The unthinkable has happened. Though Will and Rider think they’re playing BMW trivia, Danielle has pulled off the biggest Pod Meets World surprise yet.
Do you guys like surprises? Like Adler, It's obviously the holidays. We are in full holiday planning mode, and I get asked by every member of my family for gift ideas, which they're not gift ideas. They're actually saying, what do you want to send me the link for it, I will buy it, and then this is what your gift is. And I'm always like, why are we doing this? Why do we do this? I agree, but but you know they've done like I don't. Somehow I've read somewhere that they did studies or somehow it's better if everybody just gives their list and everybody just gives what they want, like I've I've read somewhere that that's actually just the easiest, best thing to do, but I find it completely unsatisfying, like completely like, here's an Amazon link to what I would like. Thank you. That's your what I'm opening. And by the way, I'm not going to send you the thing that I want that I would never buy for myself, because that thing is way too expensive to ask somebody to buy me or you know, And so I'm sending you something that most likely I would just purchase for myself. But I'm holding onto it, saving it so that I could give it to you as an idea, and then in exchange, I'm going to spend that same amount of money you spent on me to buy me this thing, and I'm going to buy you a thing that you want. Why are we doing this? But the flip side of that is if you if the other argument is you want somebody to really think and come up with something and work to have to create, so you're actually asking a lot if on the other side of like if if you're not saying here's what I want, you're expecting somebody to be able to know you well enough to predict what you would actually want and to go out and get it. If you're expecting a gift, or how about just anything you think I might like. It doesn't have to be something that like requires a ton of thought. But if you see and you think, hey, you know what Danielle might like that? Or Writer right like that? For example, Writer, I might see a scarf and you may not want, or door a pair of jeans with huge pockets from book carrying exactly, and I would definitely think writer would like that, and it would remind me of you and I could buy that thing for you. Every year, get about five leather journals. That's the writer's struk gift. Whatever. Everybody in my life gets me a leather journal. And you know, I I like leather journals spot hard enough, but that because of them, I've got a stack of them. I get them to want to distressed journal every year, right, I do like them, you know, But yeah, I would say, and I've tried this every year. I float the idea every year. I'm shot down every year. It's different with you because you have children. With people who don't have kids, I would love to do one gift each. That's what we did. This are doing this, thank you, and I'm always shot down. Well, but we need this, we need that we need and it's like, okay, when I was like in my early twenties, we instituted that within my family. Uh you know actually by late teens even because it was just getting ridiculous. It was like why don't we And yet what my parents started doing then is making gifts that would take the months. They made chess sets, like like they molded the out of like the I don't know what material it was, this plastic material. They're like foot tall chess pieces, made a chessboard with its own like patting or and it's like my brother and I was like, the whole point of this was to simpler, make it easy. And they started and they put it all on a treasure chet. We still have it. It's amazing, homemade giant chess sets. It was like, you know what, I remember that every writer from home Homemade in your family was every year on the set of Boy Parents, your grandmothers Andy and Delicious Candy. I so finally found a handwritten recipe. I keep saying, we have to do it as a family. But the thing is, it's such a process. It's like you have to you have I mean, I don't even know. Like I used to help a little bit, but not. I mean it's like weekend. It's like a full weekend of like melting chocolate, you know, rolling it out, letting it sit. Yeah. She used to make this incredible Yeah. And in business it was like she would you know, people would order like weeks in advance. Uh. And but that's the thing her and my grandpa would have to It would take over their entire house in Pennsylvania. They would just that that's what they would be doing for all of like November and December making candy, and then Easter time they would do it too. So yeah, but we've been talking about as a family since my mom found the handwritten recipe, we have to do like a weekend with your family right now. It's so much work that would just become the whole weekend, you know, that would be we have to do it. It's like, so it'll get to it because I want that candy. Whatever would take your mind off of a vegan holiday. Yes, oh yeah, No, we'd have to be making vegan chocolate. I don't know. You wouldn't know they were butter cream chocolates. They were so delicious. So I was actually hoping Daniel when you said, like, hey, like surprises, it was you were going to like reach off camera and it was gonna be like Dusty's here or something like like We've got a surprise. You won't believe it. We found a lost episode of Boy Meets World, but none of you were in what's wrong? Is it? Yes? Is it at your house or my house? It's at my house? Okay, So he's gotten up our listeners, he's gotten up. What do you really think of writer? Um? Well, pretentious as I'll get out. Oh, man, he talks over people constantly, and this is why I love him. Get it? Did you find it? I guess my house. I think they were making bacon downstairs and burnt bacon. Yeah, we're ruining the vegan household. We just we try to make bacon and you're kidding. Wait you honestly on Morning one at your vegan parents household, you guys are making bacon and setting off the firelarm with bacon grief. Oh my god, we're such an imposition. Hey, Batman, is the Batman picture behind of you and me? Was that put up just for the podcast or was that there the whole time that's been This is my childhood bedroom, man, Man, both of you guys have childhood bedrooms to go back to, and my parents moved about a hundred times and I have no childhood bedroom. But you have a childhood. I know because I'm watching it every week on pod Meats World. I do have a childhood, and I have childhood pictures and you guys are in almost all of them. Well, welcome to pod Meat's World. I'm Daniel Fishel. I'm right or strong, and I'm Wilfredell. So, first of all, I would love to thank the hundreds of people who emailed us to let us know that, in fact, we do see Amy and Allan's bedroom in a future episode where Eric tries to woo a girl. Can't ask questions on the show that is there ever a boy Metworld episode where we should As we've said, we much like the Llama Pen. We are watching this show essentially for the first time, so there are a lot of things that we don't remember, but we will remember them, hopefully when we get to them. So just bear with us. Uh, I also remembered something. I'm sorry, but I just remember. They're absolutely right. But Eric doesn't try to woo her. She tries to woo him. Oh