very present daddy. So he didn't have it like that. In one Christmas, while my mother was giving me new stuff, he came in like Santa Claus with a garbage bag full of cloes in my thrift storm. And I was like, thanks Daddy, but it was the thought, but it was the thought, and he was present. Yeah, I've seen girls that ain't got no daddy love. So I'm thankful, you know what I'm saying. Because girls, but I don't know daddy love ship. Yeah no, no, no, I don't know. Girls without fathers they make for interesting relationship. By interesting, I mean I'll never do it again, never ever again. To the woman, the first question, the answer is do you know your father? You know, straight up? It should be a first question, though, because that was literally this old gee wisdom. Listen O G told me He's like, listen, if she don't love her daddy. She can't love you, and then she don't love her mama. She ain't gonna love herself. Damn. That is real. Look bro, you deep bro man listen. Yeah, the wisdom you find in bober shops on the serdy myself waiting on your temple table. I got okay, I'm trying to think of report. I have a really good same year. You have a point, You have a point. Christmas? Yeah, hell yeah, I have a poor Christmas. Um uh, eighty four. I didn't even have Christmas. Man, I know you're looking at me for the mother. I didn't have eighty four, So you were how old eighty four? I was fine to you, like thanks, thanks. No, I mean I know what I'm saying, Frante. I wasn't born you you Yeah no, um okay, I knew we were going to have a or Christmas. And this is back when you only had two pairs of sneakers per year. You had your school sneakers and you had to play place come talk about it. And so eighty four was really when sneaker called, why are you laughing? Bill? Because makes me laugh? Man talks. It's been a minute. Yeah, we we were killing let's let's culturally you were already talking about it. He's like talking about it, but that's like that's that is a that is did you have school shoes and then play shoes. Yeah, we'll get onto the non poor Christmas is later. Yea more than one pair of sneakers. Yeah, I don't have more than one pairs. No, I'm wishing, I'm wishing. Yeah, I'm making up for it now. You know, you know, well, to be fair, three pair you had play, school and church. You had dress. I had dres shoes to church. You always had dress, dress, had church shooes. And I had sneakers. I didn't have like play play sneakers and yeah, and school sneakers and you dressed sneakers. That was also they also alternated your church sneakers also alternated as your picture they sneakers picture. They are I mean sneaking picture, the classes picture. They you had to take the picture, you know, when you sat on the book. But they don't show your feet in this. He's right, but it doesn't want to look like dress. It does not mean when you dressed clean in school. That's like, you know, so anyway, you were thirteen, you were just parts what happened you sneakers. Um, we knew you had the sneakers and what then? What you know, we we knew it was going to be a bad I knew it was going to be a bad Christmas. And so I decided to take manage in my own hands because the thing was like sneaker culture. It was really really I mean we didn't call it sneaker culture back then, but I didn't have their name, you know, I mean, but Jordan's was just like, you know, this was the year that was the ones, right, but in four like this is when the factory of paying more than forty five dollars for a pair of sneakers was starting to creep in. So um, it was all about the patent leather top ten Adidas. The that was the yours was It wasn't no, but like you know what top ten uh pat leather Like this shoe was like a hundred and five dollars, which back then was like yeah, no, that's crazy. So I decided what I was gonna do was every day after school, I was gonna go to path Mark and for three hours help women carry their bags to the car. Yeah, for tips. So then I went to my Grandmam's house, took the the Helman's supersized Manna's jar that she normally keeps for the bacon grease, because that is what we do. We reuse grease. Yeah, hell yeah, and so don't waste no grease. Right. So I took uh that and basically saved up a hundred and and and uh fifteen dollars worth of change and took that entire thing to Samson sneakers on Street two days before Christmas, and I just gave him. I was like, this is a hundred and you just looked at me. It's like if you don't, but he do gave me that look like you don't get out here and go to that bank across the street and come back with some real money. So I literally, yeah, I have to take all my pennies and all my nickels and all my dimes and all my quarters. But the crazy thing about that, man I did that as recently as two thousand and one. Listen, listen, dude, I paid you did coin star. People question, do you know what coin star isn't Marror? No, I don't. Okay, co star college, get through college, go through the put coin star. Yeah right now, there's Coinstar depositive. They're still there. I think was like in Kroger here see whatever. Or if you have a ted Bank account, you can just take your whole change and yeah, or you can give them a percentage. If you don't have an account, Oh no, I don't I have an account. Don't play that game. Yeah I did that. I paid my car, not with coin star. One time. I used to have a jug in my room and like every time, like I broke a dollar or whatever, just had changed the little water jug and I just throw it in there and I put that ship. I just saved it over time and took the coinstar and the crow grew up street. For when I lived that, she was like a hundred seventy dollars I paid my car, was killing the game, hundred seventy dollars, hundred seventy dollars and old one I was living. I felt good before like if you would get farded, I was out of your change. He was, Yeah, No, it was good. It was good. That was around the time. Like for that was the time I was giving like I used to give men ninety comes. We'll talk about. I used to give plasma swe god swear to god. No, dude, I bullshit you not, bro. I used to give plasma. So this was the thing, right so around the around the time when this is like old god, man, this is like old one two thousands of that one oh two maybe. So yeah, so dude, plasma. Okay, so you learned a lot of things about the human body when you're desolate. So what so listen, So there was a place up the street from where from my school North Carolina stand true, it's like most black colleges. The ship is in the hood. So right up the street, like round the way, there was a plasma donation center. And so essentially what it was is if you gave plasma, they would give you money for it, and so, but they had limits. You could only donate within a certain amount of time. So say if you came in, like on a Monday, and you give your first donation and they give you like twenty bucks, and then you came back like a couple of days later and you gave a second donation, they would give you like forty bucks. So then if you came back a third time a couple of days later, I think it dropped to maybe like thirty and then after three times you couldn't give no more, dude. The thing was, it was a time thing. So what it was they would hook you up to these machines. And this is the point in my life I really realized, like I gotta do something else. I gotta make a change, you know what I mean, because I'm in there literally with dope things. I mean, like seriously, it's it's like, here's the thing they screen you for all kinds of they screen you for whatever. So it also works if you didn't have health insurance and all that. So if you could give plasma, you knew you were cool. And one time they no, no, it's plasma. Okay, here's the thing. Okay, there's blood and then there's the plasma that's inside the blood. So like what it is they give you that you give the blood Christmas? The loogle? No no, no, no, no, no no no. I want to know too. Google the look on Bill's face right now, I wish, I wish our listeners if we still have the three of your all, five of y'all, my mom. But I feel like that the fact that this was the thing that made you want to make a change, the giving plasma with a crackhead things like that's what that's like. Oh oh ship? Now yeah, And when I say that could change, I mean clearly like I was like I was just like man I got I mean because I wasn't like sucking up. I graduated college and I was working. I had a job, but it still just weren't working. I was a college graduate. What was your job? Welcome to. My job at the time was working. It was blue Crow. I was working in the car across blue Shield, working at the call center. And so at the time, so you would go in and you would they would give you they woke you up to the machine and they would take your blood. And then industry listen. I lived off the medical industry. I lived off of because where I lived at Research Triangle Park, they would have studies so like you could like for like experimental drugs and ship. This explains then I they had like smoking studies, so like I lied and told them I smoked cigarettes and like made like seventy five bucks. They still do those things. You know. I have a girlfriend. She always does Yeah, you get a hundred it? Can I do this a hustle? I don't know your question. Well, I think I think you're covered with me, you should pay you more about sperm bank. Should do the sperm bank, the sperm banks. I don't wanna pay you'll support I want with that, but I wouldn't do his spurd bad but yeah, but I would give plasma and the and the sad thing about it, like it was crazy. A guy I worked with it, I knew. Did you get caught? Well, yeah, I mean not caught, but yeah, it was a guy worked with at Blue Cross. And I think by this time, um, he kind of I didn't seem in a minute, but anyway, I saw him in there. I was like, oh, what's what you knowing? He was like, man, I did you get this bread? The guy ended up dying. He end up getting killed, I want to say a year later, because he tried to rob a store and got killed. It was a buddy of mine. And so basically what you're saying is, don't work for Blue Cross Blue Shot because they don't pay ship man. Listen, don't ye jam and Blue Cross Blue stay away from Radio one to be doing names. I'm shouting things out. Talk your ship son. Today's episode of Supremes brought you by Blue Cross. Yeah, but no, man, I just look over the times of my life, and I'm glad I've come to mind it away from giving plasma and watching movies with crackheads, and like they would give you, you would take it. They take your blood and it's a long process because they have to put it through the machine to separate the plasma from your blood. So so then so like they take it out and then they put your blood back in you and it's it's a long time. They give it back to you. How do you know it's yours? It's your it you're at the machine. And one time they caught me back it was like, we can't use your blood. Was like, oh sh I'm about to die. I was like, what the fun? We can't use your plasts. I was like, oh ship. But I went in and she was like, did you do something before you got here? Did you eat something? And I was thinking, I was like you know what? And it was the day I had a quarter pounder before I went in, and that you're the whouse or something. No, no, no, I didn't know I should house. Then the White House was fine down and that was like if you take alas so you can get something. Yeah, that was it. Yeah, the White House was the side of the mean. At least she wasn't resorting to crystals. So you are crystals? Was that crystals? Oh, White Castle, it's like the crystals? So man, it was, it was. It was a crazy time in my life. But that's why I'm thankful for what I have now because I remember I used to have to give my blood to make gas money crystals. There you own this show, bro, This is officially Fante. Alright, so let's go onto the happy side of town. Here's the thing, here's the thing. Why so as Jewish guys, as kids, we were Christmas was you know, the very most people celebrated Christmas, but the Jewish kids, we had the seven nights. So we get the one present each night for seven nights. Plus we have the big weekend Bonan's Christmas Christmas Morning type joint. Don't say that I didn't have that ship. Don't sell him out. I mean, that's that's that's what we I mean, you get one present each night, and that's like, you know, socks. I'll be honest with you, it's not. But like then you get like the Christmas Morning type hanaka thing where you know, there's yeah, and that's when you get all the video games and all that what you were. But no, I was poor, No, but it was it was like seven. It was like you could pick in my house. You could pick the day when you got the cool thing, when it was the first day of the last day, and then the rest of it was ship. So like it sucked. I thought it sucked in comparison to now having celebrated Christmas, it just feels like there's no like pomp and circumstances, Christmas and Santa and Fonte's dad on the roof. There's none of that ship. There's just sucking candles and bullshit. And so it did like by day seven, you're like, I need another pair of socks. As so as Bill Sherman as a Jude, do you feel like you've got short changed? Yes, only because when I got married, I got to celebrate Christmas and I was like, this ship is way better than Hanka. Yea. So you're saying that you didn't have the same experience that Steve had, Yeah, I had the best of both worlds. I think, yeah, you're just winning. Everybody was Jewish, but we treated it like Christmas. Just do