Powerful Stories with Tory ArchboldPowerful Stories with Tory Archbold

Your toxic best friend with Neuropsychologist and Author, Dr Hannah Korrel

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In this episode of the Powerful Stories Podcast, Tory connects with the amazing Dr Hannah Korrel, as we deep dive into how we can step into our power zone and create space for the people that should be in our life and gently remove the ones who are on a different path to us. Neuropsychologist Hannah Korrel is the author of ‘How to Break Up with Friends’ and has spent over a decade studying relationships, and their effect on our brains.

To have the elite advantage in life we need to have the right foundation. This starts with our mental health and the people we surround ourselves with. The four pillars of a true friendship are trust, support, respect and affection. How do we know if a relationship is toxic? Well, Dr Hannah Korrel says, ‘Go back to the feel. How do you feel when you walk away from an interaction? Are you exhausted or uplifted?’ In answering this simple question, we can gauge whether or not a friendship may be toxic.

Dr Hannah Korrel explains that our brain is only designed to maintain 5 close relationships. So, choosing your tribe of true, close friends is crucial.  She says, ‘The value you place on yourself is the value that others will place on you.’ If we are in a mental state of unrest, we may attract the wrong tribe. There needs to be a balance in giving, taking and receiving and an expectation of balance between all of these.

So, if we discover that our best friend is toxic, what should we do? Well, Dr Hannah Korrel says, ‘do not do anything in the heat of the moment. A friendship breakup needs to be gentle and handled with decorum.’ Consider the communication style. Is it better to write down your feelings or meet face to face? Consider how this person likely to react and create a plan to walk away with your head held high.

The quality of a friendship can not only impact your mental health but also your physical health. Tory shares how, after her appendix bursting, some of her tribe were not there for support and gives us a challenge to list our ‘desert island tribe’.

So, as we walk into 2021, consider if your tribe is there to support you as you take powerful steps towards your future, with the help of Dr Hannah Korrel.



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Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold

Powerful Stories with Tory Archbold. One of Australia’s top female entrepreneurs and CEOs, Tory Arch 
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