TGI – Episode 606 “Hogs and Kisses”

Published Mar 27, 2025, 4:00 AM

Well, here it is. 


Long teased, but blocked from their memories, the gang dissects another kiss-heavy episode, this time between the most unlikely of partners: Topanga & Shawn.


What can Danielle and Rider actually remember about this incredibly awkward storyline? How could anyone blame Cory for being paranoid?? And also - what is the College Orientation video all about anyway???


Will also recalls the unhinged, and somewhat repulsive, food fight, while the hosts pay tribute to their most courageous co-star, on an all-new Pod Meets World!


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I have something I want to pitch to you guys.

Okay, we've seen you pitch. You're good. I saw you in Philly.

Not that kind of pitch. I thought you were going to talk about like TV show pitching. I was like, we've all pitched those together. So this came to me the other day and I don't even know. Oh no, I do know how it came to me when we were thinking about a podcast name. Okay, okay, so I have a long name. I have two last names. My my legal name is Danielle Christine Fischel Carp that's a lot.

I knew the middle name Christine Christine.

Yeah, and so wonderful that you say that Christine means nothing to my family. The name means yeah, Like it's not it's not a family name. I think it's just I was named.

Hold on, your brother's name is.

Christopher, Christopher, right, so they just And by the way, my dad's wife is Christine, so he is he is, he has got in his in his world. So Christine doesn't mean anything to me. My my parents could not agree on a name when they were pregnant with me, and then after I was born. My name came from a Danielle Steel book that was literally on the on.

The dresser in the hospital.

My mom looked over and was like, what about Danielle, And my dad was like, great, I love it. And that's where Danielle came from. Okay, Christine doesn't really mean anything to me, and my name is already long. When I got married, I wanted to have Carp in my name because I wanted to have the same last name as my son's. But I when I direct, I go by Danielle Fischel. When I'm doing things with my kids' school, I just go by Danielle Karp. When I'm getting on a flight, I have to have, you know, all my names on there.

And so you just told me your name is Mandy. So you are your mixing stuff up all the time. We don't even know what you're called. Don't know.

But what if I just save everyone at Google Search? What if I changed my middle name to Topanga so that I could also.

Just so you want to you legally take the name.

To listen, I'm already being called to Penga all the time. What if when I directed something, it just said directed by Topega, like instead.

Of like share you want to be you want to be I want to be share.

Can you retroactively get residuals for the episode of Boy Meets World where it's at executive executive Penga go back into that. That's funny. So you're just you're just thinking, like, embrace, embrace the aspect of your life.

Are you being serious or is this a bit? I guess this is not a bit.

I'm dead serious because Chris, like I said, Christine doesn't mean.

Anything to me.

I already have a long name. I wouldn't do it if it was going to be like Danielle Christine to I just.

Had like a very clear vision that I have to This is kind of off subject, but I want and you know, the obey image like the I want that with the face.

Can we just make that.

The giants face. It's shepherd fairy. Shepherd Fairy created this like infamy. I want that with that would be a stencil I could start spraying everywhere anyway, A lot.

Of that idea, but I think all I would need to do to legally do it. By the way, it also, like I said, how I answer to it all the time.

Anyway, it doesn't.

Bother you in the slightest no, I want to slip and call you to Panga you no. For example, when somebody I'm like, okay, I'm not mad, I understand, but I'm definitely not excited or like I'm willing to embrace it.

I'm like one of our really good friend's wives said to me once, oh.

My gosh, I didn't know you guys were going to be here. It's so good to see you. Jensen gave him a Huggin was like bye to Panga, was great to see you, and literally then turned around and started to walk away.

And then she slow turned around and she was like, oh my god, I can't believe I just did that.

It's to me.

It isn't about It's so much more memorable. It is an absolute brand. It is a brand, and there's no denying that, other than to Panga Canyon, which isn't as well defined of a brand. If you have me, no, my face is synonymous with that word, and I I don't know.

I'm just like, why not, just well, what you really need to do? I mean, yeah, sure, change your name yourself, but then y'all also need to like trademark to Panga. Can you can you trade rand it? I don't know. Yeah, like it's a it's a name. She should become to Panga, inc. And yes, you should own has.

Has Jensen ever called you to Panga in bed?


God, that's uh watched the show?

Jensen didn't watch the show so to like he had only seen two episodes before this before we started the podcast, and I and he may have even seen zero episodes. Maybe he saw two episodes when before we started the podcast, but only those two episodes after we started dating.

He had never seen the show.

I've never seen the show. I thought Matthew Lawrence was on the show the whole time. I thought he was the second lead.

Oh geez, I think matt was writer. Yeah, yeah, I'm all for it for the joke. I mean, you just like it for the bit I do.

I do.

It's like, but I mean, that's you're that's it's you're changing your name. You're legally changing your name.

I think I'd have to put it in the I think i'd have to like put it in the newspaper. I think part of legally changing your name is you have to publicly announce it, Like I'm you.

Have to change all your documents.

There's this thing as a newspaper. You have to publicly announce you do.

You have to publicly announce it.

Put it on a blog somewhere exactly.

That's what I'm saying.

You can put it on the Internet whatever, but you do have to like write it somewhere that Danielle Christine Fisher Karp is now going to be known as Danielle Topanga Fish.

I think I'm going for myself.

I'm going to do it with myself before you get there. I'm going to trademark it myself. You have to buy it for me, don't you will? Why don't you change your name? How important is Alan? How important is Alan?

Why don't you don't? Why don't you just become.

Four C for?

I should?

I should? That's what I should. Trademark is Will Will FIHENI yes for Dell, Yeah.

No, Ill said Will set out loud like, oh, then you have to change your name as if people don't say it every day.

It's already her name. And like Susan when we when we got already talked about changing her last name to my name, and I was like, she was.

Like, I don't know if I want to do. Just like, dude, you don't have to do it. She's going to change your passports. You got change its like I love you, you love me, We get it.

You don't have to change your name, so, I mean, there's just a lot that goes in with having to do it.

I don't know.

That said, it's kind of worth the bit. But also, your initials now are d c.

F c's kind of sounds like carp is a K, d c f.

K d c K that sounds more like a clothing brand, like you were in d c f K. That's so last year.

But that would be d tw F Oh god, it would god d t f K. Got did you just realize you'd be d t S.

I'd be d I mean we've but you'd be t T I would be d t F Wow d t f K wow Wow.

Now I'm for it.

Wow, Welcome to Pau meets World. I'm Topanga.

No, no, no, I don't like it that it was like a visceral reaction. I don't like it. I don't like it. I want you to be Danielle. I want you to be my friend. I don't you're just like messed like now I can't be rider, like I can't relate to you I'm never gonna call you to Panga I am. That just made my skin crawl so much. I'm so sorry.

You literally vomited it, like I can't.

I'm leaving the show if we do that. I can't. That is so weird. I was like, oh, this is fun hypothetical the second I heard you say that and finish. No, Oh my god.

He's like using bright red.

Oh you are Daniel Fishal and I am righter strong your own friend.

I'm Wilfordell.

Never my gosh.

Jumping into today's recap, we are recapping season six, episode six, Hogs and Kisses. It originally aired October thirtieth, nineteen ninety eight.

The synopsis.

After a director casts Sean to play Tipega's boyfriend in a promotional film, Corey is certain the duo or harboring romantic feelings for one another. When he forces them to go on a date and explore their emotions, things get even more complicated. Meanwhile, Eric and Jack adjust their manners for the sake of Rachel. This one was directed by Jeff McCracken. It was written by David Brownfield, a new name. He began his career as a writer on the Drew Carey Show and a Tim Curry show called Over the Top. But he went on to become the senior Vice President of Current Programming at CBS, and he oversaw the development of shows like CSI and Cis, The Good Wife, Big Bang Theory, and How I Met Your Other And as if that wasn't enough, he would go on to become an executive producer at Dick Wolfe Entertainment and he led the creative team first seven prime time series YEP.

So before I jump into I'm sorry, I just.

Just quickly about Brownfield. You know, he he wasn't a writer when he came on our show. He was our ABC rep. Oh so ABC would center represent representative to be on all the run throughs and all the stuff. He was our ABC rep. And then he joined our cast, joined our writers, which rarely happens.

Yeah, line.

And then when I was watching, I was like, David Brownfield, is that the same guy?

And it's the same.

We should totally have him on because he's kind of in charge, like in charge of TV. Now.

That would be wonderful if we could have him on.

Yeah, I him.

We will reach out to him, see if he wants to join us.

Before I jump into our guest stars who would like to share their overall thoughts.

I went first last time rider, uh I.

It's a It's a really mind melting episode for me, Like just watching it, it was like, how did this come about? Why is this here?


Ben is so funny, so I don't care. I don't care, Like Ben's just so funny. I think this is like again like after last week, I'm like Ben's performances are just making what is you know? And and it's also and Corey right, it's also the Corey character. I love neurotics, stressed out Corey and this is pure that. So I was I was like, oh, I'm fine with that. The Bet story is just to me, you know, kind of a joke.

At this point, it's like, why are you.

Even doing this? This is like kind of a waste set. Yeah, so it's a bummer, but but no, it was fun. You know, it's weird. It's a weird episode, and I have all my personal feelings, which I'm sure you do to Danielle, like why are they making us kissing? And why is everybody gas like poor Corey about this terror?

Man, Like just say no, I don't know. So that the whole like, yeah, we'll get into it.

I'm sure about how we how we feel about kissing and people kissing, and like how different it is now than it was for us then, you know, both personally but also culturally.

It seems like it seems like I.

Don't know, so there's there's weirdness there, but there's some classic moments in this episode that are really good and they're mostly bet there, mostly Bent's performance.

I just yeah, but yeah. When it came to the food fight stuff, I was like, really, really we did a food fight.

I barely remember this. I think we did, and that's the whole point of this whole thing is to set up that food I was like, that's a lot, okay, but everyone's good.

It's fun, you know.

Yeah, well, I agree with everything you said.