you look forward to coming home for Christmas? Me? I'm sorry hanakah coming home the holidays, Yes, because turning out nobody Yes, technically yeah, well you know what happens. You know what happens at my hanaka? Yeah, man, I'd be praying for you everything what happened. That's that's where they cut the come up up. Understand every year I've been known Steve for twenty years, and it's always say it's the come up like the last two people on this planet pay me one of them in this room and the other guy who visited Honaka. No, but should be real. Skwanza is the joe and the scammer on holiday ship. I cannot. I cannot. I've never celebrated in my life. I love everything about expected, just like you respect Chris this and in the sense that I wait, wait wait, I'm gonna I'm gona press, I'm gonna press rustrate it. I was so good for you. You want to go back to the replay. Can you be that quote woman time? Please? Wanza is the joe and the scammer of holidays. How is it a scam when you ain't even gotta buy ship? No, it's the sam when you ain't gotta buy yo. It's like listen, man, it's okay, properly explained to me, Like what is what is the process? The founder of Kwanza everything? Give us to give us into the history of it, just like is it like Dr you know I allowed to say that you're you're on the right. He was. He's not quite Doctor York, but he was a guy that was And can we talk about Dr York for those that don't know, that's a way I've seen Dr York beat downs? What he beat down people or he got me people? Like what is it over now? Like is he he's yes, because you know who goes? Who are we talking about? Okay, let's bring this down. Dr York. Okay, let's be okay, let's let's let's back ups everybody. Dr York, Dr York. Okay. Doctr York first to Dr Malachi York and he was put on the reader. How this good? So he was the leader of what was known as the New Wabian. Was that a lot of names. They had a lot of names, and they were like a group of black They were like a super kind of smart dumb niggas. Man, listen, they were like a super like a sect of like super black nationalists kind of um no, friends, radical group of people. But also they had a lot of ties to hip hop because they had a lot of so many times, a lot of great rappers, fopper centers. They were all into it. So I mean, I'm talking into it, but I'm just saying them too. Yeah, they were. It was kind of sort of the same thing. So we talked about Dr York music career. Yes, I'm not that well versed in That's how I knew about it. That's Weirds produced his record. And he's a scientologist. Damn what was I say? Hayes became a scientologist later in life, right, but he still he really got his bread, but it was just out of the prime pin into the fight, I mean, into the damn gas pit. So anyway, ye so listen, bro okay, so ma York. So he was a guy, he had a lot of times, a lot of people follow him. Um mf yeah. Doom yeah, Doom was one doom uh I want jay Z was loose. I mean a couple of degrees separated. Of course, I know Boss was deep into it back in because he tried to pull new Rod into it. Ah yeah yeah, yeah, okay, So anyway, but anyway, so he was like a guy that was more or less like a cult leader. He ended up going to jail for like was it some child something like that, but wasn't absolutely absolutely. That's why I had thought he didn't have to Pano Texas. They showed his head like, all right, blade, we're about to kill your ass jail. I don't like that. We are talking to them about this in parallel to Klanza, but continue, but we're getting We're we're getting there. We're discussing black cult leaders, so we gotta bring this ship on home. The guy who saw that Kwanza was Ron Karina, and he was like pro black, like super black, militant nationalist guy. He was also a government informant stool pigeon. How the fun do you know? This everyday survival? Everybody kind of knows, but some people like choose ignore or the we don't have the comfort of putting, you know, our heads into the turtle shelves, like you gotta you out here and you know you can easily get got. And I would say this about you a mirror, I would say, doing this podcast, doing this radio show with you, did you know that? Yeah? I would say, man, when you said that a couple of shows ago when you were like yo, where you were like, listen, you know that all the music. I know, people think because I love music, and it's like, yeah, I love music, but it's for my survival, you know what I mean? That ship is real. And when you did the first quest Love Supreme Mix and I listened to the songs you picked, I was like, Yo, a mirror as black as fuck, you know what I'm saying. Not that I ever question in your blackness before, because I'm not that guy, but I was like, Yo, he's like like like one of my cousins black, Like you know what I'm saying, But it's like I understand where he was. Dude. I was like, yo, he damn you know about so yeah? So with him, so yeah, so we have to know these things like survival. A Rona Ringer he was black nationalist, super pro black, pro black guy, but he was apparently also a government informant, and so he created this thing called Kuanza. And Kuanza was supposed to be, I guess, the Black answer to Christmas. Not really really no neither not really an answer, but to give African Americans some sense of cultural tradition that has a link to like West Africa or Africa. So and yes, to get blacks an alternative to the existing holiday, an opportunity to celebrate themselves in their history rather than simply imitate the practice of the dominant society on the top of the build technical the top because technically people forgetting that Christianity was forced on black people as slaves and it became a way to keep themself due to whatever we went to change that in the whole situation or whatever, but it was not our original religion. Okay, but this is not a religion either. This is just a cultural tradition. But it's like it's it's just you know, he may be phony, but the actual tradition of quanza and what has become, much like your use of nigga, is not phony the way that people choose to practice it. Meeting that the word nigga has changed to you you know what I'm saying, but the hundred years ago with something different. So Mile Karina is a person who has certain you know, falsities and ship with him and they got nothing to do with what he has created. And I've been to so many amazing, amazing Quanza celebrations where we talk about the principles that have nothing to do with anything monetary or Okay, so let's bring down the court the quanza. There's eugiema you jama ship and are you okay? Another one right now? Are in an attempt not to really sound like an East Coast liberal black motherfucker, principles are ye dana just one? Whatever the I got back, I got, bring it back. I'm sorry. Here we go drunk too, because that's not very appropriate. Not right, man, everybody rick on the principle the seven days of Kansa. The moja means unity, which is to strive for and maintain unity in the family community. Just talking. Let our right back from the top field. I read not Wikipedia, so we know we're getting facts. Just say it like you say you actually second seven seven Prinson of ku rin it down, Boss Bill, Alright, Moja, I'm going to do it. The English motherfucker is y'all about to really piss me off? It's Oumoja. Let me do it. Umoja. It means unity. Kuji Chong is not English. Motherfucker was the woke and conscious black people out there. I want you to know that I came here for you. If nobody is here for you. I am here like your nobody else. Motherfucking write peace to you? Okay? Unity, self determination, collective work and responsibility, Ojama, cooperative economics, NIA, purpose, Komba, creativity and money faith. Now you know what that name because a lot of people name me money, beautiful Bob Doubla, beautiful Mr. Dor. So you have to know each night something, so each night you celebrate that. So like you know, if you have to be in a quantance celebration, it is the day I've been until an Emoja day? Where's the day of unity? And you just sit and discuss with the room of people. You talk about how you are celebrating unity today. What did you do and how can you continue to do that? You know what I mean? Same thing? But all of those there are are principles that we can continue Polo's for all cultures. What was the second or third? One? Kind of lingers? I want to go on that night? Each each of those words represent a new night. Yes, that's a lot of Remember you could just google because I know those words. Because what if this Eugima night and you show up and want to be you Jama like what Eugima you went from work together to jama which made supporting each other come on man, Okay, like you know you already know I love you like a play cause you to, so you know what I mean. But I don't support cause I've always thought it was a quack holiday. But listen, whatever you if it brings you together, if it's quans or whatever a holidays, just this in June teenth, June and Juneteenth is like, I don't celebrate that because that ship is like June thinks, like basically j is the last day that there was slavery. Okay, official last day, but even though it's ended two years before that in Texas it only ended, yeah, but it was essentially for the niggas that found out late. So it's just it's not I don't feel like we should celebrate the slowest of our culture, you know. I mean, I don't feel like we should celebrate the niggas that found out. You know how that's funny, that's not true, but you know that's it's funny, but it's not true. But it's not that they found out too late. Like the white people was like, fuck you, I'm gonna do it when I feel like that's cute the way you remix it and everybody should watch Donald Glover's episode of June and then you understand a little bit deep. But I've never I've never celebarated teen. So now I think the closest we have to a black holiday would be God, what is the black holiday that we have? No? Is it King Day the Kingdom. That's an American holiday. We fought for that to be an American holiday, So we don't call that a Black holiday. Okay, So what's like a black holiday? Is like yeah, but I'm saying, you've got to have something else, Like is it like I celebrate Michael Jackson Day but right right? Or something? I mean something like that. Well, let's talk about let's talk about the elephant room James Brown dying on Christmas. I mean, we have to do something that has to be I mean the room not dying on Christmas? Is the elephant in the room. Are you to discussed that? Because bad Christmas? Like, dude, I remember being sad on that Christmas, like Jane Brown, like a good five minutes. But I'm back with you your work wife, and you were not. Yeah, me and my work wife, we're back. We're back together again. Make up the break up. That's all we do, but hold up spons for the cause real quick. And when we come back, we're moving to hour two of the show and continue our discussion about our Christmas memories, our favorite holiday songs, and James Brown's untimely Christmas demise. You're listening to a special Christmas two thousand and sixth edition of Quest Love Supreme. All right, I have a question for the for the group, Oh here we go, what's your favorite Christmas song? Thank you, thank you. I literally was trying to look up my notes on how to turn this conversation from around and you beat me to it. I have one that I think have Okay, well, um, I'm like, you're gonna last god dog and I raised my hand first, and this doesn't work like that. I'm just kidding ahead, Okay, So I have a list, but one of my favorites for the region would be, Um, Chuck Brown Merry Christmas Baby. I don't know if any I know that everybody is not familiar with the Go Go. I I know he had a Christmas song, Mad Christmas Baby. I hope that treats You're right, Hey, rest in peace to Chuck Brown. If you don't know he was the godfather of Go Go and it is straight DC, Maryland and Virginia music. But it kills if you if you know, like this iss baby, that was Chuck Brown, the soul serches Merry Christmas Baby? Hey can I can? I since you're the resident DC person here like you. My My thing with Go Go is, how come none of the studio versions sounds like the live version come off good, like I get it, but it doesn't compare to the liverage. They don't know what energ Yeah, I don't know what. But when they they do make albums to tape live and then you know, you just sell it like that. That's the way you gotta do it. Just buy a live join all right. So is there a place in DC that has can we do a Go Go episode? Would Yeah? I really would like to do a Go Go episode? O god Bill, that's it's so awesome. And then we can play like the people who are like may Go Go songs like Salt and Pepper, and I want to play like no, no, no, that's real though, like you, because like how we not how we te but love but real of the room doesn't know what Go Go Go is a very very regional again very I should actually I shouldn't say it because I'm not from DC. Lie here because it's really it's my thing. Is that very percussion based right, the rhythm of Go Go. It's actually based from a Philly song which kind of now you start in trouble what you're talking about, because I mean, at the end of the day, go goes rhythm base. It's based on this Mr Magic? How old is that? What's what's the year? Mr? Magic? Seventy three years? Ms? Mr Magic? By Grover Watching Yes from the album Mr Magic Grover Washing. Alright, this is like a DC favorite song, Like I was raised on this song. That's so funny, right, hey, shut out? Do we talk