so thank you very much. Yeah. Interesting, why are you going to Amy and Allen's room? Bigger bed? Really it's like that explicit Yeah, that's the Marguerite Morrow scene where we had to work out, like they we'll get when we get to Marguerite. She comes back, not just in season two. Is this like a season five episode, No, it's a season two episode. I think, Oh no, We're not going to be comfortable at all. I think it's pairing up. I think that's the next because Marguerite Moreau was in the first episode of season two, so I think she probably did a couple in a row. Well. Also shouts out to Carly p who did the unthinkable and she recreated the Matthews house and the surrounding area in Simms four, hoping that it would bring the backyard sideyard debate to an end. And she also somehow made the exterior makes sense, which we actually thought was completely impossible. So, I mean, she puts so much work into it and it is truly awesome, So it's it's perfect. It's what I think. I think it's the lake. I think it's right. I think it's absolutely right. This is what I was trying to do. I started, I started drawing it up by hand, and then I went online and found some like, you know, architectural design thing and I got way too involved, and I was like, writer, you need to be writing, Like stop doing this. A writer, I have. You have a career and a son and a wife and a podcast with two best friends that you can't let down. Don't making this mc housework. I can smell myself. This is terrible. Yeah, but yes, Sims is a great idea, because I imagine it's somewhat easier to build something in there. You know, I should have actually just taken my son's Minecraft. That probably would have been a good way to do it too, because you can build whatever environments much easier. And then it's just the Matthews are all orcs. Well, we are going to post those images on Instagram so that you guys can all appreciate her effort and her work and tell us whether or not you agree that it is absolutely the way the house is laid out. And then I'd like to say hello to Courtney, a listener who is also from Connecticut who wanted to let us know she loves the podcast. But also she sent us a breaking news story from NBC Connecticut from October two about a few cows on the loose on Interstate eighty four. It was very important as somebody who grew up. So I thank you, Courtney. I love that. Thank you so much, Courtney. Uh So, we have done some trivia on the show before. You guys are usually the people bringing the trivia, but I decided, since we are celebrating all things season one, I thought it would be really fun to just do a Trivia episode based around season one entirely, and I'm I'm going to start the way we usually start. I'm gonna like ease us in with some easier questions and then I'm going to get to some more difficult questions. Are you guys, how do you feel about season one Trivia after watching it? I mean, I feel pretty good. If we've watched it, we've sat around analyzing every episode hours and hours. Yeah, I mean, I guess it depends on how nitty gritty we're gonna get if it's like verbatim dialogue there maybe some of those, yeah, um, but not. I'm feeling pretty good. I feel like, you know, yeah, I'm all right, I'm nervous. I mean, I told Okay, the first question is is I think pretty easy. But I'm gonna we're gonna say this is where we're gonna start. Wait are we going back and forth? Are we go? Because I don't want to talk over because we we've already established. Ask people that Rider talks over everybody, not no one else. You know what, Will talks over everybody. Danielle talks over every We never stops talking over people, just constantly coming people off. We all we all do it. We're all guilty, but um shouts to the people who know the truth, which is we do it out of excitement, not because we're trying to be rude, which is the reason none of us get offended when the other person cuts us off, because we're all just excited to talk to each other. For some reason, it happened to be recording the conversations we normally have exactly. All right, okay, First question, back to our trivia. First question, who was the most featured background actor in all of season one? I mean, what do you mean by featured Dusty who got the most looks on camera camera time and was the most featured in in season one? I would say, seen me because she's right behind writer in the classroom. No, it's got to be Dusty because Dusty actually, you know, was on camera. Yeah, that's true, and also in the in the plays the Thing. He had stuff to do in the plays the Thing as well. I'm going to agree with you. I'm gonna say it's got to be Wait a minute, now, I'm second. Now, I'm second, trying to think was there another time? Wait, we saw him passing out napkins. He was a napkin passer and that one episode. Absolutely, guys, we can't spend this much time on question. Trusty Okay, yeah, Dusty Okay. Wow. I did start off pretty easy, but you guys spent a long time on it. Guess congratulations. You are both right, guys, we all stop second. You guys, trust your instinct absolutely, trust your instincts. But also I would just like to say, um, congratulations for getting that question right. And let's please welcome Dusty Gold are you? Oh my god like surprises and it will nail this Dusty? What is up? Oh kidding me? That's been some time, guys, but I just want to say I want to say thanks for finally having me on. I came up with the idea for this podcast like years ago, so I was hoping you guys would finally get in contact with Oh my god, believe this. How did this happen? Daniel? How do you? Guys? My heart is absolutely racing and I am sweating profusely because I have been keeping the secret and I am so excited, Like you have no idea this has been we are we are very very excited to see your best. Thank you. I'm incredibly notice myself. My watch was telling me. My My heart rate was like a hundred fifty beats a minute. And but yeah, let's let's do this, guys, let's do it. And started off. So, first off, I want to say, I don't think it's a backyard or a side yard on team flaglot? Okay, right, let's just go flaglots? Right? Um, okay, all right, flag loot? What that means? Don't you don't know a flaglot? Okay? You know, like when when there's a house, maybe you're on a cold sack, and there's like a long driveway that goes up behind another house. Oh yeah, flaglot, because I kind of looks like a flagpole with the house up top. We have one of those in our neighborhood. And I never knew what to call it. It's a flaglots. See, yeah, I live, my my house is basically there's a flaglot right behind me. So my my backyard is my neighbor's front yard. So I was like, maybe that's what it is, right And and Will I wasn't out in the wilderness on a loane, okay, No, I was packed away with the set pieces as you could. Finally went me out of your house. Oh my god, how long have you been keeping this a secret? Danielle Dusty, how long has it been? Two months? A month and a half, It's been like a month or something all over a month, month and a half. Yeah, it's been a while. So how did how did we track you down? Who found you? The Internet's a scary place, so I actually I have to shout out to uh when I worked with Brittany, who's a wonderful editor and stuff that I work with now, and uh, randomly she hit me up on my emails and you