TGI - Episode 112 (“Once in Love with Amy”)

Published Sep 22, 2022, 4:00 AM

Critic / writer Starlee Kine (NPR, “Search Party”) joins the cast to define the role of comfort TV in our lives, all while dissecting quite a scandalous episode. Amy might be cheating on Alan, but the true mystery lies in Feeny’s puzzling (and kinda dumb) math equation! You may want to have your Casio calculator watch handy…

There’s some great BTS secrets (which scene made the guys break?) and the group ponders the bleak future of the American sitcom.

Plus, find out what classic TV moments scarred each of them forever!

Indie. India is obsessed with the concept of auto tune and he's always asking like can we do that, and I'm like yeah, but you should actually learn how to sing, don't just don't just wait. He's interested in auto tune from the perspective of, well, I'll just sing a song and if it's not good, can't we just auto to it? Yes, yes, because because it's come up when we're watching things, you know, the idea like we've been watching the zombies movies and des Sentence Films, which are great, Um, and he's been he keeps bringing up like, well, is that them really singing? And it's kind of hard to tell sometimes, you know, we've had to google it and even so, and then it actually turns out a lot of them are real singers, which is great, Um, but you know, I can't sing very well. My wife can sing incredibly well. She's like pitch perfect every time. Um. And and he's, you know, he's got a good voice already. He likes singing, but he loves the idea that he doesn't have to learn how to sing, that he can just maybe express himself and we can auto tune it. So he's like, can we get that software and I'm like, actually, I think we can. You can, you can. You just download auto tune software and figure out. But so here's a better question then. Why doesn't he just sing and go, even if it's bad? Who Cares? I just want to express myself. I don't even need auto tune to make it sound good. I just am going to enjoy it because I have fun doing it. I guess I've, I've, I guess I put too much pressure on him. We're like basically like no, no, no, you should learn how to sing. I mean probably because I never learned how to sing. And you know, I was in musicals as a kid, but no one ever explained to me like even though I took piano class or whatever, I didn't understand hitting notes as a concept. Like I really thought that you just like her whatever instrument was going and then you just kind of jumped out there and sang, like I never learned pitch or head notes and it's like really basic. And you read music? No, no, Um, but I just like I wish somebody had sort of sat me down and like taken me through, you know, and I think the problem was I just didn't have a natural enough talent, um, but you're interesting, you know. Bringing this full circle to boy meets world, like people have commented. There's an episode where I sang on boy meets world, Um, and people have said like Oh, your voice is Great. It was auto tuned an early version of what did you sing? I've got you babe. It's remember when we did like a Karaoke episode when Ben Danielle did the war song. was well, I got up there and saying I've got you babe with a girl that, you know, it was a guest star who was an amazing singer. She was like a professional singer and actor, Um, and I worked hard, like I remember practicing with her, but I had to Harmon I and I can't harmonize. I can't do any of that. Um, but anyway, yeah, so, like I've had people come up to me and they're like, Oh, you actually have a good voice. I'm like yeah, because and it was. I remember Ray colcord coming up to me after like the next week. He was like, don't worry, I fixed it, it sounds good, and I was like back in the day before like auto tune was available to everybody, you know. So he was he was using his incredibly high tech nineties equipment. Yeah, they used to do that because I had to sing to serve with love to Phoeny at the graduation episode and they sent me to like a professional singing coach for two weeks before that episode and then when I finally did it, I did it as like a joke and I remember going like why did I need all the professional lessons if I'm flopping around on bill and like it was more confident saying I sang a ton growing up. I was just better at smoking. So it was that's what happened. It's like there comes a point where you pick, you pick, which one do you want to do? And I was like, I'm really good at the smoking thing. We were we were in an acting class together for a while and one of the one of the class us as we had to sing and I was absolutely terrified. It's my nightmare. I mean I hate singing in public and I think I can trace it back to. Sorry, mom, I think I can trace it back to in the car with my mom going back and forth to auditions and just singing like like no one was there. And I remember it one one time my mom said, can we let Celine Dion sing it. Oh Nice, we're finally getting to the dark side of Jen. Officials was probably just like so sick of hearing me. And, by the way, it was fully a celine dion song. Like I was, and I'm saying I mean I was belting out notes I had no business trying, and I just remember thinking, well, I'll never do that again. I mean, I've always said the same thing. My brother used to make so much fun of me for singing, Um, you know, and it's a bummer, like, but I do think that when like, I definitely want to encourage Andy to feel free and to sing, because I think it's so beautiful. Like, you know, if I wish I could sing, like, if I would trade anything, I would be really that's the one. That's the one. You would pick his singing, absolutely. Haven't you ever heard the thing that all actors want to be Rock Stars and all ROCK STARS WANT TO BE ACTORS? Like I totally believe that. Like, think I would pick playing an instrument over singing, though, like being an amazing guitarist or an amazing pianist over I want to sing. Yeah, I don't want to sing, but but if short of singing, yeah, musical talent is just like I do play guitar, like you know. I picked it up when I was in my thirties and taught myself like enough of what I like to sing to, but I would never do it in front of anybody else. I just play with my family. I sing by myself and I have so much fun. Like having kids has made me a lot more comfortable, just embracing that, because Adler is so free and loves to dance and sing and I like to dance and sing with him, and so I for children and I have overcome my fear of looking like an idiot. I will do I mean I look like an idiot a hundred percent of the time when I'm out in public with my kid. If it's going to make them happy or comfortable or we're gonna have fun together, I'm doing it. So, thankfully, like inside the house, even in front of Jensen, I never would have sang before, but now that we have kids, I'm just basically a singing I'm a I'm a big old joke in this house, which is totally fine. Yeah, sue knows, Sou knows that I turn everything into a song. So it's like I'm that guy with like she's cutting up the watermelon and it's like, Oh God, and she'll be like will you stop? And I'm like now I'm stopping in so it's like I will sing makeup stuff all day long. It's just I know it's annoying as well. That's you sound like a lot of fun. Honestly, it sounds like a fun house either. Would other would enjoy coming over to her. I got pooped on today. Does that count? That's a whole another story, sue. I know, I know. I was like, give it a break. Now, on a walk, on a walk today, walking our dog this morning, a bird. I know it's good luck, but I didn't know what hit me. So I then read down to go what was that and I come up in my whole hand. I was like Ah, I had to like run home and wash myself down. How about enjoying the pod meets world stuff now, Daniel World, welcome to poop meets world. I'm Danielle fish all, I'm writer, strong and I'm will. Oh my gosh. So today's guest is, uh, quite an interesting one. This is somebody who I was fortunate enough to meet maybe like ten years ago. Um, and I met her because of her talking about boy meets world on the radio. Starley kine is a writer and a essayist and a Um, well, now she's a television writer, but she was really known early on for doing, Um, this American life. Yeah, I know so much of her this American life work. Yes, her this American life work is amazing. And then she created one of the greatest podcasts of all time. It was called the mystery show and, Um, it became a huge breakout hit, probably the biggest podcast after serial Um. That really established the form. Um. Yeah, so for our listeners who don't know you and don't know that the boy meets world connection, all the way back in two thousand and two you appeared on this American Life and you did a segment talking to Irich glass about professing your love for Comfort TV, Um, which was kind of a brand new concept at the time. Now I feel like that's something everybody talks about. Right. It's like we escaped the world by watching Comfort TV, but for you, watching reruns of boy meets world, which we're, you know, all over the place. Back then, Um, you talked about how you found comfort in boy meets world, and it's hysteric, because that kind of predicts what we're doing here with pod meats world, which is, you know, talking, you know, it's it's not just reflecting on our personal