about the credit card scam one day? Yo? Wait? Oh wait, we grab it. Let's say, let's stay, let's stay boy. I think I know what you're talking about. You know, wait, still don't know what Okay, go yeah go? Basically like it's I mean, the rhythm of Go Go. I feel it has been derivative of a Philly song, which is Mr. Magic. That ain't the way to describe that's that's it's cute, It's not that's a really wrong way to describe percussion. It's a very percussive. Yeah, just gett I'll play pump me Up, which is the quintessential trouble fun. Trouble Fun, but really go and what bitches ain't shipped by Dr dre Is Um what is the trouble can only be perform with a live like a band, a full band, Coono's drums everything. Um. It is DC, Virginia, Maryland. And really it's kind of interesting because it kind of stuck there. But one of your favorite singers, Art Garf Uncle appeared in the movie. He's pointing at me. I'm sorry that actually did my explanation. It was Sugar Steve Art Garf Uncle. Uh. I thought that the future Go Go was going to really come well him and Chris uh owner of Island Records. Uh, Chris black Well like they really thought like going to be the year like Google is going to exclude And so they did this movie called Good to Go, where I vaguely remember that it didn't do it, didn't do it. And Chris, like Chris Blackwell thought that Go Go in the eighties was going to do for him what reggae and Bob Marley did in the seventies and it was unfortunate that it didn't. But I mean, Rick ruben Um signed uh the junk Yard Band to def Jam, so only I didn't remember Startin's in the word are talk. A matter of fact, Junk Junkyard Band is the first death jam group to get the new or the classic def jam logo, not the maroon old school deaf jam logo of the Beasto Boys, the legendary Go Go band Sky but Pump Me Up is like one of the famous. This is one of the probably the best studio example of go Go really percussive, really because of you only got no Go Pan door station? Is there one? This is also the song that Q scratched in Juice. That's right, That's right right, And I believe last night Pete Rockinville that he was doing he did. The cuts were not last night, not last night A long time. I'm so drunk I thought it was last night. It was a few weeks ago with Mirror Yeah, layoff the Douce. Well, I'm surprised that music didn't catch on you. I hear your shade anyway. So yeah, I mean, but Go Go music is uh the but do that was like the biggest probably the closest mainstream. There's a really great oral history on uh from Marcus Miller, Uh noted jazz basis uh producing that record with with EU or the the Trouble. But yeah, because he it sounds like a crazy sentence. Well, no, I'm in Marcus Miller. You know he produced Luther Vandros like he was doing some Damn. I didn't know he was that. Like, that's interesting. I never Yeah, absolutely so, Marcus Miller produced it and half of the school Day soundtrack. That's awesome soundtrack. We got it. We have to get mark shout out to the raise be alone tonight. The best song? Oh my god, Titia Campbell's whenever she sings at her club a l A Like it's still the last time I saw her singing. A J came on it together and I lost my mind. I still got in my phone. Oh my god, no way, I'm sorry, that's house party. But you know what I'm saying. She did do I want to I don't want to be alone to night. I'm amazing. I mean, but a J did come on stage. Wow, this this is this? What's your favorite Christmas song? Yo looked to the left right that the whole world. We only have to describe what's going on right now. I'm Washington. Be quiet. Yes, anyway yourself. So that's your favorite song? Like this one of my I think it's only right to you know, keep it. That was a long tangent. Oh you know it was. Don't know what I mean, people don't know. I apologize for you. It's like the rabbit hole. That is the show. That's my phone. I'm sorry. Yeah, my favorite Christmas song, I would probably say Clarence called a backdoor. Yes, yes, of course, be stroking. That's what I'd be doing. You stroke it stroking the east. I'm stroking to the West. I'm stroke it to the I love that stroke it. Just question what time of the day do you like to make Look? Have you ever made in a car? Have you ever made love to a super stop? Your welcome world. That's what happens after only you stroking? Based on the commercials. How did you know it? Because that was so like that Stroker used to get played on the radio. We played it on the radio actually anywhere backdoor Santa Clarence Carter, some of you hip hop page will say this sounds mighty familiar. Oh wow, I got that one. Can I guess this is a special guess it. It's Clarence Carter back Door Santa Yeah. Sorry, sign I make my wrongs about the breaking camor I make some serious stereo separation, all right, Yeah, Clarence Carter, he had that was another one. It was that one, yeah, with back Door, back Door Santador live from Electrolady Studios. And he had that one. He had stroking and he also had Patches. That was another. So it was depressing this fun Patches, um, depending on Wait, here's the anything about Patches? Uh? That Patches uh was when when we worked when the Roots worked on our sixteenth record. Um, we worked on uh and then you shoot your cousin. Uh. Richard Nichols, are dearly departed producer and manager, said that he wanted the album version of Patches like just a very depressing, gut wrenching uh song that listen accomplished. Yeah, man yeah man, Um. Anyway, I got a song I want to choose. Um, you're gonna tell us before you just drop it? Yeah, I gotta find it first. What's your favorite Christmas holiday song? Boss? I got a whole Christmas mixtape, you do? And I ran it last Christmas. Yeah you read did it? You rent Nintendo and mix dape? Yeah, you had the day you put the Dana Dangel on that joint. Sure did. Dan Dana is coming to town man that I forgot about that. I think that was the first time I heard the long red breakbeat alone. Yeah. Actually purchased that profile. Let's still up on the end of it. Yeah, I gotta find it. The artist is uh actually you know what. Uh. Wendy Williams played this on her show the very first time I spoke to uh back when he was her psychic. Uh. Yeah, first time I ever spoke to Charlotte Magne. I called, I called the station and asked him to send me the song. I never heard it before, but it's one of my favorite Christmas songs. Uh. This is the other one where it's not Christmas until I hear this song. Yes, this is Santa Claus is a Black Man by Kim Teddy Van. Hey night, you know last night, Mama Dan to like that is a very important song that Santa Claus is a black man because the reason why it's important is because listen, I think that you just said us black people. I did because as is a black father you don't want your you listen, I know you're doing with this. Come on, brother, I tell my kids that Santa Claus is me, motherfucker, because all the ship that I do to provide, I'm not gonna give the credit to a fucking white man running out the chimney. No, Nigga, it wasn't him. It was me. Nigga got them hosted Quest of Supreme and you grab ship. I'm like, listening, bro, it was me because I think that like listen, no, and this is real. I think black people from if you look at like Jesus and then like Santa Claus and Ship, where those are like in mainstream you know portrayals, those are white men that are always saving niggas. So like them when they know you're away, I'm like the all knowing white man. I'm like, nigga, this is nigga. Know when I'm sleeping them away, so I gotta be good for his sake, funk out of here. So no, it's me. Santa Claus is here because of me, because the Quest or Supreme, me flying back and for you got the New York got damn Tikelero for in exchange, Nigga, I had to go to the Grammy stire for this house nigga coming down the fucking chimney, who you sold all my life force for this ship. So it's important to black people. I think over the years of seeing those figures of like white men saving niggas, I think that affects your psyche after a while. So that is why I think it's important. I'm totally wrong, dude, I'm totally cool. Still Sherman's favorite holiday song, Steven Slowly. I'm actually curious. This is the one thing I actually give about here. I want to well, I just this is what I came into the interview wanted to find out. I have three, So tell me your song. Were only doing one. Now, I want everybody's least Hnny hath Away of this Christmas okay, than oh this long on this Christmas pen as we trained ladies and gentlemen. That was, of course the Donnie Halfway classic this Christmas Uh chosen by of all people, unpaid Bill. I guess I'm just glad you all motherfuckers didn't think I was gonna say that right, because it got it really did. Gives you a real jew by THEA was blue Christmas, Bob Rowe and Miles David Sex dead. You know that one. That's a good one. Are you talking fast and talking? And dominic to the Italian Christmas Donkey, which is a amazing song. You should play. What is it? Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey. I'm just glad you didn't say Grandma got right over. I used to listen to that song and eat chicken, litle soup and a friend Kevin Porter's house every seven. That's true, boss Bill. What's your favorite Christmas song? My favorite Christmas song was is Vince Garrawl These Christmas Times? Yeah, that's good. So that's my favorite Christmas. Great song. I'm with you. I'm with your brother, all right. So Steve, what what is your favorite Soka con jam um? My favorite Christmas song is do They Know It's Christmas? By band Aid, which is uh. I'm sure you remember when they came out. Yeah, I remember when it when it premiered on Friday Night Videos. Yeah, that was I remember buying the forty five like Sam Goodye or something. It was at the counter and a special thing because when the money went to charity, so you felt like you were doing your part to feed the world. No, I just like the song like Phil Collins was on it. It was like a whole It was like a whole bunch of British people in Jodi. It was the white we are the World right like the Africa. But this was before We Are the World. It was like a year or so. Wow, So they were okay. I thought that was started live aid. Hands Across America was butting off we are the World all right? So avance did anybody participate in Hands Across America? Did you really have to go oss out of the hand hold hands? Yeah? I r I ran, I just button line like I was supposed to. You registered somewhere and then they give you a number and then you're supposed to go there. But the location they gave me the hold hands was like somewhere deep in North Philly. Oh wow. And even if I'm not from North Philly the way that I said North Philly, lets you know that? Yeah, you know what it is. It was near MLK Boulevard in holding hands up there. So I missed this Hands Across. This was Nichols was going outside holding hand was Rogers like who started hands Across? Because I remember the song was this like and you just hell hands so this is basically the eighties Mannequin Challenge without Yeah, it was I remember I cut. I tried to cut church late or not. I cut it early because I wanted to buy run deem C's raising Hell. Cut church to go by raising and hold just the position I cot raising Hell. I picked the red cover because they had multiple covers. And then uh, I got off the trolley and saw everybody holding hands. It was like, yeah, this this is my queue to not go to North Philly. Like you weren't supposed to just butt in line and hold someone's hands, but I did. You have to make a reservation. Okay, but what was this? So what was supposed to show? Like solidarity or you know, the whole point was that we're America was supposed to hold hands with each other from California all the way to New York, Like what's sixty six? Yeah you just yeah, you old hands supposed to five minutes, minutes, fifteen minutes. So what did that have to do would feed the world? Is that it's eighties. You know, the eighties were really big on charity and stuff. Since we're talking about it, do we have the White Clubs version of the on the World I don't care how drunk you are right now, never ever, ever, everything like that. So who else was on that? Steve Well, Bono and Sting and Bob Geldof and boy George and all the old British a lot of not well. I noticed that everyone blew up after the fact, like when was having some heat by then in the eighty four and when wasn't on it? But yes it was, George Michael was on it. I'm pretty sure George Michael was on Yes, he was, he was, Yes, George Michael. Okay, yeah, I remember now and then Simon le Bond comes in. Let's play this song first. It's all about Phil Collins. But anyway, everybody, it is all about Phil Collins. Um but yeah, oh all right, I'll try your post. That's the post. I forgot the post and this is Bono. Right. It's a fun to try and identify every singer as you go through the song. Barnald got first DIBs on this train. Boy George. I'm just waiting for the hook because this don't it's not bringing I'm waiting for the hook grooves like what did you have table in the house, George Mark? Where Michael And then durandoman all right here the song was a big guilt trip is what it is to get you to donate to charity. Yeah, it was like a white guilt soundtrack. It takes like forty minutes to get to the hook at hurry up and buy you know, it's where it grows in the video Jody Whatley sort of resembling Salange. Now then remember this? Yeah, where's the feed the world part? Now it's come later? Impatient, right, seriously, Margaret, you better