know, like they're looking for you. What do you mean? Right? So from that I saw that and then I looked it up and started, you know, I found you guys the podcast and Instagram. I'm not a big social media person or anything like that, so I started. I started looking through it and just you know, all of a sudden, my my mind went way back and stuff I haven't thought about forever, and it was just really cool to go through. And I found some old geary. I think I think I brought this up because I found like an old head shot where I was actually weird. Yes, who did? Of course? Everybody? Everybody had to go like a baseball uniform to the you know, it's always like the sporty but baseball they look it's like they put me how boys in a wet suit? Yeah, cowboy hats. That was like the photographer's hat. And you're you're changing in a park and after we're looking at you like what do you you you're doing I'm going to be an actor? Oh my god. Yeah, they went you down with a little stuff like look like you just came from the beach. I'm like, those were the best. We actually should all find our we never posted up. We should find our multi picture head shots and post them with Dusty's. Uh, Dusty, can you tell us how did you? How did you end up on boy Meats World? Tell us, like what was going on in your life? So? Yeah, my grandfather was a silent film actor and my dad was a mine. No way, So I'm just kidding. My dad was a mine. Come on, I was waiting for some noble rusty rusty show business, show business. Everybody knows everybody. Everbody's connecting somebody. I knew nobody. I had no connections to anything. Um, I've never done anything. All I knew was when I was five years old. I was in preschool. I was four or five, and my one of my classmates was doing the flint Stones vitamin commercials. Remember seeing that, Remember like the flint Stone Kids ten million strong and I'm so glad you just sung it so I didn't have to, right, So I remember seeing that and think that's the coolest thing ever. I want to be on TV. Like what kid didn't And obviously probably a bunch didn't, But I was one of those kids like I want to do that. I remember begging my parents like I want to I want to do this. I don't know how, I don't know what this is or anything, but I want that to be me. So I begged him and begged him. They just kind of blew me off. You know, they worked and they both had had jobs and and didn't have time for it, and just thought like, oh, it's just you know, it's saying he like xenosaurs. That will change in two weeks, so who cares. So then when I was eight, my dad, uh, my dad was a police officer, um and somehow he got a pook up with a security guard that worked at the full Health set. So he got us back to go see a taping a full house and so we went to I think it was the Warner Brothers lot at that time. So we go into the Warner Brothers. There's a lot and like my eyes are just white, like mine's blown. We go and we watch a tape and we got to go backstage and meet everybody. And the episode was actually an episode called I Think Joey Goes to Hollywood, So it was very like meta because it was like Joey's big chance of going to Hollywood. So on the set was a set, so it's like a set with the set, and they had like a whole beach scene and there was a net. Funicello and Frankie Avalon were in it. They were part of the show that Joey was, so I got to meet them and I just remember like watching this whole thing go down and think like this is this is so cool. And the the the warm up guy for the audience brought me up in front of everybody at one point, like put a whole group of us together and was making jokes. He's like, you know, he's like a random kid with a random adult like totally didn't fit as a family. And he's like, we're gonna pitch this to the producers were calling it Bull House, right, So I remember, but at that age, at eight, I'm thinking like this is my shot, Like one of these producers is gonna see me, and I'm gonna be on the I'm gonna get to go on the show, right, Like you're a kid, you don't know what's what. You just everything. The world's wide open, right. So we go and we get to go backstage and meet everybody, and everyone was really nice and really cool, and I just remember, like it's cemented in my brain at that point, this, this is what I want to do. This is amazing. And afterwards we even left. We're walking out of the sound stage and next door they were filming Hook and we got to go in and see the Hook set with the Pirate I think I saw some of the Pirate ship and some of like I remember the Lost Boys, see like the whole house, the whole area with like the track that Rufio rolled down everything, like like are you like people? This is someone's job is to come. This is unbelievable. Right, So again I start begging my parents. I want to do this. I want to do this. Nothing wouldn't let me. Just never were into it or anything like that. And then when I was ten, the magic number, as you guys know, right, I was playing football and uh, one of the kids on my team he his dad was also worked with my dad, I think, and they had an agent for extra work. And I didn't know what extra work was. I didn't know what acting was. I didn't know what any of it was other than you want to be on TV. So um, basically, they signed me up with that same agent, and within a couple of weeks I went and did my multi picture headshots and then went out on my first job, which was My Girl Too. Remember My Girl Too? Yet no one remembers My Girl Too? Right now, there's my Girl one. My Girl Too did not have McCaulay Colden. But I just remember thaying, like, this is so cool, and I get to see another set. I got to go on to a set, and I get there and we had to go buy a wardrobe. Of course, I had to go buy your own clothes and all that stuff. So we went and did that and show up and you know, we're basically that at base camp and you see all the trailers and it's all exciting and it's really cool. You see some of the other actors and then I get put in a van and taken out to like a park here because obviously like that's where they were shooting. They weren't shooting right there at Base Camps. I remember, we're going this van. We get out of this park and then they hand me a jump rope like yeah, I go jump rope over there, and so sorry, remember okay, and I'm doing I had no idea where the camera was, no idea what's seen there were shooting. Didn't see a thing like I think they may have been shooting like in a house across the street or something like. I never saw any set set in a van dusty there. Just wanted in a van dusty right. Yeah. Some teams was like hey, this kids cute. So so like it was kind of like it was my first like Hollywood little disheartening experience of going like oh wow, okay, so it's not just like all fun and games and cool. It's like I thought I was gonna like get to see stuff, because you know, I really wanted to see how it worked and what the cameras would be and how they set up stuff. And it was just you know, me and a couple other extras standing out there not do anything so it's like, okay, working out right, take your so So that that pretty much was like, you know, I think one day thing and that was it. And then a couple of days later we get a call, and um, that was one good thing about being an extra, I guess was you didn't have to audition. Is we want