experience, but I think for our listeners, boy meats world is that. So talk about that, like where did how did that come up out? Where did you come up with that? or I mean I remember I used to come home from this American life and watch boyemeat's world every night. It was like on somehow. I mean it's before streaming, obviously, but I mean they didn't have cable or something yet. I remember it was on the it was it was a syndicated show, and I smarican life who worked really late. So come on like eleven o'clock and my pretty much my only existence was working at this American life during that at that time, and then coming home to watch boy meat's world, because it was like my last waking our home. We're having to start the cycle again. It was like, I mean I was it's so interesting watching a sitcom now and trying to like get back into the heads space, and I he found it quite easy. Like when I watched the episode for you guys, I was like, Oh yeah, I understand why I sunk into this, but it is so strange too to watch sitcoms now, the whole form, it's just kind of outdated. Right. Yeah, and also there's been so much we've seen so many takes on it. Now it's like satirized. Now when we watch Sitcom, you only like do only Sitcom that anyone we know watches. Now it'll be like wand division or or something, or or too many cooks. But I feel like we were the last tale end of people earnestly watching and I'm and I was watching boymage world in reruns now. Do you think, just curiously, because it's so interesting, because I'm a television a nut, I just love it. I love everything about it. Television was always my comfort growing up. Um, do you think Sitcom itself is dead, or do you think it will come in the traditional for camera kind of format form? I don't know. I mean I felt every time I try to bring it back it doesn't. The only ones that seemed to really take off when they try to bring it back are the ones that were the ones before. Right, like the connors are doing kind of well, right, right, like the reboots are are doing okay. Yeah, I think people still crave the comfort. I think they might create the comfort more than ever right now and I think we would love it to work where it's such a point where everybody is so aware and so afraid of that earnestness, but they crave it so much too. So they were like, I could find a way to have permission back in. I mean, Abbot Elementary is not not that format, but it's a network show that people are working and it's a good joke. So I don't I think we're like told they they were allowed to access. I feel that way they might really go for it and then I'll see. Also, like it's weird because I feel like when I look at what really young people like now, there is there is some like unapologetically earnest stuff that they really love. Starley, do you have like a favorite I don't want to ask you if you have a favorite episode, but if you do have a favorite episode or a least favorite episode or even like a favorite time period? Do you like the early episodes? Do you like the middle or the end of our seventh seasons? Like where do you think our show is really like finds its groove? What's what's our strength? I like. I mean it's a different it was interesting watching a really early one for this, because you're not even to Pangas, like you don't even know what's kind of like the love is like you don't you're like, Oh my God, they don't. He doesn't know what's coming. He doesn't know, like girls calling weird is going to be like the love of his life. Yeah, the love of his life. He's consumed by. So That's interesting. I mean, I think what's good about it's hard to say. I think I like them all for different reasons, because you're kind of show is actually show. You Watch kids grow up, and so it's it's if you pick one period, you're saying I like this time in that person's life, like you're such an innocence to watching these little kids get older and find themselves. So I think I like I like I like the early times and I like the early to paying a like when you guys are first getting together and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, and I love but Sean really was my I'm not just saying that you guys both, but Sean was really the one that I gravitated to the most. Like I feel like that archetype of a character like the kid who's a little bit the troublemaker and also like you can feel the like the pain behind it, um angst, so much angst. Writer that I also like not really on TV anymore. Like I feel like that was that was so um formative for so many people character. I was gonna say it's just funny because we're just we haven't even quite gotten there yet with Sean like in our rewatch. No, I know, it's really there was an episode we talked in the Santa's little helper, which did start hinting at that, but it hasn't become the thing that it became where Sean was just the source of so much pain and mystery and you're just watching him get sort of tortured every episode. Well, that really doesn't happen, I don't think, until like third or fourth season. So it's really it's it's really interesting because I feel like I'm sean is still on the fringes of the show right now and there's all these hints that like his home life like, even in this episode, and make a reference. So like my dad yelled at me and I was like, Oh my God, what is his home life like? We haven't gotten there yet, but yeah, it's it's funny. So let me, let me jump in, let's talk about it. We are jumping into season one, episode twelve, once in love with amy. It originally aired January seventh Um, and the synopsis is that Corey accidentally discovers his mother might be having an affair, all while struggling to solve a math problem at school. It was directed by David trainer. It was written by Ken Kuda, the greatest laugh, the greatest laugh. Yes, he's talked about Ken and his amazing laugh. Um. So it starts in the Matthews Kitchen. Eric is on the phone with a girl named Kristen asking for forgiveness. Then she hangs up on him. He says the big difference between guys and girls is that girls want commitment and guys want girls. Fifteen year old wisdom. Gotta Love It. Gotta Love It. I'm just curious. I want to know why I'm always wearing the number eighty three. It's just it's like I didn't notice. It wasn't the year I was born. I don't play any sports and it's not the first time. No, it's if it is the first time, it's not the last time. Certainly, for some reason they just decided I was a wide receiver and we went from there. Um. So, yeah, I think it was very strange. Or actually eighty three. I think it would be more of a tie end, but it's like okay, Um, but yeah, I was just kind of interesting, but it was. What is it? What? What number would when you're in the just said like you were just speaking lack. I have no idea. Tight what and how do you know? Based on the number, that the number. So the number, the number that you get correlates to the position that you're playing. You it's like the quarterbacks have like lower numbers. Just don't just in football. So it's, you know, like the linemen are usually in their seven, in their sixties or the seventies, and eight to thirteen is that kind of thing. And then you've got the wide receivers and the tight ends, or the tight ends are usually like two, eighty four, something like that. I was eighty four when I played a tight end. Very much. I was, by the way, the worst football player in the history of the sport. But Oh yeah, we were. We went one in eleven and I think we won the one game because the other team just didn't show up, but it was Um, yeah, so that I was just curious as to why they put me that kind of there were all is in jerseys, which which is interesting, but they specifically picked eighty three because I remember wearing that shirt a lot and I just didn't know why. I didn't know. Maybe you guys knew why, but there you see. I was looking at all the clothes on the kids, like it's always like there're sitcoms are so ubiguous that you start to be like, did kids actually dressed like this or did sitcom kids just dressed like this? And then I just look back and we think. We're like, that must have been how kids dressed, but I don't think it is how kids dressed. There's no way any twelve year old or eleven year old got up and said, well, let me first find a long sleeve t shirt and then I need a short sleeve t shirt and now I need to cut off best and where's my hood? I don't have a hood, so I don't have to throw on something with a hood. And there's my first necklace and here's my second necklace, although I will say in the nineties rings, rings and jewelry on guys was very popular. So you did have you did. By the I mean by the end of the show, I look like I'm wearing brass knuckles. I had like a ring on every single finger. Oh Man, it was you back now and it's like what am I wearing? But yeah, there's so jewelry was was big on men back in the nineties. Repos when you're like which informed what peoples has fitcom kids like. That's what they thought. That how kids dressed and then real kids did started to dress like. Where did it start? And who was making the decision? The decision to dress kids like this? That then made kids dress like that. Well then, let's discuss it. Does life imitate art? Exactly? Do you do? You all remember? I'm just curious. We would get so the start of the