Dr Meng Siak is a board-certified veterinary dermatologist with the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists. He studied at Murdoch University in Perth, Western Australia, then did an internship in veterinary dermatology, before completing his residency at Murdoch.
Meng has extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of complicated skin and ear diseases including allergies, immune mediated skin diseases and chronic ear disease.
Topics discussed included:
- Dr Meng Siak explains what the skin barrier and its microbiome are and their important roles.
- The link between microorganisms in the skin and the gut.
- What happens when the skin barrier becomes compromised and what can cause this to occur?
- Meng discusses the roles that genetic and external factors play in skin disease.
- What non-allergic conditions can lead to a compromised skin barrier?
- How can a healthy skin barrier help with skin disease?
- Dr Siak talks about what he recommends to his clients to improve the gut and skin microbiome and what the latest research is showing.
- Meng's approach to the itchy dog - controlling infections and inflammation.
- Supplements and ingredients to support the skin barrier.
- Comparing dog and cat skin disease and its management for each.