auditioning? It was horrible, But I just get a call for some show called By World, or it may not even been named. At that point, you've just been like the Ben's average. They don't tell you anything that just go here's show up at this place at this time and got suits. Yeah, bring your wet suits, bring your flannels, bring your hooded stump exactly many cowboys. So we basically then my second job ever, you know, my second time working on a set other than visiting a set, was By World. And I think it may have been you guys confused me too with the like, uh, just the different order that stuff was shot, and so I think it may have been the B Team of Life episode because I remember I remember like I didn't know anybody, you know, and and none of you guys that were there obviously, Danielle, you weren't even on the show at that point. I guess, um, you know, no one was a star yet, nobody was anybody. Everyone was brand new except for mart York from the sand Lot was there, and yeah, there's Marty York likes the cool. That's cool. So I think that was the first first time I remember like actually being able to be on the set working and just watching it all happen and starting to learn things, and um, do you know how many episodes you ended up doing? I don't, like, I know I was in the first three seasons. I think I was in a couple episodes in the fourth season, but I'm not sure. I don't remember, Like i'd have to go back and try to look. But even then, being an extra, can't tell, like be a little blur in the background, like what was that mean? Was it not me? But you were in the classrooms, so I was in the classroom a ton always scenes the cafeteria in the beginning. Um, but yeah, season four, because I remember stuff like you know, when Danielle had to cut your hair, and it's like, but now you know, as an adult looking back, like do I just remember that because I watched the episode? But then I also remember, like, no, I think I remember like I remember like that stress of everybody on set and every thing that you guys were talking about. So there's parts of where I kind of like, I can't my memory shot. I can't remember. But um, how many episodes was Matt Matt Lawrence in. It's like sixty nine episodes. I I think it goes without saying that the main reason we have been searching for Dusty all through season one is because of how much we loved you and how fondly we remember you, and um, you know, you're just You're just one of those people who totally stands out to us as being somebody we talked to in between scenes and in the classroom, and you were you were always there with us, and you were definitely featured a lot like you were in um the plays, the thing you were in that scene with Marty York, the in the Halloween costumes. Oh god, that was great. So that was my That was probably my fourth or fifth job ever, right, So I think I did. I did the one episode of Barians World that I maybe did like one other job, and then came back on Barings were all this time too. Was like I was starting to figure out like, oh wait, being an extra kind of like it's not cool, Like I want to be an actor, right, I want to? Actually, yeah, I want I want to, I want I want lines, I actually want performing. Like you know, I was always as a kid, you know, um right around that same time, my parents were having a rough spot and they were going through a divorce. It was kind of like a really rough time for me as a kid. Um, but being able to go to a set was such a great experience and like that escape of like oh, I gotta be doing my own thing and have my own stuff. And and I remember even back then, like I was always trying to bring humor into my home life even right like if I could, if I could make my parents laugh, if I could do it, Like I was always trying to be you know, some of that. And then being an extra, it's like okay, I want to, I want to have more. And there'd be little times where I get featured or they wouldn't even tell you anything, but you just the act in a certain way and afterwards like oh that was great, You're like you know you did that, like okay, cool, Like I'll keep doing that, like or tell me what you want me to do, ok They'll do those things. But so the Halloween episode was my like literally my fourth or fifth time on a set, and it was absolutely frightening because I think so I was trying to remember it all and like I would love to hear Chris kay or if he remembers any of it too. So I don't know what happened. I actually somehow I found I have a bunch of old scripts. I found the script. The lines were actually supposed to be for Bet, so it was supposed to be like Corey comes in and fools Mr Finie by, you know, talking like kind of brown nosing him and thinking that, you know, it was the greatest teacher on Earth or whatever, and Mr Finie's like, oh, it's Corey and left up the mask and it is. But that's how it wasn't the script. So at some point they changed it, and this was the script I found, was like the shooting script. So it was like pretty late in the game. I think they changed something, and I don't know if they first gave it to Our York or somebody else, but something happened and all of a sudden, I think at one point I may have been in some of the classroom scenes, but then I got pulled from him, and they put me in a wardrobe and they gave me, uh, you know, this Robin hood or some sort of costume. And I remember like they didn't tell me I was gonna have lines. I didn't really tell me much. They get me in costume, put me in makeup, and I remember I was completely nervous too, because well, you'll appreciate this. I had just I had just trans I mean I was young too, I was at this point, maybe just turned eleven, probably just kind of like transitioned into to wearing boxers instead of like little kid underwear. But I had Jurassic Park boxer shorts the Jurassic Park logo on them, right, And I remember like putting the costume on and you can almost you could kind of like see my underwear through the costume, and I'm just like, this is good. It's like so embarrassing, so nervous. Whatever. Those eventually became Park underwear. I was like, I got lines on that day. I wore those. I gotta wear them to every audition now or whatever. Right, So they gave me in in the costume might come out, and they gave me a mask. I put a mask on and Remember the mask was like this hard plastic that was cutting my eyeball every time it was like on and like it's literally cutting my eye and the prop guy or wardrobe was trying to like cut it to make it better, and they just made it sharpers Haween costumes, remember, right, So they bring me over onto set and Chris Kayer comes up and just like shows me a script with these lines on it. And I don't think I even got to like physically hold it. I think he just like showed it to me, like here, we're gonna try to work on this, and here's these lines. And and Chris was amazing. He was super sweet and really nice, and he's like, okay, let's let's read through this really quick, like okay, And again, never act and never done anything like this was totally new to me. I go through the lines and and I think is Michael Jacobs was right there and it wasn't like he didn't And and I think, you know, it's being a producer now, So like I know the stress of being on set and everything, and I don't like blaming for it, but I know what you guys have