year we would do like a massive wardrobe fitting, right, we would. I thought we did try. It was always a nightmare and you're taking picture, taking a thousand polaroids. At the time it was all done with polaroids. And then were the producers there or that? They look at everything? And then did we then have to go have a fitting again, or was it just picked from the polaroids that we have. I can't remember that. It would be picked from the polaroids and then they would buy things in the same size, the same basic shape or design of of what had already been approved. So there would be variations, but mostly each season it was like these are the you know, especially for me, like I would only wear like three pants the entire season or two pairs of pants Um. And then, yeah, there would be a stable of shirts and then they would know that that was fit me and had been approved. So then there would be shirts that were like similar to that. But we still did wardrobe fittings almost every week, or at least every other week, because everything was tailored. I mean every will not necessarily in season one, like you guys, shirts are huge, but I know I remember on regularly being like okay, you're not going to school now, skips, you know, don't go to school. Stop at Wardrobe First, and then it would be maybe something I tried on at the beginning of the season, but now I was going to wear it the following week, so it needed to be tailored because we have you know, I don't think I did that. I don't think I don't think I did that. I think they may be paid more attention to your clothing. Ye or you know, for us, or for me, it was always just like baggy big put it on the same, same thing. You guys lived been growing actively, growing tooth. They had to be. Some of us were maybe growing. I stopped growing right around the time I started the show. I came onto the show at five one and I left the show at five that extra in. It's important. It's important. Yeah, are you when you were on the show? When you started, I was twelve, so I was on the show from twelve to nineteen. Writer. You were thirteen. I was thirteen and I was done growing. So I'm do you stopped growing to tween? You stopped. So I was five eight and I did not grow after after from season one. So that's why I seemed tall on these first you know, the first season or two, but then now you know I'm not tall. So they said, you know, yeah, I didn't really grow. I kind of stayed the same. I mean, yeah, I probably got I think I was already sixteen, so I think I had done, been done growing too. It was like five nine and a half and how's it. But I mean, I definitely think that that that this first season the goal was Um, and it's just because it looks good on camera to have layers, to have like depth, and that was like they just and color, depth in color, and I think that was the overriding concern. I think making me look smaller was an overriding concern. I know second season we had a new wardrobe person come in. That was Sarah Manco Witz, Marco Witz, Remember Marco Witz, Marco Marco Witz, and she came in with an agenda and she came in with a very cool style, and that's where, that's where I came in, with style, bowling shirts and like the sort of like yes, and that's where I think boy meets world, kind of up to its game as like we're gonna we're gonna actually steer the culture a little bit with our look. But this first season it's just kind of a mish. Eric, Eric went PREPPI in the second is like always in button downs and and Chinos and sweaters and she had a look. She came in, she came in with it. You're right, she came in very focused, where it's like, okay, this isn't working. We need to have everybody to like, you know, give her that mission. Yeah, sure, you're probably shaking the characters more too. So then they like this. This first season is just like your Sitcom kids. Yeah, exactly. He throws the Sitcom Children. Yeah, and it goes with what we've heard about second season then wanting to age US up. You know that's also going to change our look and change our style and everything that we do. It's like we're gonna essentially start over with with the look and go from there. It's like, okay, I mean of the sets too, if you if you think about all the new sets in high school and everything, it was like we're going with going something new for season two. So, continuing back into the scene, Alan walks in looking for amy with a red rose he picked up from Phoenie's backyard, and then amy walks in panic. She's looking for work papers. Were really establishing her as a real estate agent now, and we get Brook Split Level on Oak Street. So that's the moment you guys have been talking about. You didn't know which episode it was in, but she does that and it became something will has said for thirty years, where you going brick split level on Oak Street, like we would just throw it into conversations. That is one of those things that just stuck with us for some reason. It's it's nothing, but it's so stuck with us. So Alan keeps complimenting his wife, but she isn't really paying attention. She's got too much on her plate and she yells for Morgan to come down. She needs her to eat her oatmeal before it gets cold. And then judy calls saying she can't babysit while amy is at her Bowling League, but Eric offers to take the weasel, so Eric's gonna Babysit. Corey Asks for money for pizza and Eric takes the Rose Alan picked to give to the girl who hung up on him, so he's going to give it to kristen. Then Morgan comes down and sees that her oatmeal is cold. And this whole opening scene was the very first time in the twelve episodes or thirteen episodes we've watched now, where I didn't feel like the show was just about Corey. Right, it washold. It was a family. It was about a family and the dynamics of a family. There actually isn't any corey storyline in it other than he's going to order pizza. That night. So it was really fun. It felt very much like the problem, the math problem. Yeah, well, that doesn't start yet. That's in the next scene. He go in the class room. So in this opening scene we see Alan wanting to hug, is really the objective in the scene, and Eric having been dumped by a girl. Everyone had a problem, everyone had something really except Corey. Corey was just kind of watching his family work around him. So I thought it's farce. It's old school farce. It's it is. It's faulty towers, its doors opening and closing, people passing by without talking. Everybody's got their own agenda and these were some of my favorite episodes. We did several of these throughout the years, but only several of the hundred and fifty eight episodes, and these kind of doors opening closing, everybody having their storylines and putting their heads down and doing what they have to do, these are always my favorite because everybody has yeah, it's also just you really have to rehearse to nail down these beats and tie me. You have to be listening to each other. It's Super Fun. Yeah, because one of the things, yeah, exact or the play. Yeah, it's much ado about not. I mean it is that that same kind of that that vibe. But one of the things I wanted to talk about. We don't have to talk about it right here, but I already brought it up, so I will uh this this episode. These are the longest scenes we've ever done. I know, I mean, these scenes are so long. There's like six scenes in the entire episode. It's crazy, I know it is. It's really it felt the whole episode just felt different, and it was. It was so it was so fun. Um. So then we I also love just to touch on it as well because we just recently interviewed Betsy Randall and we talked about her and kind of her getting the short end of the stick. This is an episode really focused on her and it was a really fun opening scene for her to see her fully established in something other than just making the cinnamon rolls. She still makes the cinnamon roles, but it isn't her only focus of the day. So I really thought that was like a cool different way we get to see her, which made me happy. Um. Okay, so then we get into our opening credits and we end up in Mr Foinie's classroom. Phoenie is teaching math because he teaches every subject. Now he's a math that's what I thought. I was just wrote math like he's teaching math. He's a social studies teacher who also teaches English lit and teaches mystery and math. Is there anything the man can't do? Um, Corey has the answer, but Mr Feenie wants to know how he got to the answer instead of just giving the answer. But Corey is actually wrong with the answer that he has, which he believes is seven seven. Mincus explains the equation to Corey and says that the answer is four point five, four and a half minutes, but Phoenie tells him he is wrong too. Mincus is absolutely shocked. He walks out and goes to the nurse, which cut the extra behind Lee. Most of the time is looking at is just looking at camera and then looking back and then look at the camera and then looking back and then looking at the camera, and then you notice everything. I'm so focused on like whatever the main storyline is, I never see things in the background. That's amazing. It helps that he's not in the scene. It does. It does help to Pengga starts channeling the ancient Egyptian mathematician who first solved this problem, and I start like gurgling. So this is apparently after the last