I get. I could watch Ben do that version of Corey for five hundred episodes. He's so funny, just ridiculously fun. The story makes no sense. It's also a story we've done now a number of times. How many times? Can the kiss? Does the kiss mean anything? Can you not kiss without it meaning something? Wait a second, we did this.

We did this though it's but it's not we did this with you kissed the French, you kissed me before we went to friends, and I.

Felt nothing like we've literally done this exact same thing already. But none of that mattered because Ben was making me laugh out loud almost every time he spoke, and so it was just I didn't care the food fight stuff. We had a producer on the show that had a very strange food fetish when it came it was almost like a sexuality when it came to food. So that's where he was going with this. It's hey, really, yeah, yes, so.

We did multiple food I don't remember there was more.

But it's also like qureantapanga have one too, Panga have one? And I remember them.

I think the movie is called nine and a half Weeks where there's like some they have sex in a food fight, and that movie was mentioned to me during that episode about seventy five times.

Yeah, and the feet in the Marin era. Then on my face, that's all.

It is kind of but the food fight thing is kind of a standard kids show it is.

That was like I was on Nickelodeon that was like my ten food.

Nothing about this episode that says we are still a kid's show.

That's true, except maybe the food.

No, even the food fights because it's sexualized. So no.

But if I I don't even care what the story is anymore, I'm over it for the b story. But if I have to see Jack and Eric and Rachel just in the apartment for another episode, I'm gonna lose it. It's like, are you kidding me? Now? We're just the three of us in that one little space trying to move this.

Girl still it at the time, right, like maybe from.

An standpoint because you don't have to, yeah, exactly, like.

You're trying to make again, you're trying to make Matt laugh constantly, exactly, I can tell that You're like, we broke a bunch of times in the middle of the of this of the scene.

So again, the story is just a side the a story. I could watch that Ben all the time. He was so funny. It might be my favorite Ben Savage performance I've ever seen.

He's just so good. He's as an elder season six, he's also.

Shredded, like he looks when he comes in and then when he rips off, he's like, damn, I mean, yeah, you don't remember that.

I remember that on the day I remember him being Oh god, Ben is I mean, we always because he would like do push ups and stuff like he would work out.

But I remember like when that happened to everyone was like, oh my god.

I was like, yeah, that's Ben's body.

Yeah, no, it was no. So overall I liked it. Again, the kissing thing absurd. Just everything you said I agree with one hundred percent.

Couldn't agree more about Ben's performance.

Yeah, I don't need to be the third person to say the exact same things. It's perfect. I love this version of Corey. I think it's so funny. Every every other aspect of this episode is maybe the worst episode of television I've ever seen ever in my life.

Because you're in it. Is that because you feel so awkward about like the kissing and the no you actually think it's performances too.

Everybody else but Ben I think, Yeah, I think it's terrible.

I don't. There's not one redeeming quality other than Ben.

It is.

It makes no sense, it's stupid and it is not funny. It's if I have to watch, if I have to watch this be storyline, Oh I can't.

I can't with the b storyline. One more episode.

Yeah, Also, we had somebody right in and I said, I would absolutely let you know the moment when I realized that as Danielle, I was done with the show and I checked out my soul off my body.

It's this episode, is it?

I that a little bit of a writer in this episode?

I'm already gone, but I mean, you're a writer. Was like I went to college and I was like, yeah, you're a.

Different Sean in this because Sean is just like, hey, Corey, what's it like, He's a totally normal There's nothing Sean about Sean anymore. Is just now a guy?

Well, yeah, we can get into it. But it was interesting how little the rest of us had to do. Like it's like, once they came up with this Corey being this Corey, which is hysterical and is killing it, the rest of us are just like sounding boards, Like we're just like normal people reacting the way normal people do, so we don't get to be funny or interesting. And you know, Trina has probably more dialogue than she's ever had in an episode, and it's all about Corey, which nothing she is no if anything, she becomes aggressive sexually and kisses him, which is kind of course, what is happening.

Also, she says this the only she has more dialogue, but it's one sentence with different words over and over again.

Corey, You're crazy, Corey. They would never do that, Corey. These are the same people, Corey. There, there's no.

Way it's the same thing, said six different ways. They gave her nothing of real like and she's great, she's wonderful, like, she's she totally of her going let me show you how I can kiss you and it won't mean anything when Corey is the person who's already kissed seven other people and been the one trying to explain to Tapanga how when they kissed him it meant nothing.

We've done We've.

Already done this.

Yeah, oh my god.

For and then are we are you serious?

There's a college video and they it's a couple, and then they're gonna have a makeout hotter hotter, and there's no hesitation between two friends who have have been platonic friends supposedly since they were toddlers.

To just be like, yes, this man, and I'm on camera and I gotta do it.

I'm suddenly a paid actor for real, Who's like, this is my job?

It is so.

I Honestly, I watched the episode and I was like, I can't believe I have to do the rest of this podcast, Like, I can't this is it, this is it.

I can't believe. I can't believe I have to if this is it.

I have questioned before, is this the moment Boy means World Jump the Shark, and then been like watch the next episode and been like, Nope, absolutely not.

This is it.

There had better be even one redeeming moment for Boy Meets World for the rest of this But I think we should have been canceled after this episode, rib them off the air.

Tommy, maybe Tommy stuff you are extreme, Yeah, this is this is a big one for you.

It is totally like Ben's. It's all just Corey and Corey's story, and Corey's performed like it is so funny to me, and they just got off on that joke, like they were just like, oh my god, what if Corey just keeps freaking out and we keep you know that is It's just they were just upset.

It was good, give him that all of that, keep it the same and have it be even he actually has a reason.

It's not funny when the man is we're gaslighting him.

It's a little less funny when I'm like, he should be freaking out.

I'd been pissed.

Off too, Like give him a given, just the underpants, give have him walk in and have that situation.

He rips, he pulls up the blanket.

He's like, underpants, have you always had feelings for each other?

Make it?

Make it a little.

But also just at any point if Sean and Panga recognize this is a little awkward, but yes, you're like just just just a slipping nothing bops. Okay, I guess we have to kiss because it's our job, which we're getting paid.

I don't know, okay job. But like if there was just a little bit of like sorry Corey and then we did it, and then we were like, yeah, we shouldn't have done that, or any of any acknowledgment, you still could have had the same story with us being like grown ups about it, like, oh, yeah, you see your point of view, dude, like that, does you know what would.

Have solved all of this?

For to go kiss I'm not kissing him. Are you okay with it?

Yeah? I guess so, Corey, are you okay with it?

And for him to go oh, yeah, sure, Yeah, what's the big deal? And then we do it and he's like it spins him out of control, and we're like, oh gosh, how did we you know? Then okay, then I even I can buy all of it, none of it. We all are just like the whole world is operating on some weird level where this is just totally fine, and you're not.

How much of that is because we were a TV show where we had to make out with people that we just met, that we barely knew as a job all the time, Like, how much of this is the result of TV writers and TV actors trying to write a storyline that just really doesn't make sense?

Actually, are our TV writers so out of touch with what it's like to be a.

Huge human to kiss a person? I mean.

Talking about that, talking about the kiss just I love you both so much. It's one of the worst TV kisses I think I've ever seen. It's like you're both listening to two different songs and trying to make it make a mash up.

It was like, that is a You don't think we have old magic chemistry.

You do not.

It's like you guys hadn't rehearsed you hadn't done anything.

You probably game together. We probably didn't. We probably. I don't remember making out all week.

I don't only remember this episode because at some point in our lives over the last you know, eight years or whatever you mentioned we had an episode where we kissed and I was like, what are you talking. I don't remember no recollection. But once you said it, I was like, oh, right, because I replaced Corey in some weird thing and I have to kiss you. I was like, Okay, I guess that makes sense. But watching it, I'm like, no, this, this doesn't.

Make sense, doesn't make any sense.

Yeah, I don't get it.

Also, but it is very real though, that a college puts out a video saying come to this college because you can meet somebody that you're going to fall in love with.

That's a real thing, totally obvious.

I don't know everyone's going.

In that video.

Yeah, that's they.

Send those out for elementary school. Now we're getting them.

We're trying to get Adler into you know, first grade, and they're they're sending out you.

Might meet you.

Yeah, you want to meet your Corey, come here, you want to meet your Topanga, come to this.

I'm so you know, like I feel like there's a like a three or four hundred page book, like a PhD thesis to be written about the magic of kissing on point and how all the nuances right because we kiss and it's clearly magnetic.

For Corey, it's it's it says the thing.

We we don't feel the magic consoorcealment of our kiss now, uh, but we don't. We don't acknowledge that. But but then when he and Trina kiss, they clearly don't feel it, they clearly don't end it. But but I can't look what's going on. It's like when does a kiss magically in sourceal somebody to be like, oh mama, I want to marry you. You're in love.

When when the universe says that it's okay for you guys to be together, the kiss works.

Right, So you have to try it out kissing everybody to get that, and then you really know when when you kiss Ricky don't get to France.

Is that the old saying how many frogs you have to kiss before you see you get a prince?

That's what this is. That's what it is.

You know, how many frogs you have to kiss before you kiss.

Prince, the logic and the magic. It's like, it's just the twists and the turns, and it's like, I feel like maybe our writers just wanted to watch us make out in different combinations. Like they literally were like, how can we get a situation where we're writer and Danielle kiss, and how do we get a situation where where Trina then kiss. Let's let's just mix them up.

And then they stot on me entirely. I don't think I kiss a person for the rest of like for at some point, you're not going to give anything. Yeah, we're not. We're not going to have him kiss anybody or do anything. We're just we're done with that.

You have many romantic partners after this.

No, I don't think. I think it's all all Maitland all the Time's a pretty big turn from where we start.

I mean, you're romantic desires and then.

I could be wrong, but I don't believe I have any romantic We have at.

Least fifteen, if not sixteen more episodes left in this season, plus twenty two of next season, so we're looking at like thirty eight episodes of All You Do is Think and Talk about Rachel.

No, because I think by next season. I'm also thinking about food quite a bit.

Well what, I don't know what I'm saying.