talked about before of like that stress and and being so young and not knowing, and no one explained anything to me really right. They were like, we're gonna do this and you know, talk through it, We're gonna rehearse, we're gonna do anything like that. I dontally just like, look at these lines. I read through him once and and I think Michael was right there and he just looks at Chris and he goes, he's got five minutes. If you can't do it, we'll get someone else. And I'm just like, okay, well, let's let's keep going like we got five minutes. Let's I can do this. I'm okay, I got it. I got it. It's it's a couple of lines. I can say these right, so you know, then I'm just completely nervous. I think the audience was even in there and whatever. Maybe we rehearsed a couple of times. I remember um Bill Daniels was he was frustrated, like I think he was messing up some lines or he didn't like obviously they it's just changed last minute, and he wasn't that excited about it. And I was nervous too, because I think the first time I ever worked with him, we had like a little thing that that happened. That was kind of interesting. Um, and I think it was he kind of yelled at me. But when it was Bill and it was it was it was like I I too, was like, who's this weird British guy? He's like, I think it was. It was the first It was like the first time I was on the set. And Um, somehow, without knowing anything, I had learned from watching like movie magic and like behind the scenes stuff, like I knew what a hot set was. And I think maybe the prop guy like as he they brought us on to like this is a hot set. We're in the classroom and I think I was sitting in the back of the classroom and they had laid out my book or you know, notebooks and stuff on the on the desk and it was kind of hanging over and I have no idea what the scene is. We know nothing. And Bill has like a monologue as he's walking through the class and he's like he's working, he's got his script, he's working on his lines. He's walking through and my books kind of like blocking his way and he bumps into it. It falls on the ground and like throws him off, and he's just like this can't be. I'm like, I'm sorry, like I was talking about to touch it, like I didn't know. You feel like it's your responsibility because it's your seat and your book, even though it's like it's a hot set, like you're don't touch anything, like you know, we want for continue anything. And so I was just like petrifying, like like I'm gonna get fired like I didn't, and I'm trying, like you know, you want to as a kid, you want to explain to any other adult, like like I didn't put it in right um, but eventually, like after time, like he was a sweetheart and he was really nice and he would actually some of us that were regulars there, would you know he was he would you say hi, and he was acknowledging us and and being good. But so I could tell already, like when I get these lines that he's kind of frustrated about other stuff and what happens, I'm just nervous as all hell, right, and they bring in the audience. I think we rehearsed it twice. Maybe I got the lines down enough. Meanwhile, mask is covering my face, So looking back at it's like I didn't even need to know the lines. They could have just veoed the whole thing. They could have done. They had Ben read off because they actually recorded. I remember they recorded Ben um and I think beforehand, with the rehearsal and stuff like that, they had been kind of making a voice. So aside from having to learn the lines in five minutes, um, they also wanted me to try to mimic Ben's voice a little bit of like that he did as a high pitch, like, so I'm trying to do that, and we rehearsing, like all right, we're shooting, like okay, here we go. So it's funny. If you watch the scene, you can actually see Ben like moves me into position onto the mark. Yeah, I went back to I went back to watch it, and I'm like, I got Ben like moved me onto my mark. We only do one take, like we may have only gotten like one take out of it, right. It was like, because why would they use that wise or did they think, oh it looks like yeah, you know, it was the It was the end of the night. It was so hectic. I don't remember all these details, but I just remember it being like and everybody freaking out and it's Marty York remembers it being chaos, like we were all we all have this memory of this like awful, hectic mr experience. Yeah, but so for me it was even. It was it was exciting, like I mean it was, it was rough, but it wasn't miserable. I was saying, like this is my shot, like you know, I've gotta i gotta perform and I can do this and I'm going to prove to them that that I'm capable and hopefully maybe it'll give me lines again sometime. And like all of a sudden, right you go right and it's like it was like that little, that little taste, that little hit the first time, Like now I want that again, Like maybe okay, so you keep coming back as an extra thing, like maybe I'll get lines again, like next time I won't have to wear a plastic mask that stabs me in the eyes. Right, well, that was that was the best part. So then I wait, I finally see it like it it airs and I'm watching it, I'm thinking like, okay, at least I'm gonna hear my voice and um, then no, they just used the wild lines from Ben so it's not even my voice, and like you barely even see me. Then they just pulled the mask up. But it's like, okay, that was my that was my shot. And then do they give me lines? So obviously you say, you said you're producing, Now what do you do? I'm just curious, what are you doing now? Yeah? I produce some reality shows. What it's called road Kill. It's basically all automotive content on Motor Trend channel. Yeah, so anything to do with cars I produced. I've got four different shows going right now between road Kill, Roadkill, Garage Fast with Finnegan, and then we've got a holiday Hoopdie Challenge three special coming up for the holidays. Yeah, you're like a show runner for these shows. You do everything correct. Yeah. Do people in your life now know that you were on so many episodes of Boy Meats World? How often does it come? It's I mean it's I start every conversation with it, just people in the grocery store. I mean, I'm literally head shot carry my head shots. I wear this. You might recognize this face from Eide. Does your son know my He does, but not really like when like I showed him the you know, the post and the picture of you and I Daniel and the first thing my son goes as he goes, Daddy, are you gonna be famous? As fine? As it's like the same thought that I had when I was a kid back then, and like every kid has, like, um, so he knows like he hasn't really watched anything or or seeing it, Like I'm I'm looking forward to watching the episodes and going through there with him and see if he recognized recognized his dad with hair? How old is he he is? Eight? Wow? Good time? I mean indy seven, he's just started this season one. It's a good time. Yeah, yeah, I think I think so, and and and it's one of those things too, like I can't There's there's stuff I still remember from the show, like the episode of of Alan letting Corey stay up late, you know, and basically almost missing school to watch the ball game. And even as a kid, I remember thinking like that's really cool and someday when I'm a dad, I want to do