episode I did where I did a growl. They thought it was funny enough that they wanted to see if they could make it a runner. Yeah, yeah, exactly. I feel like you would like real like Luna lightyear. Yeah, very good point. Yeah, yeah, I don't remember this episode at all, but I did remember the first one I did where I made that growl sound. I didn't remember this one like at all. I remember okay, with everything about this episode. Isn't that funny? Yes, I remember the individual like the second it started. It was like, Oh yeah, becus is gonna get it wrong and he's gonna and then I remembered him coming in and all you know, Harold messed up. I remembered every scene of this episode. It's pretty funny. For whatever reason this one lodged in my brain and I remembered lines like, you know, beats. Yeah, it's super funny. But yeah, seeing this one was like, oh, yeah, I remember doing this. I don't know why that is like. And yet I didn't remember Santa's little helper, where had such a big part. You didn't remember the split level split level, the brick split level on Oak Street. Exactly? Does anybody? I guess it's just me. I guess we won't talk about how the ancient mathematician in Egypt came up with a thing about washing cars. That will be yeah, and also we never really find out because the right answer turns out to be that there is no right answer. That, yeah, okay, there is. I didn't want to jump ahead, but I'm like, are you kidding me? What do you so that? I'm like, maybe it wasn't math class, maybe it was lossive league class. Right, what do you mean? There's no answer, like what did you do? Like that's crazy. Of course there's an answer. And Was it? Is it? What? What does he does not know the answer. I woulted. I was so disappointed. I know, and I did look it up last night. Is there an answer? There is an answer. Of course, it's a math equation. So what I was actually going to say is that they the Egyptian Um, the Egyptian mathematician, would have created the formula. So this is just one of those things like a train is going this fast and a train is going this fast and where do they meet up? There is a formula it's like something x times, Blah, blah, blah, and so it's there is an answer. The answer is about three. I think it was like three point two minutes. So even minus is correct. Answer is actually wrong. So his, his, his answer is wrong. But there is an answer and it's it is in the I think it's in the three minute margot. I'll look up exactly what it was again, because I looked at I couldn't go to bed without knowing. I was like, by the way, let's Uh look this apothend and write it down. So yeah, I mean I definitely grew up to be to pangaminkus. Yeah, there's no doubt about it that Danielle is really just to pangamincus. Like three and a half of them had tim me either. I want there to be. If it's not, it's such a it's a crazy it's kind of a crazy example to have chosen that doesn't have a satisfying answer and also for it to be no answer, like it's not it's it should it's not like the train. Are you gonna kill one person or everyone on the train? Like you're not putting that kind of thing. If it's a mathematical exactly. It's not really philosophical. It's like the beginning of like it's the beginning of like Q and on. Facts aren't really like wow, but it's true because it's not really philosophical. And if you are throwing out a mathematical equation, then of course there's an answer. It's a mathematical equation, right. So you're telling you that this math problem isn't real. Like that's really this is why he teaches. You just want someone to pop in and say, stick with Social Studies, Mr Peenie. This is why. You know, yeah, it's true everyone. Well, I feel like this was like that was like the undercurrent of like the that math class, because he doesn't know math, so he can't like he somehow is snuck in and is teaching a subject he doesn't know. He's he even when he's doing the numbers on the board, he's not doing real like his stage business right when he's feeling it out. It's just like yeah, I also noticed that he wrote four, three to one. But yeah, he was like, but he wrote three first he was like three and then he wrote four above it and then he won't and one. It was like somebody just told him just right, whatever you want on the board. He didn't in kind of an amazing way where it looks like he's like, looks like he's carrying the ones, like the one to three, four. Actual emotions are very convincing. And then when you see and then he does an Arrow, but then you're like that you don't know, you're a fraud. You're both. No one knows math in the school, the math teacher, the math teacher math like. That's why I think he was mink is with having a breakdown because he was now being taught math by someone who doesn't know math right. Learn his near right. It's not his fault. No, Oh man. Okay, so Topanga actually gets the answer right after channeling. Corey asks to look at her paper and she turns around and angrily growls at him, and then Corey says it's not fair that Topanga is cheating off of dead guys. Question, Danielle, I don't know why my mind went there. Do you do you? Did you actually write something down, and do you remember what you wrote? I did actually write something down because I also noticed at the beginning of a scene, my pen I am fear when he gives the question, I am furiously writing and I did always pick in scenes something to right on my paper, whether it was just like I had a really good lunch today. I enjoyed it because I had Turkey and green beans, like, even if it was just that, I would just write that over and over again in my notebook so that it looked like I was really doing something, but I have absolutely no memory of what it was. It may have been something like, you know, I don't know, like I love whoever I had a crush on that week over and over again. I'd love to find those notebooks. I did really write something. So then we end up back in the matthews kitchen. Corey and Sean are playing with Morgan's barbies and they are still shocked that mincus got the math problem wrong and to Panga got it right. They see it as a mystery, and then mincus knocks on the door looking completely disheveled, still out of his mind because he got the wrong answer, and then walks out. Um, I thought this was going to be the one where he talks about remember how Lee talks about how much he loved the episode where he was drunk. I thought this was that, but I guess I guess that's a different but Lee is so good and he gets applause. You get a pause break, he gets applause. Break on the eggs. I was like, that's amazing. And this like a twelve year old actor just storming in and delivering this. He's so good. He's such a good little for I love the way they disheveled his clothes to the way like he had the perfectly disheveled coat off, something off the side. He just did he have where his glasses askew? I think, yeah, yeah, great it was. It was really great. It all seems so innocent to these kids wandering by themselves, like you're right, like he was coming by himself and by himself, and you're just like they can, they do? They all live two blocks apart from each other, because two blocks has mentioned. Later, when now you would be like all though this, I guess this was after this must have been that era post worrying about kids getting kidnapped. And Yeah, the kid that wasn't like. The seventies was the real like watch your kids things, seventies and eighties, and then the nineties parents were like and they're not going to take him u. Now you worry again. But like right, this is like a sign in between were. Yeah, Sean can just go home at ten o'clock at night. Yeah, well, I think the interesting thing is that there's a it plays into what we know about Sean later, is that his parents wouldn't have been worried about him. They probably may or may not have even noticed he was missing at ten fifteen, much less whether or not he was walking home alone. But it does strike you as a little bit weird for mincus to be out and about by himself. But it's like right after school, right, it's kind of early evening because they're ordering pizza, so it's dinner. It's you know, it's it's not. Maybe it's not quite dark yet, but yeah, micus is also you could if we want to get into the backstory. Mincus is also the kind of kid where you can absolutely imagine him going to a parent and saying, I need you to drive me to Korey and Shawn's, you know, because I this is my kid is, and they're literally parked waiting for him as he's all disheveled. Like I could see mincus doing that as well. Let's just say his parents are there. Okay, I actually like the innocence of him just walking home over here. Uh. So Eric comes down to order pizza and Corey tells sean his mom is at her bowling league tonight, but Shawn says that league ended six weeks ago. And now I love the idea that Shawn's mom and Corey's mom were also on the scene. They're friends, because then it reminded me to the in the in the Christmas episode Santa's Little Helper, when we find out that that his seawn's dad gets laid off, that Alan is the one who breaks the news. So it really does community. Yeah, that you guys are family friends, which is Great. I also remember that. I like to point out how much rider knows about sports. He literally almost just said that they play bowling