simmer down. That was Paul Yachris. This was remade by someone, right, was this? It was remade about three or four years ago? Okay, Modern artists like Cold They did a version of two thousand four. Yeah, Cold plays, Cold plays on it. They didn't win a nine too, maybe I think I think the nine was the one I know who wasn't remember Kathy Dells. Yeah, wait, that's the version I know, Kylie. They used to play that version when I wore Stansfield. Ye, trying to like what did it sound like? I remember? I think the Pasadena I remember this in a barn. Ye remember the past of data That was London beat. That's this is kind of what that means? What British music sound like at the time, like this was the production You do know that, right? Unpaid Bill? What that this is prototypical of British Yeah, I mean yeah, no, I mean clearly this is the d X seven being used to the Hill seven. So what year was that though? Okay, so I remember this They used to play that. I think the eighty nine version they used to play when I worked at KB Toys. Yeah. Can you say about worrying at Kaby Toys? Used to be my favorite person. It was it was a budget towards the rus KB toys. It used to working the one in the mall and uh yeah, man, that ship was It was pretty bad. It was pretty bad. What did you do there? I was? It was a I did some everything. I was. I worked a register. I was like the stop guy. I was customer service. So like when people would come in and be like, yo, I need to fucking tickle me elm or whatever, where is it? I would point them to it. Um, did you like stashed towards in the back just so that you can get first DIBs on buying them? No? I didn't really, I didn't really do that. I was I was kind of looking for at the time, I was video games, That's what I was, you know, trying to see if they were at them. But it was a pretty pretty bad job. But my my manager was this black lady named Helen. She was cooler ship and um she was cool. She she put me on. I think I was making maybe like seven dollars a hour, which was it was pretty good for like you know what, this was ninety eight, you know what I mean. It was like it wasn't wasn't bad, wasn't bad. Job had k tours and then they later went Billy up and so that was the end of an era. But they used to play that jam and they used to play uh damn Christmas. Let us they played that jam and they just played that and uh Wonderful Christmas Time by wings Ye Paul McCarty, my favorite. That was the jail. That's still the jail. That's not my favorite. You told us your favorite was something else already. Well no, no, no, well I have a lot of favorites, but no, Wonderful Christmas Time was you know that that was a happy moment for for my childhood. No, that was the story, because there's a story. It was a very good year I don't. I don't think I have good stories about Christmas. I mean, my best Christmas I think was I thought I was only getting socks. It was like our poorest Christmas. So you know, like when you only get socks and sweaters like stuff that you really don't need from that that has that that weren't accessory gift in the corner I was. I was, I was resigned to just having that. But I forgot that my dad had a drummer that went a wall on him. So um, one day I just came downstairs and got that drum set for Christmas. And I'm just like, thank you. Yes, that was their best investment ever. But I mean much of the career started with one guy saying kind of go on, shout out to Frog. His name was Frog, Frog out of way, shout out to Frog for uh for looking out and uh abandoning his career and my dad and and somewhere in Ohio, I think in stupen Ville, I think. But yeah, somehow that reminded me. I don't know how that happened, that I me working at KB towards you asked me unpaid bill working at KB. And so the Mexicans used to come in there. It's now because they would come in and I learned that I kind of became the mark. So basically, when you come in, they asked you, they would always ask, you know, uh, I fetch you, I fet you, like the price, like what is what is the price? And so I guess if you if they asked you what it was and you took it up to the counter, they would have to do a price check. And so after a while I started putting together. I'm like, okay, are they trying to like negotiate with me or they're trying to kind of borrow whatever. So finally this, uh, this is my coworker. It was I can't remember this. I think the name was Susan something. Just white. Lady had a long lighter. She's like, Fonte, everything is prices marked. Tell him everything's fucking prices marked. I was like okay, and so I just told him prices. It's the price, that's what it is. And then they left me alone. But they used to come in. They're getting but they used to come that mother, they pay with cash, they pull out, damn you know what I'm saying. And I'm sure you know there was a story behind that they probably you just never called him. Yeah, you know what I mean. But I learned a lot where the cave. Say, I know where that with. But do you Christmas job, Steve? Uh? No, Christmas job? What do you mean? I mean? I shoveled driveways from you? You know what your Christmas job is? Holiday holiday? What do you mean? You mean like specific job during Christmas time just for the holiday seas Sometimes people get extra jobs during the holidays, shovel driveways on my street man cash Okay, well yeah everyone does that. I mean I never got paid for it, though my boys don't paid for you volunteered to do it in your neighbor. Well, no, I didn't do it like that, but that wasn't anybody else. This driveway that's where my Prince dads came from read from. Yeah, because like that out and then I just shoveled. You didn't deal with Indiana winters. So yeah, that's very true. That's very true. Yeah, I go out shovel, make about forty bucks, and then by the Prince discography all over again for the third time you ever you ever try to shovel At this age, it's like a whole different like feeling in this day. I just wanted to just anybody ever, you know, because the pain be for real. Yeah, yeah, that's what nieces and nephews are for. That's real exercise. I don't know if we don't know it then, but it is. Yeah. I shoveled out my my neighbor, that look that lives like two hous down for me. Uh it's Darline. I shovel her, show her driveway for you know. She's old, the older black lady. And I try to be as Layah calls me friend to the black woman. I was in my head. I was praying this was gonna be like one of those Playboy Electric Blue the perfect name. Yeah, some eighties port old lady, but now she was amens five is f But now you're right though. Shoveling snow, Now that ship is man. Yeah, my kids do that ship. I ain't about to die and driveways shoving. I moved to shovel drivers. Wait, my dad was shoving the drop. I don't know where the my nephew was, but he had like some heart issues while he was Okay, somebody puts some pineapple in front of me from right bro. Sorry, So yeah, yeah, man, I should have put that in this damn looker soaked the pineapple in the liquor. That would have been who city do say in pineapple brown sneaking drinking prison. Yeah, because as we're talking about this, he's explaining to me the origin of hooch. I have no idea, like do you mean the terminology? Just this is rank talking about fruit inside? Who just just who just just it's illegally made liquor. So I actually have members of my family that do it. I can't walk you through the process, but I don't want to know how to make it. Okay, Yeah, but I don't know where is ya speakeasy? Look at houses? Um, it kind of comes from that. In the black community, we always had, like you know, the underground economy. So that's exactly what are you serious? You can get strawberry moons but is it? But if they if you can buy moonshine and the liking store, is it's still moonshine once the slave master show up? Is it still a slave of the lure is gone? Like? Man, when we really gets legal, like whatever, nor a right, don't worrybout it about don't do you think my boy? My voice has the power? Yeah, to be fine. People are about to be great. Okay, okay, it will be great. You sound like, uh, well not man, I'm yeah, moon shine. I had my first taste of it when I was a kid. Now I think, but I did a lot of drugs as a kid, so I probably shouldn't have those backs or like with their blessings, like did you have one of the uncles and adds like here boards my okay, my my uncle's and my grandmother They were like, I know you'll get Bruce's millions. He was like, listen, I'm gonna make you hate cigare. He called his dad called and smoking a cigarette. He was like, I'm gonna make you hate cigarettes, making them by making you smoke like a pack of that. So for me, I went through that. Where I got it was I got it two ways. My grandmother, my this was my dad's mom. She was God rest his soul. She used to dip snuff. Right, what is say, Well, I don't snuff all right, so snuff is tobacco. Was chewing tobacco. She used to dip snuff and so she had a a blue can a snuff and it and it was like sowing so peach snuff so I'm like four five and I'm like, I'm like, now, don't let me teach. Let me let's taste it. She was like, nah, I don't don't want that. I said, no, I say, peaches on it. It's I mean, it's it's gotta be good. It's peaches. Okay, baby, don't do it. I said, no, limit take so far as She's like, okay, go ahead, brother, I took one. It hit my tongue and I accidentally swallowed. So to this day, I've never I've just many drugs ADVI experiment, not no hardship, not not real drugs, but like just like we I've never in my day. The taste was that real drugs. I've never spoke a cigarette in my life. But she let you just do it. It wasn't any punishment, right, No, no, no, she just let me do it because she wanted me. I think she wanted me to see how bad it really was. And so then I had another instance saying, Grandma, they had some corn looking moonshine. That's what you know. We called it corn look down the country, but you know your corno And I took one hit to that. Bro. Oh no, no, no, you're I think we might have somebody. Did you just called up a laptop? I just came out with you. I know you can't see this, but Steve has been coughing for the last like five minutes. It's as if he coughed up a laptop. Sugar computer court like sugar coming back to his original corn liquor, say something, people know you alive. The David Blaine of coughing just coughed the ship right wait it was. I don't know if I'm gonna turn this a really dark Christmas story or no, go in? But all right now this see culturally, it's different with the households. And you know, our particular households were big one corporal punishment absolutely which modern that's the worst modern day that's known as abuse. But you know it was around I definitely remember the Christmas tree being up, but I too, like like the way you were attracted to peach or whatever the font was. There was a cigarette company called bell Air Cigarettes. Do you remember bell Air cigarettes? Oh? Man? What they were like? They were like in the Virginia Slims family. Did we just go down the hole? No? Lie is just being like telling me about the bail Airs where those the candy cottages you can eat or no, those are realignal. It was real motherfucking cigarettes. I like the candy cigarettes, candy cigarettes with mush Yeah, those bubble gum candies because I mean, I said, I want to smoke that, because I like the logo and everything in the clouds and everything bell Air and you know, I see, I hate putting this out, but yeah, And in one of his many Joe Jackson glory moments, that was that was probably the second worst punishment I've ever gotten. Was he a switchman, a belt man, a handman. We had a slave whip. I didn't know about. No. One day when we talk about the worst punishment, Okay, we're going to that, we're going to that, but no, actually to this day, uh envy Osley Brothers discography, like, first of all, if you do punish your kids and and and reprimand them to turn the music off because it's gonna ruin that song to this day time you feel paid to this day, Harvest for the world God, the album cover, everything associated with that record traumatizes the Ship album and there is no album in nineteen seventy six, it goes from the heat is on straight to go for because like there's nothing in between anything blue them standing on water. Wow, that's amazing. Damn it down like Eliah's cover of that like that, So he beat your ask for the whole album? Did he take a break the flips on for a minute, come and Robert Harris when I wanted, But that is a yo, smoke whipping music. I had to smoke eight cigarettes. Smoked eight I'll take the whipping and then I got with but yeah, let me down, do you managine get your asked beat to let me down to easy all aside to harvest for the world. I got my ass beat, yo, think the president of me not drinking, me not smoking. You know, I'm with you, Yeah, I think, yeah, definitely. I don't think you have to go that hardcore. But yeah, that was shout out to Christmas seventy six. So anyways, tell me more about you. You know, it's Christmas for they were the first to do it, man. I mean I'm a big fan of We Are the World as well. So it's a really hard question. It's a really hard question. Really, Yeah, what's a really hard question the world because for me, yeah, I mean no, no, no, no, no, no no. I actually liked the documentary to We Are the World was incredible. Yeah, I see Michael Jackson dancing like James brown Man and then trying to teach Bob Dylan how to really get up in there, because that was man. Yeah, I mean bridge man to