Plantation SDA ChurchPlantation SDA Church

Deeper Dive Episode 21: I Can’t Believe I Made It!

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Deeper Dive Theme: JWald, Dawn & Pastor Joe discuss why it's essential to follow the lamb and try to unravel the mystery of why people live if Florida if they like mountains.

Episode Title: Apocalypse Episode 21: I Can’t Believe I Made It!

Host: J Wald & Dawn Williams

Guest: Pastor Joseph Salajan

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Date: September 25, 2019

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Getrude's Question for Pastor Joe
What is Jesus at the Center and when will it be?
How does the statue of Daniel 2 relate to the European Union?
What is a chiasm and what is a chiastic structure?
Why is the number seven important in revelation?
Does the entire bible use a chiastic structure?
What is the book of life? Is it a literal book?
Are the redeemed just men? Are they literal virgins?
How can we be real to our young people?
Can we allow children to follow anyone they want?
How do we model a Christlike relationship to kids/teenagers?
How can we make revelation relatable to teenagers?
What should you do when you can't explain prophetic symbols to others?
What's the best way to explain prophetic symbols to kids and those that don't understand them?
Why are songs helpful in difficult situations?
When you have a victory, why do we have a desire to select a new song to remember the occasion?

Dawn and Joe's Deeper Dive Questions to Pastor Joe:

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We are a Seventh-day Adventist church located in Plantation, FL. Our motto: People Building People  
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