together. Yeah, I would play in a bowling league. Okay, okay, okay, they do the bowling bowling together, seasonal do they have like they run out, because there has to be a winner. My husband's on a bowling league. Let's find out. Producer. There's just kind of pounding. Yes, there's a there's a format, because there is. You know, you're competing with other leagues and so there has to be a winner at a certain you know your you get points every week and then someone wins, a team wins, and I think all of these conversations around minkus being able to walk home and Sean being able to and the parents knowing each other, it all, it all contributes to this pervasive sense that the community is tighten it and small and safe. Right, like you do feel like and that's like a I think that's a very intentional, very uh sitcom, but it's part of the Comfort TV factor, right. is like the sense that, like, oh, it's it's gonna be okay. Even if mom and dad are, you know, maybe having an affair, we can like stalk them for the night or we know what restaurant they're going to like everything is just tightly wound um and even two kids on the bus is totally safe, like we're going to jump on the bus for hours and nobody he thinks twice about nobody's gonna worry. Yeah, you're not actually worried. So, despite knowing this dilemma that the Bowling League ended six weeks ago, amy walks in with a bowling bag and says she's going bowling and then walks upstairs to say good night to Morgen. Everyone is suspicious. Corey holds up amy's bowling bag and realizes that it is too light for a ball and finds red high heels and a black dress. Is a great line, writer, Great Line for you when when you're like, oh, there should be a number right above the spiked heal like that. That was very funny. Yeah, yeah, so and then they find a card from the restaurant and will this is the name of the restaurant. You knew right away. I remember the name. I remember this name, the fancy place that guys take, the seniors take their probably if mom's dating a senior. Everybody. And I remember when we just interviewed see, right after that interview aired, somebody tweeted, uh, you guys forgot to mention the real acting achievement, which was making that bowling bag ball up heavy. That's true. Oh, man Wright, or was this the first time you and I actually interacted on the show? I was in the C did we? I mean no, I think there was an episode where you, me and corey are in the bedroom, but it might involve other kids too. I think Dewan might have been yeah, yeah, you're right. Dean is there and maybe I feel like, yeah, we've did some. Yeah, I think I feel like we've but yes, and I think that's partly why I remember this episode so well, is that this is really fun, like the three of US scheming together and like bouncing off of each other, and I remember it and I remember feeling, you know, like it was it was a different show and I think it was really exciting. Well, you saw. Do you see all three of US break when we're trying to zip up the back? Yes, yes, I thought, especially on Ben's face on the table, I was like he is losing it right now. All three of to laugh at that because it was so funny to watch you try to zip her up that bag. You're like three people on one zipper. Yeah, it was very funny. You're Ben do a laugh too, like he he done a little bit of a laugh at the little laugh. Yeah, it's so funny. So amy comes back downstairs says she's off to go bowling and the boys know she's lying. Sean asks if there's trouble in paradise and Corey and Sean realized that amy isn't paying as much attention to Allan Anymore and she did pick the one night that Alan has his manager's meeting to go out. They think that this could be her having an affair. Sean suggests that they tail amy because he's a big fan of nypt blue. This is a funny job. It's like it's a great job and another totally reference to yeah, the top dirty part was interesting, though, because I was like that's like a little bit of edge. Suddenly, like that's more. You think dirty was more of an edge than apparent when they talked about like their date later, and you think that line lived in there. It's a reference to the fact that NYPD, I remember correctly, in the nineties, NYPD blue was so revolutionary because they said a certain words on television. That was the whole and they got a lot of attention. I think they said, you know, a whole. I think that was what it was. I think it was just as I think. I think. I think they were the first ones where they were allowed to say a yeah, pretty sure. That's why it was like a barrier and I remember that was like all anybody talked about NYPD. But it's fine because, like Sean says, talk dirty instead of like swearing, you know, right, more sense. Yeah, right, because I hear talk dirty and I don't think swear words. No, no, no, no, that's more like sexy. That's why you're like it's interesting to have it in there. I think you also made saw someone naked for the first time on you saw but you saw it, but and it was like and it was like Sipowitz, but that's the thing it was. It was one of those where it was like, oh, they're really they're swinging for the fences. This is you know they're going. It's the the fifty five year old, you know, bigger detective guys, but like, okay, sweet do it, do it. It's like Harvey. You're like yeah, that's okay. I'd also again like to point out this scene is still going. Talking about is super long. This is it. We're going to get to the act break and we've only had three scenes. Three scenes. Yeah, it's amazing. So Eric and Corey leave to go follow amy and Sean has left to Babysit. Uh Morgan, and Corey says if he has killed on this mission, mission Shan needs to get the answer to the math problem and have to paying a channel it to him. So I love that. Like they found a way to work back in. Oh yeah, we're still dealing with this math problem. We haven't forgotten about it. Um Problem, math exactly. We're in the mathesophic problem. Morgan and Babysitter Sean are playing cards. There's a full house mentioned again this time, and my head blue. Okay, I noticed in this scene I am wearing a calculator watch that I believe my real loved it. I think it was wited about that calculator watch. Do you remember? That's so funny because I thought I had outgrown it by the time I was but because I remembered it more like second and third grade, which was years before boy meats world, but I clearly was still kept it. I love that calculator watch. Yeah, they've re released it. You could hold fifty phone numbers, guys, it could hold fifty phone numbers. It would take an hour and have to program you have you have to sit there and like, yes, you have to sit there, like with just the like point of your thumb or your fingernail type in, you know, hit one four times to get to it would be worth it. When you get arrested and you have one phone call and you go, I have one number, are in this one. Oh my God, I was so stoked on to being able to keep phone numbers in my watch. That's yeah, but I think it was my real watch. That's so funny, so great. Um, so Alan walks in and wonders why Morgan is still awake at ten fifteen. I love the idea that they picked ten fifteen. Yeah, so there is one thing also, like the babysitting chain of command. Like ben needs a babysitter. Right. Then you see a baby like sewn, then you get to become a babysitter, like I feel like that, like there was there was no worry about who was watching this like toddler. Well, actually, in the in the at the beginning, when will gets off the phone in the babysitter cancels, the only conversation is who's gonna Watch weasel? Right, I'll watch the weasel, which means I'll stay home and watch the toddler. So Ben. Actually doesn't seem like Ben Needs, or that Corey needs, a babysitter. It's just that Corey is not capable of baby city, right, because Corey's Corey's the one who shoves into John, into into doing that, like when the dad comes home he's not alarmed. No, that's not at all. The library. He's not like why is Sean the same age? My younger son, Baby, my young daughter? Right, right, exactly, good point. Yes, okay, so, Um, Sean lies and says they went to the library, even though Alan knows that the public library closes at nine. He goes upstairs to put Morg into bed. And, by the way, because knowing how library funding works now, at their close at like four thirty in the afternoon and they opened at one, the most nineties thing that a library could possibly be opened until nine pm. Anyway, my jaw did drop when he said nine. Last number I expected to come out exactly. I also loved Lilies Jack's are better it open. I thought that was I thought that was pretty funny. Funny, I like the Mommy and Daddy, queen and King's. Yeah, that it is cute. That's how we get our full house reference. Uh. So, UM, he go. Alan goes upstairs to put more into bed and Eric and corey come home right at that moment. They find out that they had found out that amy was dancing with a guy in her black dress and red shoes at the club and they were like cuddling up together in a booth. It's getting serious. So Sean starts to leave, after asking like who do you think it was? They couldn't tell. So we we know that she was with a mystery man. Um and Alan comes back downstairs to talk about where Eric and Seawan were, and Corey can't stop covering his mouth and