Pete Curulli Announces He Will Wrestle Mikey Nicholls On June 17
Pete announced this morning, he's finally made a decision and is going to step into the wrestling ring with Mikey Nicholls on June 17th.
McGowan: Border Opening Remains On Track, Depending On What Happens With Omicron
Premier Mark McGowan joined Pete, Matt and Kymba on the show this morning and revealed that the re-opening of our borders will remain on target for early next year, but it all depends on the new variant and what it's looking like in terms of severity.
Sesame Street: Big Bird Ruffling Feathers
00:00: Big Bird’s vaccination tweet 04:13: Ally Langdon - Parental Guidance 09:58: What did you accidentally send? 15:38: News from the Nether Regions 20:26: Matt’s parenting confession 23:12: What did you try to build?
The Premier Reveals How Much He Can Bench At The Gym
It's been a while since the Premier has been in the studio, but this morning he fronted up and of course, we asked the big questions. 😂
mix94.5 dishes out the goods with a luxurious $50,000!
mix94.5 dishes out the goods with a luxurious $50,000!
mix94.5 winner cracks final Secret Sound
mix94.5 winner cracks final Secret Sound
Politicians spending - What are you still waiting for your partner to do - West Coast Eagle Matt Priddis
Politicians are spending thousands of dollars on Social Media and VERY average looking videos. A man is being divorced by his wife because he prmised he’d install a toilet in their home…and didn’t. What are you still waiting for your partner to do? Matt Priddis joined us ahead of his FINAL game…
Bill Shorten on Marriage Equality hate speech
Bill Shorten on Marriage Equality hate speech
Sian from The Bachelor reveals death threats
Sian from The Bachelor reveals death threats
Surprise Quiz! - WCE Matt Priddis - Would You Rather
Clairsy dropped another Surprize quiz on Matt and Kymba... she’s smelling a question conspiracy. Priddis joined us… HE’S BACK in the team this week! And it’s Friday, which means we ask ourselves another WOULD YOU RATHER question.