#119: Dave Scott

Published Oct 13, 2017, 7:00 PM

Host Brad Kearns catches up with the legendary Dave Scott, a 6-time Hawaii Ironman world champion and respected coach of both elite professional and amateur multisport enthusiasts. Dave is perhaps more steeped in the science of nutrition and exercise physiology than any other endurance athlete ever, so this show will give you insights on both cutting-edge science and also the competitive mindset of a champion athlete. Brad gives you a brief intro in case you’ve never heard of Dave, then they jump right into it. Dave describes his transition from a high carb pioneer back in the 80’s to his current support of primal/paleo/ketogenic eating patterns. He describes the science behind keto, and how it can protect your health and your heart from potential damage caused by strenuous training. On the long-standing topic of “intensity vs. volume” Dave sets people straight by detailing the huge mistake of going “kinda hard” on a regular basis. Not only will your burn out in performance, you are putting your health at serious risk. Instead, Dave details his unique methods of introducing an assortment of distinct interval patterns that help to cleanse the cardiovascular system, protecting it from damage caused by excessive kinda hard endurance workouts. Yes, Dave even advocates strength training year-round for endurance athletes! Dave talks about the problem of excess body fat on hard training endurance athletes and how to right this unfortunate trend. In the age of the internet and social media frenzy, lots of athletes and coaches are full of themselves. Dave is full or experience and wisdom so give this show your undivided attention!

When did Dave Scott get involved in Ironman? [00:01:23] 

How does Scott's record of twenty years compare with current triathletes? [00:02:41] 

How does the training differ from what Dave did in the early days? [00:04:45]

What was his thinking about fat adaptation? [00:06:48] 

Have there been long-term adverse effects to your body? [00:08:52] 

Elite endurance athletes who train at high volume are at great risk to the heart. [00:13:52] 

What are the thoughts on Maffetonne's assertion that you need to perform at a more comfortable rate? [00:16:24] 

What can happen when you over train? [00:19:23] 

When it is time to go hard, you go hard, but the pace has to be wisely monitored. [00:24:49] 

In strength training and in the Cross-fit world, the athletes need to be extremely careful with their form, balance, and symmetry to be safe. [00:27:44] 

Many of the elite athletes are not in the best condition, even though they are champions! [00:31:37] 

Why are so many athletes still suffering from excess body fat? Is it the fault carb dependence? [00:33:54] 

Ridding sweet juices from your life are a good place to start when shifting for fat adaptation diet. [00:37:20] 

How is the transition working from the mistakes we've made in the past? [00:39:26] 

Are we supposed to have a diet of no carbohydrates? [00:40:28] 

How has the scientific community's message changed about what is a healthy diet? [00:43:35] 

The current athletes are doing something right but can enhance their performance by dietary improvement. [00:51:16

Dave Scott