like, do they I feel like, do they know it's Christmas has More? I don't know it's it's I think it's probably a better song and like a better performance and a better recording. And but We're the World, you know at Quincy Jones, Michael Jackson line Richie and you know, I feel like Ray Charles may like that song better. It's just so you know, I'm exactly knocked that out in eight hours. I respect for them too, you know, to to execute with precision, because leave your egos at the door. Yeah, that was my favorite. Yeah when he said leave you check your eagles at the door. And there's one went where he did raise his voice. And do you remember when Stevie and James were kind of making fun of Quincy. He said something like there was talking to the background. I need I mean it and then everyone got silent and then like you just see like James Ingram, Stevie wonder like business like they were like mat making fun of him. Is that like your favorite? Like, because you know, it's been a couple of records where it's like twenty artists for random like things like there's the MLK John Uh, Martin Luther, what's the Martin Luther King song with Whitney Houston? And then there was a golf War song which was more inclusive racially Leny Kravit. No, they did chance what's the songwriter? Dude who married the Jenner's ex wife who has Brodie Genner? And I was, I know this is a bad for y'all. Should have a bunch of songs many ex wife roost the like three yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah everything. I ran through so many bitches, stop right there, okay now because we miss it. It was the what was it? It was? That's what friends and four? That was the Aid song right right? But that was just a few people didn't It was lift every voice and sing with Jasmine guy doing the in the video, doing this the dance, the solo world. I remember that. I remember that. That's really wasn't Melbourne more behind Yeah? Yeah, all the it's the whole genre, all the people that Melbourne her husband were shut out to Melbourne Moore by the way. Oh, she she reaches out to you too. No, No, she didn't reach out to me. I know she reached out to you. She didn't reach out to me. She shot actually to Melbourne Moore, who frequently listens to the show, and she frequently reaches out to at Stephen Mandel. She does, but she will. Who wouldn't. My aunt gave me one of her old albums. I don't remember the name of it. She's like laying down. No, I'm not beating. That's one of the I believe it. She's not that lean on me. She's like laying down on the album cover. It's like a long title. I can't sing a song. I can't sing you know what I mean? If you were born five years earlier. Back when she like she came to our attentions, I guess the the Hamilton's of his day was No. I thought I thought it was pearly pearly okay. Oh, but she was in here too, though she did here as well. I didn't know that. But I think Pearly is what got her. I believe she got a tone with with and then got ad deal and then you know, just became Melbourn more. But she she did a song called Lean on Me, which she infamously would hold the last note for like and it sounded just like that for like seven seconds, like she would hold it long and then yell out. I think she's speaking tongues. Now I gotta find it. Wait, wait, I just knew it from being married to the reverend from a man. And then something happened to man she was married to. It was like some drugs and Paul, I promise you, I promise you know because I know that her husband managed Freddie Jack. Yeah, he was both Huggins right right, Higgins, yeahs production hush orpheus big ship up again. They produced that by Temptations with Cadine Hardison the third. Yeah, that's right right, Yeah, that was my hero when he was in the Fish of Saint Pittsburgh. He was a boyfriend. I'm sorry, he was her boyfriend. The actor reveals to but using women drugs. Yes, this is Melvill Bore and Clifton Davis. Yeah, Melbowe, she was in Deaf by Temptation. She was Wasn't she like a psychic or character? She was a psychic or something. That's a spiritual medium or something like that. But it sounds about rights. But yeah, she was in here, that's the lending from here. Anyway, it's to me. I thought it was this Wait, what song is this? This is lean on Me from Melbourne Moore. Alright, this like classic in the sevenths, bring it down. So what you gotta understand everybody's singing these ad libs verbatim. She got more based on her voice and but she was impersonating. But sorry, so she will hold this note, make it and then she holds this ship for like forty seven seconds like she did did this shit on the Tonight show. All right, this is the editor person, but it goes for another eight brill I remember was on the Tonight Show. She did that ship and it was like she speaking in tongues. Wait what was that? I mean two year old? Like she was speaking in tongues you know, to make that my ring tone? Yeah, I don't think you want to hear that voice after three in the morning as your ring tune. Okay, Yeah, so anyway, Yeah, I got my ass beat to uh Osley the album the whole both Wait, hold on, just keep talking. I'm gonna find out how long this album child Services, I want to file a retroactive child damn for information. Should also know Clifton Davis and Melboy had a TV show together like Share and Sonny When U circa uh nineteen seventy two. According to IMDb, oh okay, variety shows were like like, that's the thing being the age I am. I'm proud to have seen many a one off variety show. They were like the reality shows of today. You could You and the Pips that their own variety show for like eight episodes. I mean the Jackson's had their own I mean Flip Wilson he had, but there was Tony Orlando and Down, Sonny and Share. Then Share had her own show. Well everyone knows dining, well everyone my age should know. And now all we got is Martin. That's yes, Mary, if you want to be okay, yeah, my m Marty. The Melbourne Moore album I was referring to that my AUNTI gave me is from nineteen seventy one. It's called Look what You're Doing to the Man. Who's the man? I'm the man? Apparently Christmas nineteen seventy six got his asked for thirty seven minutes and fifty four solid half hour. Man, I remember let Me Down Easy. I don't remember two months going on on at your Best. I think it was on my eighth cigarette by the time, and you get all Catacon comes on the album before let Me Down Easy? Now, yeah, exactly, That's what I mean. Like, I think by that point I was thrown up profusely. We need to get back to that as parents. Yea, let's talk about it kids for the length of sitcoms like credit right, yeah, you do not condone it. You come on, so are you are you a time out parents? No? No, no, you know what. Man? For me, I thank god, I've only I've only had to probably just really like put hands on my kids, both boys, maybe like once or twice. It's like when they were like they're good. Yeah yeah, yeah, you just put the fear of God in them. Oh well, it's a little both because I mean I do have good boys. I mean they you know, they test a little something once a while, but I generally do have really great kids. But I had to put their fear in early. And you know, for me, can just be just a look you know what I mean, you know, just to like look, come on, bro. But so so I never really had to get into that. I went through it, you know what I'm saying. I went through it like for real, for real. But I never really had to beat my boys like that. We should got to look. Yeah, my ship was without warning. Oh it's just on the side. So you ain't had nobody send you into the woods to go get the switch. Go get me a switch. See. You gotta understand, from the period that my dad retired, initially from show business, him and my mother had a a boutique or a shop or that sort of thing. And then for like half a second, I don't know like what else they were sold there, but yeah, for one unfortunate march of there. Who was the slave? Actually the whip came from this story, I would assume it would sell it to them or was this a slave with just my last me? And now you can make a weird, weird artifacts man, you know what I'm saying. So I had that. I didn't have you ever like hide the belt like I tried the belt. Not no, not in times where you were in trouble, just like in passing, like oh there's that the belt, let me hide. I tried hiding the belt. But then when when hiding the belt failed objects just got more like so it went from a belt too, because it then uh like we were get the go pick your own switch joint, and that's like, don't make it weak. That's some slave ship, like for real, like that's what you don't have to. But I don't live there in place that had, dude, we had we had a tree. We had a tree in my grandmother's backyard and I want to say, maybe it was a craip murder. I'm not sure, but it was a tree in the backyard that was specific. I think. I think it was a crap murder, I think, But anyway, and you have to go out and you picked the little branch off and take the leaves off. And she liked that ass up. So then as I got a little bigger, she didn't do the switches no more. So then I graduated too. She had a fly swater. I think she got a flywater And then like my time was like eight nine, I got a hot Wheels race track orange joint. Yeah no, no, no, no, I had I had that one, but I had another one. It was like a black and hard black one. It was the middle it was like the curves and it was a straight pieces she used to the straight Pieces track. How do you figure that out? Grabbing contic like that though, Like did you get the talk first and then or wasn't just like sometimes yeah, most of the time I would say I would get the talk or there would be some warning, you know what I'm saying, Like if I was cutting up in church Sunday, the Sunday whipping is terrible because then you're whipping and you're just demoralized and you can't go nowhere, you can't go outside. You're just getting your gass beat and you're just in the house that's sucking sad on a Sunday. Cartoons in public, yeah you got You never got popped in the public, but I got popped in front of my foot. Wait the mam wad come to class? Women that terrible had that It's like the words everybody hates Chris scenario where you're cutting up and you turn around, but it's one of the moments where your friends are like you up, your friends point turn around, turn around, and then you turn around and you see your parents, Like I immediately regurgitated before like I turned around and all over the floor because they had to drive they were on the road, like I was at my grandmother's house. So they had to drive like two hours from their gig to come to the ball. Oh my god, that's that. Yeah. I didn't have to take off work as him. Yes, no, no, it's levels to it. I'm telling my brother, look that I didn't have to take work from my jaw. Yes, I don't have no And this is before like this is the A was no fucking PTO and none of that ship, no flecks, it was none of that at what No, And I wasn't no hr. It was like if you miss work, you ass ain't getting the chick And like, yeah, my mother had to come to the school for me one time. Yeah work whip. Oh man, I feel for you, man, yeah yeah, but it made me a stronger person. Somehow abuse made better. I'm not saying, but that ship was real though. Sorry, it's like roses that just happened when you need no dairy though. That's being beautiful. That's too much information, all right? Are we totally depressed on Christmas? Right now? I'm happy because, in the words of a great songwriter, be glad it's them. I think every example were given. It was it we made it look at all we came. No, we're never playing the high sleep. I know I did a few of my favorite Christmas songs. Can I add one more? Thanks? Thanks, thanks, he said happily. Jesus, Hey man, he's Boss Bill from Indiana's Cold? Yeah, cold, but well I want to go to the Fishbone Hat a sort of Christmas album. Uh call, We're going to have a good life. You know, they have a really great song about heartbreak called slick Nick you Devil? So I want to play that on of course Love Supreme only on pandor slick Kneed start from zoo so do not chimney with a keg of boo, put my dog out in the cold, ripped off the candy from my side, smoking clothes and drinking Scotch. M slick Nick, you devil? You slick Nick? That was slick Nick. You w buy Fish Bone Special Holiday Edition of Quest Love Supreme? Uh wow, Yeah, I think I gotta over already. Yeah. This is uh I'm mary Christmas a bad idea? Can you imagine all the families? I think it's amazing idea. Do you guys do? Uh? Are you guys big on family during the holidays? That's the only thing you can do for free. Really, really, you can eat their food, you can cook with your family like that. Are you in good with are you allowed to talk about? Are you in good with your family? Boss? Bill? Yeah? I mean like I just Christmas is just a hassle. I hate to travel during Christmas. The last time, the last time I went home for Christmas was three years ago. Wait, so Christmas just another day to you? Yeah, you're spending like in Brooklyn chilling. Yeah, oh man, that's not the meaning of Christmas. Bill, over the damn house for Christmas, Chris, come over my house for like Christmas. You can have come to St. Louis with me, but it ain't funny. I'm not trying to go. Why are you going to St. Louis? Because my mama from St. Louis and my my mother's nine one, so we got to let her get her last. She's always no, she just was born and she left when she was sixteen, like all the other smart people like Jennifer Lewis from St. Louis. Of