They have me with the pizza and they have like it becomes a thing.

Are you serious? Yeah? I think so.

I mean you got it right to the fact that I don't fit in my clothes anymore. So I mean, gosh, but I think that's what that and then I just become the fun It's like, make him so crazy. I think we're going to be as amazed as you guys are with seeing yourself checked out. I think we're going to be amazed at how big Eric gets comically in season seven. It's real, and I think it even jumps farther than that to where it's becomes a caricature of even this caricature.

Well, it's funny because I was thinking watching this, I was I was thinking, how much of a kind of a new level of comedic acting you have achieved by this season, Like because I was there was someone there was one line that was very clearly like a Jim Carrey rip offline. I forget what it was, and you delivered it. It was like you gave them what they wanted, but you also made it your own, whereas like season four, Will would have and it would have been fine, it would have been what they thought, you know when they wrote it like it was just and I had this more when it was like Will's like on, He's like above it now, you.

Know what I mean?

It was like it was like you were the expert who was now just like dabbling, like let me just do a little joke because you just got it, you know, yeah, and you're so comfortable like that. That's what that's there's part of it that's enjoyable for me just because I'm like Will, because you know so much. And I didn't get to see this, like I never watched these scenes. I never watched these rehearsals. So I'm sitting there going wow, well and mass spend a lot of time to get because I just never I missed that. I didn't actually spend that much time with Matt. It was two shows.

It was too we talked, he didn't get to didn't the A and the B storylines, didn't get to spend time together.

So it's really.

Fun to just see you having fun with Matt. Rachel hasn't met anybody else in the cast yet.

Mister Foenie.

Correct, what we'll think about it? Who there have you?

Have you done any scenes or anyone We've not even seen.

The whole person, which means also on our day to day, I was spending zero minutes, zero minutes with you, even.

Matt and and Mayland now season six, where you weren't dating Matt.

Still at this point season.

Six, nineteen ninety eight, Matt and I had just gone to prom together in June of ninety eight.

Weren't you dating Lance? It's a problem with Matt, Yeah, problem with l and Lance.

Came with me.

I went to Matt's prom. Yeah, oh okay, I went to Matt's. I was Matt's prom date. Lance was my prom date. And then and I took it when you.

Kissed, did you feel them? Let's talk about with Land.

Ironically, I would have thought the magic like you wouldn't have any watching you can get that kiss your own podcast.

I think that's well because he knows, he knows that he's in love. So it's fine, Jenson, What is wrong with you? She's just making out on the podcast. It's the job.

So anything it was was Lance before Matt or after Matt after Matt?

Right, So then you would buy season six. You're probably dating Lance by now right this fall?

Yeah, yes, I started dating Lance at this point because this is October aired October thirtieth. Yeah, somewhere somewhere around here meet and.

Lance, right, But you and Matt, we didn't even know you guys dated, so even if you broke up, there was like you guys didn't act differently up.

He didn't a very mature Yeah, we.

Can actually date the moment that you met Lance, right, because they it was a it was and you guys. Yeah, I don't know.

Exactly what date that was, but I know it was fall of ninety eight because then Prom of ninety nine. He was my prom date and then he broke up with me after Prom. So that's that's that, okay. Jumping into our guest stars, Tom Gallup as Simon Gallup, a TV regular in the nineties, appearing on shows like Murphy, Brown, Blossom, and.

Hey goes well with the bumping your nose. So that's his line.

Was My question is Will who was he on Seinfeld?

I can't believe raise. Yeah, he plays the guy who uh Elaine Days who says she has a big head and she's like, that's it. He's a bad break upper.

That's okay.

His name is Alan and it's the episode is called the Andrea Doria yep.

But you probably recognize.

Him from The Bourne Ultimatum and The Bourne Supremacy as Tom Cronin or Will and Grace, where he played Rob for seventeen episodes.

This guy worked a.

Lot and still shows up on TV, most recently on the TV drama All Rise. And then we have Brian Turk, who played Isaac. He appeared on a ton of TV shows also from Wings to Sybil to The Jamie Foxx Show, and he shows up in Jurassic Park, The Lost World and a real classic big Fat Liar. He was also on the show Carnival. Sadly, Brian passed away from brain cancer in twenty nineteen at the very young age of forty nine. Now, before we jump into the true recap, we wanted to first celebrate a very special cameo seen in a very special scene.

Of this episode Hogs and Kisses.

I want to give a special thank you to Mariah mccarsky and her brother in law, Scott for first alerting us to this background actor. It is Matt Foster of Buffalo, New York. It was his only appearance on the show, and he can be seen sitting in the student union playing chess right as writer enters setting up the very memorable moment and a line read we still hear today underpants. Matt Foster was on that Boy Meets World set in September of nineteen ninety eight through the Make a Wish Foundation of Western New York. The seventeen year old had Rabdo Mayo sarcoma, an extremely aggressive and unusual muscular and soft tissue cancer. He was diagnosed to just fifteen, and after months of treatment, the family knew that things were not looking good. He was offered to make a wish trip, something he could do to get away from the harsh reality he was living, and he was told he could pick anything, and he chose to come to see his favorite show, Boy Meets World, being taped, and so his family, which included two parents and five siblings, and with the help of producer Karen McCain, made the trip to Los Angeles to sit in the audience. They sat in on the table read they were offered to have lunch with a star of their choice, and Matt shyly grinned with his answer.

To Panga, we.

Took pictures, We laughed at the size of his family who was on the trip with him, And even though I messed with him a little for being so nervous and shy, I remember cherishing the time I had with Matt and his family, and really any make a wish kid we were lucky enough to meet during our time on the show. The Fosters took pictures with the rest of the cast, and when it was time to return to the audience, matt and his dad took the liberty of staying on the floor, interested in seeing how things worked by behind the scenes, and that gutsy decision is what led Karen to ask if Matthew would like to be an extra in one of the.

Scenes, and of course he said yes.

And so Matthew is right there during an iconic boy meets World exchange, visible in at least three shots. You can't miss him. He's wearing his backwards green hat to cover his bald head. And then right before he left for the day, Ben handed him the torn tank top, yes, the one Cory rips off while yelling to Banga, but now it was emblazoned with his autograph. The cast signed enough scripts for Matt and his siblings, and Will promised him the next time he was in LA he would give him a grand tour of the area. Matt's favorite picture from that day was the one he took with his fore co stars Ben and Me and Writer and Trina, and when he got back to school, he even decided to draw it, but he removed everyone except me and him.



He asked his dad to send it to me, but the family wanted to keep it, and I don't blame them. It still hangs in their living room.

Karen sent the.

Fosters a VHS tape of the episode before it aired, and for a dance at Matt's school, they set up a special room so he could show all of his friends his big TV debut. But despite the happiness Matt had in Los Angeles, things changed on December seventh, when the hospital informed his family there was nothing else they could do. It was time to make sure he was as comfortable as possible, and on the way home from the hospital that day, Matt's dad asked him if there was anything he wanted to do, and he said he wanted to return to the Boy Meets World set. They called Karen immediately, and she said she would make it happen. But then when a last ditch clinical trial opened up in Houston, plans changed. The family wanted to try whatever they could to prolong Matt's life, and then it was impossible to visit during the show's tape schedule. On January twenty ninth, nineteen ninety nine, less than a month before his eighteenth birthday, Matt Foster lost his battle with cancer. Friends and family packed the Immaculate Conception Haffolic Church in East Aurora, standing room only to pay tribute to a boy who had become a symbol of strength and determination for his community, and nearby his coffin lay a wreath from the casting crew of Boymets World. His mom told the Buffalo News that week, one of the saddest things is that he never had a chance to decide what he wanted to do with his life. It all happened so fast for him. But he did love his trip to Los Angeles and meeting with the cast and the crew of Boymets World. That really was a dream come true for him. It was something he would not have ever forgotten, and now we can all remember it too. One month After his passing, the Matthew Foster Foundation was established to continue his positive impact on those experiencing a similar battle. The foundation's mission is to help families with children who are suffering from cancer by providing financial assistance to cover some of their extraordinary costs. These expenses can include rent payments, medical expenses, insurance, gift cards for food and gas, and funeral expenses. They assist an average of forty two West New York families each year, including six to seven families with funeral expenses. But we want to get that number even higher, so we are releasing a new T shirt in Matthew's honor, with one hundred percent of the profits to be donated to the foundation.

Across the shirt, it.

Loudly reads underpants, a classic straight from Boy Meets World Season six, and in honor of our scene partner, we've included a backwards green cap hanging from the exclamation point. It can be purchased now at Podmets Worldshow dot com, and again, one hundred percent of proceeds will go to the Matthew Foster Foundation, which you can learn more about at Matthew Foster Foundation dot com. Also worth noting they are an all volunteer organization, so almost every penny of every dollar goes right to their mission. Rest in peace. Matthew Foster, our fellow boy, meets world cast member in the backwards green hat.

We would also like to thank.

Matthew's dad, Bert Foster, for helping us with this tribute, and we will post some pictures from the family's trip on our Instagram. We'll be back with the recap after a short break. All right, jumping into our recap. We are in the Penbrook student Union. We are zoomed in on a clapboard, feeling very meta. Here calls out action and we're camera camera, How.

Do we do this? What's happening? I was ready?

Did you pause it to see if any of the names on there, like they put it like a manel.

Or something like that.

No, it's I thought it was going to be something something kind of you know, in joke, but it wasn't.

Yeah, so funny.

A director calls out action and we're in a video for possible incoming Penbrook freshmen to Panga and Corey enter the building, both staring directly at the camera, performing a little walk and talk. Tapanga introduces herself to the camera and Corey follows suit, but he's so awkward and fumbling over his words.

Purpose of the bad acting from his favorites.

I can go back in time, but we do a whole episode of Justice and Ben would love it. He would have been this is his favorite thing to do and he's so good at So it's perfect. It's like it's it's not over the top. It's actually like some of the most realistic performers world has ever had. Yeah, like Ben has, He's he's not indicating, he's just being about. It's like, it's so perfect, it's so good.

