Is your chance to share grievances that you may have with a friend, family member, neighbor or even perfect stranger in our community and utilize the Q106 and Fish With Friends listeners to hopefully solve the problem.
Kim just moved in with Garrett and was unpacking when something very very odd happened. She found a box that Garrett had for storage that she is very disturbed by and needs the advice from The Click Of 6. Is Garrett weird or just a romantic? You decide. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me at
Lewis and Brittany are engaged a few years after his wife passed away. He is trying to honor his late wife's "Legacy" with his new family. Is this too much of an ask? Is he pushing it? You decide. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Paige was outside doing something at her house when her neighbor may have overstepped. Mike, her husband, is not sure how to react. What will "The Click of 6" advise today on Country Courthouse? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me at:
Sara and her brother Derrick are having a sibling rivalry where Sara is making her brother feel like a bad son. Whatever the Jury decides Sara and Derrick have promised to stick to it. What happens next is up to you "The Click of 6". If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Christine and her friend Amy are on Country Courthouse debating how their neighborhood is responding to a financial demand that Amy has for other children that have been stopping over. Amy is not a fan. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me
A couple from New York is possibly changing the way weddings will be done in the future. Fish and Elizabeth Mary play "Plaintiff" and "Defendant" as this possibly new wedding trend unfolds.
Is there every any time to compare your wife to Ronald McDonald or an Oompa Loompa? Blake thinks so but Andrea may not.
A Sister With A Brain (SWAB) reached out to Fish and needs help. She got a gift at her Baby Shower that could actually ruin the fabric of her immediate family.
Jill and Eric are best friends but Eric has come to Country Courthouse today to represent her daughter Ava .... or has he? The big question is about Ava and her Mom's new boyfriend. Is Ava just being a teen with divorced parents or do she and Eric have a good point. Also ... does Eric have an agenda or is he just a great "best friend"??? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me at
Lisa is not happy with Evan. Lisa has been working on herself and Evan has been hindering the process. He took the heat at first but feels that she has gone too far. What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Rebecca and Doug sat down for dinner the other night and were having a conversation about their marital problems. Doug is very blown away by Rebecca's idea of how to fix it and his friends and family are split. So Doug is confused and Rebecca needs your help to convince her husband to do something that may not be appropriate at this point of their marriage. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Luke is not happy AT ALL to be called to The Courthouse. David has done it because his neighbor has pushed him to the brink. Who is in the right? Is Luke being violated? You decide. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Jessica is throwing out what she thinks is a good idea for an upcoming flight. His Friends and Corey, her husband, does not think it's an appropriate thing to do their daughter. Does the jury think Jessica is in the right or that Corey is the BEST DAD EVER!!! If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Mike is divorced with two daughters. Mike has 50/50 custody and his former Father In Law (Dan) is not happy with the way Mike is raising his Granddaughters. Should Dan have this type of input? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Sharon and Lily are both part of the "Crazy Eight Book Club". Lily thinks Sharon is manipulating people and is ready to put it ALL ON THE LINE with "The Click of 6". At the end of this Sharon has an uncomfortable surprise for Lily btw. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me at:
Rebecca is the mom to a 16 year old daughter and Cindy is the stepmother. While Rebecca's ex husband is out traveling Cindy applied her style of parenting that would cause a rift in the family. The question is about power and how much power Cindy should have. We will find out what you THE JURY think today with Country Courthouse. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me
Fish was on a walk the other day when he was VERBALLY CHECKED by an older (Bitter In His Opinion) lady in her SUV. He apparently had broken the law and she decided that she had "HAD ENOUGH". Who do you think is in the right? The fluffy and friendly Fish or the EVIL EVIL KONDO KAREN! (I, FISH, may be writing this ... hehehehehehehe) If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Mark and Amy have a Son Graduating that want's a present that makes Amy uncomfortable. Mark doesn't think it's a big deal and if they are going to do this for their son they need to "Do It Right". What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse send me an email:
Is it Celeste's fault for what her son did to the neighbor kid? Her husband Mike thinks so but she is not a fan. There may also be a debate about how ready Mike is arguing that fact that she is single. What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me at:
New parents Stephanie and Mike split a bottle of wine and had a conversation that created a "Frosty" environment around the household. Some may think Mike is a sexist and some may think Stephanie is taking advantage. What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse send me an email:
Jamie may have gone to far with her child's bully. Sheryl, the mother of the alleged bully, is not happy at all and neither is the teacher. What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Matt and Elena have three kids and something bad happened. When they were celebrating a birthday with family members Matt had a little too much to drink and said something that really affected two of his kids. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Erica and Curtis are debating something that happened to Erica when she was at work. Erica is being EXTRA NICE to a patron and Curtis thinks this guy should be punished. What do you think? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Stephanie and Melissa are cousins and Melissa has charged Stephanie for something that she thinks is out of line. Melissa has been cheated on and Stephanie swears she isn't cheap. Is Melissa in the right for sending her a bill and splitting the family with this argument? If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Brynn is not very happy with the way her husband is responding to the very cool gift she got from her Grandmother. This really brings about the question of how much do you really have to share when you are married to someone. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me:
Andrea and Lisa are best friends and Lisa is trying to stop Andrea for making a mistake with her life. Will Lisa's advice of "Hit it and quit it" sink in to Andrea or will her heart take over? Find out now with Country Courthouse If you have a case for Country Courthouse send me an email:
This is all about a happily married couple who's daughter in the father's eyes got a "Gift From God" in her second hand store pants. What lesson do you think they should teach their child? That is the big question. If you have a case for Country Courthouse go ahead and email me:
Is Steve a sexist or just a guy calling out the world on a "Hallmark Holiday". Steve's sister is on Country Courthouse representing ALL THE WOMEN in the family. Definitely in need of advice from the Jury, Steve reached out to Country Courthouse. If you have a case for Country Courthouse send me an email
Allison is having a hard time with something Bill is doing at his apartment. She reached out to Country Courthouse to get us to educate Bill on one simple thing and boy was his reaction unique. If you want to bring your case to Country Courthouse email me
The age old question of honesty. Melanie wants honesty in a relationship but Brian may have been too honest. His point is "She wanted this so why am I the bad guy?" If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me
Megan is frustrated with Adam's choices. Especially when it involves and incident with Beer, Wine and Cookies. Concerned with what not only her friends will think but Adam in general she has reached out to the Courthouse for your advice. If you have a case for Country Courthouse email me
Bree and her Sister In Law Georgia are having a debate. The big concern is about Bree's husband and drinking. Not the way you would think though. Is this too much to ask someone's sister? Is Bree out of line? Find out on Country Courthouse Do you have a case for "Country Courthouse" send me an email
Audra is 10 and her Mom Leslie wants her to try something that James (Her Dad) is not a fan of. They have left it up to The Courthouse to decide. What do you think? If you want to take someone to Country Courthouse email me at:
Hannah and Mike our having a debate when it comes to Mike's son Robbie. Is Hannah getting to involved in Robbie's life. Should his girlfriend really be told what's going on? If you have a case for Country Courthouse reach out to me at
Is your relationship strong enough to handle Ohio? That is the question that Natalie and Justin brought to the Courthouse today. Justin offers up some pretty good points and Natalie needs your help. If you have a case for "Country Courthouse" email me
Courtney has brought her Maid of Honor to the Courthouse today because of a disagreement on her wedding apparel. Christy really is just worried about this choice and thinks years down the road Courtney will regret it. What do you think? Does the Bride always know best? Email and let us know.
Dee Dee has asked her sister Erin a huge ask. Typically Erin would be flattered but her boyfriend has offered up a little bit of a conflicting idea. Erin needs your advice on who to choose. The biggest problem here is they all really like each other. What would you do?
Even though Marissa says that their marriage is ok, Seth should be able to figure this out. Maybe he should even hire someone to teach him to do it better. What do you think? Let me know at
If someone stayed with you when they didn't want to is it rude for them to keep your gifts? Tiffany is no longer a fan of Brady and wants that sweet sweet floaty gift.
One of the main reasons that marriage can be tough is money. So when Monique did something for extra money that Greg was not a fan of he reached out to the courthouse. Hopefully their marriage can withstand this but let us know your take at
Brittany and Jonah had a baby a year ago and things have gotten "uncomfortable" for Brittany. Jonah needs your help convincing Brittany that it's all in her head and they can work through it and get back to the way things were.
Stephanie loves Brian but he may love her so much he doesn't "Hear What He Should Hear". Is his concern that it's a "Sign Of Things To Come" valid? Let us know.
Maura and Sabrina are having a Zoom eating problem and need you to help them come up with a solution.
Devon wants to go to Spain for a year and has invited Angela. Angela's Cat is causing an issue for her and the trip. Angela, who is very creative, shares a hypothetical fear she has for her cat Precious that may hurt her case but you won't want to miss it on this Country Courthouse.
Karla is very concerned for her son. Shane thinks they are doing a good job monitoring him and Karla is going to really effect his childhood and eventually life with what she wants to do to him. Will you and the "Click of 6" agree with her? Find out with this Country Courthouse
Darren's girlfriend Jackie got a creative idea for New Years Eve. She never thought Darren would do what he did with her idea and they need your advice. Did Jackie open up a can of worms with this one? Listen and find out.
Nikki and Michelle have a sister named Mandi and they have a tradition that is causing problems in the family. Nikki just wants to be honest with her sister and is worried for her husband and children. Michelle wants her older sister to suck it up. Should she?
Doug and Sandy have a family Christmas coming up where they just get gifts for one family member each year. Doug has drawn his sister in law again and wants to do the same things as last year but Sandy is not a fan at all and needs your help convincing Doug not to do it.
Travis has a co worker that had a little too much DRINKY DRINKY at their work Christmas Party. Lisa walked in on something she is not happy about and now he may have to make some dramatic changes at work. Should Travis have too? Listen and find out who wins Country Courthouse.
Sonya and Cara have been friends with Gina for years. Sonya is very upset with something that Cara has been doing to Gina and wants to fix it. Cara has some good reasons thought so she might be in the right. Email us with who you choose as the winner today for Country Courthouse: