➡︎ Jubal Phone Pranks on The Jubal Show
Need someone to feel the wrath of a Jubal Fresh character? He'll call whoever you want and prank them... so hard. It's funny. Submit yours here: https://forms.gle/mgACgtLBP3SPcyRR7
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It's another jewbile phone frame Mornings on the twenties. Hello, Yes, Hello, my name is Tit David.
Oh. I'm calling from and I was looking for a customer name Emma, who had emailed in a complaint.
Just called a follow up on that.
Yeah, Hi, this is Emma. I'm just really upset and pissed off because I tried calling you guys yesterday and waited off holds for forty five minutes, and I've looked at my tracking information apparently doesn't exist. And I've been waiting for my items for over two weeks and I paid expedited, so all that money is just wasted.
Okay, So it sounds like you ordered something from us and you had called up, but you were on hold for a while. And it says when you put in the track in number, it says that it's shown an era.
Yeah, it just says, well, it just says it doesn't exist. It doesn't necessarily say error.
It just goes doesn't this as it doesn't exist.
Like when you put socks in the dryer, and you know you've noticed that sometimes you put socks in there and then for some reason, one sock comes out. You put two socks in, one sock comes out always does that. I don't know why my dry eats socks. Is you d I eat socks?
No, does not eat socks.
And then I'm walking around with unmaching socks. I had to put on unmatched socks today, feeling pretty off.
If off, I'm be all honest, I'm sorry.
Can you stay on task? I wasted my time already forty five minutes yesterday with you guys. I need to figure out what is going on with my delivery.
Okay, yes, I'm so sorry about this. You know, sometimes I just get to going and then my mind I have the mind of a squirrel sometimes, you know, it's on the one thing in the other and I just got to keep my eye on the net, and that was, you know, there's be a little bit of a squirrel there thinking about my socks. And two socks come in the dry, one salt comes out, got matching mismatched.
So sorry, I really need you to stay on pask what is happening with.
My Sorry about that squirrel brain kicking in again? Huh okay, So let me just pull up the order here. And while I do that, I just wanted to ask you a question about do you think that hot air balloons should be squirrel sized? I've never seen a hot air balloon.
About hot air balloons? I want my delivery figured out? Right? What are you talking about?
See how it would be cute swirls up there in those little hot air balloons riding around. But I don't think ethically that's a good thing to do, because you know those squirrels up there, they never been a hot air ballue before.
Can you get back to my delivery? Stay on touk please? Can we stay on time?
Yes? I don't for this, you stay on task.
Okay, so your delivery? Yeah? Do you have a tracking number for me?
I do, Yes, I am.
I got my catches in it out. You want to throw that tracking them on out to me? I will catch it. I could catch it on a baseball field.
Okay, here comes eight one three.
Right, got the at one down here? Just gonna type that in see what comes up. Do you think that the origins of pineapple on pizza was an accident or some sort of intentional culinary revolution invention?
By the way, can you just stay on task? I don't. I don't want to talk about pineapple on pizza. I just want you to stay on the.
Task, the task in hand. Yes, I would. Okay, I'm so sorry about that. Yes, that squirrel brain kicking in again. I'm so sorry. My grandma used to say I got the attention span of a gnat on top. By the way, NAT spelled the g N a T. I wonder why they spelled it that way, because it's a NAT.
I don't care. I never had a NAT, but I've had plenty of I'm sorry what I've had plenty of?
Thats delivery.
Oh that's correct. You are waiting for delivery that has not showed up. Yes, okay, so let me see here, type in the number and I'm going to need to read that number to me again one more time. I got you gave me phone numbers.
Emma, this is actually this is actually Jubil from the Jubil Show doing a phone prank on you and your husband.
Tom set you up. This is joke.
He said that you've been waiting for a package and you were on hold the other day with them for forty five minutes, and then emailed them upset.
He wanted me to mess with you.
Oh my gosh, I'm so glad because I was going insane.
Well I'm going insane too, trying to figure out why to spilled it good that when it should just be an aid.
This is like wasted use of a chap wake up every morning with jubile phone pranks.