bouncing his legs while Eric lies to Alan explaining where they went. This was this was fun, I thought. I thought Ben was really good in the scene. Um, yes, it's sick comy and but it's fun sitcomy, it's energetic sitcomy. Um, he's great. It's like it doesn't matter. I'm playing straight man and it is a straight up comedy duo with the anchor in the center and you're pinging it back and forth. And just from a comedic standpoint it is a ton of fun and I thought Ben Nailed these moments. I thought it was great, a fantastic use of natural bend, savage energy. You know, the bouncing legs is something we've caught ben doing under the cafeteria like he had so much energy and this is the perfect place for him. The way he slapped his hands back up to his face, and I mean the timing was so great. It was it was so funny. I don't have I don't have a too much shirts for this episode, but I did watch it with indie and he um he loved this episode. He loved this scene. He also the first thing out of his mouth in this scene was, well, it was the dad, she was with the dad, like he called it, and I think that's part of the safety factor of like knowing that nobody wanted to charge. Yeah, like he was just immediately like, well, of course it's gonna be okay and she's not really, you know, dancing with another guy. It's gonna turn out to be the DAD, and he just immediately called it. I was like yeah, you're you're probably right, dude. Yeah, at seven, you know that nobody's actually gonna, you know, the family is not really going to fall apart, which I just think it's a nice if this show had decided to have the mom having up there, it would have been it would have been darker than heartrending. It's like witnessed it. They come back, she act where boy meets world kind of got to a place that was similar. Like by season seven we did stuff that was just like what, are they really gonna Split Corey into Pang up, like you know, I mean, I'll ultimately, no, we didn't, but I think we would do episodes that would have scenes that were kind of like that baby and Nick, you know. I mean the baby, the baby's in the nick you and there's there's a lot of stuff that happened that was yeah, dying. Yeah, well, we thought, yeah, he was fine, he was fine, fine. He came back nine years later, and death is also something that I do think they like to throw kids into. That was like a rite of passage. Not Disney established that we were the kids were allowed to see like horrifying traumatic deaths all the time. That would have been less if they had come back in the mom had just been died, like being hit by that would have been more acceptable. But she might love somebody else and like want to live in another household somewhere. Yeah, then you guys took a bus to go fun and cover that too, like if you just cotting on his bus and come home and like yeah, we watched mom just like make out with this other man. Okay, I'm sorry, I very quickly, very very quick tangent. Are there episodes that any of you remember from any show was growing up that kind of scarred you in a way to where it was one of those episodes from a show where it was like, I remember how I felt when I watched that, because I have one and I was just curious if anybody else has any of those. No, I remember I had a horrific nightmare where alf was eating people and I could ever watch alf again. So wow, interesting, but that was just me. That was a dream I had. That is like scarred me and I guess it was just the weirdness of Alf coming alive in my in my dreams. Um, no, but no, I can't remember an episode that I was like devastated by. I do remember the teacher or the teacher who dies in wonder years. That I felt sad about. I only think it scarred me, but I do it did stick with me. Am I even upset by the Tom Hanks drunken uncle? Oh, that on family ties. That was a tough one too. At the top. That was a great character and he was amazed. Tom Hanks plays in their alcoholic uncle and us to gut. He's phenomenal. He's Tom Hanks, he's it's phenomenal. But that's up there for me too. Danielle, do you have any I don't. I Barely Watch TV as a kid. Yeah, there was an episode of different strokes where his best friend Dudley gets kidnapped and is brought to the back of a bicycle shop and is molested and it's all about like, it's all about like and they remember about, they hypnotize Um Gary Coleman's character to remember the license plate and they end up getting Dudley out of there. But it was like, as a little kid watching this, it was like traumatic. It was it was the beware of St Stranger Danger Episode and it was like, man, that stuck with me. Yeah, what an intense thing for a group of writers to it, to not even have it just be the threat of what could happen if you were then, but actually, like, yeah, it was. There was, yeah, it was. It was brutal. I mean I could I could be remembering this wrong, but they bring Dudley out and he's like covered in a like an emergency blanket and he's like shake. It's like, I could be people will check me on that if I'm wrong, but that's my memory. It was like a disturbing bit of TV so sly. You wrote on one of my favorite shows ever. You wrote on search party, which I was I mean seasons one through three are like I was addicted to especially season three. has boy meets world influenced you're writing at all where it has? I feel like it is my favorite season, a search party as well. Oh my gosh, it's so good. No, I feel like that was the one that people because that one came out. We made seasons. I watched on all the seasons. We wrote season three two years before it came out. Wait for HBO Max to get created, uncreated. Um, search party was on tbs, then a Prio Max, the merger happened and literally we just like we just it didn't come out for so long and then we we filmed season three, finished it. Then we filmed season four and season three had not come out yet. So it started to feel like we were just making a show for us to watch, or with the film we were like this is our job, we just make a TV show for each other. And then, but I feel like season three kind of was the one because it came out in the beginning part of the pandemic, when people were like tired of watching TV and then the four came out January, when I think a variant it happened, or we were, but I can literally track it through the pandemic. But I'm sure boy meats world influenced I honestly because I feel like it's Surch party is so aware of tropes, like such a it's such a it's it's such a show that embraces pop culture and tropes, and tropes are regularly referred to in with love in the room, like I feel like the way they're brought up in the room will be, like I love this thing. How are we going to put this on in the search party spin? It's not the kind of it doesn't discard things and it doesn't feel it gets very much part of the DNA. So I feel like, Um, why wouldn't it be infused with it, like and I think, and also just like anything I think that has a group dynamic, like a group of friends. Search party as a group of friends. I feel like you're saying, like, but we just watch sean and will and Corey, like it's all you guys are like starting to form that friendship. I think that's what makes a show work. When you feel like the characters like to have friend with each other. Yea a group of people you want to hang out with, and I love that feeling and the show like search party really needs that because they're doing such things. Always I'm always like, I guess it's awful, but I also like if never you guys probably feel this way. I don't know if you guys feel way when you watch something. You Watch boy means world, because I never, or wasn't, a part of search party, like I was there for I can never see it just as a viewer, like I don't know. People will tell me that it causes them anxiety or some seasons are darker than others, and I'm like, I don't, I can't. If you wait thirty years, I can start your own podcast. And it's because I feel like I'm watching. You know, I am watching boy's world for the first time, and I do feel like I can be pretty objective about it. Um, I think. I don't know, maybe not, but like it's it's it is interesting like time. Time changes everything, and like I feel like now I'm understanding what people have been saying to me for thirty years about boy beats world. Like the things that I've been hearing that, I'm like really, our show made you feel that way or this or like even your segment on on this American life. Like I remember hearing that and being like that is a strange take, like I don't get that. Now I totally get it because I'm older, I'm removed from it and I can watch and be like Oh this, it is comforting, like we're talking about that, that notion of safety and and you just want to it's it's like just the show is a warm like it's like. So eventually corey screams that amy was with another guy. Alan appears concerned and his sons are ready to stand in solidarity with him. Amy's car pulls up and Alan says he's going to go have a talk with her, and then we were in the matthews backyard. Alan walks to the backyard to meet amy and says they're busted. Amy Is bummed they found out they joked they weren't sneaky enough on their date. It seems like they're kind of role playing a little bit, like I'm sorry, yeah, so the headlights from the car. Yes, I am, yes, I am. Also, Alan came in the front door. I