that with my son, and like like I still think about it to this day, and and you know, rewatching some of these episodes now as an adult, you're it's like, wow, I was really touching. That's really cool, and I'm glad I remember that, and there's been times where it's like, all right, it's a school night, but we'll stay up a little like we're gonna watch some we're gonna hang out, we're gonna have those moments. Well, your son is almost ten, which, as we know, is the age you have to start acting. And so would you ever let your son be an actor? Um? I I would if he really wanted to. I'd support him in anything he wants to do. Right, Um, I think as a parent that's that's what you have to do, and it's the best thing to do. Uh. I don't think i'd be excited by it, really, um, you know, but he can be a tiny cowboy or a tiny Scooba guy right, a tiny dot. You know, I don't see in him the same desire that I had at that age, Like I like, that's all I wanted to do. And you know, even after being an extra, like I was able to get a manager and an agent and I went on auditions. I I booked some smaller roles and stuff like that. You know, it's always frustrating, like the biggest success that anybody would know or that I had. I was embarrassed for a while. I was like Oh yeah, I had. I had lines that weren't really lines one time on boring Me's world, right, I don't even know how anything works and Moore, I don't think I ever knew how any of them. And then looking back, it's like, okay, if if you could just zoom in in an audition, like sure, buddy, like knock yourself out and go for like I'd go and do that. But now, like I used to go through driving and like I would have to drive for an hour or more. Remember the Thomas Guide, Oh I had? Oh yeah, I had the Thomas Guide, like I had the thing down. You don't happen to feel the exact same way we do about getting changed, do you? I do? It's like I still sweat if I have to try on clothes. Trying on shoes is the worst thing. Like my wife laughs at me, like I I literally just become physically like shaken and nervous having to try anything. I'm like, what is the deal We've unlocked this like secret trauma? Really? Yes, I still get nervous trying on close Dusty, do you shoot your your shows in l A? Are the southern California based like the actual like car stuff or do you we shoot. We shoot all around the country. So yeah, for the car shows, Uh, one's predominantly out of Atlanta, so I traveled back and forth. They're quite a bit, right, and then uh, the other one's one one is in California, but it's up near like Bickersfield. Um. And then another one will just be anywhere. So we travel. We've gone almost every state in the US. Um. And and part of the show is like taking road trips. So we'll start we're starting one place and then travel to another place like we've been up to We we did one that was amazing. We drove from l A to Alaska to Anchorage and drive of a road trip is really in muscle cars in in a sixties ranchero. Yeah, and within the snow like this was in February. The thing didn't have four wheel drive, just put some snow tires on it and thing made it all the way there. It took a few tries and a few episodes where like we absolutely failed. Um, and the show like it's completely real. We're we're not a reality show. We're actually just real. Like we show all the frustrations, like there's enough drama in life. We don't have to make manufacturing, manufacture stuff like what happens happens, and that's what we show, so it's almost kind of documentary esque. Do you have any other, like very specific memories of scenes from Boy Meats World that you were in, Like, I just we watched the plays of the thing and you were on stage with me, and you and I were pushing each other and that wasn't right. We got to do stunt work. Yeah, no, that was amazing. Um. I do remember that one because I remember like having to wear tights and being something just about that. Um, I remember the I think you guys just talked about the um the scuba class, and I remember I remember having to get body makeup put on for that, Like we all got body makeup, which was an interesting experience, and then we got robes and you guys, of course, like they told you, like you all had to take off your robes and they're expecting the rest of the extras and everybody too as well, and they're like, well, you don't have to if you don't want to, and I'm like, yeah, I'm just gonna keep mine on. We watched one the other day where you were in the background handing out napkins to everyone at your table, and I'm curious, what well we're like look to look at Dusty back. There's hands handing out napkins that like you stood up with his packing napkins, like none of your other classmates had brought napkins, so you're nicely passing it out to everybody at the table. He was giving himself business man, I was having I was having business. You're doing doing some acting. My my motivation was the same as I think every extras motivation as ever, it's like how do I get on screen the most? How can how can I be seen? Like you never want to be that little blur in the background. You want to be somewhat seen in some way. You don't want to be the shoulder you want to be You're just the back. I mean, I'm sure there's there's plenty of just the back of my head and stuff. And I remember I learned that early on too, like one of the first days being there, like you would shoot something kind of and then maybe they might play it back and you'd see like oh, I was like in the front row of all the chairs thinking like I'm gonna get seen. This is gonna be great. But then you look at it like, oh no, you were just four ground elements that were like a camera shooting past you. That's a crappy I don't want to sit in that seat. I want to sit in the better seat. How do you get how do you get in the good seat of stage? Back, corner of the classroom, always the best? Speaking of that, do you do you remember see me? I believe her name was Courtney? Yes, yes, I'm so glad. Yes. The second he said that, I was like, right, okay, we should Yeah, I mean I remember she actually, yeah, she lived and see me, which was near me. I remember, like I think we car pooled to set once or twice like that. Yeah, with because I think I don't know if our parents worked somehow together. Maybe her dad was a cop too or something. Searching for Courtney hashtag to hashtags found Dusty and sound Dusty s Now, wait do you do you? I mean, what are the chances of this? But are you still friends with anybody that you were on the show with? No? No, I mean I haven't talked to anybody. Why Why aren't you best friends with every single person? Why? Um? No? I mean it was I think you guys kind of touched upon it before, like we were just kids and like back then, like nobody had cell phones, nobody like and you know, we all came from different spots in different areas, and like we were friends when we were hanging out backstage. But it was like it's like those school friends that you have that they're friends at school, but you never see him outside of school, did you, Courtney Date, give us the give us all the deep romances, the pranks, Dusty. So I remember, there's there's there's like a few times I thought I was gonna get fired. And and again like there's a certain point, like I stopped doing any other extra work because I was