Just the walking, even if he didn't speak, just the walking is so uncomfortable.

All the way he looks, the way he looks at you. He can't do anything normal. He knows how to be is it's so funny, Like and I know exactly where that comes from. That comes from being a kid actor who knows that you can do the thing and having to sit through other kids auditioning or watching because we used to talk about it. We used to talk about like how you if you knew how to act as a kid and somebody couldn't, you would be like, oh god, they're really They're just never gonna get They just don't know. They don't know what to do with their mouth. They don't know, and it's like it's just never gonna happen, Like a certain level of comfort is just like necessary, and then gives himself that discomfort better than any actor. And you know, he's having the most fun of his life. He's the fun this entire episode, This is god yeah fun.

Topanga flawlessly delivers her lines, but Corey's mistakes are never ending, and he's giving off incredible bad acting, a journey that takes them to a ugaverse of exciting experiments. After Corey robotically tells the students to come on, the director finally tells everyone to cut.

Come on, come on, so come on, come on.

The director finally tells everyone to cut. Corey shouts back.

You think, where have you been? I stink.

The director asks the couple to try it one more time, than sarcastically scoffs, maybe take fifty nine will be the jarm. Corey disagrees he knew back at take thirty three he was sucko, so he quits. Everyone in the building cheers at the news. Besides, Tapanga, I don't understand Corey and I were picked as the perfect freshman couple because of our natural chemistry. The director wonders, Yeah, where'd that go. Sean decides to intervene and urges Corey not to leave. He still wants to hear him butcher the word curriculum. Corey glares back, Oh yeah, if curric you comes, I don't even know what he says, but he's gonna sit up there. It's such an easy word, then let's hear you say it. Sean recites the word with ease, and Corey looks at him in awe, and it caught the attention of the director. He asks Sean to do that again, so Sean innocently repeats curriculum. The director is intrigued. Corey knows where this is going and agrees Shawn should take his place.

Shawn and Topanga are both visibly hesitant.

But Corey tells his friend, I don't want to be responsible for ruining this film. Topanga will make Sean feel comfortable. Shawn isn't sold.

I think it's about it.

Yes, so important.

I'm go find another couple.

Girlfriend to get the movie done. Yeah, what is this a job?


What is like?

Where are we definitely not getting paid. I don't know, I don't know.

I just this is where I'm like, what reality, where are writers leaning in? They're just they're they're like, how do we get this? Like what where did this pitch come from?

But also this becomes a thing this season because remember this is also the Truman Show season where we're we do a takeoff on The Truman Show where Eric is just filming Rachel everywhere and all the people in the student union are watching her.

So when you said that, I was thinking, we already did that episode when Corey was running around the camera and season one where.

It's a straight up take of The Truman Show. Eric is operating all these cameras that he hides in the apartment like you do. And and so this kind of weird videos that pop up are a thing in this season.

It's really strange. Well, I mean to be fair, like videos and like that, you know, being able to film your friends and stuff was relatively new, like was still like a thing that young people were doing for the first time, and our writers were probably like, well, that's cool, that's what the young's are doing. Let's let's write to it. But I just can't like what were they like, how can we get Corey jealous of Sean and to Panga like, is that what they were hoping? Because that is kind of funny, Like him freaking out is funny, But.

I don't know.

I don't know either. Sewn isn't sold.

He says, I think it's a bad idea. Corey waves him off. Oh when did I ever have a bad idea? And I overact a response like a facial reaction.

It's pretty great though, because it's pretty big. Yeah, it's like it's.

Like the moment I died.

Yeah, it is a sitcom facial express.

Somebody fire me, Someone fire me.

You are retroactively fired.

Well, What's what I can't stand is what happens next, which is me being a good host. I can't speak. I'm awful, Like I literally misprint's the second or third word. I was like, wait, writer, you had one job, Like the joke is that you're good at this and I couldn't do It's.

What There's nothing like taking two actors who have checked out, who don't want to be in the show the scene anymore, and having them carry the scene.

Like we are. All this episode is doing is interrupting my dairy dog reading like that's like literally all that's happening right now is I'm like deep in a phone call from Lance and yeah, I'm like, oh, I have to show up and do that TV show still because man.

As all of the stuff.

Remember my one of my big complaints about like Tapega's date with Ricky was that could could we give them something fun to do?


What if this video wasn't just about a kiss, but it was about like, look how much.

Fun there is? What are all the things there are to do in Penbrook?

And it's Sean and Tapanga having a blast together and like actually having good chemistry or.

Your hand at one point, like if I literally if it was just and Corey watching the video where like my hand goes, then it's even funnier because a decent.

Conversation about something where then it's like then that we realized, wow, I didn't know you liked that, And there's like a moment of looking into each other's eyes.

Or just the reality of other people thinking we make a cute couple. Like that is all it could be is the director being like, you guys make such a cute couple and they walk away or he walks away and Corey goes, they do with me, and then it's over, And then the whole episode is.

Except hand the hand touching thing would be funny if it was literally like your hands just brushed each other. He keeps watching it. At the end, he's like, you're sleeping with my wife.

Look at your hands.

Hey you're not married, and b what are you talking like? You wonder why why they needed it to be an actual like kids.

Because they wanted to because they wanted to see these two teen heart throbs makeup.

Yeah, I guess they wanted to create a sort of a scene. It's why it's a scene. It's like, oh, there's a Sean and Pang are going to kis the episode?

We can use this in the promos true.

Sean is officially joined to Panga to film a couple scene in front of the fire place. Topanga tells incoming students they can build lifelong friendships or maybe more.

Than looks at Sean with a smile. He puts an arm around her and nods, that's right. Schnoo comes.

He recalls a fake story of the night they met at the newly remodeled student union, paid for by missus Stanley Kandleman class. Corey is admiring their performance, standing with the director something to look great together. The director agrees they really do, he says. Corey clarifies, I just mean they do. I don't mean they really do.

Which is enough done?

Like that's it, that's it to Panga and Sean wrap it up, talking about their lifelong mates at Penbrook, and Corey claps his hand together and to film. But the director has a better idea. He wants Topanga and Sean to kiss. Corey adamantly shouts no, don't, and we Sean and.

Tapanga do it with that, with nothing, with nothing, with no hesitation. They both turn to each other like they've wanted to do this since the playground.

Let's go.

Let's go, because if it would be so natural for us, as just regular college students to suddenly be yelled at about on camera kiss that person and just being like, is.

What I do?

Okay, there you go. I'm going to make out with my my best my my fiance's best friend because someone else told me to.

I mean, I guess that's the way they thought of actors, that's the way thought of us. They literally were like, they don't care, they'll do anything, do it, do anything, take your shirt off, guts her.

No, somebody older than you, with powder, with power told you to do that, so go get that.

So in their fictional imagination, like in their fictional world, that's what college kids will do. They'll just somebody will tell them, director should tell them what to do, and they'll just do it. That's that's actually kind of disturbing to think about it. That the level of reality that this fiction requires has a logic buy in that is that you an older person in power should just be able to tell people to make out and they just do it, and.

They just do the no question way it should tell them to do anything. If that person, whatever it is, just just do it.

Well we did. I mean that's what we did every week.

Actually, the director and gives them, instructs them to give out more heat. They're in love, so to Panga and Sean really start making out. Corey's watching on in pure terror, less heat, lesser tongue.

Though we aren't we aren't open, we're not. We're just kind of like, well.

Both of you are doing two different things.

Your mouth is open, but mine is yes, and then you close your mouth and then you kind of open your and I was like, one of you is doing this also the others doing the marengue.

You are just doing two different dances at the same time.

It's weird. The whole point of the episode is that we have chemistry and we kiss and we couldn't do it.

We would both have too big of lips. Is that what it is?

You can't take pillow mouths? Were like, I'm supposed to be the pillow princess. What are you doing?

It was really strange to watch, and not just because I know you so well, just because it was like it was like neither of you had ever.

Ever kid before.

For both of us, so weird.

I watched this. I watched this with my friend Sean, who I've met up with because I'm out of town and he hasn't. He's never watched the show, but he was on set for a lot of episodes, especially in this period because he lived in la and was one of college and would come all the time. It was so funny to watch his reaction to watching this episode. I mean, he has so many cops, but one of them was like, man, are like women obsessed with lip filler? Because of Danielle's lips like they're just He's like, I mean that's intense, Like this is did she start this trend? I was like, yeah, you're right, it's like they're just giant, they're beautiful.

I was like, yeah, it's a really fair day.


Still nobody's ever I think people know that I don't have lip filler, because.

Yeah, my entire life.

But it was literally the very first thing my grandfather ever said about me on the day I was born.

I was a newborn.

Baby, and he went, oh my god, look at that mouth. It was like literally from the moment I was born. I was just like whoop.

So yeah.

So Corey frantically grabs a megaphone, runs into the shot and yells cut cut.

Also tell Sean. I said, thank you. That's very sweet. He instructs Sean.

To back away from the girlfriend, and then there is a tense commercial break and we are still at the student union.

We're right where we left off.

Corey girlfriend, by the way, girlfriend not fiance, which is strange.

That's what I said. I said that out loud when I watched it. Forgot to make the note, but I said it. I was like, actually your fiance.

Yeah, Yeah, you're engaged. That's right, he says, back away from the girlfriend, which is weird.

Yeah, maybe they were they shout out of order.

No, how could they have been, because later, okay, weird, Corey is still shouting into the megaphone despite being a few feet away from Tapega and Sean.

What was that? Sean says he was directed to do it.

I'm just doing my job, man, I'm a good actor. You got it, you got it.

Cory asks a logical question, if he.

Told you to put a knife through my heart, would you do it? Sean thinks about it. It depends would you be yelling in my ear through a bullhorn at the time. Sean assures him that the kiss meant nothing, and to Panga agrees, begging Cory not.

To go crazy over this.

Oh no, not you and you're weirdo beliefs again.