understand, but so where did he park? Now the headlights from the car coming the back and swoop through wherever that is, and then she's walking from the back area when during the other times they would come out and they would take a like like a grandmother was rolling stone. came out and took a right to get to her car. I can she didn't take a right, she went she went. Okay, so somebody on twitter just recently made a new map and and they followed what I had suggested in an episode that we're actually on a corner right, but it has to be and you know, I'll get this person's name and and and comment to them directly, but I think they got the street on the wrong side. So I imagine in the corner where the corner is actually the mystery yard, the side you know, that the yard, that where the French doors go out to. That leads to a street, to a street, that street leads to a driveway that is between Phoenie or like the garage that we do see in later Seasan's you guys play basketball in front of the garage, is like basically between Phoene's house like before Phoene's yard, but back there, if I'm gonna need a three d digital map, like ten maps a day via email, by the way. So I would I would really love for writer to draw his so we can add it. Gonna need. I'M gonna need a professional three d over what I got it because I can't wrap my head around it. Don't know where they're coming from, don't know where they're going. That's all I'm saying. And me, I know it's me, but I want to see it. And is it open that like kids? That why, like mncus is able to just come from the back. Do It have like a gate that you can just open? Yeah, we're assuming that everybody walks through everybody else's yard or like, I do think that. Yeah, there has to be just say a driveway and another street above. The French door is basically that you can walk from you can walk from a street onto a driveway into the backyard. That so if you're driving past the House that you see at the beginning and you're driving passing the houses on the right hand side as you're driving, you can then take a right, right another street and see the second part of the house is way exactly exactly there's there's access points on both sides that you can park at or, you know, find the yeah, exactly, I want to see it. I want to see it. Okay, so we're also at the same time that we see stuff in the backyard. We are in Corey and Eric's bedroom. Corey and Eric are watching their parents interact from the window and then they panic when amy walks away. We don't have a mother anymore. Uh. To their surprise, amy walks into their bedroom to explain everything is fine and that she was actually dancing with your father, and I absolutely loved will your best, I mean amazing, Eric, Dad, it's not our father. Yeah, that was a great joys her father. Really Cute joke, great, great delivery. Amy Explains, no, it was their Dad Alan. She says they lied because they work hard to keep their relationship fresh. Eric agrees that's sneaking around sometimes sounds romantic, but corey still doesn't get it and is super grossed out. Um, very quickly, amy is standing in front of a sign behind her and with the way the sign is blocked, it just looks like it says drink, piss. Why are you saying? I don't know, but it's like it says bright behind her, wash you're like, did you notice the extra in the background? It's crazy to be you're now like you have like no filter. You have. How does your brain keep up with all this internet? It's just this does, but it does. She's in front of a sign. It's a red sign and it says, I think it says like Pu F F S, like drink puffs or something like that, but there's something in front of it blocking part of the U and part of the two F's, so it just looks like it says drink piss. Well, are you one of those people that, when you walked by like the magic I posters, you were just like, yeah, it's about. Yes, I'm more it's weird. I'm more of the person where, if I sit in the middle of a room, by the time I leave I know everybody's conversation around me while holding a conversation in my own. Oh my gosh. So it's just that he's that guy. But also, don't send him an email. He won't see it, he won't read it, he won't see it. Maybe you have if you have a schedule of any kind, you're gonna have to get tattooed on his hand. He won't write it down. You know, I remember it. I did, I got it, but sue bought me not a calendar but one of the ones you have to hang on the wall and do you carry it around with you at all times? It is sitting in the same place at our house. I have to check it every morning and everything is written in different colors now, so I know where everything is going with everything. You have a mommy calendar? I do, I absolutely do. I absolutely do. We're doing it in different colors. I'm being reminded to look at it. I tied my own shoe this morning, not both, but one, and I'm very excited about what you're a little like Nemo and I love it. Yeah, I got a calendar. It's working well. That's good. Okay, good, I'm happy to hear that. Okay, so I just want to say about this scene. Um, you know, not only is betsy grey eight and able to deliver a nice like I'm glad, like we've talked about on this show, that she doesn't have, she had hadn't had much until this episode to be able to be the one to sort of talk to the suns and be like, here's what's really going on. I mean this could have easily been Alan, you know, but the are both of them together and I just think that maybe this is, you know, partly in response to the writers listening to Betsy say, like can I have something more to do, because this is a really nice beat and it's great. It also speaks to something we've talked about about boy meets the world, which is kind of cool. Is that like amy and all that are kind of cool parents. You know, they are going on dates and like you just didn't see that. You didn't. You know, there wasn't a space for that in many sitcoms at the time, and I think it's nice. I think it's a really nice touch. It's really interesting. I find it a very interesting glimpse into this whole time. Like it's it actually like breaks through the theme of a Sitcom show parents. They're the whole thing is they're trying to get away from like yeah, we need a break, we need to be different characters tonight. We need to like feel like alive, we need to feel like we're not just we're not just parents in this family, which is what we come to US succumb for. In the way Corey reacts, where he's like you want to degrade from us, and you're like it's you're like, yes, that's healthy, that's good, and maybe it's like a harbinger of what the show will start going towards. Like it's, it's really, it is, it's, it's, it's commenting on the very thing that the show itself, that the nature was, that comm is providing. We're supposed to want to leave the set, the safety, the safety bubble that we've been talking about. You're like, the only way that we can keep this going is for us to leave this. We we have to feel something else, we have to have more experiences, we have to have more dimensions so that we can be good parents, so that you, guys, we can raise you right. Like it's really, it's actually a pretty it's, it's it's a kind of a revolutionary sentiment to watch it, like you said, but like you're just not, it's not expecting it and it's still delivered in a Sitcom way. Yeah, I wasn't, I I was. I was glad to see it. Yeah, so was I. It was a great a great scene, and again betsy's so wonderful in it and her the way she's relaxed and casual and Um, it's it's very sweet. So then she leaves, saying she's gonna go get a good night kiss from a guy in the backyard, and Eric runs to the window and really is relieved to see that it's still their dad. And then we're in the Phoenie and we're in Phenie's classroom. Mincus is alone doing math problems on the chalkboard. Sean walks in and claps the chalk erasers on Mancus, leaving his hair a long white because he's doing math problems on the boards. Uh. Mr Feenie and the students returned to class and Phoenie once again recites the math problem and reminds corey that the answer still isn't say seven. Corey says he realized pheney pose this question to stop thinking, so that they would stop thinking like kids and start thinking like adults. Yet Start and that sometimes there are many answers or not even an answer at all, and that's not at all. Usually aren't many answers to a math problem. Nor are there no answers if it's a math problem. I know. I don't know why it wasn't just a philosophical question he could have posed to them at the beginning. Well, because, because I'll tell you exactly why, because Topanga needed someone, did need to have a right answer. So what did Topanga is what was to Pang? His answer? There is no answer, is a black and white because then the whole thing is well, that's why Topanga was able to figure it out and not mincus, because Topanga is open to thinking differently, and so someone who is open to thinking differently is going to come up with a right answer and those of us who are closed minded and not into thinking differently are not going to get it right, which is why we need to investigate q and on. And Yeah, I mean it's like it completely. You just think differently, don't. Don't trust math yoursearch an answer. Some liked could find an answer with the parents, like they