just going to be an actor, right, Like the only extra work I'd agree to do was like, Okay, I'm still doing for Meats World because it's just like steady work and it's a thing and it's I was featured, right, So I was like I just keep doing that. But so and I was always conscious like you know, this is like this is this is it's just extra work, but this is a cool, cool thing, and it was it was kind of a unique experience where not many extras get to be on the same show week after week after week and keep doing it. But so I almost got fired. I thought I was gonna get fired when I got the lines and then obviously didn't make anybody that excited or happy with it. I didn't. I thought I was gonna get fired when I upset Bill for having my book in his way. Um. And then there was another guy, another one of the extras. Um, this was probably season two or three. It must be season three, I think. And we're in school together, um, because obviously you guys had your classroom that was like I think we shared a wall. You guys were like on the backside, were like the front side of all those trailers that were put together, and um, we were we were writing notes to each other in class, like obviously it was school, but it was three hours, and I think you guys had like true actual like teachers, Like we had like bring your homework and just act busy for three hours. We came to qualified obviously like if we had a question or something. There was this one teacher I think her name was Pauli. She was really sweet. She was really nice and like she was actually trying to help and teach you and all that stuff. Um, but the rest time, it's just like you know, I remember, I just try to act busy and I didn't care about school. I wanted to I wanted to, right. So we're writing notes to each other one day, and this was when like your mama jokes were really big. So we're just writing like the dirtiest, most messed up you know, we're thirteen whatever, writing he's terrible your mama jokes back and forth to each other, just handing him back and forth. And then she sees us doing that, she gets it and she opens it up her face just like draws because they were pretty terrible, right, And I think this was back when like remember, right, we were always talking about like listening to the jerky boys and stuff, so I like whatever was like on repeat that we're right, we're right, just like just dirty words, just hold the stuff, and she, like her face just goes white and she just like takes it and walks out of the room. And then later your guys teachers, because it was a David, So he comes over and he like everybody else is out of the classroom at this point, and he like sits us down. He goes cross. Hardy's just looking at us and he basically told us, like, you know, I'm not gonna do anything now, but if I ever see anything like this again, you're not going to be welcome back here, Like Okay, we're gonna be really good. I'm sorry about that. So I thought, you know, rightfully, So, I mean, what we were doing was inappropriate. We shouldn't have been doing that, but it was like that fear of yeah, fired about to do that. So so that was like the closest thing to like a prank um other than I think the other time where I thought I was gonna get fired was from you Will. Oh I love this spill I do so you touch his hair? What it was? It was I doubt you remember this. Obviously you were older, and I was like, I mean I was younger than you writers, like I was probably one of the youngest ones that I think I was even younger than than Lee when he was on, even though it was probably about two ft doller than him. Um. So one day I walk outside and there's you Will and Jason Marston are playing catch with a football. You guys are like playing in the alley between you know, the sound stages, and I remember, like, you look at me and like, hey, catch right, and you throw me the ball like wow, like he's he's acknowledging me, like this is cool. I man, I'm gonna be part of the friends, right. So I catched the ball, and I just remember it was like a full size NFL football, And at this point I was maybe like eleven, and my hand could barely fit around it, like I could barely hold it. And you're like going back like okay, crap, So take the ball. And obviously it was fully inflated. It wasn't a nice Tom Brady to flate. Don't start with me. I'm a Patriots fan, my friend. So I just like throw this thing as hard as I can try to get it back to it slips out of my little hand and it just goes flying off. And if you remember, like for anybody who doesn't know, if a car is parked next to a sound stage, it means it's somebody important, important, Like normally there's a normal parking up right next to the sound stage like big wigs, a directors producers like to do. So this ball goes flying through the air and then just nails like miss window. But my heart just drops like my I'm about to throw up misses the window and just hits the side of the car and leaves this big like brown mark from the ball car. And we all walk over and it's you and Jason, and you guys are just laughing so hard, like this is the funniest thing every right, And even if even if you guys were to like take the heat from this, like you could you could afford to like fix it. I'm just like, I'm this kid, like I'm making no money, like I'm thinking, like i I'm I'm dead, just just run away now. And so we walk over and I start trying to like love the mark off and see and I just remember it was like it was like an Eric moment, I guess. So you just look right at me, you come up right in my face. You're like you better start licking that off. I'm like, I'm done, like I'm never coming back here again. And I just like hand of the ball back like I tried to clean it up as best I could, and just walked away. And then just like I remember spending like the next few weeks just just waiting for somebody, just waiting for the police to show up at your door. I wonder whose car use probably Buil Daniels Cars probably is like Jack, I don't think it was somebody. It was someone from the stage next door, like oh yeah, then we don't care. I'm not even gonna say. I think I remember what show was filming next door. It wasn't Home Improvement. It wasn't Home Improvement. I think it was thunder Alley, American Girl, Margaret Show show. That Margaret Show show was was okay, yeah, because what I remember specifically about that is pulp all allegedly happened. I don't, I don't. I don't know what the statue limitations are. But somebody from the Market show. They still have a mark there. It was Dusty in elligedly it was Will And it's when pulp fiction came out because Quentin Tarantino was friends with Margaret Show and came to the set to do an episode and Jay and I heard about it and went over there and met him and he signed like all this stuff for us. We had like scripts from Reservoir Dogs and all the stuff. So yeah, we went and got all this uh stuff signed from Quentin Tarantino. So yeah, they were shootings like don't you remember writer, we would talk to you? Was the nicest guy in the world. We talked to Beati Wong, who was from Jurassicitar. We'd sit there and talk with him. There's so many of the actors from that show that I never met Margaret Show, but everybody else were just like the coolest people. And we'd sit there and we'd hang out and we talk and do all that