I wonder, I have no idea, but like, there was a vibe in acting classes where people were supposed to kiss if a scene like I remember, there was pressure to kiss. It was sort of like, yeah, this is part of your what do you mean? I wonder if that's yeah, I mean, I wonder if that's still a pressure that actors in acting class field, Like obviously I think.

The intimacy thing has become more talked about on sets with intimacy coordinators, and also so it's in the zeitgeys enough now where I think probably even in acting classes they're being more careful with random touching and intimacy as.

I feel like it would have to be that there's there should be. I would hope fewer acting instructors who are comfortable saying, oh, no, if a scene calls for it, you have to do it. And then it's left up to the actors to say are you comfortable with kissing? And if the person says no, okay, how can we how can we fake it for Let's figure this out, let's work something out, and if both people are say yeah, I'm comfortable with it, then great, then go ahead and do it.

But you love to hear from acting teachers. Actually, if anybody's in acting class or knows an acting teacher or is an acting teacher, I'd love to hear how you deal with it right now, because it's somebody that was just I haven't thought about cause I've been in an acting class, but like it was part of the culture of acting for sure. Like it was like if you go to acting class and you have to do a make up sne and you do it, and like why right now? I would be like, really do we have to? Like is it so interesting?

Corey clenches his fists intensely walks away, repeating please don't go crazy over this, please, And then we're in Corey and Shawn's dorm. Corey is replaying Sean and Tapanga's awful kiss over and over again on his TV. He sees, oh, that's right, kiss him again, you little Oh you hurt me so bad? And you my best friend, Jigglow homewrecker. Why don't you have take her back to your tornado infested trailer park.

I cannot believe how much we are in the set because I never remember being in the set. I don't remember anything about this set. I remember the studio union, but like this dorm room, I'm like what And even memory when I was like, oh yeah, Corey gets sound on his knees and he rips his shirt in my memory was in the boy's bedroom, right, But where was the set? Literally? I can't remember it down the so audience is here, you're facing the audience you're facing the audience.

To the left.

It was.

It was the same side as the audience.

I just have no I remember this because this is the one we light on fire with your chopping up the dorm room. I remember that because I.

Remember that you just said things in a different language.

I don't know what you're talking about, likes the I do remember the scene.

I pick up Corey and I'm not he knocks the candles over and no idea.

Then the fire department breaks in, and I don't remember being in the set, and like the fact that we have seeing myself.

Really, Yes, this is where they live. This is where you where Sewn and Corey live until they get married.

Is this where the prom set used to be? The hotel room? Do you remember where the hotel remember that?

I remember that one at all.

I thought that was I thought the audience was facing that set.

No, I think it's I think it's exactly where Will's talking about. If you're looking at the audience to the right, Oh did.

You say to that to the left.

If you're looking at the audience, it was down to the.

Left where that's where your hallway was.

Yes, it was on the No, the hallway was right on the same side as when the audience is looking straight ahead. The hallway was to their left looking straight ahead.

It was the first you're basically looking at the apartment and the kitchen when the kitchen was still around. But there's no living room anymore, right this season, we don't have any living room.

Oh, so it took the So the hallway took the hallway, and the apartment took the place of the living room.

Basically, yes, it was okay, I don't remember that.

And then he screams in agony and falls to his knees. He rips his white tank top apart and shouts stop banger.

Looking like in a DNIS can't like laugh at the joke.

They end up cheering for Ben's body because shade almost like wrong, Like it's like Corey shouldn't be this the good looking like this is it doesn't really fit Corey to be this buff.

You know, we know why Tipanga likes him. We got me finally figured out one of the answers.

This is honestly one of arguably one of the most used gifts ever.

This You will see this everywhere.


It's also a great reminder for everyone how buff Ben was he's just people work and.

The inmates wood.

A neighbor yells at Corey to shut up, and Corey yells back, you shut up, and he goes back and forth with the neighbor until I start going at it intensifying but with the goal of getting each other to shut up. Eventually, Corey yells to come and get a piece of him, and then his door gets kicked down and an extremely buff man is standing in the doorway. He's also, I don't know, thirty five years old.

Maybe yeah, yeah, he's up there.

He's giving Cory a death glare. Corey's tone quickly changes hello, which was such a ben. He such a ben read for Hello, and I love it. And then we're back in the apartment. Eric, Jack, and Rachel are sitting together eating a formal breakfast. The boys are acting more sophisticated than normal, and Rachel is noticing the difference. Eric politely offers Rachel another splash of tomato, but she declines she needs to leave for class, and as soon as she stands, the guy's rush to clean up her plates.

And then this is the second episode. Now where I went? Did I miss something?


What set this up? I remember I had this problem with this last episode. Oh, we're in a we're like mid conflict already, Like they've already decided to do something that never was set up. It's like it's like they just decided to skip to the second part of the story. It's it's so weird. I was like, we did I miss it?

Why now, all of a sudden, do we need.

To episode All of a sudden, you pick, you decide that women need manners in order to live with you.

Yeah, that's why it should have been precipitated by just one little moment, you know, where she makes a calm. I don't, but I guess I would have required a whole scene. Like it's weird, it's it's it's it's it's like they don't care. It's like the writers were like, well, we want to get this situation. Do we need to explain? Now, let's just do something.

They'll get there. They'll get there, And that's that's how it kind of comes off. It's bad.

She tries to stop them, but they insist Jack's class doesn't start for another hour, and Eric says his class is probably over by now.

I love the way you say that. Will It was so funny where you just drive right there done.

Eric even meticulously cleans the bright blue tablecloth with a table crumb sweeper.

Because those things are like, yeah, it was the perfect touch her. Do you think it was written? Do you think it was like.

A I was probably written. I imagine I did not go to props and say can I get a table crumb sweeper?

Such a nice touch. It's like a perfect way to be like, I'm fancy, you know. It's like if you have one of those, you are you are killing it. Yeah, it's like and the way you do it so pervios, so good.

Rachel says that if this is for her benefit, it is unnecessary.

Both of them scoff. It has nothing to do with her. They're doing this for themselves.

They change out the tablecloth instead of vasive flowers on the island. Rachel awkwardly tells them she's going to class, and the boys jump to help. Eric hanser a lunch bag. Jack tells her to make friends. Jack opens the door for her as she leaves, and as soon as she's out the door, Eric lets out a loud belch.

I've been holding it in.

For three weeks.

I can see myself with my like my lips close. I'm just swallowing you, right, I can see myself doing.

It yet, so funny Jack size, she's killing us with this cleaning and consideration.

Eric agrees manners blow.

They are replacing the table sophistication with an array of snacks like cheeseballs and donuts.

Which, by the way, even the donuts are on like a cake plate. Why didn't they just have to be like even that is just sophisticated, Like why didn't you just like open a drawer and pull out a half eaten donut like a beautiful cake.

Beautifully displayed on a cake plate. It's weird anyway.

Eric opens a cart and the milk and drinks straight from it. We know what women expact. I lived with my mother for eighteen years. Eric tosses the flowers out of the vase.

I lived this, so I remember the first time I did this. Really Yeah, during the run through, I just tossed the flowers and I drink from the vase and they had that blue dye stuff in it that like keeps flowers alive, and so Glazer came up. He's like, I didn't know you're gonna do it, is like I didn't know I was gonna do anything, like it'll be just water from now. And I was like, so I like drank like the poison.

My flower the first will because.

I didn't even think about it.

I was like, oh, yeah, that's.

Where you have a glass eye.

No I had before that. It could have caused my anxiety though, you never know. This could have been stuff flower food anxiety. It's flower food connection. Yeah, ffa, it's big.

Jack says they can never show their real selves if they want Rachel to stay there. Eric simply responds, I love your mother.

I don't get the stake it either, don't get And then there's a callback joke later right about about the grandma. Yeah, you say something later that I was to the mom joke.

Jack says, I lived with Nana Boo boo once.

Now that's a woman.

Now that's a woman. I don't I don't get it. I think it's just supposed to be like they're now doing things. Remember the last episode, it was Eric coming up like, dude, you got to try these cheeseballs. I think it's just he's doing they're now just throwing random stuff.

Okay, yeah, but we have there is a whole like mom thing, like you know, basically you want her to be. You say mommy a couple times in this episode.

I feel like, yeah, you said, you said the I lived with my mommy for eighteen years.

Yeah, and then she says other than your mother's.

Right, and then you say yes mom when she yells at you.

After you said yes mommy, yeah or whatever.

Yes. So I thought maybe I was missing like some setup from this. Don't you remember, No, we did this. This was for her answer.

The second you start dating, the woman becomes the mom.

Yeah. We did this with Tpanga and it was a big.

By their mothers.

Yeah, oh god.

Jack ignores the comment and reminds Eric that Rachel isn't there anymore. What are they still doing with their pants on? They both fall back onto the couch and unzip their pants with relief.

That is another big yeah, I like, but I rip them off because you already had done an episode where we're like my pants, which is which was really very funny. I was waiting for it to happen again.

Yeah, that was funny, and it's like an Eric thing, but just a bunch of dudes like we're alone.

Now, let's take off our pants. I find that range.

I just I don't think that's a real thing.

I don't know. A bunch of dudes, audience, let's take it off and let's just let's just air it out. Let's air it out.

What happens.

Let's just we air it out out. Come on class, Why it's over here?

You're talking about somebody. This is literally probably the last time I wore shorts was on this episode, because and God right, or cover them up like those Those legs should never see the light a day.

I disagree with you. You have very nice legs.

No, I don't know. I don't you have ma hobbit feet.

No one's talking about your hobbits. It's about your feet.

I know you're telling the truth. Nice.

Nice, you've got hobbit feet, very nice legs to walk to shirts.

I could wear shorts at the beach with with my boots.

You're good, got your mother.

And then we're back in Corey and Sean's dorm.