course Louis. I like St. Louis too, No, for real, But you like the art. I like the barbecue? Yeah? Did? Jared Curls no, I mean someone like the black where the pageant is. It's a good record store. There's a lot of vintage movie theaters with St. Louis. Yeah, yeah, no, it's cool. But you know, I w want it's nice to visit still on recent events in St. Louis. Just period. It's a little slow there. Shout out to St. Louis. It is pick up to St. Louis. I love y'all, but but from it's a little slower there, so not really like ten years ago. Sorry, I don't agree with you at all. Like god, you know when some the best times in my life. St. Louis it is real last town man shouting Nelly St. Louis Manah, what do you do like now that your father? Okay, all right, have you ever had to grinch your kids? Have you ever had to steal Christmas? Uh? Halfway s clau halfway there. I am else. I'm not giving my cred no fat white man that so okay, how do you really feel? I really feel was that from the beginning they didn't they always oh absolutely, once they were cognizant and we're able, I let them know, like no, the sound clause ship that they're selling y'all that's bullshit. What did you reveal to them that Santa Claus was no longer man when we were like like four or five years old, Like how they take the news. They were just like, okay, dad, you know, as long as we're getting some ship, we cool. Yeah, they don't where it gives come from. And but the thing was, now, what I did have to do with my youngest because he just would talk and just running out their mouth. So what I did have to tell him because he then took the ministry to school and was telling the kids, you know, Santa Claus isn't real, that's bullshit. And I'm like, nigga, you in the third that. So for him, I was like, okay, I gotta chill. So what I had to tell him was like, listen, man, even though this is what we do in the household, you can't spoil it in other people's households. So if other people want to believe in Santa Clus Santa Claus, you have to give them the flexibility to believe in that and not shipped on their dreams even though I is your father's shipped on yours. Sante Claus. Santa Claus supposed to be a whole like training thing for children in religion and not in my house, not in your house, just to control them to be nice. And you know what I'm saying, Like you know, you know what what Fante was just saying about. You know, Okay, what we do in this house is what we believe here, and what people do over there is what they believe there. So is it. But you know what, don't like Let's think let's no for real, man, let's talk about how disturbing the concept of Santa Claus. I don't think we've ever broken that ship down. Like, dude, and what you were doing? You let your kids go to a stranger and sit on his lap. Are you saying that? Nobody who in this room has said on his lap? Because I realized I was afraid. You never you're afraid, you're afraid. I had my first a few nightmares of life. I think at the age of three, I dreamt that like Santa Claus is trying to kill me or something like whenever, Like it's weird, like a lot most of the roots are afraid of clowns. I was afraid of Santa Claus. Well there I forgot who said it, either to reek or something. No, no, not afraid someone said that they couldn't trust someone that couldn't stop smiling whatever. But yeah, no, there's there's I mean, people generally have fear of clowns and stuff. But um, I'm sorry. I was distracted by the last the New I just like to remind everybody we started out this show with they don't really drink, so I don't, but when I do, I do it. So okay, But I was afraid to Santa Claus like by the age of three. So and then by then, I mean I kind of knew that my parents, um, we're controlling Christmas. Um, I don't know. My my Christmas is were kind of dope because I would just get a lot of music, so you there, like actually I would buy like my dad's records knowing that I was just going to take them like two days later for Christmas, and so he wouldn't really have a Christmas. Christmas. So Christmas of like eighty Wren, that Gordon Gartchal episode of not Gordon Garchal, the Stevie Wonder episode. So the gym on, man, I'm gonna tell you gym. So I mean between getting sorry anyway, sorry, getting getting that Cassio s K one Christmas. I got one of those as well. And you're not a beat maker. No to do the curse words, you know. I just I was trying to think sish ship shihihiu demo. I would just hit the demo jowned and try see what I could do. I had a key team beat had had a castal keyboards, and my mom got me like ninety one and if you put it in demomde it played, Uh it played a Rick Astley song. But are you serious? It wasn't. It wasn't It wasn't never gonna give you up. It was together Forever, which was never gonna give you up. They were the same pretty much. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. So if you say demomo, that's the first thing that comes to my mind. It's a dope like it might be was refurbished. That's that's amazing. Speaking of which, wait for that for the Rick Astley one, was that the Yamaha version of that keyboard? I think I'm pretty sure it was a Cassio keyboard, but little pads on it? No? No, well okay, because uh true not. Macio revealed to me, yes, that particuted What what machine is? That is showing a picture of a castio and for real world, I think I just got choked up. It reminds you of like everything that was like was innocent in your life. My point was that live Macio of Daylight Sol revealed to me that like a lot of their three feet hide and rising samples were used with that, but they would just do it manually, which I was amazed that. But yeah, I had to cast your escape and then I upgraded to the Yamaha guy. It wasn't it was one of these. It was one of them, but it was a Yamaha joint. They had the same thing, but just longer. Five five seconds of sampling. Absolutely, Oh is that why shun? His name was? After w keep talking about you were you were, You were like just a couple more letters down the alphabet and you were almost there. But his name is Sean. That's kind of came from so close, Margaret, so fucking close, so far. So we're learning here on question. At the risk of asking this question, Franto, here we go, what was your favorite Christmas of all time? So the puppets keep Oh, man, I guess probably my favorite Christmas of all time was probably when I was oh, my god, man, this was going into I was in college. Actually, this was my freshman year of college, and I was home and after my first semester, you know, you know, false smester, you come home for the for the winter, and so that semester that was when I got PlayStation one. I gottation. What was your favorite video My favorite video game was Teken, which wasn't as racial charge is that, but but no, but that was probably my favorite one because that was the time where you know, I, honestly, man, I thought my mom had just forgot about me. I thought I was just kind of written off, like he's in college, he's good, he's whatever. But my mother bought me. My mother and the guys you at the time, they bought me her which they became her husband bought me a a PlayStation one, and so I ended up I would play PlayStation one with my brothers, my younger brothers, we would play Teching at that time. And so then I I later took it to Central with me, took it back to college with me, and that was when me and my roommate we got into Resident Evil and I didn't go to class for like a month. Now, Oh my god, Resident Evil come on, man, like that ship was a movie. Oh oh, man, listen. I always recovered. I never I was always a good student. I just you know, I would like say, fun class. But then when it came time to really be there for like tests and like real ship, I would be there and I would I would use the test. But but yeah, me and my homeboy in my shop, my man Milk, we would just play Resident Evil all day and have all the milks and our joint lt Milt Milt. But don't find my favorite one. Man. That was my favorite one at that time, Bill Milt. What was your grandma named Milt? I think what was your favorite holiday moment? My favorite holiday movement. I've been to Alabama every holiday for the past ten years. I got the chills when you said that. Really, whatever that means, that's where your people's come from. No, that's where my x wise people. So, Steve, what's your favorite? Yeah? Tell us more what you used to do in the amount of days doing would you do? Well? I'm not going to drag a city under the bus like someone in here drags another city under the bus. But I'm just saying that, Yeah, Alabama, like the trees at the nighttime, like yeah, just man, it's strange. Truth the thing though, here's in Alabama. Don't don't, don't get it twisted. I mean some of the most friendliest in mind you this is like two thousand and fifteen, they were some of the friendliest people ever. Or maybe because I was quest love walking down the block. Are like yeah, but I'm just saying that walking at nighttime in like Montgomery, Alabama, like they have statues of like the dogs biting like protesters legs, Like there's there's statues you don't want you No, wait, what city burning outside of Montgomery's I would say, it's a it's a it's a different place that I never thought I would spend so much time, but I did. And now I don't what city, what city out racism, central st to perfection, God calm like laws like that, four little girls, things like that happened there. They burned them girls. I love how you're blaming me for all the know you're my brother, man. I love with you, brother, Thank you for it ain't just the do say talk. I love you because you're my Man's fun with your side, the long way, the long way, no favorite, not in the homeboy rotic way. I funk with him the long way, like he's my man and I'm chilling. Alright, So, Steve, what's your favorite Christmas song? That's it? That's all kid. Wait a minute, pay bill speak, not my man song? What was your your she said, it's spen it when your in laws in Alabama was some of the best times of your life? I don't know. It was the time it I think the first time that I had kids, and because I didn't celebrate Christmas my whole life, and so when I finally got to do it with my kids, they were so fucking into it and I love that fact. There you go. That was fun. And now is the first Christmas I've had not in Alabama ever this year, so you get to see them move kids. Yeah, okay, and I'll get a Christmas tree. I don't know the sa that is such a divorce se question. Question are they still excited about Christmas? And what do they want? Well, I know you're getting them instruments. Do they want that? You have two girls that might have a little bit to do with me. They my kids like a very certain thing of cartoons and things that they're very excited about. Dresses and ye are we? Then Tycho is Tycho is still a thing. Man. That ship is over. It's over. Your kids want to have that's over that. That was that. The race car tracks was hot for my boys when they was like six or seven. After that, everything is all like trying to s Xbox game. Oh my god, they want sneaks. My oldest son is like like obsessed about sneakers and I'm just like, dude, you don't understand. You ain't got no job like that. I'm such a poor people obsession, you know what I mean, And like, yeah, it's it's bad. I had to break him up in seventh grade because he was running a scam at school with the sneakers. Did you please to play that a little bit? Oh man? Okay, yeah, I'll break it down. Okay, So listen, this is what this is what happened. This is what went down because for my man's paid bill, because I love him. All right, listen, it's closed and that ain't closed. My I'm fully I'm fully alert. I'm alert, I'm read alert. Literally a mirror is just like just let Jesus take the all. This is the lesson I had to teach my kid, My mom my old my oldest son. I'm sorry my oldest son. Okay about sneakers. Okay, so my son was sneakers, I said, listen. So one day my son, I was like, listen, I know you're in the sneakers, and like, if you get a good report card, we'll lace you up. So he came home with like a good report card, like one semester. This is seventh grade. And so I laceing with a pair. My mom laceding with a pair. His grandma laces on the pair. Mom listening with a pair Christmas for Christmas. Yes, brother, that happens. That's like four s that's like four pairs of shoes. But again, you know when your parents are together, that kind of splits everything and half, so it works to your advantage, you know what I'm saying, Like, when it's not just one no, no, he got I got I got him something else. I think I got him a couple of Xbox games that Christmas too. But anyway, but anyway, so anyway, he gets all these sneakers. So one day we're driving in the car and I'm like, and he's like, count money. I was going to buy him a winter coat. I was going to buy him a winter coat, and I said, okay. I said, well he's counting money. I said, where you getting money from? Oh Dad, well I just I just found five dollars while I was walking from school. I'm like, your line, that's a lie. Where'd you get the money from? I mean, it's not like I'm selling anything. I didn't say what you selling? So finally he confessed me. He says, Dad, I've been renting my shoes. He anode. So here's yo bush not I bullshit, you not do this. So this is what they think, he says, He says, okay, he says, well that he says. Listen, he said, a lot of kids at school they liked my shoes. So what I do is I ran them to him for five dollars a day. And you