Evan Tzivanakis on Effective Leadership in a VUCA World

Published Mar 15, 2023, 12:00 AM

In this episode, David sits down with Evan Tzivanakis who is a certified leadership coach and author. He helps leaders and business owners to acquire the skills they need to thrive in today's Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) times.

They discuss what good leadership looks like, how to evolve your style to deal with changes in societal behavior, hybrid working, and the many other challenges that we face or will face in the future.


  • On an organizational level, people are just as important as IT, marketing, and sales. Getting the most out of your people is key to success. You cannot afford to neglect them or not lead them well.
  • The old-school command and control leadership style does not work. Today, good leadership is about strong relationships rather than ego.
  • You need a good relationship with your people, but not be so friendly that it impacts your ability to push them to achieve targets when you need to do that.
  • Your leadership style has to evolve. If it does not you cannot remain effective.
  • Good leadership comes from self-awareness.
  • Human-to-human contact is still needed, especially at times of change or when team members or you are in emotionally charged situations human contact is invaluable for moving things forward.
  • Understanding the nature of today´s VUCA world, for example, CoVid, cultural change, tech, and hybrid working have all quickly shifted the way people view work including how important it is to them.


‘I think soft skills are actually hard skills,’

‘You as a leader have an ego but also the people in your team have an ego as well.’

‘First of all, you have to manage your own emotions to be able to manage other people's demands.’

‘Don´t bring frustration home.’


Evan Tzivanakis´s leadership books - https://www.amazon.co.uk/Evan-Tzivanakis/e/B0831QHW7Y

LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/evantzivanakis-leadershipdevelopment-executivecoaching/

What Got You Here Will Not Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith - https://www.amazon.co.uk/What-Got-Here-Wont-There-ebook/dp/B0041G68WS/


People with purpose make a difference. Imagine a world where more people can just get their purpose out of them, into a plan, and then actually make it happen. What a world that would be - People everywhere finding meaning and harnessing that to bring inspiration and energy to each and every day, changing lives for the better. But no one ever achieved anything on their own - we all have something unique to bring and that means we all have to play our part - if we want to go far, we have to go together and lead or serve towards a vision of the world we want to see. Everyone has a story to tell, and this show is where these stories come to life.


David Roberts is a highly regarded CEO, mentor, and investor with 30 years of experience across multiple sectors. As an intrapreneur and entrepreneur, David has bought, grown, started, and sold several businesses, working with values-driven start-ups, award-winning SMEs, and multinational corporations on strategies for service excellence, leadership, and profitable growth. David’s passion is for purpose and creating an environment where everyone can succeed, through building teams that get things done, execute on their mission with passion, deliver exceptional service, and really make a difference.


Penny Roberts - https://www.instagram.com/penpennypencils_/


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