The muscly neighbor is now holding Corey and they are both crying watching the kiss footage. Corey pauses the TV tramp man. The neighbor agrees through his tears, I hear you, brother, Corey. Says he never saw it coming. His new friend, Isaac assures Corey that he can't blame himself. The same thing happened to him once. Corey again shouts Stopanga in response, and Isaac follows his lead by shouting fred. Corey's eyes go wide as he notices Isaac's arm around his shoulder and some panic panic, but the audience the inmates seem to find it very funny at the time, and then in the student union we see Matt Foster and his green hat sitting in the back playing chess while students bustle about. Sean is asleep on one of the couches. Tapanga enters and tells him to wake up. Sean sits up, screaming no clown, no.

Again it.

Tepenga takes a seat and asks if he really slept on the couch. Sean nods, I had to. He installed a dead bolt. She says Corey's been avoiding her too. They're both now under Shawn's comforter, and thinks he's probably been letting it eat at him all night. He's probably out of control at this point. Then, on cue a very calm, Corey enters the room with his head held high. He addresses the two, It's probably no surprise to you that I've had a long, hard night and a lot of time to think. I know you too are thinking that the crazy little man would dwell and stew and blow this horribly out of proportion. But I've worked through it. I'm fine, and i am a happy, healthy Corey. He then notices their positions on the couch under the covers.

What's this that turn of just god, it's just one thing. What's this?

Oh my god, I was I were round out like five times. It's just it's this hole walking in in him like all primate, proper, like I've been fine, and then that turns. It's so good.

It is so good, so good.

Oh god, I love it.

Joe the barely holding it together, jilted lover.

It's so perfect and like it's so good.

I mean the way the way he plays it is to play against the emotions, right, like he's just just keeping it all together. So he's just going to it's so good. Turn What this off?

This so good Tapega tries to explain, but Corey snatches the comforter right off them to Pang is fully dressed, but Sean is wearing a Seattle Wrestling T shirt.

You're into wrestling. I mean you notice that I can see that Seattle Wrestling. Well, that's what we always said. He's the one wh would always sayl it. I'm not into wrestling, but Corey Corey was and his underwear.

Corey gasps underpants. Sean says he always sleeps like this, but Corey rages on underpants. Corey knows exactly how they're going to handle this. It's very clear that the two of you have had a lot of hidden sexual tension for the last fifteen years.

Sean shakes his head. No, we haven't.

Corey yells, I am speaking now. There is one solution to this, and one solution only, and then channeling old Topanga, she growls. Knowing where this is going, Corey demands I want you to go out.

On a date. Sean and Tapega are flabbergasted, but Corey insists he believes there are feelings.

Between them, and the tape backs him up. He should know, he watched it five hundred and twelve times. Corey tells them, when you kissed, you felt something. You both did.

Sean says they are not going on a date.

Corey is not backing down. If they don't go on a date, it's gonna haunt all of them for the rest of their lives. Tapega responds through gritted teeth, Why does everything have to haunt us for the rest of our lives?

Corey yells back underpants.

Sean turns to Topanga and goes through the motions, will you go on a date with me? Tapega crosses her arms and reluctantly says yes. Corey is falsely vindicated.

I knew it.

None of us makes any sense. It is a good scene, it's a great scene, but it.

Doesn't the story doesn't make any sense. Again, I could watch Ben do this yew five thousand episodes and.

To watch Sean and Tapega have to cater to him. It's in They're always is.

It's awesome.

So then we're into Pega and Angela's dorm. Angela is lying on her bed doing homework when there was a knock at the door.

It's Corey.

He asks what she's studying. Angela responds, white history. You know you people contributed quite a bit.

To this country. Cory smiles and says, thanks.

Just it's funny though Corey closes her book, I've kept you in the dark about this because even though you and Sean broke up, I know how much you still care about him, and you know how much I care about that betraying which of a girl.

Angela were broken up? By the way, really, there's.

Angela in all this, and I was doing the same things, like.

Well, that's right, we were broken up, and I don't remember, like why, I've already lost.

So it's so weird to me that there has not been since that first episode where disc everard Angela's feelings about Seawan, that Sean has truly acted as though Angela meant nothing to him and that relationship meant nothing. He's just every episode is just like living my best life.


It's just in such a weird space, like I'm in weird space performance wise, but as a character too. I don't understand this season at all. It's like, I'm with him there, You're a normal bro all of a sudden.

It's just it's I think it's the haircut.

I think the second I lost the floppy middle party, they could they were like, who is this person?

Who is this guy?

Who is this He's done with it's so weird. It's like I'm Samson. I've just lost all my shondness. It's so I'm so boring, Like every time I open my mouth, I'm like, who cares?

I also have no recollection, and I mean none of How Sean and Angela.

Get back neither, I don't know. I don't remember none of it.

Ye, Angela begs him to get to the point. Corey blurts out Shawn and de Banger are on a date. Angela is confused they would never do that, but Corey tells her it's true. Angela wonders why they do that, and Corey reveals because I made the reservation. She tries to ask why, but Corey cuts her off, and I paid for it. She asks why again, and Corey adds.

I ordered the souffle in advance.

Angela still doesn't get why, so Corey explains, because you gotta do that kind of thing, Angela. Angela again asks why one last time, and Corey has had enough. I don't know, call the restaurant. The love of my life is out with my best friend and you want to discuss dessert policy.

Geez, you're annoyed.

He's so good at this episode so funny.

It's always my favorite.

One of my favorite things when someone isn't being very annoying and they aren't getting it and then they think the other person's being annoying.

I find that so funny every time, Like, I.

Thought they missed a joke too. It should have been the person I love more than anything in the world is out with my fiance, right is exactly.

So. So I'm trying to think, like, was the first episode where this Corey merged? There was one where he There was the episode I think it was season three where he like gets into real estate he's looking for an apartment for Turner. Yes, was that the first one that like fussy overthinking Corey? Because this really isn't the Corey from season one. Like season one, Corey was like fucking get overconfident, like he's going to talk his way out of every situation, the you know nothing, and yet this Cory emerges and is now kind of the Corey. Right, it's like our favorite Corey, but it's very different. It's so different, and it's worsely because Ben could play this so well and it's very funny.

Well, this is now they're writing to who we are now, I mean, Eric, isn't I just know you're just you're faring interesting intellectual. I think they're starting to make right more of an intellectual.

You're the one who just or whoever youre talking about. Yes, you're right.

I was so boring in real life and they just started to write to it.

I said intellectual, you said boring, snobby pretends just and boring. Yeah, but.

Way is what it is.

Angela asks if this is still about the kiss, and Corey can't believe she knows about it. That must mean it meant something to her, he asks, Angela, and all that time you were with Sean, did he ever call out the name Topanga? Angela says no, but he called out the name Corey. Corey's eyes light up. In what context? She explains, in the context of how stupid you are? Angela reminds him that it was for a movie, a very important features.

Anderson, we're talking about this. It's not this is not just over submit this.

Angela reminds him that it was for a movie. They were pretending. Corey argues, they weren't pretending. I know when Topanga pretends I've been there, wow, not even.

Having sex and already faking you already pretended that is that possible?


Angela assures him there's nothing to worry about. They'll spend the whole day talking about him and have a terrible time.

Corey is relieved to hear this.

He thanks Angela for the reassurance and tells her she's just really great to talk to. Then we hear Tapega giggling in the hallway. You're so funny, Sean, He responds, oh, stop, while giggling along. Corey turns to Angela.

You moron.

He bolts towards the door and peeks out. We see Sean opening the door to the boy's dorm room. He peers inside. Corey isn't there, so he tells Tapega they should go in. Corey is listening from across the hall when Topega says we should put a rubber band on the door just in case he comes back. Sean does and follows Topanga inside. Corey sneaks over to listen. In he hears Sean admit, this is the greatest night I've had in a long time, and to realize how we feel about each other after all these years. Topanga adds, we should thank Corey and Sean says, I'm not sure we should be doing this. After all, he's my best friend. Tapanga assures him he's my fiance and I'm fine with it. Corey is devastated at what he's hearing, but inside we see that Sean and Tapanga are reading from scripts. Sean continues, you're right, we can't fight what we've been fighting for fifteen years. Topanga reads, I'm just not strong enough anymore. Sean rattles off compliments about Topanga's skin, hair, face, and long long legs, but then he accidentally drops the pages of a script and he can't figure out where he left off. Tapega wonders what he likes about her eyes, and he stumbles, yes, this is the number of Corey's face is frozen into a frown. Outside the door, Sean ditches the script. How do you like what I'm doing to you right now? He hits a paddleball for sound effects, and she grins.

Ooh to a like pankakey. Do you remember doing this, Daniel, No, I kind of do. Like I was. I was watching. They just gave us a bunch of objects, and I remember you found the one that recorded whatever you said okay, you know the one that says, oh, Sean. We discovered that during rehearsal. I remember finding that because they just had a bunch of things and they were like play with them.

You know.

It was McCracken just like, go do something. It's still not good.

We tried. McCracken did his very best.

Of that magic. If Will had been in there, imagine you could do with the move thing?

Are they the whole thing is they're just supposed to be pranking Corey?


That's just point.

What's the point of this?

I don't get the point.

If we really let's like, let's get to the bottom of it. If we really wanted we agreed to go on the date because we knew Corey wasn't gonna let up unless we did. Why didn't we then come home from the date and say, Corey, we talked about you all night, we didn't have a good time, we missed you.

We did what you asked us to know how much you love this.

Why isn't that the solution? Instead we go to dinner and we go you know what would be hilarious if we ramp this up again. Even though in the last scene when he begged us to go on a date. We were like, I can't believe you're making us do this. Now we're like, okay, if he's going to make us do it, let's have fun with it. Let me write a script.

Then we'll do this.

He'll be listening, we'll know it, and then he'll think it's hilarious when we throw open the door and say surprise.

I don't get it. Well, do you remember the action? Do you remember the first draft? Because the first draft was he walks in and you guys are having sex. Do you not remember that you're reading that?

I am.

I'm totally.

Kiss I just know what what Will would have done. I'm trying to imagine Will with those objects, in all the sounds he would have made, It would have been great. I don't know. We're just so such an average.

It's such a boring scene.

You've got two people who have checked out of the show carrying the scene.

Tamenga stands up to join in on the phone. How do you like what I'm doing to you?