know that's how I make my money. You know, he's a fucking idiot. But let's dude, but no, no, no, let me break it down. Let me let me, let me get the fish the story. Okay. So I said, okay, so you've been renting your shoes? He said yeah. I said, okay, well thanks to somebody truth By this time, and I'm in the car, my face like you could frying egg on the side of my face. Dog, I'm hot, nigga. I'm hot, so hot, so hot. I'm hot like an oven, nigga. So dude, So I get to the fucking crib and I said listen. I said, okay, here's what I want you to do. Man, I said, listen, won't you go upstairs and get me all your shoes? Take this plastic bag and get me all your shoes. And he's just looking shook. So it goes upstairs and get some and he brings them downstairs. And I said, listen, what's your favorite pair of shoes? And he just just quiet. He said, well, I like these Jordan's fours. I said, okay. I said, well, you ain't keeping these fours. I'm gonna give you these Adidas. You keep these. You got one pair of shoes, I said, all right, son, I said, well listen, let me break it down like this. So this is what's happening. I said, you have been running a business without proper business licensing. I said, whenever you want to run a business and wherever you are, you have to get proper licensing from the state, nigga, And I am the state. And you did not get proper licensing from me. So I'm shutting your business down, I said, now, also, I said, I also, no, brilliant, No, I said, listen. I said now also, I said, you have been running a business and you have not been reporting your income from this business. I said, So when that happens, what the federal government does. They do what is known as seizing your asset. I said, so, all of your shoes I'm about to take and keep until we figure out exactly how much money you owe me. I said, so we're keeping all. That's why are you hating on an enterprising young man? No, no, it's no. Let me finish. Y'all don't understand how you So listen, I said, listen. I said, so give me. I said, so you give me that. I said, how much money you got? He said, I got like two seven dollars. I said, run that nigger. So he gave me. So I took a si, I took you to her seven dollarge. So I said, he away seven dollarge and I was like, okay, run that ship. So he gave me twing seven dollarge. I said, so listen, what we're gonna do? I said, So, now we're moving forward. You got one pair of shoes that you're gonna use for the rest of school until we figure out this arrangement of how much you owe, how much you've made, and how much you haven't paid on. So he's just looking confused and mad, and I am too, So okay. So a couple of weeks later he comes back to me and we're talking about a different subject. He wanted to play um, he wanted to play g t A on ps on on on Xbox. You want to play Grand Theft Auto, which is like a game in which you can pick up hookers and them and do all kinds of At this time, he's like twelve, so you know what I mean. So he was like, well, Dad, I want to play this game, and I don't understand why you won't let me play it. And I don't understand why you took my shoes whatever. I said, Okay, Well let's talk about it. I said. Okay. I said, well, let me break it down like this. I said, listen, I said, so what happens. Let me ask you a question. I said, what happens when someone takes your shoes. Let's say someone takes your shoes and they're gonna stomp in a mud puddle, and then they bring them back to you. What do you do? He says, Oh, well, I mean I just clean them off. I said, okay, so another nigga is gonna ruin your shoes, suck them up, and you're gonna clean them off. I said, how do you think that's gonna make you look? To everybody else out in the world? How does that how do you think that's gonna look? What does that say about you as a person. Someone can just take your ship to file it and then you're gonna clean it up. And he was quiet. I said, okay, you know what. I said, Well, let me ask you another question. I said, ask you no question. I said, so oh, I forgot to leave this out. So he came home with a new pair of shoes. One day he had a came home with a new pair of Jordan threes and he was like, yeah, Dad, I bought these from my friend for like fifteen dollars. I said, nigga, you bought these shoes for fifteen dollars. Yeah, I said, And I didn't say nothing. I said, okay, so later wrong, I said, okay, So, Peanut, I said, was what if you out at the school bus and like a dude run up on you, like, hey man, then my brother's shoes. Then my brother's shoes, take them ships. I'm gonna beat your ass. What do you do? He said, Well, I would probably run. I said, okay, I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that, because it's like running like you sign a real bit right now, don't. I'm just act like you didn't say that. I said, listen, okay, you didn't say that. I said, what would you do? He said, Well, I would go and probably tell a teacher. I said, oh, so you're gonna snitch. Now, You're snitching. That's what's hot in the streets. We're snitching. That's what you're doing. You're snitching. He said. Okay. He said, okay, well, okay, well I would probably come and tell you. I said, as you're gonna come and tell me because I'm the muscle of your operation. I'm the goon and I'm just gonna beat motherfucker's down, and that's just what the funk I do, right, you and call me? So he was crying. I said, listen, man, here's the lesson I want you to understand. I said, brother shoes, them shoes sell retail at and I'm being nice. Them ships sell at retail for a hundred forty dollars, that's being nice, I said, And he's sold them to you for fifteen. What nigga, you know, is gonna take a hundred and twenty five dollar loss on shoes just to sell them to you? Why because they're your friend? Fuck No, I said, listen, man, If somebody is selling something to you at that much of a loss, it ain't there's the fucking sell I said. So more than likely it's either they fucking stole them from somebody else or they, you know, took him. I said, nigga, what's the stop a nigga from writting your shoes for five and then sell them to another nigga for fifteen? What's the stopping from doing that? And he was just quiet? I said, listen, man, I said, I listen, I want to understand something. This is what I want you understand. It's great that you are an enterprising young businessman. You got it, honest, you know what I'm saying because I'm the same way. I said, But listen, school is not the place to run a business because eventually you're gonna run into a conflict that you're gonna have to handle, that is gonna sunk up you being in school. I said, so, then when all the ship shakes out and the nigga to bring your ship back fucked up or what to short you some money whatever, you're gonna get into a fight or whatever. Now you're in the prinsonal's office. And now you're in the prinser's office and they're like, okay, well what happened? And they found out you running this shoe. I said, so, nigga, So you're running what's done? That's rico, nigga. That is a continuing criminal enterprise. That is that you're running a sneaker racket illegally. I said, so, now you're asses expelled from school. You're scaring the ship out this room. You know he's fucking I said, listen, you're running a continuing criminal enterprise. I said, so, now your asses kicked out of school over five dollars day. A white holiday song right now this John Coopermellon Camps, I saw money kiss in Santa Claus. You try that. That was your best segue ever? Ever? Know what Christmas song? So I need last time, ladies and gentlemen, in an effort to ensure that I have a job with this company. In two thousand and seventeen, that was in the Ena Zone, John Cougar Mellencamp saying, I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus. I just I had to. I mean, your storytelling skills, fonte is just off the change. At first. At first I was like, I was like, why are you hating on your son? I was proud of him for for doing that. But then once he showed us the errors in our way, in the perils of of street hustling, he didn't see it. But these are the kind of conversations gonna have to have you like a real day. I just don't know what the average daddy because in your head you're like, you do this with sneakers now, then to be weed later. Come on all day. I didn't even see that. Yeah, it's gonna be cracked, you know, in three years. But can we still kind of nurture his business acumen because it is there? Absolutely so so the counter that what you're saying, Like what I told him, I said, listen, I used acumen. That was because I did. I did read for a long time. So we were having a problem we were having a problem and we were talking, and you know, he was having a problems with his grays around this time, and so I told him, I was just like, listen, man, he had problems is crazy, and he had problems with with the girls because he's like, you know, he's at the days where he was kind of getting in the girls at the time. And so I said, listen, Grandpa, take a little I don't know, we can't do that me trying to give him the knowledge. Man. I just told him straight up. This was like eighth grade. And I was just like, listen, man, I said, listen to the reason why you're great your your bitches is what she watched, because your grace is what you watch. You No, that was it. I was like, listen, I said, listen. I'm sure, I said, I said, listen, this is why. This is how I broke it down to him. I said, looking, man, I said, listen. I said, look man, I said, you remember we went to see Planet of the Apes. You know what I'm saying. And he was like, so we didn't see done the Planet of the Apes. He's like, yeah, that she was lit. He's like I remember. I was like, yeah, man, you remember I said, listen, I said, now you remember what happened when Caesar, You know, when Caesar got sucked up. And then his son came and was like, Dad, we need you to come back. Come back, Dad, we need you. And he was like, no, son, I can't come back. Week I can't. I can't. And he was like, no, Dad, we need you to come back. Really cold was coming. He's here and he's sucking up for everybody. We need you. And I said, what the season? What the Caesar tell his son? I said, if you don't remember, he said, he said, no, I can't come back, son. APE seeks strongest branch. APE seeks strongest brand. I said, so listen, I said, you remember nothing else I told you tonight about women, about relationships, about game. I said, nigga, you remember this. APE seeks strongest branch. A woman is always going to want to seek the strongest branch that she can reach over. Once she feels that your branch is given, if it's weak, if it's bending, she's off to the next fucking branch. So what does that mean for you? That means you gotta be the strongest branch that you can be, not for her. Fuck her, you gotta be the strongest branch for you. You gotta be the strongest branch for you. You know what I'm saying for you. I said, So, all these problems you're having in school and all that, I said, listen when they with the girls whatever, I said, Listen, if you focus on your schoolwork and be the best branch you can be doing what you gotta be, the best branch, the best rural jury, best branch, unique New York, all that ship New York man. If you'll be all of that, the woman is gonna take care of herself. The man that is always on his mission doing what he got to do. Nigga, you ain't ever gonna have no warring problems you you you ain't you gonna be cool. But you gotta be on your mission. That's the number one thing. You're life is your mission. It ain't her, it's the mission. A woman wants a man that's want a mission. I said, So you showing up half ask the classes, sucking up, felling graves and ship, I said, nigga, that's why you wishy washy, That's why your bitches is where she washed Christmas. Yeah, let's let's yeah. I'm sorry you're like the prophet. Yeah, okay, good. I feel as though this has been an amazing lesson, life lesson. It's life lessons now. This is but dog, these are kind of conversations I had to hell with my kids, man, Like I have to have them kind of conversations them as men. They should be really dope. Man. I hope, So, I mean, I hope. So you know, it's fifty fifty. You know, they could be great. Man, they could be scammers and I don't know, but now, I mean, you just never know. It's that part of your kids that you can't control. I don't know about that life. It's yo, It's it's crazy. So now, but those guys comes to have with my kids, and so I have to explained it to him like that. Then he kind of got it. And you know, he's been doing good shots all the son. He got a three point over his first semester. It's freshman year in high school. So you know, big ups to him. I love him, I'm proud of him, and uh yeah, man, we just want to keep them momentum going. But you know, I just have to keep explaining to them the things in your life right now that are important these people that you put so much stock in three years, you're not going to care about none of these motherfucker's. Like high school is the most fleeting ship ever, you know what I mean. So, but it's hard, it doesn't it feels so important. So back to Christmas. So, yeah, my counent son is a sneaker head, and that was what I was. That's what that's how we get around. My son was listening your hand. So I'm trying to explain to him that like all the kids in life right now that like had the hottest, like seven eighth grade that had the hottest the new Jay's and the new this and the hot new this. I said, son, I need you to understand