stuff. And then that left and we the the show that the first show that Tony Quinn was on, moved on to that stage with what's her name, and we'd always call it girl. We called it Girl Meets World at the time, it was um oh, I can't remember. Uh. There were two friends. They're still work all the time there, Dabby, thank you, and Tony Quinn was on that and we would meets World. We're like, okay, that's also they're just doing Girl Meets World next door. Um. And that was so that was that stage. Yes, you, I'm guessing it was Quentin Tarantino's car you destroyed, Dusty. Yeah, that's why that's why my career never took off. Is gonna call and be like that was my car? That was well, it's so funny. I apologize to ever. Oh, that's great. You better start licking that off. Yeah, that does sound like that sounds like a will thing to say. Yeah, it was. It was amazing. You did not disappoint. I'm so glad we have searched for you. I'm so thank you for helping me pull off this surprise. And what idea? I had no idea? Neither did I. Oh my god. Well, Dusty, I also know that you were at first a little apprehensive about coming on the podcast. Dusty is a private person. He was a little nervous and uh, and then he rallied himself in his email. He was like, guys, I hear you're looking for me. It's very sweet. I I have great memories of working with you. I'm just not sure this is for me. And then now as I'm saying it, I think I'm gonna do it anyway. And by the time he finished his email, he was in I'm so glad. It's so great to see you. It's really great to see you. Please don't be a stranger now that we found you, don't let us lose you again. And uh, you know, if you ever want your son to come shadow me on a set as a sitcom director. Um, and I'm sure writer would say the same thing with ever any of writer's projects, my projects, Will's projects, You guys are welcome. My son would would absolutely probably enjoy it and love that so much, and I would too. So Okay, I can't wait to check out road Kill. I mean, as a top Geer fan, I can't wait to check out road Kill. So that sounds like a great show. Check out Roadkill. And and yeah, good luck with the podcast and everything, guys, and it's great. Keep doing what you're doing it. I'd love the more you guys get into you know, the real stuff behind the scenes. Is is really cool to hear and uh, you know, just your own experiences and and feelings and everything that went on. It's I mean for me obviously I can have some other attachments to it and closeness of it. So it's just it's impressive and cool to hear. And yeah, it was such a magical, magical time and going back there is is really cool and really fun. Well, you are one of the reasons it was a magical time, and you are just thank you so much for everything you did for all potentially four seasons, but man, especially through season one. Uh, your face you were just such a I mean, it just brings back so many memories. So thank you for being such a special part of our show. Problem hav me back for season two? Okay, well we didn't even touch on. Like I never even knew this until I started researching for this. I've apparently had a name. I didn't even realize that I had. I think somebody found from different episodes took like different credits. Well, I think at one point Feeny had called me Mr Soul then and then Danielle. In season two, you and I were supposed to be dates to the dance when the guys had a band for Band on the run, he called me Jeremy, So all of a sudden now had a character. I was Jeremy Sullivan. Jeremy Sullivan. Man, all right, listen when Jeremy Salton, when you're my date, you have to have you back? Yes, done, Thank you so much. Dusty was talking, good to see you, man. Care guys so fun, so cool. You guys had no idea how did roll off? I literally said right before, like what was expecting you to pull Dusty into you called it and I was like, Okay, this could either go real bad that you're onto me, or I could be like, oh, man, wouldn't that be great if that were the case. I thought for sure you knew are we are? We not doing trivia? I studied all night, he watched all episodes. I got to season. Just so funny is that the trivia the question was so easy because it was obviously just a setup that we overcomplicated it. We were like, well, it can't just be why why would she be asking that ridiculously obviously question you guys wanted there was some trick answer. Oh god, even though I said three times, I started off really easy. It's just a really easy question. So he contacted you like months ago. So we made an Instagram post that was like a real true searching for Dusty on the pod meets World, and somebody DMed us and said I work with him, and we were and it was like a like a true direct connection. And she said, let me tell him that you're looking for him and see if it's okay for me to connect you, and so she did. She she asked him if it was okay, and he was like, no, I didn't know they were looking for me. Then he found the podcast and sent us an email, and in his email, like I said, he was like, I you know, I've just started listen. He listened to a few episodes before he even wrote and listen to it and was like, man, I really I'm so excited about this, but like, I don't know if it's for me. And then in his very long email at the end of it, he was like I'm in. Like he totally worked through all of his emotions and then he was like, I'm listening to the podcast. And so we've been We've been going back and forth trying to get him as a guest. He was actually supposed to be on. We were supposed to record with him yesterday and then he had a conflict, which is why then we moved the anyway. But um, yeah, just I'm so I'm so glad it worked out and it was great to see him and he's got he looks great. He's got such a great personality. He's so funny. Um, you know, he's obviously very successful. Like it's just it feels it feels so good, Like I'm that was a really great reunion. That's totally cool. Well, I have a surprise as well. What we had a third little sister. Everybody say, hi, do you Megan Kit No, I got nothing. That was great boy. Well, thank you all for joining us for this episode of Pod Meets World. You can follow us on Instagram pod meets World Show. You can email us pod meets World Show at gmail dot com. And as always, we have got say it will U. We've got March. We have holiday March. Guys. We went over this a little bit, but we have got two ladies. The number one most requested item we brought back Save the Plane for Mancus with a new color way. It's in blue. This is for real, the last time you can. This is your chance to get it. It's in blue. Once the holidays are over, it is gone forever, forever ever. Correct, that plane is long gone. We've got bumber stickers. We've got lots of fun things, so check out our holiday merch and writer send us off. We love you all, pod dismissed. Pod Meets World is an I heeart podcast produced and hosted by Daniel Fishel, Will Fernel and Ryder Strong. Executive producers, Jensen Carp and Amy Sugarman, Executive in charge of production, Danielle Roe Mo producer and editor, Tara suit Box producer, Jackie Rodriguez engineer and Boy meets World super fan Easton Allen. Our theme song is by Kyle Morton of Typhoon. You can follow us on Instagram at Pod meets World Show or send us an email at Pod meets World Show at gmail dot com.