couldn't. It could have been like, if you look at things differently, you'll get the answering, Panga, but they shouldn't have had a right Aswer, I guess, in this because it's just like that is the q and on way. Sorry, but like in this model, and because it could have been that corey came the next day and was like I now understand the answer, because I understand that if I shift my perspective and my approach. Right, I can see how these two people can work together and somehow watch it. You can arrive at the answer from coming at a different angle, as opposed that there is no answer. It's like okay, which is like they got such a solid, substantial answer last night from their parents. Right, exactly so, MINCAS says. Even though his work is for nothing, he may have accidentally solved time travel. To Panga asks if Corey's spirit guide gave him the answer to and he says yeah, my mom that's very sweet. It's a very sweet little moment, cute little moment Um. And then we're in the tag. We're in Phoene's classroom. Mancus is still doing math problems on the chalkboard and then he actually disappears after he says maybe time isn't a continuum and that it is a random occurrence of moments. Uh, there is like this is the first official breaking of reality the wall. Yeah, some sweet graphics for the time to this is like exactly so. Uh Oh, yeah, actually, I just got a note from producer Jensen. This is technically the second time we see Earth from afar in that one scene where Corey. Yeah, the screams and then out of this world P O v. This is the first time we're actually like magic can happen within our show. Um, yeah, so he disappears and when when he first disappeared, I was like, why is there no laugh? Because I thought that's where it was going to end. I thought he was just going to disappear and that was going to be where the show end. And then it was. It was pure silence on television. It was just totally silent. And then he comes back again and he repeats the same thought. Then he disappears again. There's more silence than he returns, repeats himself again. Then he doubts his work and erases the board, completely oblivious to the fact that he just solved the mysteries of the universe. And it does end on more silence. Very interesting. And that's our episode. And there was like six scenes in that entire episode, the scenes from so long. It was great. I know. Let's see, I can't count how many scenes there are. Let's see, we have one, really, three, four or five? Yeah, you're right, six. It's a good episode. It's a great episode. Yeah, I think that. I think the math, the math equation stuff is a little iffy, but you know, indie definitely noticed. He was like, so we always learned the lesson back in the classroom. I was like you're getting you're getting the rhythms of this show. Yes, sir, but you know, indie would have no idea what the actual lesson was. He just knows that there's a satisfying like Oh, it all comes back to the classroom where Mr Feeney is, you know, in charge, and it knows, you know knows what's going on in Corey's life. magically. Starley, what do you watch now for comfort? MM HMM UM, I tend to watch procedurals for comfort. The weird thing working in TV. You start watching less TV, though, too, like it's because you started. Yeah, that that's which is so sad. Yeah, yeah, it's I'm teaching screenwriting right now and like one of the first lectures is like, guys, it's going to kind of ruin the magic trick for you, like that's kind of our job is, like you'll start seeing because you know, like I have a friend who's he incredibly intelligent doctor, multiple degrees, and like I was having a conversation with a couple of years ago and I mentioned that that you know during the Second Act of a movie, and he was like movies have acts, and I was like, Oh God, that's so beautiful, like you live in this world where that you know, you just sit down and for an hour and a half stuff happens and you don't know why it makes sense, but of course you know their structure. There as a final question for you to wrap this all up, do you have any questions for us that we can answer for you? Um, will you guys watch it? Do you feel like you're watching yourselves? Like do you? There's a weird, a little bit of a weird out of body experience where I feel like it's me but also not me, like in episodes that I don't remember at all. I feel like, yeah, it's a little like out of body, and then the scenes that I really and now I'm not sure it feels like me. I'm not really sure it does. I don't think it feels like me either because when I think about the identification I have, like with my own face or my own body, I actually because I spent so much time I'm with you guys as well, I feel similar about you. Does that make sense? Like I look at like Lee's face or Ben's face and I'm like, I spent so many hours working with that face like opposite me and making faces to each other that it's it's the same way that I feel about looking at my own face. So it's a it's a very but I am getting more insecure watching it now. You starting to get more self conscious about the way. I mean. I know I've made jokes about like how I'm nervously running my hands through my hair and stuff in the early episodes, but like around this age, for whatever reason, I think going to the second season I'm going to be way more like, Oh God, what's happening to my face and my body? I for me, I actually, and this sounds very weird, but it's the truth, I see way more of myself in the cartoon characters that I voiced than I do of me on screen. I don't know why, but I always have. I can look at my second look at a role I've done voice over and I can see me, Um, I watching somebody else as I'm watching these episodes. It's bizarre. Well, thank you so much for being here with us. You are truly a boy meets world expert and critic, and so it's been really nice talking to you about this and letting you shine some light on our own show for us. Uh. So, thank you, guys, so much for being here. Come back in some of the later seasons too. Love Time. We should have her on once a season to just tell us like how we've get a different face thing every time. Maybe have micro needling next time. Yeah, yeah, I'll join you. I'll start doing it too. Thank you. Thank you, Star Bye. Well, that was great to have starley on. She Um, you know she she has such a interesting sensibility and like a take on our show that I really appreciate. Um, and I feel, like you know, talking about that safety bubble, fascinating. It's amazing. I've never thought about that before and it's so true. Yeah, and I and it's fine and I think it's going to keep getting interesting watching boy meets work, because I do there's a self consciousness about boy meets world that, you know, obviously became a big thing in the later years, but it is already here that you know. Besides the fourth wall breaking of Minka is magically transported. There is this sort of like Um, super geekery about the format of Sitcom. You know, it's like we were doing sitcom well, but we're also kind of commenting on Sitcom NOWs, and that's going to happen more and more as boy meats world goes on, and I'm excited for that because that, you know, that became like basically what girl meets world was. It was like a Meta Sitcom, do you know what I mean? There was like characters constantly commenting on their own characters and their own like story ARCS, and like that's what ends up happening. Like, I know by season five, Corey and too Pangor like, but we're supposed to be together. That's our story, right. There's like a self consciousness that is super interesting and you can see the seats for that already in season one. Yeah, so here's a reminder to everybody that we are going off of we're doing this rewatch based on original air date order, not the order they have on Disney plus. So if you are using the DVDs Bingo, that's the order that we're using. So those are correct. So our next episode that we are going to recap is going to be she loves me, she loves me, not it's season one episode thirteen at originally aired January nine. Um. Thank you all for sticking around for this episode of pod meets world. You can follow us on pod meats world show on instagram. Be sure to email us at pod meats world show at GMAIL DOT com. Also, we've gotten march. March at pod meets World Show Dot Com. And also, if you have not rated us, please subscribe. Give us five stars. I accept nothing less than five stars. Uh, if you hate us, then write that in a text note on your phone and then deleted immediately. Anything other than that, go ahead and rate us. So thank you all for Jo fining us. We love you all. Pod dismissed. Pod meets world as an I heart podcast produced and hosted by Daniel Fishel, Wilford l and Ryder, strong executive producers, Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman, executive in charge of production, Daniel Romo, producer and editor, Taara suit box producer, Jackie Rodriguez, engineer and boy meets World Super Fan, Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of typhoon and you can follow us on Instagram at pod meets world show or email us at pod meets world show at GMAIL DOT COM

Pod Meets World

We're sending you to 1993 when TGIF reigned supreme and “Boy Meets World” first premiered. Danielle, 
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