Your local forecast for Christmas and beyond
What does the festive period hold in store for our weather conditions in Petersfield? Local meteorologist Richard Marks has all the answers.
High pressure brings lower temperatures towards Christmas
Petersfield meteorologist Richard Marks presents his weather outlook predictions for the week ahead. Check your barometer if you have one, he says.
Weather 9 December 2021
Meterologist Richard Marks looks ahead to the weather prospects for our town in the week ahead.
Weather 3 December 2021
Richard Marks reads the weather for the week.
A big change on the way
Richard Marks prepares us for some decidedly cooler conditions around Petersfield.
Richard Marks is back with Petersfield's detailed forecast
After an elongated spell away from the mic, Richard's weekly forecasts for Petersfield and the villages return. Welcome back Richard from everyone at Shine Radio.
Prepare to sizzle in the bank holiday sun
Only Richard Marks has a comprehensive local weather forecast for Petersfield and the villages every week. Look ahead to the next week of meteorological conditions for you, me and those delicate garden plants with Petersfield's own met man.
Another washout weekend?
Only Richard Marks has a comprehensive local weather forecast for Petersfield and the villages every week. Look ahead to the next week of meteorological conditions for you, me and those delicate garden plants with Petersfield's own met man.
You'll be able to turn off the central heating says Richard
Warmer conditions to come, but some significant rain this weekend too. Petersfield's weather is sponsored by Hector's menswear. Stylish clothes and accessories for all weathers.
After the rain, will we see more?
Only Richard Marks has a comprehensive local weather forecast for Petersfield and the villages every week. Look ahead to the next week of meteorological conditions for you, me and those delicate garden plants with Petersfield's own met man.