something. This is the peak of their lives. All the niggas I went to school with that had the hot, new new new ship nigga, their lives never advanced past that. That was it. Twenty years later, the nigga the cool kid. Twenty years later, it's still fucking talking about you. Remember the first day of seventh grade nigga, I had the Jordan's nigga. No, I don't remember that because I had lived the lights. That was fulfilling, Yo, shout out to my flight to the mommy that used to go to Korea and get me to face ship on my church Joe to Chini and my m c M bags. You know what I'm saying. I was proud. I was proud that it was fake. I was like, y'all really spending all that money on that ship, that's crazy. One of my great I wish I could tell this story. I'll tell you. I think I could tell this story. All right. We uh, we were doing a song uh with Scott Storch once this during the Tipping Point season that bill so lovingly It's fine was my favorite song off points. Guns are drawing the okay, alright, anyway, alright, anyway, right, but so you know, two thousand four, Kanye had a lot of us messed up and kind of like you know, doing high and fashion shopping or whatever. And so this is a point where our beloved uh shout out to Burt Carl Jenkins ak Dice well, Dice, Dice very well like he is. I'm certain that even Dices shoes right now costs more than like what my apartment did. Yeah, like yeah, Dice Ostrich, you know whatever, Like he's rocking some next ship anyway, Um, Scott Start, who you know at the time was really swimming in a lot of money. Um, happened to have like a Louis bag. Uh, sitting in the studio room and Scott said something that Dice like running my Louie bag real quick and get give me d da da da da. So Dice went over and he kind of noticed that, oh wait a minute, this is a knock called Louie bag. Now DICE's head, it was like, you know, Dice, I mean Scott was making big giant nine figures that year and he's like, yo, like you know, why are you walking around this fake Louis back, Like you just got stories you have all the money in the world. And Scott laughed so hard. He's like, wait, that's a real Louis back. You're holding Dice like Dice is back with real good and he was like that's a real Louis bag. You have, Dice. That's like, yeah, my bag is real and every like Scott laughed so hard, like dog, why would you pay that much money? Like I have the same story, yes exactly. So you know the kid rock because you know how kid Rocks said he purposely rocks like fake stuff, because what's why would you be wearing all that expensive ship? But that's rich nigga ship. Though you can do that as a rich nig because people assume if you're rich and you're rocking knock off ship, they as soon as real you know what I'm saying. But like you know, if you're broke nigging you rock knock off ship, then you look even more broke. Know, Yeah, it's sucked up. Actually, that's funny you said that. I mean the few times that I've chill with kid Rock, Bob Bob he used to reallessly his first name basis with kid Rock. There like twenty years I've noticed dude the bang the bank, Like it's kind of funny to be like, you know, right, No, it's just kind of funny that kid Rock has an actual name and it's Bob Bob. Yeah. I mean his first album was a rap album. I mean, you know Bob well, I mean rap in quotation marks. But anyway, yeah, like he he just never got the whole like why are you guys wearing Louis Vatton and Gucci stuff? He used to always tease us and at but that's the thing though, man, like I remember I read a quote from from Mark Zuckerberg and he was like talking about how he wears the same thing every day because gives him one less thing to think about. I'm working towards that. I'm the same way. I mean, I'm sure. I mean we've been doing course of theme for why now all y'all have been seeing me where Like it's like four things, four outfits that I have in my whole Arsenal T shirt. We know didn Gambles still drive a Honda Court, so it's like Honda. Yeah, but he's still he does not drive a fancy Carl, I know, but he drives a Honda. He on schools because he drives a Honda Court. Well, he on schools because you know, I ain't nobody looking at their contract. They do say blame it on that? Can we play that alcohol? Like paying some background Christmas music? I gotta say, Micabias, you're leaving us? Yeah? Where you going? Going to Andy Bravo show, whatever that guy's name is. You're going to watch what Happens? Like, what are you gonna do there? Yo? He is such a uh watch what Happens live expert? I love that. Are you going to sit in the audience. I'm not an expert. Um, it's my girl's birthday tonight. She's an expert. I didn't know about this because just put on the Christmas. Please put on birthdays and then with dredo I will play. It's interesting anyway, this is so interesting. So how long have you been not single? So I want to wish you merry Christmas and a happy New Year? Let him let him do this thing. So I wanted to wish you happy happy Christmas and happy Hanukah, Happy Kwanza, Happy New Year's everybody. I like to thank Electric Lady for letting us be here this year and hopefully next year. And Phil Jolly, Phil Jollies the engineer in there. Phil feel is that Seth Paris is assisting in there? Seth. It's Seth. I think we're coming to get evicted. Here's Ashley. Everybody, Happy birthday, have a birthday as that poor girl, Happy birthday. When you leave, happy birthday, we wish your happy birthday and we hope you leave it in tonight. Leave it you can't you My God forgive us. We're quite drunk, right, asked, would you like some do say? Do you know what you know? Do you know you don't drag it off, focus really on what you think this episode done until we can leave. So Frante, give us what you're grateful for for Christmas? Yo, man, I'm life, I said, grateful, but grateful for man. Listen, we can be humble with thanksgiving, thanks Christmas. This is Christmas. Okay, listen, listen to Okay, real real ship. Okay, listen. I'm thankful for my life. I'm thankful for being in the presence of greatness. You know what I'm saying, for being a part of Team Supreme and being able to help people's lives. You know what I'm saying is they get through their day at work. You know what I'm saying. I've had so many people hit me on Twitter and Instagram everything saying and listen to the show and that like, Yo, man, your show helps me get through my day at work. You know what I'm saying, thank you for doing what you do. And so man, listen, I'm thankful for life, and thankful for my family, and thankful for my lady and thankful for my kids for keeping me grounded. And uh, you know, unlike most people or a lot of people that I'm seeing, you know, they're just all dooming gloom under this Trump presidency. They were about to be in twenties seven. Team, man, I think that if nothing else, this would be the year that black people will realize all we got is us. What I'm saying, all we got is us, what I mean, And so for me, I'm just like, listen, man, no matter who they was gonna put in all as wethers gonna be Clinton, Hillary, fucking Ron, Paul, Nigga, Juliani and got them Rand Paul whoever. So for me, why they put in office, I was gonna still have to get up every morning and figure out How'm gonna make it happen for me and mine, you know what I mean? And so so man, So you know whatever, I know this this election has a lot of people on their edge and and nervous. But you know, at the end of the day, all I would just say is, listen, man, all we ever had was each other. All we ever had was us. And you know what I'm saying to the people that ride with you, the people that fun with you, white, Black, Jewish, Buddhist, whoever the fuck, the people that in your life that are legitimately riding for you, all y'all can do is support each other, right for each other, and just get through this ship. Man, We're gonna be all right, you know what I mean. It ain't all doomsday and gloom and we all done and oh my god, funk that we still got life. We're still weird. We can still fucking make it, dude. So that's one man. I'm thankful for life, and I'm thinking for every day another chance to be a better man than I was the day before. Okay, uh, I'm paid, Bill. I mean I'm thankful for friends, man, my kids and my friends. I never thought that I would be in this position and fucking this fantastic m h st. I love everybody in this room. Know I'm thankful. I'm thankful that you know, last year I was unemployed and my unemployment had just ran out. And today I am here with you talented fellows, and really you are a group of talented fellows. I don't say it a lot. I don't like to toot yourn horn, but since the holidays, I will say this. I tell my friends all the time it is nice to be in a room full of greatness. And I mean you too, Bill, um. Yes, and let me say this too for you, like I always thought when we first started doing this, because we needed a woman and I could not I could not ask for a better woman. You know what. I'm even on each other a long time. We go way back, and you know, man, seriously, you know I love you as a sister, as a friend, and you know you always got me for whatever you need for life, you know what I mean? My work wife, all that, not not sperm because I'm snipped and my ship is over, so you know, But it's the talented swimmers you got you. But if you need plasma, he's got plenty. I got plenty of plasts before you know, sperm, but I got plasma. Bill, what give us? Give us some final thoughts? Not on Christmas on I know you're a grunch bro, but you know I'm not a stop trying to know this Oscar ship. You try to Oscar this, you're sot. You ain't no Oscar final last words The beach Boards Christmas album, That whole album is awesome. But now I understand you more now than I ever had, Boss Bill. I don't dead ask Bill yo, me and building so much alike it's scary. I'm just like this ship that he'd be saying, it's scary because it's so much alike. And that was, like, I think, a big reason why we did go and guard your radio. Like we just got each other on an intrinsic level. So no, he's not the grunch. He's just a staunch realist. Yeah. I have high expectations of everyone. That's well, it's lower than expectations. No, No, that's okay. What are you? I was never told what to talk about. I was just asked for some final thoughts, so I just started talking, Um, so what do you want me to talk about? Never mind final final thoughts? Thankful ship? Okay? What am I thankful for? I'm thankful that this radio say something nice? Okay, I'm thankful that this radio show exists, because if this radio show didn't exist, I'd probably be living in India, in in a city that is actually on a list that I saw on the internet for having high ku Klux Klan activity. It's also the same the same Cocomo, Indiana where you grew up, Cocamore talking about the plan. I don't know because they're about to have a rally and and I'm just like, dude, you live there. Sometimes I lived, but I love it. I love it, Christmas, I love it. But the playing that unlike the fucking BlackBerry of racists still like you niggas are still marching and put on. It's like no, like, don't you know racism has evolved the past, that real racist red lightning school districts, you know what I mean? Like, y'all nigg is still marching and like what the fund are you doing? Y'all is still using the track ball to the world, George, to the world. All right, listen, just the best thing you've ever said in the world. Alright. I'm thankful for the fact that I'm still here on this earth right now. Thankful to the fact that I was able to be on the earth at the same time as all of you people, Bill, because we've been alone. We've been we have a long but they got out of love. Wrap it up, Okay, can wrap it up finally, boss man, what do you think for? Yeah, talk to us. I'm also wait. I'm also thankful that Pender is not going to cancel us because of this episode. Shout out to Scott yea yo, yo, shot, my brother, my man, my man. We're going to We're going to the to the Brazilian spot right after this, I'll get some Lomo sentitle. We don't get some motherfucking almost We're gonna get all that ship. Listen, I gotta listen. All I can say. All I can say is is on behalf of the team Supreme. We're sorry everything that they said. And in addition, Scott, yeah, yo boss building on this show. What's up? YO? Can tell us? Are you gonna are you gonna tell us you love us? Are you gonna say? I love you? I gave you all a lot of money for Christmas? I love you. I mirror No. I mean this, brother. I mean it's real, man. I mean it's real. So you know it's real. No, I think you know it's really. This is we're talking to the angels like, oh no, I mirror man. You were from the front, from the jump. You have been the biggest, one of the biggest supporters of my group, of my career. You have always like stood by me, you know what I'm saying. That supported me and all that ship. And I mean this, man, you do a lot for a lot of people who may not always say this. And I really want to say this, brother, I love you man, Like seriously, And I know you don't that whole emotions thing. You don't do real with what I mean, but like listen, but no, dog, I still have bad as a man. You can put the drum sticks down tonight and I will still love you. You good for a plate in my house anytime Monday. I mean. And on the half of the drunken Team, Supreme Happy Soccer cons all of you Happy. What's Love? Supreme is a production of my Heart Radio. This classic episode was produced by the team at Pandora. For more podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.