Alex was just given her first credit card from mom, who keeps telling her not to overspend. So Garrett calls mom from the credit card company, after a HUGE purchase!
Don't answer the phone, Elvis Duran, the Elvis Duran phone tap.
Garrett is doing today's phone tap. I'm telling you, Garrett is sharpening up the clause. He's coming out of the corner for the fight in the phone tap, knockdown whatever. I don't know, dear Elvis Durana. My mother just gave me the privilege of my first credit card, and of course mother's concerned I'm going to abuse it and overspend. So why don't we phone tap her, call her up from the credit card company or whatever and tell her, Hey, tell them, yeah, she just charged a three thousand dollars purse. Oh jeez, mom will flip out. This comes to us from Alex. All right, we love it. We love it when people phone tap their moms. Garrett's gonna light the fuse and calls Alex's mom from the credit card company. Then Alex comes on to take over to admit she bought the three thousand dollar purse and watch the fireworks fly. Here we go today's phone tap.
Hello, missus blabral Please, yes hi, my name's Justin from kel Water back in the investigation division. Yes, yesterday we noticed a transaction for three thousand dollars on your card.
No way, not possible. Well no, I mean we nobody did it for my hit family. We only have one card.
The transaction we see as of yesterday was a three thousand dollars handbag.
A three thousand dollars handbag. Yes, wow, okay, that's not feasible. I mean that definitely has not been done. That card was only use. It's my daughter's card to college kids.
Of course, this is why we call to make sure the transaction that you say that you didn't approve, didn't you know, happen?
Oh thank god, So I can tell you that there is no way any of us spend three thousand dollars on handbag.
All right, Well, I'll investigate further and I'll get back to you as soon as I find out what happened, right, Alex, Yeah, now you're going to call her and talk to her.
Oh my god, hang on hello, hey, Mom's Hey, what the hell is? What did somebody calling house just now?
I don't know.
I left her work a couple of minutes ago. They needed me to go in early. Well, somebody charged three thousand dollars for a handagg and you moved. Well, remember how I was saying I wanted to buy myself a gift. Well, they came out with you new sendy bag.
I was really, really cute.
So are you kidding me? Three thousand dollars? It's cute, momic sendy It just three thousand dollars. I meant to tell you, but then I thought maybe I could just pay it off without getting you involved. You can't pay it off. You don't have some money. I'm telling Daddy, I, we're gonna take the car away from you. You're not taking the car away from me. It will take the car away. Daddy will drive me. You take that pocketbook back. You're had of your mind. No, I'm really not listen the way you're yelling at me right now. It's not necessary. It really isn't. I want to stay three thousand dollars on a pocket book, but you have to bring it back now. You need to get it and bring it back now. I can't because they pre sold it to me. I can't believe you think with this kind of people, with this kind of money, what on earth is I can't three thousand dollars and Daddy's slaving every day. Listen, you really need to relax because listen, I just why can't you help me out a little bit? And then you can pay your car insurance and you can pay for your car. Are you kidding me?
Once again?
You're yelling at me. Do you want to call Daddy? Or am I calling Daddy to tell him this? It's so beyond the beyond that I it's It's gorgious. Honestly, you're gonna love it. It's so nice. You think where the Rockefellers, your father's slaves and me, and and you go buy three thousand dollars big and you're driving a new car. What the well do you think you are? It's three thousand dollars so beyond the beyond? All right, whatever, mom, whatever I need to go.
I don't need to be aggravated for you go to work.
So you've already aggravated me.
Well, she's only aggravating you because you're being phone tapped.
Why are you kidding me?
My name is Gari from Elvis during in the Morning show, How are you?
I love you guys, and I can't believe you said hop