#121: Dan Pardi

Published Oct 27, 2017, 7:00 PM

In this episode, Lindsay talks to Dan Pardi, CEO of HumanOS. Dan’s mission is to develop health fluency, giving people the skills and knowledge they need to achieve maximum wellness. Lindsay met Dan at Paleo f(x) and ever since has been wanting to pick Dan’s brain about the idea of the quantified self: What kind of data can we collect about ourselves, and how can we use that information to inform the day-to-day decisions we make about diet, exercise, sleep, and so on? How do we walk the fine line between measuring and obsessing? What offers the best return on investment? Listen in for a thoughtful discussion about when, why, and how to self-assess, as well as some of the challenges that come along with trying to optimize health.

More about Dan: In addition to spearheading HumanOS and hosting the humanOS Radio podcast, Dan conducts research with the Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Department at Stanford, and the Departments of Neurology and Endocrinology at Leiden University in the Netherlands where he investigates how lifestyle factors, like sleep, influence decision making, cognitive performance, and metabolism. Dan also works with Naval Special Warfare and serves as Board Member for StandUpKids.org, among other health-related appointments. As you can tell, he’s an incredibly busy person, so we’re lucky to have him sharing his insights on health and wellness on today’s episode!

Dan talks about his evolution from a young athlete into his current interest in sports physiology, optimal lifestyle practices, and human performance. [00:03:52] 

Why should you do something? How should you do it? Ask if you are doing it and ask if it's working. [00:09:36] 

How do you empower people to take control of their health? [00:11:21] 

Only you can be the best expert with regard to your personal health. We have a lifetime to learn more information.  [00:14:28] 

What are some of the challenges we are confronted with in our attempt understand our health? [00:15:58]  

What types of metrics are available in terms of measurement, and how can those measurements be used to help reach our goals? [00:20:12] 

What about FitBit and Oura Ring? Is the Apple Watch affective? How can they help?  [00:24:23]

If you exercise and you don't lose weight, what does that mean? [00:28:15] 

The idea of being a healthy athlete involves the whole day and what you do with it, not just the periods of training. [00:29:28] 

How does tracking help support recovery?  [00:30:50] 

How does HRV work? What information does it give us? [00:34:22] 

Are subjective measurements the best way to decide what way to use your body toward your goals? [00:39:29] 

How to give yourself permission to say, "Today is not my day.” [00:47:21] 

How does one integrate the information s/he has to to attain his/her goals? [00:49:05] 

How does the Mediterranean diet compare with paleo? [00:51:49] 