She turns a toy over and it blasts a cow's moo. Sean pretends to beg for more as they just start to mess around with various loud objects around the room, like a cow bell. Why do you guys have these things in your room? What is what's going on with this joke? They slowly sneak up to the door and on the other side, Corey sadly walks away in defeat. So when to Panga and Sean open the door and shouts surprise. They're confused to see he's disappeared. And we know that he had been there because we assume we know him so well that there's no chance he just wasn't actually there. So I actually say, where'd he go? Ye, even though there's no way we would have known whether or not he was there.

Ever, couldn't have gotten a text from Angela because text and didn't exist.


Fact weird, thought, very weird.

At the boys apartment, the guys have prepared another formal meal for Rachel, still on their best behavior for her, but she looks bored at the performance. Jack takes the conversation to a new level he learned from a Martha Stewart episode on how to freshen up their potpourris. Eric exclaims, oh, yes, I.

Saw that one.

Eric asks Rachel how her day was, and she frowns, I had lunch with a friend. We put our elbows on the table and ate with our fingers.

She wonders, you don't think I know what you're doing. You actually think that I think you live like this. Eric and Jack are startled.

She continues, you're just treating me differently because I'm a woman. The boys scoff and Jack argues, shows you how much you know? You think you're the first woman we've ever lived with. Rachel confidently nods, besides your mother's yes. Eric asks his friend if that's an your account. Jack admits, I stayed with Nana Booba once.

Now there's a woman that.

We've said Nana booboo before on the show, right, and we say it again Cory's and we say it was Cory. Yeah, he does that that when the when the wedding. Yeah, because he goes Nana.

Boo boo And you're like, no, So why doesn't would Jack.

Funny st it's funny sounds?

So Rachel tells them she hates this. She feels like she has to be on her best behavior. It's like she's living with her own mother. Eric's interest is piqued. Do you have a picture of your mom, no reason.

Other thing. It's another mother thing, mother and kissing.

Rachel has had it. I can't do this.

You have to be yourself so I can be myself. Eric tells Jack they have to stick to the plan. Rachel begs them to stop with the planning and stop acting like she can't hear them.

I'm clean.

The joke is I want a picture of her mother to see what she's going to look like when she gets older.

Right, that's the joke. It's not just do you want to make out with her mom? Yeah? I think you just want to see her hot move because marm what it is? Okay?

I thought it was like I want to see I want to see how you're going to age. So do you have a picture of your mother?


But it's no matter what it's but.

Yeah, let's okay, all right. I was just curious what the joke was.

The guys come clean. They're scared to be themselves because they're slobs. She asks, And you're afraid I can't handle it, right, Eric scoffs, you could never handle it. Rachel gets defensive because I'm a woman. Well, I can be just as big of a slob as the two of you. Eric Intensley challenges her statement, that's insane. Your read there is so funny. That's insane.

That's insane, Rachel.

This was the one where I was like, that's the Jim Carrey read, but he's doing extra that's funny.

It was a great read too.

I didn't quite like there's an easy Jim Carrey read that season four Will would have done. Right now, we're like elevated, like he's.

Got You're right. So Rachel picks up a saucy meat ball and rubs it all over Eric's face.

The inmates ketchup. I was like, no, this is right. There's also lots of close ups down it's it's we're pushing. But that was so you could do multiple takes, right yeah, ife, okay, but.

We did it once in for like we pre shot it and then we did it. What this was live in front of the audience.

I could imagine that McCracken was just staying close up in case something went wrong with the meatball. Maybe maybe you could reset and not have to I don't.

Know, yeah maybe, although why why would.

It be or if afterward, like say say the leader they wanted to pick up of the meatball so she's already covered in dirt. If you're super close up on him, you don't know that she's already covered in sauce.

Yeah, or I'm covered in sauce or whatever. So yeah, maybe it's that. Maybe it's that. Maybe that was a pickup.

Who knows, Maybe it was a pickup. Yeah, could have been, and they just pushed in.

So Rachel picks up a saucy meatball and rubs it all over Eric's face. The inmates even say ew He calmly states, apparently I've got meatball on my face.

Jack tells him. Martha Stewart says, A lovely blend of bleach and turpentine really clears that up. Suddenly, Rachel dumps her entire plate of spaghetti on Jack's head. The inmates love this, She.

Rubs, don't care. Just don't find this funny. It's weird.

It's it's a sexualized to fight, is what it is.

Yeah, I was just like, what is She rubs.

The tomato sauce into his hair.

More hoots and hollers, and Rachel just stares at them with a smirk. Jack's eyes trying not to break yet, Eric reminds him to stick with the plan. So Rachel throws a meatball at Eric in response, but Eric still insists, no matter what happens.

This next hurt so much. What every time she it was like throwing a baseball. She whipped it, and every single time it hit me right in the ear. Whoa it like right in the ear, like you were getting punched in the side of the face.

It hurt.

I have no idea where what kind of meatball they got, but it never broke.

It was just like bricks in it. My god, every single time, just to the side of my head.

Oh my, I just remember, like right, I had a visceral reaction watching and I was like, oh my god, I remember how much that hurt. It hurts so much.

Oh my gosh.

Next, Rachel sticks her feet right into the bowl of meatballs and tomato sauce. My mother always says to never put your feet on the table and less they're in mare nara sauce. She then places her feet onto Eric's blative pasta and coats them thoroughly before rubbing her feet.

I'm just gonna say it.

She doesn't ever had a strong feet, you know, she just doesn't.

She does She does not have hobbit feet. She's adorable feet.

They should not.

She rubs them all over his sweater and face. The crowd erupts.

Eric admits right away, I don't like where this is going. Rachel throws more food at.

Jack and at this point you can see you trying not to laugh this whole time.

And it's mostly the anticipation. That's what I love. It's like, it's not the actual thing. It's always when it's about to happen. You guys are like spaghetti, like all the way down, and it was just we just couldn't hold it together.

Yeah, Eric shout's new plan, and they start to throw food back at her, causing a full on food fight. They're throwing pasta and salad and Eric rubbed something into her hair. Jack dumps an entire bottle of soda onto her. They all have now broken and chaos has erupted, both on the show and on the set.

I remember before we did this, I called the like paps in and a bunch of the set decks in and I was like, guys, I was on Nickelodeon for six years. I've done these a thousand times. The thing people forget is it gets ice slippers slippery.


I was like, we did, is this this most slippery thing in the world, Like, well, what should we do? I was like, we've got to make every set. You've got to make every corner of every table safe. So they went around and they.

Foamed all of the corners because it's you like you can't stand.

I was like, I've done these before. It's gonna get bad, So like, all right, cool, so that if you go and you look, you can see like all the corners are foamed over, You're slipping around. Yeah, it's amazing how slippery it gets.

Rachel dunks Jack's head into the remaining bowl of Marinara sauce, and Jack shouts pire. Rachel doesn't want to be treated differently just because she's a woman than she tells Eric to pie Jack. Eric does as he's told and slams the pie directly into Jack's face.

This was a very good pie take.

It was a great pie take. You can also tell that both Maitland and Matt have sauce in their eyes.

Oh yeah, they can't.

Trying to like wipe the sauce out of their eyes. And it's just like you've been maced, like you can't. And I actually even Sue was like, well, you don't have that much stuff on you, Like they were both covered and I got through a little lot, is you know, not the worst.

It was much on your face because it started on your face, but she did it around your eyes and then when she rubs stuff, it was just into.

Your hair, so you did.

And of course in the white sweater, so so the marin aera sauce with her feet.

Yeah, all that kind of stuff.

Eric is covered in various food items. Rachel demands, one, I get out of the shower. I expect this place clean. The boys respond in unison, yes, mommy. Rachel drags her finger across Jack's forehead and then licks the whip cream.

Off of it. She admits goodbye, and then walks off, now alone. Jack can't believe it. What happened. Eric scoops and whipped cream off of Jack's forehead. I don't know, but I think we won.

There you go. He did it.

He did it twice once hecaped, and then the one that they actually used was the one.

That he did in front of the audience. Absolutely, yeah, yeah, they liked the energy of it.

All right, Well, then we're back in the dorm hallway. Corey drags Angela into the hallway, insisting that he hears sounds from his room, forbidden sounds. In fact, he thinks there was a cown there.

So wait, hold on, So Corey left, he was sneaking and listening to us.

Left left, the others came out, said surprise, don't know where he was, but then at some point to come, But he went a different way from the room.

But yes, doesn't make any sense, like now and he is upset about then.

No, I can't believe that's your problem with this.

I mean, I also love with all the stuff that you have in your dorm room, the only thing missing is a slinky, a hula hoop. It's like, how many fifties toys you got? The paddle thing, you've got the ray gun?

Like, how many toys from the fifties can you have in that room?

Oh, Angela's pretty sure he's letting his imagination run wild, but Corey suggests she listened through the door and find out for herself. Angela leans in into Clare's there's nothing going on in there, Corey wines, oh no, they're nestling. Angela just opens the door and Corey shields his eyes. I don't want to see in reality, there's no one there. Angela explains that Sewan and Tpanga don't care about each other. They care about Corey. Corey tells Angela she's thinking too logically, and this defies logic. This is raw hot, unfiltered passion, and that kiss opened the gates. Angela asks him, haven't we known each other a long time? Is there any tension between us? Oh?

Ben is so funny when he goes.

Oh, well, there was that one time you didn't get me a gift for my birthday. I didn't say anything, but oh, it's so bad, so funny, it's so great.

I'm just and so bad.

Oh, Angela didn't mean that kind of tension, so Corey catches on. He exclaims never, and Angela raises an eyebrow. Tell the truth.

Corey admits one time it wasn't my fault. I had a dream and you were in it. Angela asks was it a good dream?

And Corey nods enthusiastically yes, but Angela reminds him it wasn't real, just like the kiss. Corey is sure they felt something, though, because you can't do that when you're just friends. So Angela decides to prove him wrong. She pushes Corey onto the bed. Cory is terrified.

Oh no, it's the dream.

She would have backfire. What if he was like, yeah, let's make out, let's go do it, I could have an ensourcelled kiss because they're meant for each other. Yeah, but it's also we did this.

I keep saying that, but this is the same exact kissing Ricky and kissing Lauren Lauren.

And kiss what is the kiss?

And it didn't mean anything, and that.

We literally did this exact thing already.

It's so it's and it's so weird that, like Ryder said, it's because as we talked about very early on in the show, where I mentioned, like steaks, you have to have steaks, but like, what kind of stakes can you have for a kid's show this, If this were an adult show, would be sleeping with people. But because we are a family show on Friday nights, the only thing we can do is kissing. And so now they're just trying to ramp up kissing in as many possible ways as they can to keep it.

I guess sexy. It's just I don't know, I don't enjoy it.

It's weird. It's just weird. Yeah.

She grabs his face and kisses him as the audience cheers them on. Angela pulls away. Corey is frozen.


Angela asks what, and Corey responds nothing. I felt nothing.

It was nothing like him into Panga because he loves Tapanga and he doesn't love Angela.

He tried just real something. I'm sorry, I just realize something. I'm the only cast member, excluding Lily or Lindsay, I'm the who didn't kiss anybody else in the cast.

You're right, everybody else did a kiss.

Bill kisses Bonnie.

Bill kisses Bonnie.

You guys kiss Maitland kisses Jack, Angela kisses now Corey and Sean.

Jack, and I kiss with three. I've kissed three people kissed every.

Guy on the show but me.

There's not a single I'm the.

Only It just says guest stars only.

Yeah, exactly, I'm not a single person. How they never have me kiss Maitland, They never have me kiss Trina, they never have me kiss Danielle. Obviously, so there's not I'm the only cast member that did not kiss another member of it. They tried to have me kiss you get right back when I stop it. Yeah, yeah, but that's that's a weird thing that I'm the only one that is a.

Very interesting but entirely like why are we talking about this because that means so much about it. It means so much to show.

It means so much to the show that out of the eleven or twelve cast members, only one of us didn't make out with somebody else on the show. And interestingly, you were probably the first to make out on the show, right, like Eric was making out girls in season one when no one else was kissing. Yes, well no, no, the first kiss on the show was Corey Topanga against the locker because that was episode four, right, yeah, yeah, so that was but that was before Phoene's niece comes on. That was Programma was a rolling Stone. So yeah, they had the first kiss in the show.


So he shrugs and tells her sorry. Angela responds, it's okay, I've been getting a lot of that lately. Corey says she doesn't deserve it because she is a great person. He thanks her and they embrace in a cuddle, which is also just weird.

You know, the way she puts her leg around him, Like I was like if do people do that, well, that would make me uncomfortable.

If I guess friends could cuddle like that. I mean, when you're in your like late teens, early twenties, you've got a close friend, you would cuddle. I mean that's not that weird a thing. I don't think, right, Yeah, I guess maybe.

I mean I think I think obviously so like she did, you know, like friends just cuddle?

I mean I would I do.

I do think maybe it's possible that like writer and I were extra affectionate as friends, Like I don't know that I would have that we would have ever had a reason to lay on a bed and then for me to put my leg on you. But I do remember, like I wouldn't have thought anything of like sitting on your lap, right yeah, if my kind of situation and there was like a shared chair and there was no reference for me to sit, I would see me coming and like sitting on your leg and you put your arm around me.

The way there, No, I wouldn't now I would like there's no where to say.

I guess do you think that's an age thing or a generational like like was it a decade thing?

Like? Is it just I think it's us acceptable for people, or I think it's an year younger.

You just yeah, they're lying on.

The bed cuddling. I remember us as cast members do that at times wheth like the scene is open, we're talking about something, one of us lies in the bed, somebody else lies next to them, and arm goes around them, Like I remember us doing that stuff, which.

Is definitely yes, touchy feelings people. And part of it is exactly what writer and what we've been joking about, which is like there is this feeling of like, well, if somebody tells me to do something, I just kind of have to do it. And part of also acting is using your body and being in close proximity and like working things out with other people.

So there's a lot of.

Boundary crossing that we don't think much about, but I know that, Like the difference I felt between Boy Meets World and Girl Meets World was like night and day. It was like, wait a minute, this all feels way different now than it did when I was a teenager, and I know that like teenagers run.

I see it at the mall. You know, I'm a big mall person. I love them all and the teens love them all. The mall's having a research that's still a thing.



It is the first generation, multiple generations to love them all again. And so there are lots of kids in friend groups on dates at the malls I go to, and they are always holding hands, giving each other piggyback rides. Uh, you know, it's hanging all over.

Each It's an age thing.

I think your hormones are raging and you have this ability to have close proximity to somebody without it really meaning anything, and it's like platonic but also like just endorphins.

I don't know. I think it's an age thing.

I think so too. I think you're also at that age starting to get less physical affection from your parents because you don't want it because you're a teenager. So you're seeking it elsewhere with like your friends. I think that's another possible.

Way, right, But I mean the interesting wrinkle to me is like, will you and I would never lay down in the bed like that together?

Right? No?

True, it was.

Always hetero and it was all you know, that's super interest. There's not like there was not. Me and Ben were not I mean actually Ben and I would like wrestle like push like we do that kind of yeah, but we would never lay in a bed like this cuddled, whereas like Danielle and I would write like and Danielle, yeah, well we're also.

Was intersexual though that I mean we were born straight.

So but but it obviously has some work.

And it can't be totally platonic, not totally platonic.

Like it's not like you and I are just purely like our bodies want to be around each other, because that would have been like whoa, we would have had a gay panic moment right, Like it's not even in this episode, like the guy puts his arm around Corey and then it's suddenly, oh god, that might So it's interesting that like, yeah, it's totally platonic, but it was also boys and girls.

Like and hormones.

That's what I'm saying is like hormones at that time, whether you realize it or not, being that physically close to the opposite sex is like fulfilling some sort of like endorphin, you know, like fields good, but also like not because I'm trying to like sleep with you or anything. But just you know, I don't know it is platonic, but it's just not. Yes, Corey starts to spiral again. What about when I walked in and Sean was in his underbands? Angela laughs, If you're going to be with THEA for the rest of your life, don't you think.

You should trust her more.

Corey insists nobody would trust anybody if they were caught in such a compromising position set up set up on cue and walks to Panga. She lets out a sigh of relief.

There you are. We've been looking all over for you. He blurts out, I can explain.

But Tapanga doesn't even think twice about it. She calls out to Sean. She's found Corey in bed with Angela.

It's a funny life. It was great the way he said is he's in bed with Angela like it was just normal. They're in bed together, totally normal.

Yeah, Sean enters and smiles. They're so cute.

Then he and to Panga give each other a quick look before jumping on the bed to join as well, and we freeze right before they land on the bed.

And here's the thing I thought about with that. The second so rider you jump. Ben's wearing boots, but he brings his feet in to protect himself, and I just thought, Oh, if they kept this going, those boots are gonna up right in Rider's ribs like you were just about to get smacked, and they freeze framed it. That's all I thought, was like, oh God, he's gonna get her.

I have no memory of leaping into the air and landing on the bed or landing on top of tre and I don't know where I landed, don't remember it.

Hey, the taggle, save it the tagle.

We're in the apartment.

How can we get skeletons involved? Just I just if the only way this episode is going to be any good is if we can get skeletons with pies.

It's like they'd rented them. It's like, well, they're due back next week, so we might as well use them somewhere because it's like, we what is this?

This is just a comment on how long women spend in the bathroom. We're in the apartment.

The kitchen is still in food fight shambles, and Eric and Jack are still covered. They're standing by Rachel's doorway holding two pies. Also, let's just talk about again the reality.

Of the situation. Why did they have three pies.

Pie for each person?

So as part of their fancy.

They're just whipped cream in a pan, right, that's all these pies are?

So sure they couldn't just gone and we don't know that. The idea is that they're pies. Really, yeah, he says, She says pie pie Jack.

And and then and maybe.

Maybe maybe they went out and got new pies covered in.

Sauce, left the house while she's in the bath. They left covered in their food, yes, and went and got two new pies.

Well, what the thing you don't know about this building is it's above a pie shop.

Got it?

That makes sense?

So they went down, they got to the completely believable I mean, you know, yes, just yeah, this is fine. The pitches they rejected for the tech. It's like now that no one will buy that.

They're gonna surprise her once she's out of the shower, but Jack admits she's been in there an awful long time.

They're gonna surpise her.

This episode, this episode.

Eric nods, well, you know, women they like Telufa. Eric finds the bright side. The cleaner she is, the better this is going to be. They are giddy about this awesome prank they're about to pull, but Jack can't help but notice how long it's truly been. Eric assures him it'll be worth it. They'll wait there one hundred years they have to. The screen fades and the words one hundred years later appear on the screen. On screen, we now see two skeletons standing at the doorway holding the same pies.

Rachel yells out, is up.

This skeletons collapse shark in the background, resulting in a puff of smoke. Well, you can join us for our next episode, Season six, episode seven, Everybody Loves Stewart, which originally aired November sixth, nineteen ninety eight. Thank you all for joining us for this episode of Pod Meets World. As always, you can follow us on Instagram pod Meets World Show. You can send us your emails pod meets World Show at gmail dot com.

And we've got merch Merchu pants.

Friendly reminder that our Matt Foster Foundation shirt can be found now. You can get that at Podmeets Worldshow dot com. Writer send us out.

We love you all, pod dismissed. Podmeats World is an iHeart podcast producer hosted by Danielle Fischel, Wilfridell and Ryder Straw Executive producers Jensen Karp and Amy Sugarman, Executive in charge of production, Danielle Romo, producer and editor, Taras Subasch producer, Maddi Moore, engineer and boy Mets World Superman Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon. Follow us on Instagram at Podmeats World Show or email us at Podmeats World Show at gmail dot com

Pod Meets World

We're sending you to 1993 when TGIF reigned supreme and “Boy Meets World” first premiered. Danielle, 
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